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Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:17 pm
by catgrad97
Chicat wrote:
PHXCATS wrote:So much smoke around Miller right now
How hard is your dick?
No kidding. Even enfuego has more respect than to come in here and post something like that, which says nothing about Miller but plenty about the poster.

We can read and wait to form our own conclusions, TYVM.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:18 pm
by Captain Obvious
I've felt for a long time Miller wouldn't make it through this season without resigning or being fired. At this point it's really looking to me like Sean Miller will not be our HC in the very near future. Brace for impact.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:18 pm
by Captain Obvious
I've felt for a long time Miller wouldn't make it through this season without resigning or being fired. At this point it's really looking to me like Sean Miller will not be our HC in the very near future. Brace for impact.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:20 pm
by Longhorned
U.P. Zona Fan wrote:Could it not just be that Phelps did something wrong or that could appear wrong and the AD wants to get ahead of it to say, hey, we are trying to do the right thing, like we always do. We disciplined Phelps when there was enough evidence for us to take action, and we stood behind Miller when there was only a pile of bs.
Yes. But transparency isn't an option. The administration needs to show why a university employee was fired.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:21 pm
by U.P. Zona Fan
Good thing luke Walton is getting canned by the L.A.Bronekers. we could have his dad call all of our games!

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:23 pm
CalStateTempe wrote:Heeke is a giant pussy.
How? The NCAA is investigating and Phelps has now had to have been investigated twice when he needed to be perfect. This is a smart move in terms of handling the NCAA investigation

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:25 pm
by AZCatGirl
PHXCATS wrote:
CalStateTempe wrote:Heeke is a giant pussy.
How? The NCAA is investigating and Phelps has now had to have been investigated twice when he needed to be perfect. This is a smart move in terms of handling the NCAA investigation
Shareef didn't even come here. Why are we firing Phelps over transcripts of a student who never came here?

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:26 pm
catgrad97 wrote:
Chicat wrote:
PHXCATS wrote:So much smoke around Miller right now
How hard is your dick?
No kidding. Even enfuego has more respect than to come in here and post something like that, which says nothing about Miller but plenty about the poster.

We can read and wait to form our own conclusions, TYVM.
Miller hired three assistants who are in hot water, and is the HC of a program being investigated by the NCAA,how is there not smoke around him?

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:26 pm
by Spaceman Spiff
PHXCATS wrote:
CalStateTempe wrote:Heeke is a giant pussy.
How? The NCAA is investigating and Phelps has now had to have been investigated twice when he needed to be perfect. This is a smart move in terms of handling the NCAA investigation
You don't even know what he is accused of doing, let alone whether he did it.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:27 pm
by DrWildcat
Wouldn't make any sense to get rid of Miller now. If it happens, everyone in the athletic department needs to be fired.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:28 pm
by CalStateTempe
Pope machina speaks ex cathedra.

Just a general sense heeke gives off.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:29 pm
AZCatGirl wrote:
PHXCATS wrote:
CalStateTempe wrote:Heeke is a giant pussy.
How? The NCAA is investigating and Phelps has now had to have been investigated twice when he needed to be perfect. This is a smart move in terms of handling the NCAA investigation
Shareef didn't even come here. Why are we firing Phelps over transcripts of a student who never came here?
That does not matter at all. Why was he being investigated then? He obviously did something not correct or there would be no investigation and he needed to be perfect when the FBI investigation started and when he fucked up with Pinder. No excuses. Firing 100% the right thing to do right now

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:29 pm
by CalStateTempe
Preach good doctor.

If miller goes I want a fucking house cleaning.

