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Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 5:23 am
by Longhorned
Puerco wrote:When the guy in the aisle seat next to you asks for the seatbelt extension.
Or the gal. Now, the fact is that the person next to him or her has to just somehow survive the flight, because there's no space for one's body to occupy. I think the airlines should just raise the cost of tickets to cover giving large people two seats. At check-in, the agent should make the determination, do the seating assignment, block out the neighboring seat, and one fewer stand-by should get a boarding pass. The airline and the other passengers shouldn't take it out on the larger person.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 6:12 pm
by Irish27
Was on a 4-hour plane trip last week and the woman sitting in front of me never shut up. She talked very loud for the entire flight. Wearing headphones did not help.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 8:31 pm
by Irish27
When you are trying to make a right turn and the person in the crosswalk is intentionally walking very slowly.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 9:01 pm
by CalStateTempe
When people honk at you while walking in a pedestrian crossing.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 9:06 pm
CalStateTempe wrote:When people honk at you while walking in a pedestrian crossing.
Speed your butt up then. Crosswalks aren't there to walk leisurely through ;)

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 1:59 am
by Puerco
CalStateTempe wrote:When people honk at you while walking in a pedestrian crossing.
They should just blow on through. That's what I do on my bike!

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 7:35 am
by HiCat
Illegal big game hunters rank right up there.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 7:42 am
by CalStateTempe
Puerco wrote:
CalStateTempe wrote:When people honk at you while walking in a pedestrian crossing.
They should just blow on through. That's what I do on my bike!
They did and almost hit me as I was hustling across. Trust me, I don't like hanging out in the middle of a busy street.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 8:37 am
by Chicat
azgreg wrote:People who slow down/stop at the top of the freeway on ramp.
Nearly on a daily basis I'm screaming at someone, "WE ARE GETTING ON A GODDAMN HIGHWAY!!! MERGE MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!"

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 9:30 am
by catgrad97
Chicat wrote:
azgreg wrote:People who slow down/stop at the top of the freeway on ramp.
Nearly on a daily basis I'm screaming at someone, "WE ARE GETTING ON A GODDAMN HIGHWAY!!! MERGE MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!"
It's getting just as bad in the rounds, which are rapidly replacing intersections out here. Is that just an Arizona thing, this stupid "round" trend?

Half the drivers in Sedona and Phoenix are either tourists or dull idiots who got their licenses when rounds were just this thing we had to bail the Brits out from in Dubya Dubya Two.

So they either just madly dash through them over freeway bridges and other blind spots or swing into one lane, then just f*cking STOP--backing up the entire round while they either drift into another lane or wait for traffic that is waiting for THEM.

Look, I'll take intersections any day over rounds. But if ADOT is going to force the stupid things down drivers' throats every mile along the SR260 between Cottonwood and the I-17, I'm going to do the responsible thing and learn how to actually DRIVE them.

Contrary to what my parents' generation always assumed, drivers who slow down or stop are a greater threat on the roads than the speeders.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 9:35 am
by catgrad97
Oh, and since we're in the thread, politicians who steal thousands of dollars from teachers making yearly salaries just above the poverty line after 10 years on the job.

None of the Republican legislators in this state are ever going to see heaven. And that includes Kelli Ward. Guaran-damn-tee it.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 9:45 am
by UofAlum05
Kill innocent Lions

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 10:50 am
by Chicat
catgrad97 wrote:
Chicat wrote:
azgreg wrote:People who slow down/stop at the top of the freeway on ramp.
Nearly on a daily basis I'm screaming at someone, "WE ARE GETTING ON A GODDAMN HIGHWAY!!! MERGE MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!"
It's getting just as bad in the rounds, which are rapidly replacing intersections out here. Is that just an Arizona thing, this stupid "round" trend?

Half the drivers in Sedona and Phoenix are either tourists or dull idiots who got their licenses when rounds were just this thing we had to bail the Brits out from in Dubya Dubya Two.

So they either just madly dash through them over freeway bridges and other blind spots or swing into one lane, then just f*cking STOP--backing up the entire round while they either drift into another lane or wait for traffic that is waiting for THEM.

Look, I'll take intersections any day over rounds. But if ADOT is going to force the stupid things down drivers' throats every mile along the SR260 between Cottonwood and the I-17, I'm going to do the responsible thing and learn how to actually DRIVE them.

Contrary to what my parents' generation always assumed, drivers who slow down or stop are a greater threat on the roads than the speeders.
For some reason they are putting in a bunch of roundabouts in here in Valpo too. Which with a population about as old and dumb as you find in Arizona has produced some hilarious and awful situations.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 10:51 am
by azgreg

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 10:52 am
Thankfully there aren't any in Tucson that I'm aware of and no plans to add any that I'm aware of. Too Euro for my liking.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 10:54 am
by azgreg

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 11:07 am
by scumdevils86
that video illustrates why that is a terrible idea compared to a regular intersection haha

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 11:13 am
by Puerco
They're actually fantastic compared to intersections with red lights or stop signs, much faster to get through and usually no stopping required. They fail when there's a lot of traffic because one direction goes through without stopping, and all the other directions get screwed. They also fail when idiots don't know how to use them, like in that video which was full of fail. :) Most roundabouts over here have something physically blocking the center, so a lot of that video's dumbassedness wouldn't happen.

