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Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 9:14 am
by scumdevils86
Chicat wrote:
Irish27 wrote:People shooting off fireworks at 1:30AM.
How about people like my neighbor who shot off fireworks at 10:30 last night? You know, on that little known holiday, the 7th of July... :roll:

My kids woke up scared out of their minds. I'm just glad we don't have any vets in the hood who suffer from PTSD.

I'm seriously thinking about egging his house some random day in the future...
My dad's bday! and he's from the midwest. so there ya go. thanks Randy.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 11:22 am
by MrBug708
I live in a corner house and the inability of people to actually stop is quite frightening. I'm not talking stopping late or doing a "California stop" but blowing through it at about 20 MPH. Not to mention Im next to a park.

I'd say 1 in 20 actually perform a legal stop. Cops included

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 11:39 am
by Chicat
I can't remember the last time I saw a police officer obeying a traffic law. I literally just saw one driving while talking on his phone, blow through a red light without slowing down. He put his lights on like he had an emergency and then immediately turned them off again when he was through the intersection.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 11:41 am
by MrBug708
The only people worse are Bicyclist. The next bicyclist I see obeying any traffic law, will be the first.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 11:44 am
by Olsondogg
Chicat wrote:I can't remember the last time I saw a police officer obeying a traffic law. I literally just saw one driving while talking on his phone, blow through a red light without slowing down. He put his lights on like he had an emergency and then immediately turned them off again when he was through the intersection.

That reminds me of Bill Hader & Seth Rogen in Superbad.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 11:45 am
by Chicat
MrBug708 wrote:The only people worse are Bicyclist. The next bicyclist I see obeying any traffic law, will be the first.
Chicago installed brand new bike lanes all over the city including some "bike-only" traffic signals . . . then they cracked down big time on any bike traffic violations as a revenue generator. Now bicyclists are super well behaved. I even saw one put his foot on the ground when stopping at a stop sign the other day. "Shocked" does not even begin to describe my reaction.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 11:47 am
by Chicat
Olsondogg wrote:
Chicat wrote:I can't remember the last time I saw a police officer obeying a traffic law. I literally just saw one driving while talking on his phone, blow through a red light without slowing down. He put his lights on like he had an emergency and then immediately turned them off again when he was through the intersection.

That reminds me of Bill Hader & Seth Rogen in Superbad.
Ha, good call. He was probably going to do some donuts in an abandoned parking lot somewhere.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 11:48 am
by MrBug708
A lot of towns out here are doing some of the same with regards to bike lanes. Havent seen any bike only traffic signals yet, but Im not sure we'll ever see it, though I rarely venture into the actual city of Los Angeles, which would have it more widespread.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 11:49 am
by Puerco
Uh oh. The anti-bike lobby is here...

Get out of your cars, get on your bikes, and the world would be a hell of a lot better a place. :)

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 11:51 am
MrBug708 wrote:The only people worse are Bicyclist. The next bicyclist I see obeying any traffic law, will be the first.
We agree on this at least. Can't remember a time I've ever seen a bicyclist actually stop at a stop sign or know the right of way. But they sure get mad when you pass them when they insist on riding down the actual car lane on a busy 40 mph limit street since they are going 12 mph and blocking traffic.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 11:52 am
Puerco wrote:Uh oh. The anti-bike lobby is here...

Get out of your cars, get on your bikes, and the world would be a hell of a lot better a place. :)
What exactly is the reasoning behind all bikers refusing to follow any traffic laws?

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 11:56 am
by Puerco
ASUHATER! wrote:
Puerco wrote:Uh oh. The anti-bike lobby is here...

Get out of your cars, get on your bikes, and the world would be a hell of a lot better a place. :)
What exactly is the reasoning behind all bikers refusing to follow any traffic laws?
If I'm riding a bike and i have to sit politely in line with all the cars at a traffic signal, what exactly is the benefit of riding a bike? Bikes have natural advantages over cars when it comes to sensing your surroundings, and bikes can fit in spaces that cars cannot. Mwhy not allow them to take advantage? After all, every person out of a car and on a bike reduces traffic for you and reduces CO2 for the rest of humanity.

