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Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 11:33 am
by Merkin
scumdevils86 wrote:slow=under the speed limit
if you drive at the speed limit you may drive in whichever lane you please.


Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 4:38 pm
by phenom5
Warning...funny video, but the guy's voice makes me want to stab myself in the ears.


Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 4:41 pm
fast lane=speed limit
right lane=slow people ;)

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 5:35 pm
by waysouthcat
It really should be thought of as the "overtaking lane" not the fast lane. So, if you're not overtaking somebody, get the hell out of the way, whether you're going the speed limit or not.

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 2:19 am
by Puerco
waysouthcat wrote:It really should be thought of as the "overtaking lane" not the fast lane. So, if you're not overtaking somebody, get the hell out of the way, whether you're going the speed limit or not.
Must spread rep

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 4:19 am
by CalStateTempe
+2 to waysouthcat and puerco.

and admittedly I was guilty of the first until my wife corrected me several times on long trips. Easy was to stop that problem...

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 7:32 am
by Katzenfreund

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 8:57 am
by Chicat
Katzenfreund wrote:Anticipatory driving as well as reciprocal considerateness allow all traffic participants to flow at their preferred speed. By law, only passing vehicles are allowed in the left lanes.

As an addendum to your video:

Pics and story of a BMW M5 F10 crash on the autobahn while doing 200mph when a car entered the highway in front of them.

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 10:44 am
by KaibabKat
Fun clip. Looks familiar - made that Breman trip dozens of times. My top was about 240 km/h but that was a long, long time ago.

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 3:51 pm
by Katzenfreund

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 10:15 pm
scumdevils86 wrote:slow=under the speed limit
if you drive at the speed limit you may drive in whichever lane you please.
This might be the most idiotic statement I've read in a while. Please stay to the right unless passing another vehicle.

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 10:41 pm
SGIT wrote:
scumdevils86 wrote:slow=under the speed limit
if you drive at the speed limit you may drive in whichever lane you please.
This might be the most idiotic statement I've read in a while. Please stay to the right unless passing another vehicle.
so you don't believe in speed limits? the maximum allowed speed by law is the speed limit. if you're going the maximum speed, you should be in the left lane. if you're a slow poke going under the speed limit you should be in the right lane so people going the proper speed can pass you on the left. if you're going over the speed limit by more than a couple miles an hour, you should stay to the left but make sure you are prepared to get a ticket since you'll be speeding and illegally tailgating the people going the proper speed (the speed limit) in the left lane.

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 10:56 pm
ASUHATER! wrote:
SGIT wrote:
scumdevils86 wrote:slow=under the speed limit
if you drive at the speed limit you may drive in whichever lane you please.
This might be the most idiotic statement I've read in a while. Please stay to the right unless passing another vehicle.
so you don't believe in speed limits? the maximum allowed speed by law is the speed limit. if you're going the maximum speed, you should be in the left lane. if you're a slow poke going under the speed limit you should be in the right lane so people going the proper speed can pass you on the left. if you're going over the speed limit by more than a couple miles an hour, you should stay to the left but make sure you are prepared to get a ticket since you'll be speeding and illegally tailgating the people going the proper speed (the speed limit) in the left lane.
On the interstate I believe that speed limits are flexible, depending on the conditions that you're driving in. I also believe that speed limits should be enforced by certified law enforcement officers (i.e. Highway Patrol on the interstate) and not by some douchebag that thinks driving 65mph in the innermost lane to regulate traffic speed is their god given right.

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 11:05 pm
by Puerco
ASUHATER! wrote:
SGIT wrote:
scumdevils86 wrote:slow=under the speed limit
if you drive at the speed limit you may drive in whichever lane you please.
This might be the most idiotic statement I've read in a while. Please stay to the right unless passing another vehicle.
so you don't believe in speed limits? the maximum allowed speed by law is the speed limit. if you're going the maximum speed, you should be in the left lane. if you're a slow poke going under the speed limit you should be in the right lane so people going the proper speed can pass you on the left. if you're going over the speed limit by more than a couple miles an hour, you should stay to the left but make sure you are prepared to get a ticket since you'll be speeding and illegally tailgating the people going the proper speed (the speed limit) in the left lane.
Jesus, are you twins already AARP members? If you're on the freeway/highway and you're not passing, get your ass out of the left lane! Who taught you two to drive anyway?

Katz, that stretch must be popular with my types because we're limited to 120. Sadly, trucks are limited to 90 and are somehow allowed to overtake on two lane roads. The powers that be are considering lowering the speed limit to 100 to improve traffic flow. I swear, I'm about to sell my car...

