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Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 6:10 pm
by azgreg
ASUHATER! wrote:Well yeah, no one is going to eat a spoonful of plain mayo. But I love mayo in many things.
While at a college party back at Arizona a guy won $20 eating a jar of mayo.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 7:15 pm
by Longhorned
azgreg wrote:
ASUHATER! wrote:Well yeah, no one is going to eat a spoonful of plain mayo. But I love mayo in many things.
While at a college party back at Arizona a guy won $20 eating a jar of mayo.
The effect of that depends how big the jar is. The smallest jar has only 4000 calories, which would be normal if he didn't eat anything else that entire day or the next.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 7:48 pm
by CalStateTempe
Ribs turned out great! Also made cole slaw, mac and cheese, sweet tea and vegetarian collard greens (yes I know) and hush puppies from scratch, which were a lot of fun to fry in a vat of boiling vegetable oil in the kitchen.

Got the stamp of approve from our friends in Sac, who are originally from Georgia.

that being said, I'm a membrane-less type of rib guy.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 8:55 pm
by BigSkyCatinMT
UAdevil wrote:
BigSkyCatinMT wrote:I hate mayonnaise,
I love mayo...but certainly not American mayo. Belgian Frite sauce / andalouse sauce ftw.
Only thing I can think of that I used mayo in - I make my own chipotle sauce.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 8:57 pm
by BigSkyCatinMT
Longhorned wrote:Why doesn't the butcher remove that membrane before we buy the ribs?
The membrane helps to seal the juices in the ribs, making them more tender. That, or a brown sugar glaze.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 10:24 am
by scumdevils86
my wife and I are chatting while she has a break from nursing school and she brought up the fact that she's expected to recite the following passage once she graduates school because "it is tradition". i personally find it completely stupid and offensive.
I solemnly pledge myself before God and in the presence of this assembly to pass my life in purity and to practise my profession faithfully.
I will abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous, and will not take or knowingly administer any harmful drug.
I will do all in my power to maintain and elevate the standard of my profession and will hold in confidence all personal matters committed to my keeping and all family affairs coming to my knowledge in the practice of my calling.
With loyalty will I aid the physician in his work, and as a missioner of health, I will dedicate myself to devoted service for human welfare.
I mean wtf?

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 10:31 am
by Olsondogg
It comes from the nursing you have a problem with Nurses putting patient needs first???

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 10:34 am
by scumdevils86
No, I know you're not that dense Odogg. The pledging to god and living a life of purity part is crap. I shoulda bolded that.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 10:38 am
by Olsondogg
It was written in 1893. You need to really relax, it says God on the money in your wallet too...

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 10:40 am
by scumdevils86
That's actually the updated one from 1935 but oh well. This is 2016. We don't need this kind of stuff anymore.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 10:42 am
by Olsondogg
I'm in the camp that thinks there are much, much larger issues than some words in a pledge that nurses make on behalf of honoring patients care. But hey, that's just me...take up the fight if that's what you want. I sleep well at night knowing that my NP wife read that same pledge and does that every night when a parent calls her crying about a child having an issue." target="_blank

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 10:43 am
Olsondogg wrote:I'm in the camp that thinks there are much, much larger issues than some words in a pledge that nurses make on behalf of honoring patients care. But hey, that's just me...take up the fight if that's what you want. I sleep well at night knowing that my NP wife read that same pledge and does that every night when a parent calls her crying about a child having an issue." target="_blank
you're absolutely missing his entire point. like embarrassingly missing it. it's kinda sad to watch actually.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 10:44 am
by Olsondogg

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 10:46 am
by scumdevils86
Olsondogg wrote:I'm in the camp that thinks there are much, much larger issues than some words in a pledge that nurses make on behalf of honoring patients care. But hey, that's just me...take up the fight if that's what you want. I sleep well at night knowing that my NP wife read that same pledge and does that every night when a parent calls her crying about a child having an issue." target="_blank
You should read my other posts about my wife's brief odyssey thus far and get back to me. She's going to be a kick ass nurse. And of course there are bigger issues in the world than this pledge and it's offensive purity line. I figured my posting history was pretty obvious about that...not to mention this is the "venting thread". Which is an internet posting detail I know you defend very heavily. So carry on...

