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Re: Politics

Post by JMarkJohns »

Can someone tell me what the fuck is going on...

I've heard from Chi. And for a while, at least, it's the last we'll hear from Justin, so, please, someone tell me how and what and maybe even why.
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Re: Politics

Post by baconus66 »

Well this escalated quickly

This is why everyone should do debate or mock trial in High School, it teaches you to have an argument with someone without thinking less of them or thinking they think less of you.
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Re: Politics

Post by CalStateTempe »

We collectively failed at the adage of disagreeing without being disagreeable. I can admit that during the election season, on the politics board, I am complicit in this. I needed a few weeks off and been better since. But I readily admit that I have posted some real stupid stuff on here.

Starting the politics board during the election and has now taken over the upper boards.

The mods have done a heroic jobs trying to keep it all together, but they can only do so much.
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Re: Politics

Post by Bangkok Wildcat »

CalStateTempe wrote: .....The mods have done a heroic jobs trying to keep it all together, but they can only do so much.
Well-said CST and I don't think we give them enough credit or kudos for their hard, and many times, thankless work!
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Re: Politics

Post by HiCat »

Please stick around Chi. I don't think the intent here was to attack you personally. (at least as I see it) The collective/board can work this out. For the most part, I'm seeing a serious discussion over a great community sports board on an issue that affects the quality of sports posts that we are all interested in as Wildcat fans. If we can come to and agreement here, we should be okay. (if not, who knows) 8-)
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Re: Politics

Post by HiCat »

JMarkJohns wrote:One quick comment is a post on a topic similar to Kerr or RHJ or now Stanley's comments could be posted and then a hyperlink to a politics forum thread on the topic be added...

Not sure this helps.

But we, unlike Scout, do have the luxury of a diversity of forums on a wide range of topics.

While I understand posting in the RHJ thread in the Baskrtball forum, to both acknowledge his opinion, and his mind to construct the opinion, given political topics are never going to just simply be a resting post, but an active post where those in disagreement comment and thus poster in agreement comment and then arguments on non-basketball topics have a life of their own in a forum outside their sphere.

A hyperlink to further discussion may provide a quick fix for debate.

But until humanity is either dead or brainwashed, politics will be combative, no matter how civil it is kept, it's a runaway semitruck. There's no controlling it. Just hopes it doesn't go downhill too quickly.

When that takes place in a non-politics forum, that's a problem.

I'd like to get a summary on why LH is calling for Chi to step aside and why Chi is obliging. Thanks.

Read the LH post before Chi's "I'm out" post.

As a community sports board we need to fix this now. Thoughts?
Chi's basically saying he's done. Come on guys. Wtf. :x
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Re: Politics

Post by pokinmik »

Certain fans get their asses chapped because wildcats they love, including Steve motherfucking Kerrrr, are leading the charge against Trump and his fascist advisers Bannon and Miller.

RHJ stating his opinion on being a Muslim in Trump's America? I don't think we should limit that to the political board. He's a guy we love and he's expressing his feelings and it should remain in his thread.

The RHJ post for instance...I can't even imagine what was deleted. What else is there to say, as a level-headed American and Cat fan, other than "good for him for speaking out"? If there's anything more than that you are either a right-wing freak and/or you don't really love or respect RHJ as a human and American - you'd rather he stick to making lemonade under the basket and posterizing 7 footers.

If you don't want to get political in an RHJ thread when RHJ himself does or says something political, don't be a snowflake - skim the fucking thing or skip the thread for awhile, it's not hard.
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Re: Politics

Post by Dosia »

Rondae made a comment so it is fair game to discuss it in his thread. Political or not. Jesus Christ some people have some thin ass skin. Waaahhhh I have to read about some politics on a sports forum. Dont click the damn thread if its that big of a deal.
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Re: Politics

Post by ANGCatFan »

Has anything been deleted? I've seen that accusation in a couple of posts, but I don't believe anything has been actually deleted.

IMNSHO, Chi has done an exceptional job of moderating, asking, and then insisting that political points stay on the political boards and off the sports threads. He did this not based on his own beliefs, but after multiple posters complained and began arguing about what is and isn't a political post on the sports threads. Eventually, Chi was forced to start moving political posts from the upper boards to the political section. Chi should have never been put in that position and he certainly shouldn't be castigated by other posters for doing his job fairly while also giving a clear explanation why it had to be done.

I've wondered in the past if Chi should be a moderator because he is such a frequent and passionate poster, but he has consistently been a fair and very responsive moderator and has continually earned the trust of this board. If Chi steps away as either a moderator or a poster this community will be diminished and more chaotic.