If you want me to obey all the traffic laws, then don't be pissed off when I take up a whole lane and you're stuck behind me.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 11:58 am
by MrBug708
I think it's dangerous riding a bike in the flow of traffic, mostly because of idiot drivers. I'm very pro-bike for the environment's sake, as you put it, but the stops drive me crazy. And it's not just a bike thing, as evident by my earlier post, it's all people who don't stop.

People who swerve to the left before making a right hand turn also drive me crazy. No bike issues there :)

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 11:59 am
So you just want to pick and choose which laws you get to follow just because your vehicle is smaller?

I guess I'll pick and choose which tax laws to follow since I don't feel some should apply to me.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 12:04 pm
by Longhorned
As a bicyclist (my only way of commuting), I have to agree that bicyclists are huge offenders to the safety of themselves, drivers, and other bicyclists. They make a really bad name for the bicyclists who do it right.

How many times a day do I see a bicyclist riding on the sidewalk going against the direction of traffic without a helmet? The ignorance is staggering. It makes it awfully hard not for one or more people to get splatted.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 12:04 pm
by Puerco
Things that piss me off about car drivers: getting screamed at while riding up a hill, 'You should be riding on the sidewalk!'

Things that piss me off about bike riders: taking up the whole fcking single lane country road, no matter how fast they think they're riding.

Biking in Switzerland is pretty amazing. I ride my mountain bike to work every day, and it's like I have right of way over every single car. Drivers here are super aware. Probably because if they hit a biker they're screwed by law. I ride faster than any public transportation, and I get to the office about 2x as fast as if I drove my car. Pretty good exercise too. Saves me about a hundred bucks a month versus taking the tram.

Costs? One bike stolen from in front of my place, and, you guessed it, my only traffic ticket since moving here. Damn cops.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 12:10 pm
by Puerco
ASUHATER! wrote:So you just want to pick and choose which laws you get to follow just because your vehicle is smaller?

I guess I'll pick and choose which tax laws to follow since I don't feel some should apply to me.
Wait. Let me guess: you think it's okay to pass a bicyclist on a single lane road even in a no passing zone? Way to flaunt the law there. It's not. So if you, Mr. Law-Abiding Citizen, choose to pass my 20mph bike, you're breaking the law, no matter how far to the right I'm riding. But go ahead. I won't say anything. Because I think it's stupid for a car to be stuck behind a slow bike, regardless of the law (yeah, call me a rebel). Likewise, I think it's stupid for a bicyclist to have to stop for every stop sign in a residential neighborhood when it's obvious that no one is around.

If you can't understand, then I can't much help you, Salty.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 12:12 pm
by scumdevils86
if you're holding up traffic going 10/20/30 mph under the speed limit you need to stop and get the fck off the road and let the cars pass you.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 12:13 pm
No I don't. Good job at making stuff up though?

So that means I don't have to stop at residential stop signs when no one is around right? I just despise the smug snobby faux elitist attitude of bicyclists that think the law doesn't apply to them because their vehicle doesn't emit gases(besides their own smug farts).

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 12:19 pm
by Puerco
Are you not a good enough driver to pass a bicyclist without having him get off the road, SD86? If I can't ride far enough to the right for you to pass, then I need to get off the road. But if I can, and you're too much of a putz driver to make the pass? TS.

Hater, you're breaking the law when you pass slow bicyclists on a single lane road. Technically, a biker has the same rights and must obey the same laws as a car when on the road, therefore you must treat the bicyclist exactly the same as another car, so no passing, you naughty man you. God damn, you contradict yourself faster than anyone I've ever known.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 12:36 pm
....You didn't read my post I see. I would never pass biker on a single lane road. When did I say I would? In that situation the biker is making everything dangerous and me passing would endanger my life. Why are you making things up that I said?

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 12:51 pm
by Chicat
In my neck of the woods for some reason on single lane roads people will pass cars making a left by driving on the shoulder (and sometimes off the road) on the right. And a lot of times they don't even slow down. I'm just waiting for the day some good ol' boy in his F350 loses traction driving on the grass to get around me and then crashes right into me.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 2:34 pm
by BMalo
Bicyclists- I understand that you ride with the flow of traffic. I don't ride but always thought that riding against traffic, so I can see them, would make me feel safer. Simply for the fact that I can see traffic coming towards me and I don't trust drivers that I cannot see.

