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Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:14 am
by catgrad97
There would be a catch. There is ALWAYS a catch.

There is a core you have, Chi, that the competition would find a way to sell out. You may not think of yourself as George Bailey, exactly, but you couldn't turn your back on what your family loves about you for any contract Mr. Potter offered you, regardless of how fat or new.

So I'm not sure what any Division I school could offer Rich Rodriguez that Arizona already hasn't.

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:23 am
by Chicat
catgrad97 wrote:So I'm not sure what any Division I school could offer Rich Rodriguez that Arizona already hasn't.
Well, in the SEC you get ranked in the Top-15 pre-season just for successfully putting your pants on in the morning without catching your dick in your zipper. So there's that...

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:38 am
by Harvey Specter
Chicat wrote:
catgrad97 wrote:So I'm not sure what any Division I school could offer Rich Rodriguez that Arizona already hasn't.
Well, in the SEC you get ranked in the Top-15 pre-season just for successfully putting your pants on in the morning without catching your dick in your zipper. So there's that...
That happened in the PAC this past year to a number of schools, including both those in Arizona.

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:39 am
by Spaceman Spiff
Chicat wrote:
catgrad97 wrote:So I'm not sure what any Division I school could offer Rich Rodriguez that Arizona already hasn't.
Well, in the SEC you get ranked in the Top-15 pre-season just for successfully putting your pants on in the morning without catching your dick in your zipper. So there's that...
SC is in the middle of a lot of talented recruits. Just look at how much talent Clemson has pulled. We can't compete there.

Of course, the caveat is that there are a ton of programs right there fighting with you for that talent. Pre-Spurrier, SC was terrible. Arizona might actually have a better football tradition. Really, they exceed us in fertile recruiting grounds and that's it.

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:45 am
by catgrad97
By that reckoning, it would actually be more difficult for Rich Rodriguez to recruit at South Carolina, at least with the staff he has right now.

You know, the coaches who can "opt out" of selling University of Arizona football to recruits--a fundamental part of their job--if they so desire.

Recruits aren't going to just start gravitating to Columbia in the post-Spurrier era unless the South Carolina new head coach is aggressive and willing to fight for the best. Clearly, not what we have coaching this program.

All the Feldman tweet told me is that CBS has skin in this game as at least a fallback for RichRod.

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:47 am
by NYCat
Looks like Muschamp will get the job ... a-41712541" target="_blank.

Frank Martin & Muschamp at USCe will be interesting.

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:54 am
by Harvey Specter
Chicat wrote:
Harvey Specter wrote:So why did RR make SC an offer they could not accept? Was Scheer completely wrong on that one?
I'm just spitballing, but it wouldn't be the first time someone threw out a crazy number in a negotiation that was then actually considered. RR obviously isn't so in love with Tucson that making significantly more money wouldn't sway him to look at a situation that has a lot of the things he's looking for in a job and that UA can't offer.

I always talk about how I could never work for our main competitor. Their product and office culture sucks. But if they wanted to double my current salary, let me work from home, give me six weeks vacation, and a company luxury car? Well hello there company I've always claimed to loathe... I'm your man!
I hear you and can relate... If I was deep in 7 figures annually I'd feel differently. When you have more than enough cash, factors other than a few extra bucks (that will not change my quality of life or my family's security) matter a whole lot more. But that's me...

Regardless which is it? A) this really isn't about the money at all but getting closer to home & familiar territory -or- B) It's all about the possibility of making some serious jing that (if offered) he could not pass up.... Because it seems like you are making 2 arguments simultaneously that are completely at odds with one another.

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:00 pm
by gronk4heisman
NYCat wrote:Looks like Muschamp will get the job ... a-41712541" target="_blank.

Frank Martin & Muschamp at USCe will be interesting.

Apparently Muschamp has already offered an assistant job at SC to Marcus Lattimore. It appears that all that will come from this whole fiasco is Rich Rod has turned a large mass of the fans against him. Sounds familiar. A few months ago I could not imagine ever wanting Rich Rod gone, at this point I would be fine if Byrne fired him. It's not a good look having a coach who appears to always be looking for his next gig and mum about the whole thing. I thought that was going to be an ASU issue, not us.