Sad, that his all has to occur with basketball back in the top 5, baseball and softball seasons starting, and on national signing day (a high holy day of college football). If we want to grow as an online community this is when we need to be active and inviting for new members not squabbling like a group of junior high girls.
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Re: Politics

Post by Spaceman Spiff »

baconus66 wrote:Maybe as a compromise instead of
Longhorned wrote:Rondae's thoughts on the Muslim travel ban can be found here: http://www.beardownwildcats.com/viewtop ... 41#p236141" target="_blank

Have something like
Longhorned wrote:Rondae's thoughts on the Muslim travel ban are:
“We try to teach people not to point the finger, blame a whole [group]. You can’t judge a whole group by one’s actions at the end of the day. And I feel like that’s not right. That’s definitely not right,’’ Hollis-Jefferson said Saturday before they faced the Timberwolves. “You can’t speak for all Muslims, because all Muslims’ hearts aren’t like that. Most of them are pure, really believe in a different way and a different livelihood.”

“This is kind of hard. My bad. This is kind of touching … just being a part of that community and a part of that family,’’ Hollis-Jefferson said. “I feel like this should definitely be handled differently, and I feel like more people should definitely speak up and act on it just because it’s BS at the end of the day.”

To discuss these thoughts go here:
http://www.beardownwildcats.com/viewtop ... 41#p236141" target="_blank
On the base issue, I like the second solution. Give a statement and a link to where it can be discussed.

I don't really care about political discussion on the upper boards because all sorts of things take the megathreads into side channels. Politics is just another thing, and it's easy enough for me to skip if I don't feel like being involved.

That said, I know there are people who feel differently. I see this board as a sports board first, focusing on Arizona athletics, with an option for politics. With that, I think the focus should be on making the sports discussion as inclusive as possible and also hopefully providing an option for people who like the political talk. I view the teaser plus link as that option.

However this shakes out, I hope the board does not lose contributors over any infighting, political or otherwise. Even when I disagree with your opinions and think they suck, they still add to discussion and flesh out what a message board should be.
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Re: Politics

Post by Alieberman »

As a moderator I try to do my best to keep the peace.

As a poster, I do not understand why some people are scared and object to anything that even resembles something "political" Respond to it or ignore it... it's pretty easy.

As a mod and a poster... I can't stand when people jump on others with differing opinions and immediately start making it personal. Not to name names but this usually comes from the people I agree with politically.

Be grown ups.
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Re: Politics

Post by PieceOfMeat »

Ok, well, hrm.

I suppose if one looks over posts in the last...month? maybe more?...one could see LH and Chi butting heads from time to time. But frankly I'm a bit surprised LH called for him to step down and I'm also surprised Chi obliged him. Let's hope that's just a temporary moment among friends, as often happens among long time friends, and that Chi comes back.

Now, on to this:
ANGCatFan wrote:Has anything been deleted? I've seen that accusation in a couple of posts, but I don't believe anything has been actually deleted.
To the bolded, why would you think Chi in't being truthful when he says posts were deleted? As for your question of was anything deleted, yes, it was. I personally deleted 9 or 10 or whatever the count was. I admitted as much in the thread I did it. Not all of the posts were deletion worthy, but the problem I had was that enough of them were, so that if I only deleted some I'd have to go content-editing on the others, or content-edit them all, and at the time it just wasn't worth the effort so I went the short-easy route and just deleted them all with a simple explanation.

Now, on to the general discussion of politics/whatever leaking over into sports. I'm personally of the opinion that if a player (current, or former) decides to make a public statement, then that statement should be able to be discussed in that player's thread. However as a mod, I defer to the community on this, and since the conclusion reached at the time was to simply make a brief comment and then link to the politics board, that's how I moderated the thread. I do understand how it can lead to the .... chaos? ....that we wouldn't want and then threads could derail, so I understand keeping the content separated. As I said, as a mod, I'm deferring to the community on this one and will continue to moderate as such, for as long as I'm a moderator.
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Re: Politics

Post by scumdevils86 »

Dosia wrote:Rondae made a comment so it is fair game to discuss it in his thread. Political or not. Jesus Christ some people have some thin ass skin. Waaahhhh I have to read about some politics on a sports forum. Dont click the damn thread if its that big of a deal.
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Re: Politics

Post by Olsondogg »

Either way, I don't care. I'll do my best to not talk politics in a "sports" related thread, in fear of someone getting "offended".

But really, people need to grow the fuck up. The mods do their best on here, and this is by far the best message board for UA related sports.