Oh yeah, North Carolina was putting circles on smaller roads when I left there in 2007.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 11:20 am
by 97cats
when i order my martini up with olives and the bartender pours allowing small pieces/chips of ice to make its way into the glass settling on the top of my vodka

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 11:23 am
by Chicat
Beware of the Socialist Roundabout ... alparaiso/
As I was looking at Google Maps on my smartphone, a portly older fellow walking in the street, bright red from a sunburn, approached me.

“Are you lost?” the man asked me. “No,” I replied, “just taking a quick break.”

He looked at my rental car, a Nissan Altima with Virginia plates. He was puzzled: “If you’re from Virginia, why are you in Westville?”

“I’m driving the Lincoln Highway to San Francisco.”

He seemed puzzled. “Why would you want to do that?”

At this point, I tried to explain what I was doing and where I was headed, which was Valparaiso.

He interrupted me: “You gotta be careful in Valpo — real, real careful. They got that strange a roundabout … real confusing. Real real confusing,” he said, slowly emphasizing each word.

I was about to tell him that I live on the East Coast, where traffic circles, rotaries and roundabouts are somewhat normal road features and nothing to worry about.

“That roundabout is socialist!”

Oh boy. That was my cue that is was time to leave Westville.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 11:25 am
Chicat wrote:
catgrad97 wrote:
Chicat wrote:
azgreg wrote:People who slow down/stop at the top of the freeway on ramp.
Nearly on a daily basis I'm screaming at someone, "WE ARE GETTING ON A GODDAMN HIGHWAY!!! MERGE MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!"
It's getting just as bad in the rounds, which are rapidly replacing intersections out here. Is that just an Arizona thing, this stupid "round" trend?

Half the drivers in Sedona and Phoenix are either tourists or dull idiots who got their licenses when rounds were just this thing we had to bail the Brits out from in Dubya Dubya Two.

So they either just madly dash through them over freeway bridges and other blind spots or swing into one lane, then just f*cking STOP--backing up the entire round while they either drift into another lane or wait for traffic that is waiting for THEM.

Look, I'll take intersections any day over rounds. But if ADOT is going to force the stupid things down drivers' throats every mile along the SR260 between Cottonwood and the I-17, I'm going to do the responsible thing and learn how to actually DRIVE them.

Contrary to what my parents' generation always assumed, drivers who slow down or stop are a greater threat on the roads than the speeders.
For some reason they are putting in a bunch of roundabouts in here in Valpo too. Which with a population about as old and dumb as you find in Arizona has produced some hilarious and awful situations.
I spent two and a half days on a giant one just North of London. End of first day, I replayed one of Longhorned's dinner menus in my head, around and around and around: second day I couldn't get the thought out of my head "Damn I could sure use a piece of tail!". Frustrating roundabouts. Especially the ones with a fifth or sixth spoke.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 11:32 am
by Chicat
Puerco wrote:They're actually fantastic compared to intersections with red lights or stop signs, much faster to get through and usually no stopping required. They fail when there's a lot of traffic because one direction goes through without stopping, and all the other directions get screwed. They also fail when idiots don't know how to use them, like in that video which was full of fail. :) Most roundabouts over here have something physically blocking the center, so a lot of that video's dumbassedness wouldn't happen.

Oh yeah, North Carolina was putting circles on smaller roads when I left there in 2007.
Here they have something physically blocking the center too . . . mostly in the form of foliage/flowers that are too tall to see over and therefore block your view of who may be coming until they are right on top of you. So you get people being overly cautious and backing traffic way up out of fear of entering the rotary.


Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 11:34 am
How is it determined who has the right of way in a circle? If there's no lights or stop signs it's an invitation for a free for all.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 11:36 am
by pokinmik
You gotta yield to those already in the circle.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 11:46 am
by catgrad97
pokinmik wrote:You gotta yield to those already in the circle.
Yep. Fundamental--and, I naively assumed, well-understood--traffic rule.

There's one just off the I-17 exit to Cliff Castle Casino at Camp Verde that was one of the first in this area--and one of the most dangerous.

There isn't one on the west side, parallel to it, so drivers crossing the bridge apparently never see it coming and just fly on through their yield sign on their way to dropping their retirement on the slots.

I'm not kidding: Ninety percent of drivers do this. Minimum. You have to not only yield, but look to your left VERY closely, or you're dead.

I could wear my car horn out for the stoppers ahead of me in a round if I wanted to. There are absolutely no yield markings or signage of any kind in any round, and for good reason.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 11:47 am
by Chicat
pokinmik wrote:You gotta yield to those already in the circle.
Exactly. So in theory you only have to look to the left and then enter when there is no oncoming traffic.

in theory........