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:27 pm
by azpenguin
I'm curious how people think RR has handled this badly. Just because he didn't come out and shut it down doesn't mean he's handling things in a bad fashion. He's not setting the timetable on other schools' job search, and he's got a right to listen to what they have to say. At least he hasn't come out and said "oh, I'm not going anywhere" before taking these calls.

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:27 pm
by Chicat
Harvey, I'm not sure how making more money is at odds with being closer to home. If SC offers both, isn't that a win-win?

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:28 pm
by Harvey Specter
gronk4heisman wrote:
NYCat wrote:Looks like Muschamp will get the job ... a-41712541" target="_blank.

Frank Martin & Muschamp at USCe will be interesting.

Apparently Muschamp has already offered an assistant job at SC to Marcus Lattimore. It appears that all that will come from this whole fiasco is Rich Rod has turned a large mass of the fans against him. Sounds familiar. A few months ago I could not imagine ever wanting Rich Rod gone, at this point I would be fine if Byrne fired him. It's not a good look having a coach who appears to always be looking for his next gig and mum about the whole thing. I thought that was going to be an ASU issue, not us.
The next time he talks about players needing to be "all in" or committed recruits taking visits being "interested not committed" I hope some reporter has the chutzpah to call him out on his phony double standards. Enough with the cutesy cliches like "all-in", "interested not committed", and "OKG" ... Go get a job as VP Marketing somewhere if he does not want to be our FB coach.

IF this news is true, then it speaks volumes. I am sure that money was a factor, but regardless - it would mean SC wanted WILL MUSCHAMP more. Think about that Coach... Hopefully it broadens the size of that chip on his shoulder and he comes back as determined as ever - because his coaching rep is clearly not rehabilitated yet.

He will have burned a lot of political capital in this process among die-hard UA fans. Win big next season and all will be forgotten...but if not, I do not expect so many to give him the benefit of the doubt at every turn like they have these past 4 years.

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:29 pm
by Harvey Specter
Chicat wrote:Harvey, I'm not sure how making more money is at odds with being closer to home. If SC offers both, isn't that a win-win?
Come on, Chi - you're a smart guy. Your first post implied this was not about money - and your next one completely contradicted it.

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:36 pm
by ChooChooCat
Harvey Specter wrote:
He will have burned a lot of political capital in this process among die-hard UA fans. Win big next season and all will be forgotten...but if not, I do not expect so many to give him the benefit of the doubt at every turn like they have these past 4 years.
If RR wins then the political capital will return. If he loses then yes it'll never come back. Winning fixes every thing, just ask Sean Miller.

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:38 pm
by Chicat
Harvey Specter wrote:
Chicat wrote:Harvey, I'm not sure how making more money is at odds with being closer to home. If SC offers both, isn't that a win-win?
Come on, Chi - you're a smart guy. Your first post implied this was not about money - and your next one completely contradicted it.
I'm not a mind-reader Harv. I can only wildly speculate like everyone else.

I'm sure though that RR is looking for the same things all of us are; security, happiness, wealth, family, etc. Not sure how more money and being close to home counters that.

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:42 pm
by Harvey Specter
ChooChooCat wrote:
Harvey Specter wrote:
He will have burned a lot of political capital in this process among die-hard UA fans. Win big next season and all will be forgotten...but if not, I do not expect so many to give him the benefit of the doubt at every turn like they have these past 4 years.
If RR wins then the political capital will return. If he loses then yes it'll never come back. Winning fixes every thing, just ask Sean Miller.
I hope he wins big... Because with his big fat retention bonus & buyout, we're going to keep him whether we want to or not. He can leave any time he wants, assuming of course he can find another mid-level BCS program whose alumni and fans would actually have him. Early returns not looking good...

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:48 pm
by Harvey Specter
Chicat wrote:
Harvey Specter wrote:
Chicat wrote:Harvey, I'm not sure how making more money is at odds with being closer to home. If SC offers both, isn't that a win-win?
Come on, Chi - you're a smart guy. Your first post implied this was not about money - and your next one completely contradicted it.
I'm not a mind-reader Harv. I can only wildly speculate like everyone else.

I'm sure though that RR is looking for the same things all of us are; security, happiness, wealth, family, etc. Not sure how more money and being close to home counters that.
I don't disagree with any of that... and I think he has made/ makes a number of pandering comments that are pure horseshit and Graham-esque. He's been around the block enough to know what he is doing.