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 12:09 pm
by CalStateTempe

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 12:10 pm
by CalStateTempe
And yes, scums wife is going to be a kick ass nurse regardless of whatever traditional pledge they make her take.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 12:13 pm
by scumdevils86
CalStateTempe wrote:Oh noes! A historical pledge has that obscenity "God" in it! I'm microaggressed against!
eh. i just feel like people should be allowed to make choices. there shouldn't be pressure to do completely unnecessary stuff just because it is "traditional". and not isn't like we are really "offended". wife was a turned into a fundy baptist by her high school boyfriend then he became abusive to her and they broke up. then lo and behold she got out into the real world as a young adult and almost overnight turned into a very progressive and liberal woman (thank GOD ;)).

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 12:22 pm
by CalStateTempe
Yeah, sometimes I write posts just to get it off my chest and see it I writing then it delete because either they are not helpful or kinda stupid. Blowing off steam you know?

Mine above meets both criteria. :lol: you saw it before I got the "nm" in.

The purity line is pretty lame.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 11:54 pm
by BigSkyCatinMT
fuddy-duddies. People with no sense of humor. At my wedding practice 23 years ago, when the vows came up...I vocally chose "Better, Richer, and Health". You would have thought I sank the Titanic or something.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 12:25 pm
by BigSkyCatinMT
In-Laws. They eventually all develop the same Super-Power...grouchiness. Wife not happy, but I now call them 'Combat Woman', and 'Bitter Man'.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 7:53 pm
by Frybry02
What happened to kids trick or treating? I have had a total of 10 kids so far. Come take my candy before I eat it all!

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 8:47 pm
by Chicat
Frybry02 wrote:What happened to kids trick or treating? I have had a total of 10 kids so far. Come take my candy before I eat it all!
We have 200+ kids every year. I'm guessing your neighborhood has just gotten older.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 9:05 pm
I've lived in the same house here in Tucson for 11 years and not once has a single trick or treater ever come by.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 9:59 pm
by Daryl Zero
ASUHATER! wrote:I've lived in the same house here in Tucson for 11 years and not once has a single trick or treater ever come by.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 10:18 pm
by scumdevils86
Our friends live in a townhouse complex nearby and they had 1 group of kids around 8 and that was it.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 11:40 pm
by CalStateTempe
0 tonight. sad.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 4:53 am
by BigSkyCatinMT
ASUHATER! wrote:I've lived in the same house here in Tucson for 11 years and not once has a single trick or treater ever come by.
18 years and counting without one here. It's location.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 8:18 am
by azgreg
We saw about half the kids as usual. We usually go through 4 of those big bags of candy. I think one of the main reasons is all the churches in our area are doing that Trunk Or Treat now. Much safer for the kiddies.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 4:42 am
by Chicat
Fuck you daylight savings. That is all...

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 2:08 pm
by azgreg
Chicat wrote:Fuck you daylight savings. That is all...

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 7:54 pm
by Olsondogg
Today I wept.

I wept for my sisters and my mother, my wife and her friends. I wept for those far less fortunate than me, a white male American. I wept for what I feel is coming, and for what was possible and was lost.

I wept because my demographic was largely responsible for what will surely affect women for years...for keeping the glass ceiling above them, forcing them to remained trapped below. I wept because a giant ego was expanded, after disparaging their gender for months.

I wept because I am raising two boys to be better than I am, and the figurehead of their country is far worse than I'll ever be.

I wept, but I've stopped. I have some serious parenting to do...and it instantly became harder overnight.

I wept, but my wife didn't. She's been through all this disappointment before and she doesn't have time or patience to weep.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 8:24 pm
Olsondogg wrote:Today I wept.

I wept for my sisters and my mother, my wife and her friends. I wept for those far less fortunate than me, a white male American. I wept for what I feel is coming, and for what was possible and was lost.

I wept because my demographic was largely responsible for what will surely affect women for years...for keeping the glass ceiling above them, forcing them to remained trapped below. I wept because a giant ego was expanded, after disparaging their gender for months.

I wept because I am raising two boys to be better than I am, and the figurehead of their country is far worse than I'll ever be.

I wept, but I've stopped. I have some serious parenting to do...and it instantly became harder overnight.

I wept, but my wife didn't. She's been through all this disappointment before and she doesn't have time or patience to weep.
A+ godspeed od. I have no idea how women do it and are so strong every day .