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 11:49 am
pokinmik wrote:You gotta yield to those already in the circle.
So that means you can never get inside the circle unless it's abandoned....

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 11:49 am
by CalStateTempe
I like em. But I also know how to drive them.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 11:55 am
by Chicat
ASUHATER! wrote:
pokinmik wrote:You gotta yield to those already in the circle.
So that means you can never get inside the circle unless it's abandoned....
All traffic needs to be past you or entering far enough away that you won't impede their progress/crash into them and cause a flaming deadly wreck.

in theory.....

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 11:59 am
But if it's rush hour and a lot of traffic, it will never be open for you to enter. So you're stuck waiting until traffic dies down.

Or you can just install a traffic light and the problem solves itself haha.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 12:09 pm
by catgrad97
ASUHATER! wrote:But if it's rush hour and a lot of traffic, it will never be open for you to enter. So you're stuck waiting until traffic dies down.

Or you can just install a traffic light and the problem solves itself haha.
Have you been to exurban Phoenix lately? Any main road in Anthem or next to the I-17 in Buckeye has them.

The ones at Happy Valley and Pinnacle Peak roads get plenty crowded, sometimes even backed up onto the freeway at rush hour, but everyone gets through.

And, like I said, I prefer intersections. But people have made the rounds work in those places. That's not one of the biggest problems with the concept.

What is, is when sometimes rounds aren't built with enough room for semi trucks to get through, and they end up swinging around the circles too fast and tip over. That's an ongoing issue.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 12:14 pm
I haven't been to that northern end of Phoenix in about a dozen years. My Phoenix travels lately are all confined basically to downtown Phoenix, apache junction and the 60 freeway between them.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 12:17 pm
by catgrad97
I'm pretty sure many of the intersections off the Loop 202 in the San Tan Valley have them as well. I know Wild Horse Pass does--I think there are three on the way out to Ak-Chin, in fact.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 12:25 pm
by azgreg
Could use a roundabout.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 12:39 pm
by CalStateTempe
Lol that's great greg!

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 1:01 pm
by BearDown89
97cats wrote:when i order my martini up with olives and the bartender pours allowing small pieces/chips of ice to make its way into the glass settling on the top of my vodka
Fucking bastards.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 1:04 pm
by azgreg
BearDown89 wrote:
97cats wrote:when i order my martini up with olives and the bartender pours allowing small pieces/chips of ice to make its way into the glass settling on the top of my vodka
Fucking bastards.
I don't know how he can possibly go on from here.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 1:10 pm
by Chicat
azgreg wrote:
BearDown89 wrote:
97cats wrote:when i order my martini up with olives and the bartender pours allowing small pieces/chips of ice to make its way into the glass settling on the top of my vodka
Fucking bastards.
I don't know how he can possibly go on from here.
You can always throw the drink at him and demand he make it again like a regular fucking human being.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 3:22 pm
by 97cats
Chicat wrote: You can always throw the drink at him and demand he make it again like a regular fucking human being.
dont even get me started on the valet guy.......

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 6:44 am
ASUHATER! wrote:
pokinmik wrote:You gotta yield to those already in the circle.
So that means you can never get inside the circle unless it's abandoned....
You act like a dumb asu student/alumni right? I always thought that was your shtick but lately I have been questioning it.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 7:22 am
PHXCATS wrote:
ASUHATER! wrote:
pokinmik wrote:You gotta yield to those already in the circle.
So that means you can never get inside the circle unless it's abandoned....
You act like a dumb asu student/alumni right? I always thought that was your shtick but lately I have been questioning it.
Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh :roll:

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 7:36 am
by Chicat
97cats wrote:
Chicat wrote: You can always throw the drink at him and demand he make it again like a regular fucking human being.
dont even get me started on the valet guy.......
Did he leave you an embedded fart? Because that's seriously grounds for immediate execution.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 1:46 pm
by 97cats
its not about the fart embedding (which is awful in its own right) its the leaving of the tab from my ticket under my windshield wiper every stinkin time.

god!!!!! that pisses me off!!

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 4:15 pm
by gumby
azgreg wrote:Could use a roundabout.

Libertarian intersection.

We have a number of roundabouts. They move traffic more efficiently. You don't put them just anywhere.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 11:31 pm
by ASUCatFan
This isn't really about things people do that piss me off, but I can't read text very well on my phone without my glasses and my glasses don't work very well in the pool. My shitty vision pisses me off.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 3:43 pm
by Chicat
scumdevils86 wrote:if you're holding up traffic going 10/20/30 mph under the speed limit you need to stop and get the fck off the road and let the cars pass you.
This video reminded me of this thread...

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 3:55 pm
by scumdevils86

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 4:27 pm
by gumby
In and around the lake
Mountains come out of the sky
and they stand there.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 11:00 pm
by MrBug708
Being associated with a home warranty

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 4:54 am
by Longhorned
MrBug708 wrote:Being associated with a home warranty
They do literally nothing. Their one and only job is to make you give up and hire someone independently to fix the problem with your own money.