Say for example some turd is texting and don't see me in the bike lane. If they're coming from behind me, I couldn't tell if they were about to hit me. Is this just a risk bicyclists take?

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 2:46 pm
by UAdevil
Usually don't mind bicyclists. I cycle a bit myself. There are jerk cyclists just like there are jerk drivers.

It's when you have multiple folks illegally riding side by side taking up the whole lane, even when there's a bike lane. Also pisses me off when cyclists pick and choose when they want the benefits of being a pedestrian versus a vehicle. Some want all the benefits of both, without any of the responsibility of my opinion of course.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 2:59 pm
by Bruins01
CalStateTempe wrote:People who cut the "line" at craps. People who throw down money for chips or start to play the pass line in the middle of a shooters epic roll. I pull my money off, I don't care, those two things are bad juju.
No, no one is worse than the asshole who walks up to a table full of pass line bettors and plays Don't Pass.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 3:06 pm
by Chicat
When people don't pull all the way up to the first pump at a gas station.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 7:44 am
by Puerco
Walking into a public restroom and finding the middle stall of the three taken, or sitting in one of the end stalls and having some weirdo choose to sit in the middle one when he could've chosen the other end. I like my quality time, damnit!
ASUHATER! wrote:....You didn't read my post I see. I would never pass biker on a single lane road. When did I say I would? In that situation the biker is making everything dangerous and me passing would endanger my life. Why are you making things up that I said?
Did I midread this:
We agree on this at least. Can't remember a time I've ever seen a bicyclist actually stop at a stop sign or know the right of way. But they sure get mad when you pass them when they insist on riding down the actual car lane on a busy 40 mph limit street since they are going 12 mph and blocking traffic.
If so, my apologies. I suppose it's possible that you've seen them get mad when other people pass them, or that you mean they get mad when you pass them on a two lane road or in a passing zone, but quite frankly neither of those possible interpretations seems likely.

Regardless, you're being inconsistent. On one hand, you want bikers to obey the rules of the road. That means they need to behave as a car, take the entire lane, obey all signs, etc. On the other hand, you want them to not block traffic because they're slow and by being slow you believe they're endangering the lives of others. You can't actually have both. Might as well just say you believe that bicycles should not be allowed on the road.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 7:53 am
by Puerco
BMalo wrote:Bicyclists- I understand that you ride with the flow of traffic. I don't ride but always thought that riding against traffic, so I can see them, would make me feel safer. Simply for the fact that I can see traffic coming towards me and I don't trust drivers that I cannot see.

Say for example some turd is texting and don't see me in the bike lane. If they're coming from behind me, I couldn't tell if they were about to hit me. Is this just a risk bicyclists take?
Car drivers aren't looking for things coming from that side of the road. A friend of mine did that in middle school, and he ended up under a car when he crossed an intersection. Poor car driver simply didn't expect oncoming traffic to be in his way when he was making a right turn.

That, plus it's scary as hell. If you're riding 20 mph, then the closing speed is actually 40 mph faster. Bad...

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 9:18 am
by MrBug708
I used to be bothered by the bathroom stall thing but when there are three stalls, chances are one of them has piss all over a toilet seat so generally first clean one wins for me

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 9:43 am
MrBug708 wrote:I used to be bothered by the bathroom stall thing but when there are three stalls, chances are one of them has piss all over a toilet seat so generally first clean one wins for me
This. Also when people use the handicapped stall when others are available factoring in pee on the seat

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 10:25 am
by gumby
Curmudgeons piss me off. So screw all y'all!

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 7:56 pm
by KillerKlown
Knocking down an old building or house to replace it with a parking lot or other cheap, generic crap. Screw the TCC.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 8:22 am
by Spaceman Spiff
Look, how about just having to drive places? I remember 16 year old me, thrilled to get his learners permit and start exploring the world.

Now there's 33 year old me who would be happy as a clam if I never had to drive anywhere and deal with all the BS on the roads again.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 9:01 am
by scumdevils86
Spaceman Spiff wrote:Look, how about just having to drive places? I remember 16 year old me, thrilled to get his learners permit and start exploring the world.