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 3:04 pm
by 97cats
CalStateTempe wrote:0 tonight. sad.
my neighborhood had 10,000 people plus -- f*cking insane

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 8:07 pm
by Chicat
97cats wrote:
CalStateTempe wrote:0 tonight. sad.
my neighborhood had 10,000 people plus -- f*cking insane
Start giving out raisins.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 8:11 am
by Lando05
Just found out my mom isn't gonna be getting better and one of my best friends tried to kill himself last Sunday. Fuck 2016...

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 9:00 am
by Chicat
Damn sorry to hear that Lando. Stay strong for your friends and family. Sounds like they'll need you more than ever.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 10:29 am
by Lando05
Chicat wrote:Damn sorry to hear that Lando. Stay strong for your friends and family. Sounds like they'll need you more than ever.
Thank you Chicat. Will do my best. I'm the youngest of 7 and my dad came to me first and broke down and told me. To see his reality and heart both break at the same time was gut wrenching. He works so hard and now he won't even get time to enjoy retirement with her, he'll be taking care of. He deserves better. It is just so wierd at 28 to have my 66 year old dad come to me and looks lost and doubtful for the 1st time in my life. I appreciate this board and the support and outlet the community here provides. It's really time to grow up and step up. This community has helped me so much over the years. Rant over.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 2:19 pm
by ASUCatFan
I'm sorry, Lando. That must be terribly hard. I can't imagine.

Here's mine: I just saw a little dog get hit by a car right in front of the little girl who was chasing it. I've felt absolutely sick ever since.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 7:13 pm
by Longhorned
Lando, I'm so, so sorry.


Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 7:45 am
by Chicat
8+ years

$40 Million+ in business brought in.

Fired right before Christmas because the douchebag that I trained and who was promoted over me wants to build his own team of kiss-asses and fellow douchenozzles.

That'll teach me to be a team player...

I should have fucking quit a year ago. Bunch of fucking assholes.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 7:49 am
by UAEebs86
Sorry Chi. That sucks. My dad got laid off right before Christmas once and it still pisses me off.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 8:00 am
by Chicat
Thanks man. Consolation is that my best clients are pissed and threatening to pull their buys. Don't think that's lip service either. I have a 7 figure client who was texting with me until 2am who wants to write my CEO to tell him that they'll be reducing their buys across the board by 50%. So if nothing else, I hope my old boss is shitting in his pants that he just fucked up his 2017.

Coworkers are pissed too. Had a bunch reach out to tell me they had a meeting where they ripped my VP for doing it right now and because the douchebag manager couldn't even bother to be there. I was well-liked, and was the top earner in our office. Plus I made my numbers. So they're all pretty shocked and feeling like no matter how well they do they could be next.

I'm not sweating it. I know of openings at their competitors, and I'm going to this big broadcasters/agency Christmas party tomorrow night where I'm going to network like crazy. Would love to pull an even better job by early next year and rub it in my old manager's face.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 8:07 am
by Longhorned
Holy shit. I'm so sorry, Chi. Let me know how I can help. I know that sounds like an offer from a bug to a dolphin.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 8:08 am
by azgreg
Sucks Chi. Good luck.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 9:03 am
by Chicat
Thanks guys.

Good news for me (and bad news for you): Way more time to post
Bad news for me (and bad news for you): The RAP spreadsheet was on my work laptop. :x

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 9:13 am
by scumdevils86
Sucks to hear J, but I'm 1000% positive you will land on your feet doing better than you were.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 9:16 am
by Chicat
Thanks SD. I am too. Yesterday I was wallowing in pity. Today I'm pissed and ready to get right back at it.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 9:55 am
by Olsondogg
Good luck Chi. Things will work out for the better...may not seem like it now, but it will.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 12:09 pm
by Longhorned
Chicat wrote:Thanks SD. I am too. Yesterday I was wallowing in pity. Today I'm pissed and ready to get right back at it.
Remember those guys from that company who tried to steal you away? Would you consider letting them know you'd listen again?

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 12:11 pm
by Chicat
Longhorned wrote:
Chicat wrote:Thanks SD. I am too. Yesterday I was wallowing in pity. Today I'm pissed and ready to get right back at it.
Remember those guys from that company who tried to steal you away? Would you consider letting them know you'd listen again?
Already reached out. They're keeping me in mind if anything opens up. And I have no problem taking a job now and then hopping to a new gig if a better offer comes along. That loyalty thing is done. This is business baby...