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Survival Pool

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 8:22 am
by azgreg
If anybody is interested I run a NFL survival pool every season. Here are the rules.

$10.00 to enter.
Pick the winner of 1 game each week
You can only pick a team once (example: If you pick Seattle to win in week 1 you can’t pick Seattle for the rest of the season)
More than 1 entry is allowed
If your pick loses you can buy back in for $10.00 once
If you chose not to buy back in another player can buy that pick
If more than 1 player wants to buy the pick there will be a blind draw for the pick
All picks must be in by close of business (3:00 PM) on the day of that week’s first game (usually Thursday)
Winner take all

Re: Survival Pool

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 9:24 am
by azgreg
If anybody is interested in playing I need to know by Friday.