This has been an incredible year and this team is quickly becoming one of my all time favorites. The ride began with the injury to Smith, not to mention to Denny. The way the Program rallied around Smith is unmatched(yes Izzo I see you) and left me proud to be a supporter and ticket holder. Then came the whole Trier suspension. PJC goes down. Honestly, once PAC 12 play started, I did not expect Trier to return this year. Through everything, this team came together and checked their egos at the door.
Then news broke that Trier is back. It has been a long time since I was that excited for a regular season game as I was the UCLA game. Maybe Washington-DWill block game or the Gonzaga@McKale game??
As good as the team looked @ UCLA, they seemed to regress but kept on winning. Then Oregon happened

followed by UCLA screwing up the home finale. Two weeks later, CSM reminded us all that this is truly is @APlayersProgram with the TO to make sure his players were poised and set up an all important inbounds play.
This year has been an absolute emotional roller coaster. I am proud for what this team has accomplished already and looking forward to future accomplishments.