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Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 11:04 pm
by 97cats
im excited to see this group of freshman in person on Saturday

Go Cats!!

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 11:59 pm
by whatisee
97cats wrote:im excited to see this group of freshman in person on Saturday

Go Cats!!
Simmons is going to be a star. Love Lauri and Rawle too!

Dusan is playing good so far. hoping it translates to the PAC12.

Pinder is awesome. You cant teach what he does. energy and effort

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 4:40 am
by HiCat

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 9:06 am
by rgdeuce
Chicat wrote:
rgdeuce wrote:Well he is kind of right. Not the Butler game itself, but there have been instances where people have complained about losses that "shouldn't have happened." If not that, it's something to the effect of "the sky is falling" and "this team is horrible, they are a bubble team, they are at best a team who will get to the round of 32" when they have a close game against someone we are expected to cream. Last year's Santa Clara game jumps out in my mind, but there are plenty of others. Nothing wrong with being critical of a performance as long as it is focused on a poor performance in that particular game. Or if it's a trend, then you can talk about it without being knee jerk, but then you also have to consider other factors too (eg it's early in the season, we are young, we will get better)
I think if you were to really search your memory you'd be hard pressed to find more than a handful of posters who have expressed those sentiments. And I'd bet it was the same posters every time. Including one in particular.....

Just because literally one or two people are talking about the sky falling doesn't make it a disturbing trend amongst Arizona fans. All fanbases have their Eeyores, and ours is no exception.
You have to understand, though, that this is a special collection of Arizona fans. We are not the norm, which is why myself and I'm sure many others came and stayed here and why this site continues to thrive. I spent several months on the Scout board and that place was a mess. There were obviously quite a few very knowledgeable and level-headed posters there, but it was riddled with a lot of over-reactors and fake coaches who knew what was best for the team. Look at comment sections on social media, the guys who call into the talk radio shows, the commenters on the Daily Star (before they made u pay to look at more than 10 pages), or conversations around the office. Tucson and Arizona in general are just not great and knowledgeable sports fans. Obvious exceptions, but yea. You can generally gauge a fanbase by the amount of "Fire ______" when adversity comes. There was a ton of "Fire Millers" a few years back. "Fire Stoops" was as frequent as the wind. Again, not here (absent a few) but in general.

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 9:10 am
by rgdeuce
Not too many people who can guard Kobi. His shots are falling and he is getting more and more confidence. This team is going to have to be a three-headed freshman monster until things resolve with Trier and PJC comes back. Lauri needs the ball in his hands more; last night he continued he could create for himself and find other guys wide open under the basket. Dusan just needs to catch the ball on some of them.

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 9:30 am
by CatFanOneMil
I think Kobi and Kadeem will be our saviors because they both can do those "in-the-lane-soft-floaters" that go over the defense without crashing into anyone...

I noticed after Rawle attempting a three in the corner (and missed)...Miller speaking directly at him "Is that your shot?"...I heard him say Miller wants him to be more aggressive and shot more, but it is obvious Miller does not want him taking three's...and probably not Pinder either...

Every missed three pointer ends up a lost possesion...whereas a drive can be a dish or draw a foul...

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 9:45 am
by Merkin
I read that in the post game presser Miller said that Pinder won't be taking any more 3 point shots.

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 10:17 am
by Spaceman Spiff
rgdeuce wrote:Not too many people who can guard Kobi. His shots are falling and he is getting more and more confidence. This team is going to have to be a three-headed freshman monster until things resolve with Trier and PJC comes back. Lauri needs the ball in his hands more; last night he continued he could create for himself and find other guys wide open under the basket. Dusan just needs to catch the ball on some of them.
We just have a numbers problem right now. Kadeem, Kobi and Rawle are all competent, but they are basically it on the perimeter.

We need Keanu to be able to guard the 3 badly. We can at least play him there with Lauri's perimiter skill. If he can play 15 guarding the 3, that can buy 5 minutes of rest for KA, KS and RA each.

But we're in a bad spot.