I speculate that money is a big part of it - you seem to now agree. I don't think he really wants to be here, and he is looking to cash in big on his way out. His prerogative.

If being closer to home and family & being happy we're his true objectives - then he would not be demanding an exorbitant raise to make the move. Maybe you don't see the ambiguity there, but it appears pretty clear from my perspective.

He'd be taking over a program with more talent in it than we have, thanks to the previous staff's superior recruiting.

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:53 pm
by RazorsEdgeAZ
Winning heals lots of scars. RR has a career. So does Byrne. Sure, RR wanting to explore options perfectly fine. There is the dynamic that he has emphasized in getting recruits to be committed if you verbal seems to be different standard. But that's the NCAA, the business aspect of it. It is a business. OKG is only OKG for time being. It's not forever.

Reason why many HC's are under a contract and have buyout clauses. It's a business. Free will.

But doesn't mean it dampens the RR - Byrne relationship a bit. Or RR- Fans a bit. Even if just temporary. The relationship between Byrne and CSM is a positive. Maybe an advantage. Same with RR and Byrne. But it's a business.

Dynamics change, even if temporary. It's OK fans frosty with RR awhile IF he doesn't go to So.Car. I'm sure Byrne and RR will be cordial, but I'm even sure the dynamics of their relationship changes a bit privately. Even if temporary.

Winning cures many things. Losing under this situation IF RR still at AZ also shortens the leash and patience with fans with this episode in their heads.

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:54 pm
by Chicat
Harv, what we don't know is whether his money demand came before or after he didn't get an offer from VT. If he thought he was getting the VT job when SC came calling, his money demands might have been a polite but unsubtle way of saying "no interest".

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 1:07 pm
by dc4azcats
Chicat wrote:
Harvey Specter wrote:
Chicat wrote:ChiefSchadenfreude, ladies and gentlemen.
Well given the amount of shit that posters have gotten (from the slurpers) for questioning and challenging RR on a number of fronts, he'll deserve to gloat a little bit if RR bolts.

I am still hoping chief does not get that opportunity... But the degree to which I rue the thought of RR leaving is dropping by the minute.

PS - Whose misfortune is chief celebrating? Certainly not RR whose already rich and going to get richer, no matter how this ends.
Some people only show up when things are looking bleak or after losses. They seem to take special pleasure when things have gone wrong for the program and its fans. I have no issues with criticism of RR. He certainly deserves his fair share. No coach or leader is infallible. But to act like fans are dumb for wanting RR to succeed and for the team to do well, and that's your only schtick, is not something that sits well with me. Never will.
Well said and spot on.

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 1:14 pm
by dc4azcats
Harvey Specter wrote:
Chicat wrote:
ChooChooCat wrote:
RazorsEdgeAZ wrote:
chiefzona wrote:He's losing recruits. He has to make a decision quickly.
Can make a case he has already. Not to publicly knock down the report. That's a decision (so far) that he wants to pursue other job. If it was false or something he didn't want to check out, he could knock it down. I'm sure he knows about it. Staying quiet (as we know) is a decision.

Or he's made a decision to leverage Byrne for more OR he's made the decision to go through the process and have the decision made for him by not getting an offer etc. But this decision takes time to play out.

Lots of decisions to make in this process. So far, he seems to already made some...
This shit screams of Rich Rod's agent trying to leverage Byrne. Good luck with that.

Maybe it helps push the timeline on an indoor facility....maybe?
I honestly don't see this as a push for more money, mainly because there isn't significantly more being offered by South Carolina and there isn't much room in that regard at UA. So if it is a shakedown, it was poorly thought out and won't be very successful.

I think RR has a genuine interest in getting back to the east coast. Not only for personal reasons but also to alleviate many of the issues he's complained about as far as recruiting, long distance road trips, and stupid start times.

As far as Feldman's tweet, he worked with RR at CBS. So I would guess that's where the interview info came from.
So why did RR make SC an offer they could not accept? Was Scheer completely wrong on that one?
I don't think Scheer is wrong. RR isn't stupid, he knows that even if he has a really good team he's 4th at best in the SEC. His window of opportunity is closing and so why not swing for the fences? Which one of us in a similar situation wouldn't do the same thing? My only question is whether or not RR would say "it was all about the money" as to why he left Arizona. I don't think he's going btw as it's Muschamps job to lose at this point. I don't think at this point he even interviews for the job.