Thanks Greg Byrne. All we got out of your slampigging our program was a giant fucking screen.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:32 pm
by Spaceman Spiff
PHXCATS wrote:
AZCatGirl wrote:
PHXCATS wrote:
CalStateTempe wrote:Heeke is a giant pussy.
How? The NCAA is investigating and Phelps has now had to have been investigated twice when he needed to be perfect. This is a smart move in terms of handling the NCAA investigation
Shareef didn't even come here. Why are we firing Phelps over transcripts of a student who never came here?
That does not matter at all. Why was he being investigated then? He obviously did something not correct or there would be no investigation and he needed to be perfect when the FBI investigation started and when he fucked up with Pinder. No excuses. Firing 100% the right thing to do right now
"Why was he being investigated then? He obviously did something not correct or there would be no investigation"

You don't know what he was being investigated for.

If the existence of an investigation is the standard for it happened, you'd better hope the board doesn't investigate you for being a sex predator or you'll have to take a hard look in the mirror.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:33 pm
by Longhorned
PHXCATS wrote:
AZCatGirl wrote:
PHXCATS wrote:
CalStateTempe wrote:Heeke is a giant pussy.
How? The NCAA is investigating and Phelps has now had to have been investigated twice when he needed to be perfect. This is a smart move in terms of handling the NCAA investigation
Shareef didn't even come here. Why are we firing Phelps over transcripts of a student who never came here?
That does not matter at all. Why was he being investigated then? He obviously did something not correct or there would be no investigation and he needed to be perfect when the FBI investigation started and when he fucked up with Pinder. No excuses. Firing 100% the right thing to do right now

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:33 pm
by azcat34

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:37 pm
by AZCatGirl
Feels like we should be asking how long until Miller is fire or placed on leave or whatever they want to call it.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:41 pm
by CalStateTempe
Unc fake classes good

UofA fake classes = end of a program.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:41 pm
by CalStateTempe
If this shit goes down as I fear I am DONE with college sports until players at unionized and paid and all this shit is transparent.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:45 pm
by CalStateTempe
Miller gonna walk because heeke is a milquetoast midmajor AD out of his league.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:46 pm
by catgrad97
If this move is anything like what public school administrators do to coaches, this is a move to avoid the school being liable in a lawsuit.

Not from Miller. From a parent.
PHXCATS wrote:
AZCatGirl wrote:
PHXCATS wrote:
CalStateTempe wrote:Heeke is a giant pussy.
How? The NCAA is investigating and Phelps has now had to have been investigated twice when he needed to be perfect. This is a smart move in terms of handling the NCAA investigation
Shareef didn't even come here. Why are we firing Phelps over transcripts of a student who never came here?
That does not matter at all. Why was he being investigated then? He obviously did something not correct or there would be no investigation and he needed to be perfect when the FBI investigation started and when he fucked up with Pinder. No excuses. Firing 100% the right thing to do right now
Circular logic. Still a logical fallacy. That is to say, not a valid argument.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:48 pm
by CalStateTempe
CG. You’re a smart guy and have seen the inner workings of an AD what is your take?

Power play between heeke and miller?

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:52 pm
by AZCatGirl
I wonder if they'll even let Miller coach tomorrow.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:52 pm
by Longhorned
CalStateTempe wrote:Unc fake classes good

UofA fake classes = end of a program.
It was a high school recruit. Why do we think the online course was a U of A course?

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:56 pm
by CalStateTempe
I dont...I just think it sucks that unc got of Scott free

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 8:59 pm
by Captain Obvious
AZCatGirl wrote:I wonder if they'll even let Miller coach tomorrow.
I'm wondering the same thing. Who would be our coach? Unreal.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 9:09 pm
by OSUCat
Bah. I’m done with Arizona basketball until a new coach is hired. Not worth the time.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 9:10 pm
by catgrad97
CalStateTempe wrote:CG. You’re a smart guy and have seen the inner workings of an AD what is your take?

Power play between heeke and miller?
I haven't worked in a major college AD since the salad days of Sunny Jim. I was deluded by its mid-90s success into a higher estimation of Livengood's competence than subsequent results proved.

So I don't want to draw too many conclusions from a distance. This is a different century with far different administrative priorities.

I will say that if his tweets and handling of the football coaching transition were any indicators, Heeke's too obtuse to play power games at this level. He may just be tired of the power struggles between Miller and Larry Scott and want someone more, shall we say, subordinate to coach.

