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The power of one small act.

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 3:46 pm
by BigSkyCatinMT
Don't think I ever shared this on here, but about 7 years ago my wife got involved with Operation Christmas Child. Our school sent out 91 boxes to orphanages around the world. I knew about 20 went to Ukraine. Odd that 2 sisters that had been split up each received a box - in different orphanages. Soap, toothpaste, a toothbrush, 5 small chocolates, socks, and whatever anyone else donated.

My wife was in charge, and wrote a note by hand for every box - and signed it. Somehow, the older sister - after leaving found her younger sister at the other orphanage and got custody...and she found us - not sure how.

The school my wife teaches at, and where I volunteer is a private Christian school. We have Chapel every Wednesday, and parents often come.

Changed Chapel that day because the sisters came to freaking MT to thank my school. They spoke for over an hour on the stage. By the time the parents in attendance spread the word, we sent out almost 1000 more boxes to every continent, except Antartica.

Actions can be powerful. I know the sisters still speak at other places, and because of of them we have two recently adopted orphans from Senegal at our school. And that is why it's worth my time to volunteer.


Re: The power of one small act.

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 4:34 pm
by Chicat
I'm forever surprised, and my heart is forever filled, by the strength of love and the human spirit. Excellent story MTZ. What you, your wife, and your community did obviously will echo on as it's paid forward by those you inspire and have helped. Great work!

Re: The power of one small act.

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 5:02 am
by BigSkyCatinMT
Chicat wrote:I'm forever surprised, and my heart is forever filled, by the strength of love and the human spirit. Excellent story MTZ. What you, your wife, and your community did obviously will echo on as it's paid forward by those you inspire and have helped. Great work!
At the end of my days, and I have no idea when that will be - I will have wanted to have given more than I took. I think I'm a little behind, but closing the gap..slowly.

Re: The power of one small act.

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 6:08 am
by Merkin
Amazing stuff as always Mtz. Love to see Christians do things that Jesus would approve.

Somehow, the older sister - after leaving found her younger sister at the other orphanage and got custody...and she found us - not sure how.

What a great story that would be too.

Re: The power of one small act.

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 11:49 am
by Puerco

Re: The power of one small act.

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 5:12 pm
by BigSkyCatinMT
Merkin wrote:Amazing stuff as always Mtz. Love to see Christians do things that Jesus would approve.

Somehow, the older sister - after leaving found her younger sister at the other orphanage and got custody...and she found us - not sure how.

What a great story that would be too.
rumor at the school on Monday...they have located another younger sister that didn't get a box. I have no verification. Down the road, maybe. Or it's a false rumor. Happens. Even at our school.

Possibly finding us was that my wife signed a handwritten note for every box by hand - but they found our school, not her.

Think I might be called in to tutor math..if it can be determined that I can go slow enough for JR. High students. My son got the gist of proportion equations when he was in the 2nd grade. But he's quite different.

Re: The power of one small act.

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 2:26 am
by BigSkyCatinMT
BigSkyCatinMT wrote:
Chicat wrote:I'm forever surprised, and my heart is forever filled, by the strength of love and the human spirit. Excellent story MTZ. What you, your wife, and your community did obviously will echo on as it's paid forward by those you inspire and have helped. Great work!
At the end of my days, and I have no idea when that will be - I will have wanted to have given more than I took. I think I'm a little behind, but closing the gap..slowly.
This one is weird. Saw a job opening at a nursing home. Said I wanted to give back. $750 signing bonus, told wife I was interested. This job was posted at 4:58 Thursday. At 11:AM next morning, The guy doing the hiring taught CPR at wife's school. Wife mentioned my interest. He will do the hiring, gave the info for me to use HIM as a reference. Free CNA training, and EMT. Plus assist with my life change interest - counceling degree after near misses with my nephew. Too weird? Or providence?

My gift? Stupid math skills. My gift back? Making a difference in lives.

After chasing my nephew and stupid wife up (10 month old son) and down the valley for over 2 weeks, I now know for the first time in my life what I want to do.

Re: The power of one small act.

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 12:19 pm
by BigSkyCatinMT
Not sure where to put this...

Wife teaches at a private school where I worked last year. One of her students, a good kid lost both parents about 4 years ago. Grandparents didn't want him. So, he's been with Great Grandparents. One of them died Saturday morning. We may well end up being his next guardian. We have asked to be his Godparents. I would love to give Trenton some stability in his life...even though I am just finding my own again.

Re: The power of one small act.

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 1:08 pm
by BigSkyCatinMT
147 boxes to orphanages today - far below what we hoped for, but we knew we would never reach last years total. Hoping for 300.

45 more today.