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 5:19 am
by pokinmik
Yes, technically the speed limit is the maximum speed allowed. But c'mon, nobody is that dense when considering the real world application. And safety is really the main concern, and the key to a safe road IMO is the flow of traffic. There is no flow if morons are either unaware of the left-lane-for-passing-rule or they are assholes that are 'regulating' on their own. It makes everyone angry too, just bad vibes for everyone...and all it takes to remedy the situation is moving to the right, it takes 2 seconds.

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 8:04 am
by Puerco
Regulators are the most common cause of road rage. Just get out of the damn way, will you?

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 9:59 am
by Merkin
Worst drivers by state. ... ntent=link" target="_blank


Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 10:46 am
by Chicat
Had to pass someone this morning driving 65 in a 70 in the left hand lane. When I went to give them the "what the fuck are you even doing?!?!?" stare I saw that it was a woman wearing a shower cap and picking her nose.

I bumped it up to 85 to get as far away from her as quickly as possible. You don't want to be anywhere near that kind of crazy.

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 8:49 am
by gumby
I'm picturing a guy driving his "baby is coming" wife down I-10 and encountering the regulating twins.

"Hey, the law is the law."

"Yeah. It's not our fault you didn't plan better."

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 9:13 am
gumby wrote:I'm picturing a guy driving his "baby is coming" wife down I-10 and encountering the regulating twins.

"Hey, the law is the law."

"Yeah. It's not our fault you didn't plan better."
Hey I never drive under the speed limit. On i-10 I usually go about 75-78 in the middle or right lane. Never the left because you gotta stay far away from the death wish psychos that feel the need to go 97 down the interstate. But if going a mile or two over the legal limit makes me slow, I'll take it.

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 1:38 pm
by Salty
Not moving to the right to allow for a vehicle to pass in the fast lane is illegal.

Even if the vehicle is speeding. There's about a 5 MPH flexibility within most highway speed limits because most people actually have speed odometers that aren't exactly correct.

So while you may believe you're going 75, you could really be traveling at 72. And the guy who is trying to pass has a speed-o reading of 75 but is really going 78...

Also, there's a much larger blind spot to the right of a vehicle than to the left. So it's much more dangerous to pass on the right.

Long story short... Move the fuck over, twins.

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 4:34 pm
by azgreg
Salty wrote:Not moving to the right to allow for a vehicle to pass in the fast lane is illegal.
Not in all states.

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 4:47 pm
by wyo-cat
azgreg wrote:
Salty wrote:Not moving to the right to allow for a vehicle to pass in the fast lane is illegal.
Not in all states.
Impeding Traffic is what it's called. Every state has a different definition. I know that some states say that if so many cars are backed up behind you, you must let them pass or it could (if there's a cop around) be a ticket.

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 9:42 am
by threenumberones
wyo-cat wrote:
azgreg wrote:
Salty wrote:Not moving to the right to allow for a vehicle to pass in the fast lane is illegal.
Not in all states.
Impeding Traffic is what it's called. Every state has a different definition. I know that some states say that if so many cars are backed up behind you, you must let them pass or it could (if there's a cop around) be a ticket.
Never seen or heard of it being enforced. Closest I've seen are youtube videos showing cops tailgaiging people into the right lane. And if it isn't enforced in this country, who the fuck cares? It might as well just be a suggestion.

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 10:29 am
by Merkin ... ntent=link" target="_blank

Left lane hogs bill gets hearing in Legislature Monday

SEATTLE – A state senator is re-introducing a bill aimed getting slow left lane drivers out of the way by making it more expensive for them to stay there.

Sen. Michael Baumgartner, R-Spokane, initially introduced his “aggravated left lane driving” bill last April, but it was referred to the transportation committee and never voted on. The bill calls for special penalties on drivers who drive slower than the speed limit in the left lane.

The left lane is supposed to be just for passing slower vehicles. But you see it every day. Many drivers camp out there, whether they are just oblivious or they want to act as speed cops for everyone else.

“Such actions can cause other 17 drivers to brake unexpectedly or create a long line of frustrated 18 drivers. This in turn can cause other drivers to engage in unsafe and 19 illegal conduct, such as tailgating or passing the slower vehicle in 20 the right lane,” says Senate Bill 6105.

In addition to a regular traffic fine of $124, the driver would be slapped with additional penalties based upon their speed.

$27 for driving 1-to-5 mph under the speed limit
$37 for 6-to-10 mph under
$52 for 11-to-15 mph under
$67 for 16-to-20 mph under
Washington State troopers say left lane campers rank among the most common complaints they receive.