If people want to throw tantrums in the sandbox that's fine...but the mods shouldn't have to respond or react whenever that happens.
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Re: Politics

Post by scumdevils86 »

Olsondogg wrote:Either way, I don't care. I'll do my best to not talk politics in a "sports" related thread, in fear of someone getting "offended".

But really, people need to grow the fuck up. The mods do their best on here, and this is by far the best message board for UA related sports.

If people want to throw tantrums in the sandbox that's fine...but the mods shouldn't have to respond or react whenever that happens.
Yeah despite everything I agree with this sentiment the most.
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Re: Politics

Post by prh »

The posts by CST and Lieb are both very accurate regarding the problems we've encountered. I just want to add some thoughts I have that haven't quite been covered. I will preface this by stating that my preference is to not have political talk on the upper boards. I agree with Chicat's strategy of linking RHJ's comments to a political thread.

One of the big problems is that we have a concept of rationally discussing (or even just touching on) political topics. This is great, but typically falls down in practice. While it seems simple to post RHJ's comments in his thread and commend him, that inevitably starts discussion on the topic, and that discussion spirals away from our ideas of calm and rational.

Part of the reason for this is the specific language used in regard to much of the political talk is inherently inflammatory. Language that when spoken, typically accompanies a certain tone. Chi brought up examples of this in a page 1 post when he referenced posts saying "fascist" and "snowflake." There are plenty of other terms and phrases that I could cherry-pick out of this thread alone, but I do not want to call out any specific posters, as that is not what this is about.

The problem with specific language is that it will naturally stoke political discussion and increase the intensity. It causes those who feel targeted by it to tighten up and increase their emotional response, and respond using similarly emotional language. This is where things can easily get away from the calm, rational talk that we intend to have.

The reason I prefer to avoid politics on the upper boards is quite simply, there is not a single outlet I can go where political discussion is not at the forefront. I am in the tech industry, and whether I go reading into tech news, social media, traditional sports news (i.e. ESPN), I am confronted with politics everywhere. I get it. It's at the forefront of America right now. But, sometimes, I just want to be able to partake in one of my hobbies/interests without encountering politics.

I think we all have some sort of understanding that sports is often an escape for people. As we are fans, that means this is a hobby for all of us, not a job (yes there are people whose livelihood is connected to sports/UA, but few). We come here looking for things to make us feel better--discussion about our great basketball team, talking about TJ's success in the league, interacting with friends and members of the community that we have gotten to know over the years from TOS and our band of brotherhood in establishing this site. If we want to engage in political discussion with our friends here, that is great and hopefully beneficial to all. However, I would prefer that to be a conscious choice to be made, and not something that is unavoidable. We all come here for UA sports, let that be what unites us.

I hope that this makes sense. We have a great community here with tons of knowledge and great posters. I hate to see anything pull it apart or chase away good people. Remember, we are all here because we want to be with other, let's treat each other like that (except fuegs of course :) )
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Re: Politics

Post by Spaceman Spiff »

Olsondogg wrote:Either way, I don't care. I'll do my best to not talk politics in a "sports" related thread, in fear of someone getting "offended".

But really, people need to grow the fuck up. The mods do their best on here, and this is by far the best message board for UA related sports.

If people want to throw tantrums in the sandbox that's fine...but the mods shouldn't have to respond or react whenever that happens.
I tend to think people get too overheated, but I also think the purpose of a message board is to try to serve all of its members. Even if I have an easy time skipping over political posts, if they hurt other people's enjoyment, this board isn't just for me.

Balancing a diverse group of people isn't easy, and I give props to the site operators and moderators for trying to strike a balance. Blending inclusivity, respect for members and a high degree of freedom to speak isn't always simple to achieve.
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Re: Politics

Post by Olsondogg »

Spaceman Spiff wrote:
Olsondogg wrote:Either way, I don't care. I'll do my best to not talk politics in a "sports" related thread, in fear of someone getting "offended".

But really, people need to grow the fuck up. The mods do their best on here, and this is by far the best message board for UA related sports.

If people want to throw tantrums in the sandbox that's fine...but the mods shouldn't have to respond or react whenever that happens.
I tend to think people get too overheated, but I also think the purpose of a message board is to try to serve all of its members. Even if I have an easy time skipping over political posts, if they hurt other people's enjoyment, this board isn't just for me.

Balancing a diverse group of people isn't easy, and I give props to the site operators and moderators for trying to strike a balance. Blending inclusivity, respect for members and a high degree of freedom to speak isn't always simple to achieve.