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 1:18 pm
by Chicat
An email regarding RR's media availability next week on campus went out today.

Doesn't sound like a guy with both feet out the door.

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 1:25 pm
by CalStateTempe
Chicat wrote:An email regarding RR's media availability next week on campus went out today.

Doesn't sound like a guy with both feet out the door.
Media availability for staying or going? When do we find out what bowl we are playing in?

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 1:45 pm
by gronk4heisman
Chicat wrote:An email regarding RR's media availability next week on campus went out today.

Doesn't sound like a guy with both feet out the door.
I am not sure how this shows anything one way or another. Media availability is part of RRod's job requirements, which until he no longer is employed here he must follow.

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 1:59 pm
by RazorsEdgeAZ
Chicat wrote:An email regarding RR's media availability next week on campus went out today.

Doesn't sound like a guy with both feet out the door.

Availability is about bowl game. Standard schedule. Bowl game goes on. Bowl practice begins next week as well. Believe Bowl Selection show that same morning. Guessing Byrne will know bowl location Saturday night or Sunday morning

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:06 pm
by Chicat
Yeah, I guess it'd be far weirder if it wasn't announced.

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:46 pm
by threenumberones
Chicat wrote:ChiefSchadenfreude, ladies and gentlemen.
Funny well done. And thank you for not quoting.

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:47 pm
by Harvey Specter
dc4azcats wrote:
Harvey Specter wrote:
Chicat wrote:
ChooChooCat wrote:
RazorsEdgeAZ wrote:
Can make a case he has already. Not to publicly knock down the report. That's a decision (so far) that he wants to pursue other job. If it was false or something he didn't want to check out, he could knock it down. I'm sure he knows about it. Staying quiet (as we know) is a decision.

Or he's made a decision to leverage Byrne for more OR he's made the decision to go through the process and have the decision made for him by not getting an offer etc. But this decision takes time to play out.

Lots of decisions to make in this process. So far, he seems to already made some...
This shit screams of Rich Rod's agent trying to leverage Byrne. Good luck with that.

Maybe it helps push the timeline on an indoor facility....maybe?
I honestly don't see this as a push for more money, mainly because there isn't significantly more being offered by South Carolina and there isn't much room in that regard at UA. So if it is a shakedown, it was poorly thought out and won't be very successful.

I think RR has a genuine interest in getting back to the east coast. Not only for personal reasons but also to alleviate many of the issues he's complained about as far as recruiting, long distance road trips, and stupid start times.

As far as Feldman's tweet, he worked with RR at CBS. So I would guess that's where the interview info came from.
So why did RR make SC an offer they could not accept? Was Scheer completely wrong on that one?
I don't think Scheer is wrong. RR isn't stupid, he knows that even if he has a really good team he's 4th at best in the SEC. His window of opportunity is closing and so why not swing for the fences? Which one of us in a similar situation wouldn't do the same thing? My only question is whether or not RR would say "it was all about the money" as to why he left Arizona. I don't think he's going btw as it's Muschamps job to lose at this point. I don't think at this point he even interviews for the job.
That part in bold speaks volumes about how the rest of the country views RR's stock as a head coach.

So he is committed here until a better offer comes along... Looks like he might be here a really, really long time. That's fine... So long as this year proves to have been a minor setback and not a program trend. My support of him as coach will trend with the program's progress... From year 5 & beyond, I think we can leave all the explanations/ excuses in the rear view mirror. Tough to blame anything from this point forward on Stoops.

You have been loyal to him all along, and continue to be - my loyalty is conditional. Although I suspect even you would likely admit that his "desire to retire here" was nothing more than a gratuitous sound byte of him "telling the fans what they wanted to here".

Maybe thanks to Will Muschamp's attractiveness as a HC, Rhett will get to graduate with his HS buddies.

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:04 pm
by the real dill

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:13 pm
by Chicat
the real dill wrote:
So Pete thinks RR is in South Carolina today?

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:24 pm
by OSUCat
Card Board cut out in RR Arizona office?

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:31 pm
by Chicat
Scheer might as well get comfy in the bushes right outside Tucson International with his phone ready to shoot video...

