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Really upset with the legal system...

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 5:56 pm
by ASUCatFan
As many of you know, I'm an administrator for a small charter school that works with at risk kids. It's a difficult but very rewarding job, and I love working with the kids. A lot of the time, the kids I work with are really vulnerable. A lot of them have addicted parents, absentee parents, deported parents... They have really difficult circumstances, but they're still children.

Last year, a 16 year old student who falls in one of the above categories started school bragging about her new boyfriend. She introduced me to him and he looked old. I got her to tell me his name, Googled him and found out that he was 27 years old. I called the police, but they told me they wouldn't do anything without complaint from a parent. The guy used to hang around my campus. I told him to leave, but he came back the next day. I called the police and they gave him a warning for trespassing. The next day after school, he was standing with his toes right behind the property line. I called the police and they told me to call back if he crossed. He didn't. The student he was "dating" (or molesting, if you want to be technical) introduced him to some of her friends. 14-15 year old girls. She lost all of her friends because he propositioned them. I called the police. They said they wouldn't do anything because nothing happened with the other girls. I got CPS involved because the parent refused to do anything about the situation. They called the police. They wouldn't do anything.

This went on for the whole school year, starting in August and ending in May. This lowlife, pedophile piece of shit was sleeping with one minor and trying to groom several others while I was responsible for their safety. I called parents, some of them took things seriously, but once again, nothing physically happened with their daughters and inappropriate verbal contact couldn't be proven so the police wouldn't act.

Today after work, I was scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed and saw this son of a bitch's mugshot along with a story from the Arizona Daily Star saying that he had been arrested for trying to meet a ten year old girl for sex at the Tucson Mall. More than a year after I called the police and told them that this motherfucker was sleeping with a minor and trying to groom others, he's finally arrested. After he had sexually explicit conversations with a ten year old girl over the interned (the police were alerted by the social media company), this motherfucker is in jail. After who knows how many other young girls this piece of shit molested in the past year, he's finally in jail. Should have been sooner.

I'm furious that he was given these opportunities for the past year. He should have been locked up then. My conscience is clear, but that's not much consolation.

Re: Really upset with the legal system...

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 7:29 pm
by Merkin
I saw that story, unreal.


I don't believe that for a second. It's like the old movie line "I won't press charges".

Sorry, but it's not up to you. It's always: "The state versus..."

Although if you can't get a witness to testify it does make the case more difficult.

Love to hear from the real lawyers on this board about this case.

Re: Really upset with the legal system...

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 8:01 pm
by ASUCatFan
Do you think it would do anything if I were to call the prosecutor's office next week? I'd really like to help put this guy away if I can.

Re: Really upset with the legal system...

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 9:37 pm
by Longhorned
I don't know. This is awful. I was telling Schnebly that we should go surprise one of our old high school teachers in his classroom but he reminded me that we'd be arrested as pedophiles as soon as we walked on campus. I guess not.

My sister, who is a high school teacher, started dating a guy who is a high school guidance counsellor. Then she started letting him beat her 8 year old kids. I looked into the matter but nope, Arizona law is fine with that. I at least think he shouldn't be around kids, but no go.

Re: Really upset with the legal system...

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 9:53 pm
by CalStateTempe
Why would/should cops be bothered by such trival matters when there is so much racial profiling and police brutality to go around?

Terrible story, but glad this sh*tbag is in jail. I'd contact the prosecutor, you never know how your information could be used to put the guy away.

Re: Really upset with the legal system...

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 10:00 pm
by Longhorned
That's a great idea. If anybody would be interested, it's the prosecution.

Re: Really upset with the legal system...

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 11:46 pm
by UAEebs86
ASUCatFan wrote:Do you think it would do anything if I were to call the prosecutor's office next week? I'd really like to help put this guy away if I can.
It couldn't hurt. I would given them a call.

We recently found out that an old friend of ours whose daughter was our flower girl, has another daughter who was 17 and was in a relationship (AKA statutory rape) with her 26 year old teacher. But get this, the mom knew about it, was OK with it, and even let it occur at her house. And she worked for CPS!
This happened over a year ago in Phoenix but I just recently found out about it.

Needless to say, she doesn't work for CPS anymore, the teacher is in jail, and she got some time and probation I think.

What the hell is wrong with people?

Re: Really upset with the legal system...

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 6:44 am
by wyo-cat
ASUCatFan wrote:Do you think it would do anything if I were to call the prosecutor's office next week? I'd really like to help put this guy away if I can.
I'm not a lawyer, so take this with a grain of salt...

Unless you have hard evidence to back up your story, the prosecutor can't really use your story in court. If you have photos or documented all of the instances mentioned in the above post in a file - that could be a different story.

Re: Really upset with the legal system...

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 9:23 am
by Longhorned
wyo-cat wrote:
ASUCatFan wrote:Do you think it would do anything if I were to call the prosecutor's office next week? I'd really like to help put this guy away if I can.
I'm not a lawyer, so take this with a grain of salt...

Unless you have hard evidence to back up your story, the prosecutor can't really use your story in court. If you have photos or documented all of the instances mentioned in the above post in a file - that could be a different story.
I thought witness testimony constitutes evidence.

Re: Really upset with the legal system...

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 10:32 am
by Daryl Zero
Longhorned wrote:I thought witness testimony constitutes evidence.
Yes, as long as it is not hearsay (the witness repeating what someone else said). And you can win civil and criminal cases on circumstantial evidence.

Re: Really upset with the legal system...

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 11:03 am
by ASUCatFan
I have quite a bit of documentation and CPS should as well. Hopefully TPD has records of my calls too.

Re: Really upset with the legal system...

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 12:38 pm
by HiCat
ASUCatFan wrote:Do you think it would do anything if I were to call the prosecutor's office next week? I'd really like to help put this guy away if I can.

Make the call. You've got relevant information on this guy's history. The DA should at
least be interested enough to hear what you have to say. He/she might have an investigator verify or listen in on the call or meeting.

Tipping my hat to you for caring enough to follow through with this. Good luck.

Re: Really upset with the legal system...

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 5:19 pm
by Puerco
Thanks for everything you do and have done 'CatFan.

Re: Really upset with the legal system...

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 9:10 pm
by ASUCatFan
I spoke with a detective today, gave him some information that he didn't have and offered further assistance should they need anything. I guess that's all I can do unless they ask me for more.