Yes a balance is the goal, but one side will always feel slighted. I posted something that in my eyes was hardly political...and a poster got "upset" about it. I removed the post and apologized. Don't think the mods had to do anything with that.

Look, its a community of people dealing with alot of stuff in their lives as well as supporting the program they love. If some of that bleeds into the other, than I'm fine with it. It can also be handled in a way that isn't tantamount to marching up the hill to stake a flag.
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Re: Politics

Post by whatisee »

Mods are doing a great job.

Keep your fucking politics off the sports boards. Hope i was PC enough for everyone...wait, no i don't. For the record, and i love RHJ. I could give A SHIT what he thinks about anything but basketball. He's a college dropout :lol:
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Re: Politics

Post by scumdevils86 »

whatisee wrote:Mods are doing a great job.

Keep your fucking politics off the sports boards. Hope i was PC enough for everyone...wait, no i don't. For the record, and i love RHJ. I could give A SHIT what he thinks about anything but basketball. He's a college dropout :lol:
:roll: good lord
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Re: Politics

Post by whatisee »

scumdevils86 wrote:
whatisee wrote:Mods are doing a great job.

Keep your fucking politics off the sports boards. Hope i was PC enough for everyone...wait, no i don't. For the record, and i love RHJ. I could give A SHIT what he thinks about anything but basketball. He's a college dropout :lol:
:roll: good lord
Was i to vague for you? Sometimes people don't listen when you're all nice and cuddly with them. Thanks for your concern otherwise :lol:
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Re: Politics

Post by pokinmik »

Whatisee def does not love RHJ. You just want the bouncy black man to put a ball in a hoop while wearing red white and blue. RHJ is a human, man.
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Re: Politics

Post by whatisee »

pokinmik wrote:Whatisee def does not love RHJ. You just want the bouncy black man to put a ball in a hoop while wearing red white and blue. RHJ is a human, man.
I don't care what any of you think about politics let's be clear...including anyone and everyone who played for the University. It's not why i'm a fan, or why i come to these boards. I come to talk about sports.

I love how you imply i'm a racist...you're part of the problem buddy
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Re: Politics

Post by scumdevils86 »

whatisee wrote:
pokinmik wrote:Whatisee def does not love RHJ. You just want the bouncy black man to put a ball in a hoop while wearing red white and blue. RHJ is a human, man.
I don't care what any of you think about politics let's be clear...including anyone and everyone who played for the University. It's not why i'm a fan, or why i come to these boards. I come to talk about sports.

I love how you imply i'm a racist...you're part of the problem buddy
Well if you can't view someone like Rondae as a human being just like you and me who can have his own opinions and politics...then well that sure seems like a racist take and implies you just want him to shut up and perform for you. So yeah you are part of the problem.
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Re: Politics

Post by whatisee »

scumdevils86 wrote:
whatisee wrote:
pokinmik wrote:Whatisee def does not love RHJ. You just want the bouncy black man to put a ball in a hoop while wearing red white and blue. RHJ is a human, man.
I don't care what any of you think about politics let's be clear...including anyone and everyone who played for the University. It's not why i'm a fan, or why i come to these boards. I come to talk about sports.

I love how you imply i'm a racist...you're part of the problem buddy
Well if you can't view someone like Rondae as a human being just like you and me who can have his own opinions and politics...then well that sure seems like a racist take and implies you just want him to shut up and perform for you. So yeah you are part of the problem.
WOW...i can't even comment on that ignorance. I'm done in here.
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Re: Politics

Post by Spaceman Spiff »

Olsondogg wrote:
Spaceman Spiff wrote:
Olsondogg wrote:Either way, I don't care. I'll do my best to not talk politics in a "sports" related thread, in fear of someone getting "offended".

But really, people need to grow the fuck up. The mods do their best on here, and this is by far the best message board for UA related sports.

If people want to throw tantrums in the sandbox that's fine...but the mods shouldn't have to respond or react whenever that happens.
I tend to think people get too overheated, but I also think the purpose of a message board is to try to serve all of its members. Even if I have an easy time skipping over political posts, if they hurt other people's enjoyment, this board isn't just for me.

Balancing a diverse group of people isn't easy, and I give props to the site operators and moderators for trying to strike a balance. Blending inclusivity, respect for members and a high degree of freedom to speak isn't always simple to achieve.
Yes a balance is the goal, but one side will always feel slighted. I posted something that in my eyes was hardly political...and a poster got "upset" about it. I removed the post and apologized. Don't think the mods had to do anything with that.