The bill was scheduled to be heard by the Senate transportation committee Monday afternoon.

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 1:57 am
by Puerco
Throw 'em in jail, I say.

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 9:14 am
by CalStateTempe
On a related note is why autonomous vehicles have a terrible crash record, they follow the rules to well and cannot adapt to human behavior and or drive in ways the cause other human drivers to correct, leading to accidents.

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 9:43 am
Which is why if all cars were automated and following the rules, there would be almost no accidents. Humans are the ones messing it up. Human drivers driving crazy mess up the automated cars.

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 11:01 am
by Puerco
CalStateTempe wrote:On a related note is why autonomous vehicles have a terrible crash record, they follow the rules to well and cannot adapt to human behavior and or drive in ways the cause other human drivers to correct, leading to accidents.
Do they? I thought there were examples with incredibly good crash numbers. Good being low.

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 2:29 pm
by Chicat
The crashes they get into are due to things like coming to a complete stop at a stop sign.

Basically, if everyone had a self-driving vehicle crashes would be next to nil. But there's still a shit-ton of stupid humans behind the wheel.

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 9:53 pm
by UAEebs86

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 9:51 pm
by PieceOfMeat
UAEebs86 wrote:
that moron in the car who took out a truck and a semi, i hope he got long jail time for that bull shit.

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 8:49 pm
by Macho Grande
PieceOfMeat wrote:
UAEebs86 wrote:
that moron in the car who took out a truck and a semi, i hope he got long jail time for that bull shit.
I remember watching that video about a year ago. Both the car driver and the pickup driver were acting like idiots. The asshole pickup driver tries to fuck with the asshole camaro driver by keeping him trapped beside a semi for several miles, until the asshole camaro driver gets so pissed off that tries to pass on the median. It really was a case of two idiots crossing paths to create the perfect storm of douchbaggery. The only one I felt sorry for was the semi driver. The other two deserved to have their vehicles destroyed.

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 12:21 pm
by Merkin

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 12:29 pm
seems like something that Trump and his supporters would like...punishing people for driving safely and the speed limit.

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 2:35 pm
ASUHATER! wrote:seems like something that Trump and his supporters would like...punishing people for driving safely and the speed limit.
You realize how many studies have been some that say how dangerous it is to go slower than the flow of traffic especially in the left lane rightL

Left lane is for passing only.

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 1:17 pm
by Jefe
Merkin wrote:
scumdevils86 wrote:slow=under the speed limit
if you drive at the speed limit you may drive in whichever lane you please.

Lets just use some common sense. If there is a car behind you, move over

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 1:20 pm
Jefe wrote:
Merkin wrote:
scumdevils86 wrote:slow=under the speed limit
if you drive at the speed limit you may drive in whichever lane you please.
I don't get the issue. There's a speed limit. Anything over is illegal. Left lane is for people going the speed limit. Right lane is for people going under.

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 1:45 pm
by Chicat
ASUHATER! wrote:
Jefe wrote:
Merkin wrote:
scumdevils86 wrote:slow=under the speed limit
if you drive at the speed limit you may drive in whichever lane you please.
I don't get the issue. There's a speed limit. Anything over is illegal. Left lane is for people going the speed limit. Right lane is for people going under.
This is a joke, right? There are laws in many states targeting that specific behavior as illegal.

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 1:49 pm
by Merkin
Chicat wrote: This is a joke, right? There are laws in many states targeting that specific behavior as illegal.

22400. (a) No person shall drive upon a highway at such a slow speed as to impede or block the normal and reasonable movement of traffic, unless the reduced speed is necessary for safe operation, because of a grade, or in compliance with law.

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 1:54 pm
Chicat wrote:
ASUHATER! wrote:
Jefe wrote:
Merkin wrote:
scumdevils86 wrote:slow=under the speed limit
if you drive at the speed limit you may drive in whichever lane you please.
I don't get the issue. There's a speed limit. Anything over is illegal. Left lane is for people going the speed limit. Right lane is for people going under.
This is a joke, right? There are laws in many states targeting that specific behavior as illegal.
yeah laws like speed limits against anyone going over the speed limit...haha.

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 1:56 pm
by Jefe
ASUHATER! wrote:I don't get the issue. There's a speed limit. Anything over is illegal. Left lane is for people going the speed limit. Right lane is for people going under.
Such a perfect little angel you are. You don't own the road so let them speed! Speeding citations help our officers, roads(ha!) and city.