Again, just using public school admins and the patterns of their approach to personnel as a model. Hopefully this is just a bad dream we all can wake up from soon.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 9:18 pm
by CalStateTempe
Thanks man enjoy your take from the public school perspective

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 9:19 pm
by Olsondogg
Heeke about to burn down his one huge money maker cause he’s scared. He gets to be a mid major AD again after all. SMH.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 9:21 pm
by Longhorned
Olsondogg wrote:Heeke about to burn down his one huge money maker cause he’s scared. He gets to be a mid major AD again after all. SMH.
Heeke can't burn down Arizona basketball without university support.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 9:24 pm
by Olsondogg
He’s off to a fantastic start

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 9:24 pm
by CalStateTempe
Olsondogg wrote:Heeke about to burn down his one huge money maker cause he’s scared. He gets to be a mid major AD again after all. SMH.
Wtf is that cuckold scared of? I just don’t get any of this right now.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 9:26 pm
by whatisee
Phelps has been fired

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 9:27 pm
by U.P. Zona Fan
Maybe heeke is really working for Larry Scott!!! Did I just blow your minds?

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 9:28 pm
by CalStateTempe
Mind blown. Lol

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 9:29 pm
by CalStateTempe
I bet heeke didn’t even have the balls to tell Miller, I bet this was done with miller finding out about it like the rest of us.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 9:32 pm
by Olsondogg
Heeke wants his own guy, whomever that is. He wants a clean start and wants a way to fire Miller or get him to go.

Robbins should decide who’s more valuable to Arizona. Heeke or Miller.

My 2 cents...

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 9:39 pm
by CalStateTempe
I hope the hell the boosters are lighting up Robbins tonight and letting him know who is more valuable to the university

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 9:40 pm
by CatFanOneMil
I'm going to take a view from the cheap seats and say this is going to be a bad decision on Heekes part, but in the long run it will only hurt us a little be completely fair...we have to look at it from realities perch:

Phelps apparently did something wrong...this is not the first time and this was during a time when he should have been crossing all the T's and dotting all the I's with a precision known only to ancient Jewish scribes...and he failed here... this is on Phelps and Phelps alone.

Heekes is an idiot...but I doubt if the attributes assigned to him of malignant AD egophrenia are all that accurate...he's just used to doing things his own way.

Miller is compliant here...Phelps fucked up...that is all.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 9:43 pm
by Olsondogg
Two things. If Phelps fucked up, why did the ncaa do nothing? Arizona fired him before the ncaa even determined what, if anything, was done wrong by Phelps.

Two. How did Shareef get accepted to UCLA if there was a transcript prob at Arizona?

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 10:00 pm
by Longhorned
Arizona can't fire an employee without having a concrete reason. Despite what anyone is saying and feeling, there are scenarios where Arizona could have a concrete reason before an NCAA investigation completes. If administrators are conspiring to fire Phelps without a concrete reason, and as a pretext for firing someone else, then those admins are dead in the water. The idea that administrators are conspiring to fire Sean Miller because of fear about a Yahoo article, which was a pretty bad article by any standard, doesn't ring true. Especially after standing by Miller after the Schlabach article. Inside and outside Arizona basketball, something about these speculations and reactions isn't adding up.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 10:01 pm
by CatFanOneMil
Olsondogg wrote:Two things. If Phelps fucked up, why did the ncaa do nothing? Arizona fired him before the ncaa even determined what, if anything, was done wrong by Phelps.

Two. How did Shareef get accepted to UCLA if there was a transcript prob at Arizona?
If Phelps fucked up it starts with our own internal investigation...thats the NCAA rules ALL NCAA investigations are cooperation events per their guidelines...

It could be that the NCAA noticed something fishy about Shareefs transfer at UCLA and as far as I can tell his not playing is due to him NOT being eligible (which was initially masked by a heart surgery and a lot of Media "Feel sorry for Shaq" bullshit)...