Look, its a community of people dealing with alot of stuff in their lives as well as supporting the program they love. If some of that bleeds into the other, than I'm fine with it. It can also be handled in a way that isn't tantamount to marching up the hill to stake a flag.
Hey, it's probably better if everyone feels just a little bit slighted. If no one gets exactly what they want, that's usually the sign of a good solution in this sort of situation.
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Re: Politics

Post by Olsondogg »

This is the only message board I frequent now, because of the openness to say what I want. People should police themselves, not rely on mods to do so.

If Chi is really gone for good, that is sad.
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Re: Politics

Post by scumdevils86 »

Olsondogg wrote:This is the only message board I frequent now, because of the openness to say what I want. People should police themselves, not rely on mods to do so.

If Chi is really gone for good, that is sad.
Agreed. Guy has been a huge part of the reason why I've kept coming back to these boards for 12+ years now.
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Re: Politics

Post by Longhorned »

PieceOfMeat wrote:Ok, well, hrm.

I suppose if one looks over posts in the last...month? maybe more?...one could see LH and Chi butting heads from time to time. But frankly I'm a bit surprised LH called for him to step down and I'm also surprised Chi obliged him. Let's hope that's just a temporary moment among friends, as often happens among long time friends, and that Chi comes back.
It isn't personal at all, unless you consider the person behind the Chicat moniker who has devoted incalculable time going back to deep internet history in serving this community across different homes, for zero compensation and practically thanklessly. But inevitable problems start to pile up with protracted time. Consider this example of a problem that has nothing to with the person, and look at it procedurally:

A poster agrees to just about the stupidest bet ever made -- to go away and never come back if Arizona beats UCLA -- and the person who suggested that bet
in the first place wasn't even remotely serious. Then the betting poster refuses to honor the outcome and basically insults everyone. But instead of taking on the burden of being an ass for that self-inflicted chain of events, a moderator issues him a sudden-death ban. In response to pm's expressing concern about that, the moderator creates a 48-hour ban poll with yes or no options, and without opportunity to change one's vote during the window. A significant majority vote to ban. And then at the end of the thread with the ban poll, the moderator agrees with those posters who think a reasonable compromise would be to allow the poster in question to return after the season.

Whether or not some posters think that's more reasonable than a permanent ban (I do), we've gone from a self-inflicted ban, to an officially imposed ban, to a messy vote to ban, and then to a significant modification of the vote outcome by the decision of the same moderator. Instead of simply allowing the burden to sit with the betting poster who agreed to leave voluntarily, you have a bunch of questions about what's really behind a set of curious decision (such as, "Isn't this really because the moderator, like so many of us, finds the poster in question annoying, and now we're trying to balance the community's concerns about an imposed ban with the outcome of the actions now taken by the monitor?")

Now with the RHJ question, there are a number of posters with a shared understanding of the reasonability that should guide best how to deal with the problem. But the decision rendered rests on complaints received by private message, which bear no transparent correspondence to the question. Now a policy is decided, where there will be a strict rule followed on this site moving forward.

Where is the transparency, other than the transparent experience of some posters who get really loud when they see a kind of thinking that they want to whitewash from conversations relevant to certain threads? And then citing that and private messages as the basis for board decisions?

An unintended consequence may be posters who would rather not have quick bans and official ban warnings issued for a conformity that rests on non-transparent reasons. The imposing of official order is needed sometimes, but the risk is to stifle lighthearted rolling with the punches, and posters' own responsibilities, with a serious tone and rules with reasoning that don't always make sense readily. Once that starts to happen, it's hard to get the easygoing co-op tone back.

Since I haven't found the private message function helpful in this regard, I'm saying it publicly. There's a wonderful human being behind the Chicat moniker. This isn't surprising, given what an amazing poster Chicat is. And he's been a fantastic moderator for many years. But I think he should set down the burden, which for reasons that are no fault of his own, is getting heavier with time.
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Re: Politics

Post by Olsondogg »

The thing that made this site great was that it wasn't like the other sites. Does everyone forget the end of GoAz?

Again, people need to moderate themselves and not leave it up to the mods. Had BeachCat done this himself, Chi would not have needed to do what he's done.

If people can't be taken at their word, then the co-op doesn't exist. People make mountains out of molehills.
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Re: Politics

Post by HiCat »

PieceOfMeat wrote:Ok, well, hrm.

I suppose if one looks over posts in the last...month? maybe more?...one could see LH and Chi butting heads from time to time. But frankly I'm a bit surprised LH called for him to step down and I'm also surprised Chi obliged him. Let's hope that's just a temporary moment among friends, as often happens among long time friends, and that Chi comes back.