If there's someone coming up behind you, move over. Or you can continue to piss people off until it puts your life in harms way

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 2:00 pm
by Chicat
Note the hooded...

SECTION 69. IC 9-21-5-9 IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS [EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2015]: Sec. 9. (a) A vehicle that travels at a speed less than the established maximum shall travel in the right lanes to provide for better flow of traffic on the interstate highways.

(b) This subsection applies to the operation of a vehicle:

(1) on a roadway that has two (2) or more lanes of traffic in each direction; and

(2) in the left most lane, other than a lane designated for high occupancy vehicles. Except as provided in subsection (c), a person who knows, or should reasonably know, that another vehicle is overtaking from the rear the vehicle that the person is operating may not continue to operate the vehicle in the left most lane.

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 2:05 pm
Jefe wrote:
ASUHATER! wrote:I don't get the issue. There's a speed limit. Anything over is illegal. Left lane is for people going the speed limit. Right lane is for people going under.
Such a perfect little angel you are. You don't own the road so let them speed! Speeding citations help our officers, roads(ha!) and city.

If there's someone coming up behind you, move over. Or you can continue to piss people off until it puts your life in harms way
i'll move over so i don't get hit...then if they're really speeding i'll take down their plate number and call it in. i honestly don't mind the people that go a few over the speed limit, or under. it's the people that insist on going 97 on i-10 between phoenix and tucson. they are infinitely more dangerous than someone in a slow car going 69 in the 75 zone on i-10. people going way under (like going 55 on i-10) need to move over and speed up though, absolutely.

but yeah, this attitude of "people that speed are always in the right and deserve to do what they want on the road" is kinda silly.

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 6:56 am
by Merkin

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 12:26 am
by Puerco
Hater, have you ever done the calculation on just how long it takes you to pass that semi doing 74 when you've got the trusty cruise control pegged at 75? Just curious.

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 12:45 pm
by Merkin ... aign=share" target="_blank

PHOENIX — The Arizona House voted 35-23 Thursday to spend more than $177,000 to tell drivers to get the heck out of the fast lane.

And to devote another nearly $18,000 each year to maintaining the signs those funds would erect.

State law already spells out that motorists must drive on the right half of the road unless passing someone going in the same direction.

That leaves Rep. Isela Blanc, D-Tempe, wondering why the need to spend the money.

“Do you know what to do when you’re driving?” she asked Majority Leader John Allen. “Or do you need a sign to let you know that you need to move over to the right lane?”

“The way I drive, I might want to take the Fifth,” the Scottsdale Republican quipped in response.

On a more serious note, Allen said, “Having a suggestion that slower traffic keep to the right so that faster traffic can pass is probably in the best interest of both safety and the mental stability of people who want to go faster.”

Rep. Richard Andrade, D-Glendale, was not convinced that spending money to erect new signs is the best way to get that message out to motorists.

He said there are other options, including ensuring that the requirement to keep right is included in driving tests.

“We could be using the money for other purposes,” like paving and repairing roads, Andrade said.

Hoping to blunt criticism, Rep. Bob Thorpe, R-Flagstaff, sponsor of the legislation, altered its language to specify that the “keep right” signs would be erected only in rural areas.

His House Bill 2301 bill would give the Arizona Department of Transportation until Sept. 1, 2021, to put up the signs.

The measure now goes to the Senate.

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 10:31 am
by EVCat
Driving slow/speed limit in the left lane, impeding passing (which implies there are people to your right that you are not moving past) creates dangerous driving in otherwise sane people, and road rage in insane people. That is where you get some jackhole going breakdown lane to pass the brick wall you have created at 75 (though a cop won't pull you over up to 80 or so), and we all die.

Thanks. You followed the law. Woo.

Just go 79, get over, and let people who want to risk the ticket do so. And are afraid of the dude in the supercharged replica muscle car with more horsepower than a NASCAR that is revving, flashing brights, and about to go over the yellow line to pass us all in the dirt.

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 8:12 am
by PieceOfMeat
Put money towards something that is actually underfunded like education? Nahhhhhhh

Waste money putting up (and maintaining) signage that just reminds people of existing laws? You betcha!

Fucking republicans

Re: Slow Drivers - Move Over

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 8:18 am
With it being said education absolutely needs to get more funding in this state

$177,000 ain't gonna do anything for education

Drive anytime between Tucson and Phoenox and Las Vegas, these signs are absolutely necessary for public safety. Incredibly scary hoe some drivers drive both speeding 40 plus over the limit and drivers going the limit or under in the passing lane for long stretches. More reminding or education is absolutely needed and needed asap