Now there's 33 year old me who would be happy as a clam if I never had to drive anywhere and deal with all the BS on the roads again.
Something we agree on. I work in 20 different buildings in 6 different cities across Arizona anywhere from 3 mins to 2 hours from my house. The driving thing is old and I would be ok never driving again. Plus whenever my fiance and I go anywhere I also drive.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 10:58 am
by Puerco
I love driving, but driving to work sucks. Driving home not so bad...

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 2:12 pm
by gumby
Too tired to drive, so I just rain threes.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 2:37 pm
by PieceOfMeat
When solicitors knock on my door, even though right next to my door is a very visible, eye-height sign clearly stating no soliciting.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 2:38 pm
by azgreg
PieceOfMeat wrote:When solicitors knock on my door, even though right next to my door is a very visible, eye-height sign clearly stating no soliciting.
Maybe they are selling new "No Soliciting" signs.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 2:43 pm
by PieceOfMeat
azgreg wrote:
PieceOfMeat wrote:When solicitors knock on my door, even though right next to my door is a very visible, eye-height sign clearly stating no soliciting.
Maybe they are selling new "No Soliciting" signs.
I'd probably buy one of those. Maybe buy several. Enough to completely ring my doorway so people really, really get the message that when I'm home I really don't want to be pestered by them.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 2:52 pm
by MrBug708
Solar guys going door to door or hanging out at home depot.

Time share presentations. Sometimes their free stuff has some allure (knocked off 600 dollars in Kauai last year) but man are they just obnoxious

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 6:19 pm
by gumby
PieceOfMeat wrote:When solicitors knock on my door, even though right next to my door is a very visible, eye-height sign clearly stating no soliciting.
Maybe it's a Literacy Campaign.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 9:13 am
People who splash others at public or hotel pools without apologizing

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 1:25 pm
by Irish27
People who have way more than 10 items in the express line at the grocery store.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 2:58 pm
by Chicat
PHXCATS wrote:People who splash others at public or hotel pools without apologizing
Sorry, but I had to pee somewhere!

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 3:12 pm
by SCCats
People who order five and six element coffees at Starbucks.

It's bad enough that it's going to take them five minutes to make the drink. The really upsetting moment comes when they finally hand them the drink, they taste the drink, and then hand the 5/6 element drink back because one of the elements is not quite the way they like it so it has to be remade (another five minutes) before they can get to "making" my black iced coffee (pour premade cold coffee, add a couple ice cubes, hand me the cup).

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 3:38 pm
by Chicat
My sister works at Starbucks. From her stories of picky customers I've come to the conclusion that humans are dumber than garden slugs.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 12:28 pm
by gumby
It takes an alarmingly long time to order coffee at Starbucks.

"Small black coffee, please."

"So, a tall?"

"No, a small."

"Tall is our small."

"Oh, so we're in Brobdingnag?


"Never mind. Cool Buble CDs. "

"Do you want room?"

"No, I live in town. Besides, we just met."

"No, I mean room for cream and/or sugar."

"In my black coffee?"

"Oh, I see."

"You do?"

"Yes, you were talking about Gulliver's Travels."


Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 6:15 pm
by azgreg
I hope my dental hygienist gets audited by the IRS every year for the rest of her life.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 6:20 pm
by catgrad97
Chicat wrote:
ASUHATER! wrote:
PieceOfMeat wrote:
ASUHATER! wrote:Chi's post was presented in a way that...
I think you need to go back and re-read what Chi posted.

Cause everyone else sees it differently than you just stated it. In fact, it's pretty clear he DIDN'T present it the way you are stating he did. Maybe you just misread it the first time or something, I don't know, and there has been a bit of a piling on towards you since then, but still, you've really misunderstood what Chi posted.
Or possibly people misread what I posted. Shrug. I didn't do anything wrong or misunderstand anything from what I can tell.
You're kidding, right?


Look, it's ok to admit you assumed things not in evidence (like that this was just some stranger who we randomly came upon in public who for some reason I let speak directly to my children in a vulgar way). Or you could stick to your guns and keep presenting the issue as if you saw things correctly and literally everyone else saw it wrong.

I'd take the laugh it off option, but I know that's never been your style. So you just keep on being you Hater. Just double down on the dumb and never ever admit you may have been wrong. Which by the way, you most definitely were.
Reminds me of this underrated movie moment:

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 3:09 pm
by Coop Cat
People that during the busy times in the parking garage in the morning have to back into their parking spot!!