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 10:19 am
by dcZONAfan
CatFanOneMil wrote:I think Kobi and Kadeem will be our saviors because they both can do those "in-the-lane-soft-floaters" that go over the defense without crashing into anyone...

I noticed after Rawle attempting a three in the corner (and missed)...Miller speaking directly at him "Is that your shot?"...I heard him say Miller wants him to be more aggressive and shot more, but it is obvious Miller does not want him taking three's...and probably not Pinder either...

Every missed three pointer ends up a lost possesion...whereas a drive can be a dish or draw a foul...
I disagree, at least about Miller not wanting Rawle to take threes. As I couldn't watch the game (thanks, 8 hour time difference!) I can't be sure, but I would imagine Rawle took an ill-advised three (maybe he rushed it early in the shot clock, maybe someone else was open, maybe he was very well covered). There's no doubt Rawle can hit the three and is MUCH more dangerous when the defense has to play him as a shooter. CSM knows that, so it sounds simply like a coaching moment about a bad shot.

Pinder, however. That dude shouldn't shoot a three unless there is one second on the shot clock.

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 10:55 am
by Spaceman Spiff
dcZONAfan wrote:
CatFanOneMil wrote:I think Kobi and Kadeem will be our saviors because they both can do those "in-the-lane-soft-floaters" that go over the defense without crashing into anyone...

I noticed after Rawle attempting a three in the corner (and missed)...Miller speaking directly at him "Is that your shot?"...I heard him say Miller wants him to be more aggressive and shot more, but it is obvious Miller does not want him taking three's...and probably not Pinder either...

Every missed three pointer ends up a lost possesion...whereas a drive can be a dish or draw a foul...
I disagree, at least about Miller not wanting Rawle to take threes. As I couldn't watch the game (thanks, 8 hour time difference!) I can't be sure, but I would imagine Rawle took an ill-advised three (maybe he rushed it early in the shot clock, maybe someone else was open, maybe he was very well covered). There's no doubt Rawle can hit the three and is MUCH more dangerous when the defense has to play him as a shooter. CSM knows that, so it sounds simply like a coaching moment about a bad shot.

Pinder, however. That dude shouldn't shoot a three unless there is one second on the shot clock.
Rawle, you want Rawle shooting the right threes. With Rawle, you want his first option to be getting to the rim to create and and 1. If he's open and in rhythm, fine, shoot the 3. Lauri is the only guy we have right now that you want to be shooting as often as he can. The rest, they need to not take the kind of threes that you can get any time.

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 11:00 am
by CatFanOneMil
Rawle's three was not really rushed he was alone in the corner...I think the emphasis from Miller is he wants Rawle to instead of settling for a safe shot that he may or may not make to instead drive the baseline and put the other team either into foul trouble or dish to another player as he draws the D...the point being, "your shot should include the whole game and a drive is a better odds shot for you"

Of course that means that Rawle needs to avoid getting offensive fouls, but I think that is the point...the three can be a safe shot, but not something that involves that involves development and the rest of the it were he missed it and it was fairly wide Millers point stands.

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 2:38 pm
by EVCat
rgdeuce wrote:You have to understand, though, that this is a special collection of Arizona fans. We are not the norm, which is why myself and I'm sure many others came and stayed here and why this site continues to thrive. I spent several months on the Scout board and that place was a mess. There were obviously quite a few very knowledgeable and level-headed posters there, but it was riddled with a lot of over-reactors and fake coaches who knew what was best for the team. Look at comment sections on social media, the guys who call into the talk radio shows, the commenters on the Daily Star (before they made u pay to look at more than 10 pages), or conversations around the office. Tucson and Arizona in general are just not great and knowledgeable sports fans. Obvious exceptions, but yea. You can generally gauge a fanbase by the amount of "Fire ______" when adversity comes. There was a ton of "Fire Millers" a few years back. "Fire Stoops" was as frequent as the wind. Again, not here (absent a few) but in general.
I hear what you are saying. The fact that he had to take even one major booster talking shit to him for "only" making the Elite Eight 3 times in his first 5 years is an example of the fan you are talking about. And they are all over Tucson. They have memory issues remembering ALL of the Lute Olson era. And I am a huge Lute fan, and am the first to defend the reasons we had as many tournament failures as we did (I like to say "other programs have down years by not making the tournament...our down year is making it and losing early"). But it was not such a rosy path to the 4 Final Fours and one title, and I am also really not one who understands this hang up people have over a single round/marketing name. 3 Elite Eights in the first 5 years of a program that took the blow we took is remarkable. But we have fans who are obsessed over the lack of a Final Four, and talk about the program as if it is a shell of the Lute Juggernaut.