Now, on to this:
ANGCatFan wrote:Has anything been deleted? I've seen that accusation in a couple of posts, but I don't believe anything has been actually deleted.
To the bolded, why would you think Chi in't being truthful when he says posts were deleted? As for your question of was anything deleted, yes, it was. I personally deleted 9 or 10 or whatever the count was. I admitted as much in the thread I did it. Not all of the posts were deletion worthy, but the problem I had was that enough of them were, so that if I only deleted some I'd have to go content-editing on the others, or content-edit them all, and at the time it just wasn't worth the effort so I went the short-easy route and just deleted them all with a simple explanation.

Now, on to the general discussion of politics/whatever leaking over into sports. I'm personally of the opinion that if a player (current, or former) decides to make a public statement, then that statement should be able to be discussed in that player's thread. However as a mod, I defer to the community on this, and since the conclusion reached at the time was to simply make a brief comment and then link to the politics board, that's how I moderated the thread. I do understand how it can lead to the .... chaos? ....that we wouldn't want and then threads could derail, so I understand keeping the content separated. As I said, as a mod, I'm deferring to the community on this one and will continue to moderate as such, for as long as I'm a moderator.

I think Chi's done as a mod/ and with posting. :shock:
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Re: Politics

Post by UAdevil »

Bottom line: Don't be an ass. Post with common sense. Apologize when you fuck up.

There are no real 'rules of the board' here. Perhaps we should draft some...
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Re: Politics

Post by pokinmik »

Even though I disagree with it in theory/at heart, I'm fine with keeping everything political in the lower boards. For the sake of the community. Even though this comes back to LHs posts about some things being bigger than sports and this is a possibly bad precedent.

But the people that brought this issue to the forefront need to know that they are indeed flakes of snow.

And if Chi reads this I thought he was doing a good job, a thankless impossible job. He'll be back (I hope).
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Re: Politics

Post by EVCat »

I just don't get why this is so hard.

Player going home to see his kid isn't going to set off a discussion of the current administration.

Trump doing something is.

It seems like a lot of people want to argue semantics for the sake of doing so. This is not that much different than most sports boards. But now is a particularly hot time for such discussion. So...just don't, if you think it will blow up. I am as left as any lefty on this board, and I dislike the current president with all my heart and soul. But jesus Christ...it isn't that fucking hard to figure out what will cause a firestorm. If they are asking for political stuff to go down here, put it down here. Plenty will read it. No one is going to mistake Kadeem going home to see his kid with hot topic political discussion.

This has nothing to do with "censoring the truth, bro". It has to do with keeping the subject from veering off to things the thread and board are not built for, like we have seen a few times lately. It isn't censorship. No one is restricting your rights. It is like in a classroom where some things are not touched upon to keep the focus, to not disrupt. It shouldn't take half a brain, whether you are right or left brained, to figure out what will start a firestorm. Why would you want to do that here?

Does ANYONE here think they are going to change a mind?

So a few hotheads are going to ruin this forum by bitching about little shit...great. Another board brought down by the minority with the megaphone...
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Re: Politics

Post by Olsondogg »

HiCat wrote:I think Chi's done as a mod/ and with posting. :shock:
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Re: Politics

Post by Dosia »

Olsondogg wrote:
HiCat wrote:I think Chi's done as a mod/ and with posting. :shock:
I doubt it. We all suffer from the same sickness. He will be back.
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Re: Politics

Post by scumdevils86 »

Dosia wrote:
Olsondogg wrote:
HiCat wrote:I think Chi's done as a mod/ and with posting. :shock:
I doubt it. We all suffer from the same sickness. He will be back.
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Re: Politics

Post by CalStateTempe »

Lol. Posting with you all is tough to kick.
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Re: Politics

Post by TucsonClip »

Ive been a mod on some very large forums back in the day. The main rules were no politics unless its in the political forums, and no baiting posters.

Now, I do love the style of this forum... kind of a grown up reddit... but I really dont see the issue with keeping the rules extremely simple. Hell, maybe just one rule only, and that being no politics on the upper boards. Problem solved. If there is a political post, it gets redirected to the appropriate political thread/new thread.

I do love the baiting and arguments here, so I see no reason to tone that down. I think we all enjoy it, because we're grown ass adults.

Anyway, this is a unique forum, and that is the main reason it was constructed and we all followed in the first place. Lets not lose sight of that with everything else going on in the world.
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Re: Politics

Post by Harvey Specter »

pokinmik wrote:Whatisee def does not love RHJ. You just want the bouncy black man to put a ball in a hoop while wearing red white and blue. RHJ is a human, man.
You are way out of line with that comment... overplay the race card, much?