Since he was no longer going to be here Phelps may have buried whatever bullshit eligibility online program he was going to use...

But if the NCAA or even our own internal investigation brought it to light I can pretty surely promise you that if Miller is honest he would be the first in line to agree that any and all violations are reason for termination post haste...hence Heekes fucking trigger finger.

Why did it come out now? Who fucking knows, but it is clear LOTS of media folks have a hard dick to see Az and Miller go down...Goodman and Shclabadick being prime examples because they suck Dick Vitales shrivelled appendage like any rate ANYONE associated with Az BB should have known that every fucking detail about their life and recruitment would be under the microscope like Darwin looking for proof of fruit fly mutations...all it takes is one mutation and the argument is made (As Dick-Fucking-Die-Already-Vitale-Duke-Jerk has posted)...

For the record Shareef has not played one game of college basketball...that rich private education on the basketball courts does not a freshman much as we like to think these guys get a free pass they do not as of yet.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 10:03 pm
by dmjcat
Do we actually know that Phelps has been fired??? as opposed to just being placed on paid leave??

Has the athletic dept. actually issued a PR??

Personally, I believe about 1% of what I read on the internet.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 10:06 pm
by Longhorned
dmjcat wrote:Do we actually know that Phelps has been fired??? as opposed to just being placed on paid leave??

Has the athletic dept. actually issued a PR??

Personally, I believe about 1% of what I read on the internet.
He hasn't been fired. He's in the process of being fired, and administrative leave is part of that process.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 10:06 pm
by catgrad97
Longhorned wrote:Arizona can't fire an employee without having a concrete reason. Despite what anyone is saying and feeling, there are scenarios where Arizona could have a concrete reason before an NCAA investigation completes. If administrators are conspiring to fire Phelps without a concrete reason, and as a pretext for firing someone else, then those admins are dead in the water. The idea that administrators are conspiring to fire Sean Miller because of fear about a Yahoo article, which was a pretty bad article by any standard, doesn't ring true. Especially after standing by Miller after the Schlabach article. Inside and outside Arizona basketball, something about these speculations and reactions isn't adding up.
I'd agree with you LH, except for the RichRod precedent. There was plenty of reason to let him go without the sexual harassment pretext, which in retrospect seems to be estimated by most people as overblown--and possibly cooked up.

This is the age of Trump and Twitter. There doesn't have to be a concrete reason to fire anybody an admin doesn't want to keep on. That much I have come to understand.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 10:13 pm
by Olsondogg
Longhorned wrote:Arizona can't fire an employee without having a concrete reason. Despite what anyone is saying and feeling, there are scenarios where Arizona could have a concrete reason before an NCAA investigation completes. If administrators are conspiring to fire Phelps without a concrete reason, and as a pretext for firing someone else, then those admins are dead in the water. The idea that administrators are conspiring to fire Sean Miller because of fear about a Yahoo article, which was a pretty bad article by any standard, doesn't ring true. Especially after standing by Miller after the Schlabach article. Inside and outside Arizona basketball, something about these speculations and reactions isn't adding up.

Building a case to fire with cause.

For Phelps, it could easily be some minor infraction that was the final straw after the Pinder incident.

For Miller is the ol “lack of institutional control” and self sanctioned bullshit.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 10:29 pm
by dovecanyoncat
I don't want to hear what Heeke has to say about what "Miller fully supports..." Until Miller makes a statement about the suspension/firing and his level of support within the administration I'm gonna put a tourniquet around my prolapsed sphincter and return to my original level of misery.

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 10:33 pm
by CalStateTempe

Re: Sean Miller

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 10:53 pm
by RiseAndFire
Two crooked assistants (one arrested by FBI), wiretaps, Ncaa bans incoming, a HC who will possibly be subpoenaed in federal court in April, $1M wasted on legal, and now a THIRD assistant caught now for the second time himself??

i can’t believe there are still ppl defending this bum tonight!

(not to mention the garbage system of his that has resulted in the most offensively inept teams which have overachieved just ONE time in a decade of lottery picks