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:45 pm
by azpenguin
The more names keep popping up for interviews, the more I think they've got something working that no one sees coming.

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:48 pm
by chiefzona
Chicat wrote:Scheer might as well get comfy in the bushes right outside Tucson International with his phone ready to shoot video...

Haha. He's got a cam set up in RR's office and GPS on his car.

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 4:26 pm
by Spaceman Spiff
azpenguin wrote:The more names keep popping up for interviews, the more I think they've got something working that no one sees coming.
Todd Graham lock.

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:07 pm
by gumby
Chicat wrote:Scheer might as well get comfy in the bushes right outside Tucson International with his phone ready to shoot video...
We''re getting Tim Floyd? Noooooooooooooooooo!

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:11 pm
by 84Cat
Who has the flight tracker set up?

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:17 pm
by UAEebs86

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:17 pm
by chiefzona
Rich Rod has concluded his interview with South Carolina.

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:21 pm
by UAEebs86
84Cat wrote:Who has the flight tracker set up?

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:23 pm
by RazorsEdgeAZ
Well that's courageous. Confirmed something a national writer wrote couple hours ago. Well, let's go with this then
Hopefully, this pans out

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:33 pm
by CalStateTempe
Look at scheers timestamps.

He interviewed.

Hit the road RR.

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:36 pm
by chiefzona
He definitely interviewed. The problem is that he told the team that he wouldn't interview until after the bowl game. The team is allegedly pissed. He needs to go.

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:43 pm
by RazorsEdgeAZ
I'm clear he interviewed. Fine. Doesn't need to go as he may not get the offer. We still need a coach. I HOPE he gets the offer now and goes.

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:44 pm
by TyrantCat
RichRod who? It may be too soon, but if he interviewed...then yeah. Hit the road.

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:45 pm
by chiefzona
RazorsEdgeAZ wrote:I'm clear he interviewed. Fine. Doesn't need to go as he may not get the offer. We still need a coach. I HOPE he gets the offer now and goes.

I agree wholeheartedly.

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:52 pm
by tgrumpy2
I simply don't know what to believe. I'll tell you its certainly been entertaining. The first rumors regarding Virginia Tech and Miami seemed well, speculative to say the least. But now, the rumor has been confirmed, Jason Scheer said so. Rich Rod is interviewing for the SC job. Then someone named Pete said Rich Rod and two others interviewed today. Phone interview, face to face interviews, what was it? I have trouble believing a school would fly in three candidates for a high paying high profile job on the same day, but maybe so. Maybe Jason dates Rich Rod's secretary. I enjoy reading all of you sports writers. I don't consider you gurus worthy of worship but you do entertain. As far as these Rich Rod is leaving rumors, I'm beginning to trust you about as much as I trust Mexican tap water. I will say this in your defense, at some point Richard dear Richard is going to have to stand up and tell everyone he's going or staying.

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:56 pm
by Harvey Specter
CalStateTempe wrote:Look at scheers timestamps.

He interviewed.

Hit the road RR.
At lunchtime, Scheer (over)confident that Rich Rod would not be interviewing unless he was sure to get the job, and it wasn't happening today... And before dinner he reverses course to confirm what actual journalists were reporting earlier. :lol:

Yeah... his inside sources are solid.

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:57 pm
by chiefzona
Harvey Specter wrote:
CalStateTempe wrote:Look at scheers timestamps.

He interviewed.

Hit the road RR.
At lunchtime, Scheer (over)confident that Rich Rod would not be interviewing unless he was sure to get the job, and it wasn't happening today... And before dinner he reverses course to confirm what actual journalists were reporting earlier. :lol:

Yeah... his inside sources are solid.


Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 6:01 pm
by Harvey Specter
chiefzona wrote:He definitely interviewed. The problem is that he told the team that he wouldn't interview until after the bowl game.The team is allegedly pissed. He needs to go.
If that's true, that's a big hit to his moral authority with the people under his leadership. It would suggest he has a tendency to make promises he can't (or doesn't intend to) keep.

Cueing in the responses that the team should never have taken that promise seriously in 3... 2... 1...

Re: Coach Rod

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 6:03 pm
by CalStateTempe
Remember, RR had never visited Tucson prior to showing up for the pressor in which he famously proclaimed that that he'd retire in Tucson.

He doesn't need to fly to Columbia to know what he's getting into.