Nobody has gotten into it with whatisee on the FB boards more than me, but talk about an ad-hominem attack.

I love RHJ as a person. Miller too. Countless others.... I could not give 2 shits what their political views are. Or religious beliefs, either.

I love 'em regardless... and as much as I love 'em, I am not going to rely on any of them to shape my personal beliefs. You can feel free to.
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Re: Politics

Post by Harvey Specter »

pokinmik wrote:Even though I disagree with it in theory/at heart, I'm fine with keeping everything political in the lower boards. For the sake of the community. Even though this comes back to LHs posts about some things being bigger than sports and this is a possibly bad precedent.

But the people that brought this issue to the forefront need to know that they are indeed flakes of snow.

And if Chi reads this I thought he was doing a good job, a thankless impossible job. He'll be back (I hope).
1. Who called for Chi to step down?

1. I hate Donald Trump, and did not (nor would ever) vote for him
2. I am not supportive of his numerous executive actions, including the travel ban. (Although I do not believe it was a ban against All Muslims)
3. I did not support Jeff Sessions as an AG candidate

And I cannot fucking stand the way LH finds a way (cleverly, but annoyingly) to slip his political crusades into discussions that have nothing to do with them. Sack up and admit what you are doing, or don't fucking do it. If RHJ's comments were on the other side of a crusade he was on, he would never post them.

If some board reactionary did the same shit it would annoy me just as much if not more... and would object if I ever saw it happen.

I think Chi has done an outstanding job and it is the board's loss... but let LH get his way. His sycophants are all in tow...
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Re: Politics

Post by Bangkok Wildcat »

Harvey Specter wrote:
pokinmik wrote:Even though I disagree with it in theory/at heart, I'm fine with keeping everything political in the lower boards. For the sake of the community. Even though this comes back to LHs posts about some things being bigger than sports and this is a possibly bad precedent.

But the people that brought this issue to the forefront need to know that they are indeed flakes of snow.

And if Chi reads this I thought he was doing a good job, a thankless impossible job. He'll be back (I hope).
1. Who called for Chi to step down?

1. I hate Donald Trump, and did not (nor would ever) vote for him
2. I am not supportive of his numerous executive actions, including the travel ban. (Although I do not believe it was a ban against All Muslims)
3. I did not support Jeff Sessions as an AG candidate

And I cannot fucking stand the way LH finds a way (cleverly, but annoyingly) to slip his political crusades into discussions that have nothing to do with them. Sack up and admit what you are doing, or don't fucking do it. If RHJ's comments were on the other side of a crusade he was on, he would never post them.

If some board reactionary did the same shit it would annoy me just as much if not more... and would object if I ever saw it happen.

I think Chi has done an outstanding job and it is the board's loss... but let LH get his way. His sycophants are all in tow...
Awesome posts Harvey and agree 100% with every thing you've just said. Thank you sir!

Now back to business....beating OSU!
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Re: Politics

Post by pokinmik »

Harvey Specter wrote:
pokinmik wrote:Whatisee def does not love RHJ. You just want the bouncy black man to put a ball in a hoop while wearing red white and blue. RHJ is a human, man.
You are way out of line with that comment... overplay the race card, much?

Nobody has gotten into it with whatisee on the FB boards more than me, but talk about an ad-hominem attack.

I love RHJ as a person. Miller too. Countless others.... I could not give 2 shits what their political views are. Or religious beliefs, either.

I love 'em regardless... and as much as I love 'em, I am not going to rely on any of them to shape my personal beliefs. You can feel free to.
You, or maybe other people, I don't know who was whining, obviously give a shit if people talk about RHJ's beliefs. And if not, by saying you don't give a shit you are actually disrespecting him and acting like he's here only for your entertainment. All I said was RHJ should be able to voice his opinion and we should respect that, and if you don't want to talk about it, then don't, skip the thread. But at least respect that the dude can speak his mind. I don't see how you can love someone but then want them to shut the fuck up and just play ball.
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Re: Politics

Post by HiCat »

Harvey Specter wrote:
pokinmik wrote:Even though I disagree with it in theory/at heart, I'm fine with keeping everything political in the lower boards. For the sake of the community. Even though this comes back to LHs posts about some things being bigger than sports and this is a possibly bad precedent.

But the people that brought this issue to the forefront need to know that they are indeed flakes of snow

And if Chi reads this I thought he was doing a good job, a thankless impossible job. He'll be back (I hope).
1. Who called for Chi to step down?

1. I hate Donald Trump, and did not (nor would ever) vote for him
2. I am not supportive of his numerous executive actions, including the travel ban. (Although I do not believe it was a ban against All Muslims)
3. I did not support Jeff Sessions as an AG candidate

And I cannot fucking stand the way LH finds a way (cleverly, but annoyingly) to slip his political crusades into discussions that have nothing to do with them. Sack up and admit what you are doing, or don't fucking do it. If RHJ's comments were on the other side of a crusade he was on, he would never post them.

If some board reactionary did the same shit it would annoy me just as much if not more... and would object if I ever saw it happen.

I think Chi has done an outstanding job and it is the board's loss... but let LH get his way. His sycophants are all in tow...

On point. Thumbs up. Thanks Chi for countless hours of skillful work. Hope you're
back before the season's over bud.
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Re: Politics

Post by pokinmik »

Agree that Chi should come back, and I hope he does.

Nothing wrong with taking a breather from this weird reality on the internet and focusing on the physical world.
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Re: Politics

Post by Longhorned »

Harvey Specter wrote:
pokinmik wrote:Even though I disagree with it in theory/at heart, I'm fine with keeping everything political in the lower boards. For the sake of the community. Even though this comes back to LHs posts about some things being bigger than sports and this is a possibly bad precedent.

But the people that brought this issue to the forefront need to know that they are indeed flakes of snow.

And if Chi reads this I thought he was doing a good job, a thankless impossible job. He'll be back (I hope).
1. Who called for Chi to step down?

1. I hate Donald Drumpf, and did not (nor would ever) vote for him
2. I am not supportive of his numerous executive actions, including the travel ban. (Although I do not believe it was a ban against All Muslims)
3. I did not support Jeff Sessions as an AG candidate

And I cannot fucking stand the way LH finds a way (cleverly, but annoyingly) to slip his political crusades into discussions that have nothing to do with them. Sack up and admit what you are doing, or don't fucking do it. If RHJ's comments were on the other side of a crusade he was on, he would never post them.

If some board reactionary did the same shit it would annoy me just as much if not more... and would object if I ever saw it happen.

I think Chi has done an outstanding job and it is the board's loss... but let LH get his way. His sycophants are all in tow...
Harvey, I admire your willingness to proclaim your ideals. But I'm saying what I'm saying, not what you're saying I'm saying. If you keep doing that, as you have been, that doesn't make me clever. If it helps, I'll be clear and tell you that in my heart of hearts, I don't identify with what you ascribe to me about being on a crusade. I do identify with the idea that posters should be allowed to respond to something like a curious statement about false racism as related to a player from a visiting team at McKale, or post RHJ views as published in a sports page from a newspaper.

You say I have sycophants (that's news to me) and they're all in tow. That sounds pretty awful. If you can point to a single poster who has agreed with what I've said in this thread, I'd appreciate it. What I wrote describes different solutions to problems as discussed by other posters, recent procedures of moderating that have shaped what has taken place on the board, and said that I think that Chicat should step away from moderating as a gesture of good will that those patterns won't continue. Anybody who agrees or disagrees with what I wrote can take up the substance of what I wrote. Maybe some people disagree with the patterns I wrote. Maybe they agree. In my opinion, the fact that nobody has done so would only support how inconsequential my opinion is. That shouldn't be surprising -- I'm a poster like anybody else. My opinion shouldn't carry some special weight.

Instead, here's what happened, and anybody is free to draw their own conclusions about it: Posters reported that Chicat suddenly quit the board as a moderator and a poster. There is no discussion of the procedures and alternative approaches I referred to, and instead the focus is on what a loss that is, and who is to blame.

The fact that I, and maybe some of you (or all of you?), know how this will continue to unfold only underscores the problem with the dynamic of the procedures at play.
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Re: Politics

Post by wyo-cat »

When I read LH's post, I thought he meant Chi should take a break from moderating and let someone else worry about this shit for a while, not quit posting.

Does that make me a sycophant?
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Re: Politics

Post by Alieberman »

This is going off the rails.

I just created a new thread, "Moderator's Thread" where the mods will discuss board issues that other's are welcome to chime in on and bring up issues they are seeing on these boards.
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Re: Politics

Post by HiCat »

Alieberman wrote:This is going off the rails.

I just created a new thread, "Moderator's Thread" where the mods will discuss board issues that other's are welcome to chime in on and bring up issues they are seeing on these boards.

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Re: Politics

Post by Alieberman »

HiCat wrote:
Alieberman wrote:This is going off the rails.

I just created a new thread, "Moderator's Thread" where the mods will discuss board issues that other's are welcome to chime in on and bring up issues they are seeing on these boards.

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