And you are isn't so much this board, though we have a few. But it is a common "average fan" response around Tucson and Phoenix...Miller can't win the big one. They ALL are big ones when the tournament starts.

I will also say we have less of this than other big time programs. I guess you can measure your metaphorical program dick by how many "fans" hatewatch their own team and claim it was better back in the day.

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 2:40 pm
by Jefe
97cats wrote:im excited to see this group of freshman in person on Saturday

Go Cats!!
I thought you might be in attendance. Will the lucky black shirt make an appearance as well?

I dont know what I was thinking, I should have bought tickets a long time ago and made the trip. Still trying to plan a Bay Area trip for those New Years games

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 2:54 pm
by 97cats
Jefe wrote: I thought you might be in attendance.
Jefe wrote:Will the lucky black shirt make an appearance as well?
havent decided on the uniform yet but will prob be in all black
Jefe wrote:I dont know what I was thinking, I should have bought tickets a long time ago and made the trip.
yes, that woulda been cool
Jefe wrote:Still trying to plan a Bay Area trip for those New Years games
i will be in Hawaii so wont be able to go, have a beer and Jameson for me pre-game if you do!!

and tell dad i say, WHAT-up!!

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 9:21 am
by rgdeuce
EVCat wrote: I hear what you are saying. The fact that he had to take even one major booster talking shit to him for "only" making the Elite Eight 3 times in his first 5 years is an example of the fan you are talking about. And they are all over Tucson. They have memory issues remembering ALL of the Lute Olson era. And I am a huge Lute fan, and am the first to defend the reasons we had as many tournament failures as we did (I like to say "other programs have down years by not making the tournament...our down year is making it and losing early"). But it was not such a rosy path to the 4 Final Fours and one title, and I am also really not one who understands this hang up people have over a single round/marketing name. 3 Elite Eights in the first 5 years of a program that took the blow we took is remarkable. But we have fans who are obsessed over the lack of a Final Four, and talk about the program as if it is a shell of the Lute Juggernaut.

And you are isn't so much this board, though we have a few. But it is a common "average fan" response around Tucson and Phoenix...Miller can't win the big one. They ALL are big ones when the tournament starts.

I will also say we have less of this than other big time programs. I guess you can measure your metaphorical program dick by how many "fans" hatewatch their own team and claim it was better back in the day.
There are a lot of people who just have a hard on for Miller, for whatever reason. The Lute angle is the easiest way for them to do it. Trust me, I love our four final fours one of them being a national championship, but out of 23 tournament appearances, 13 times Arizona teams went home in the first (10) or second (3) rounds. Until the 97 title, Lute was considered by many to be a tournament choker. Sweet 16 losses arent bad in my book, but we had some very high quality teams that went home then too. This was during a time when roster turnover was not even close to being what it is now, and before mid-majors/smaller schools really started making the noise in the tournament that they are now. I'm not going to pit Lute against Miller here, but if you take a step back, Miller is doing some things that Lute wasn't and in a new era where you are lucky if you get two years out of elite talent, at a time where mid-majors wins against young powerhouse programs aren't really shocking anymore, and dealing with the whole shoe company influence mess with recruiting. Miller really hasn't laid a stinker in the tournament outside of last year, but that was a combination of a lot of things and many of us saw it coming, and he has had beyond crap luck otherwise for the most part that has kept him out of 3 final fours. I love our final 4s and titles under Lute, but if you ignore those, how many of below can you say Miller has had, especially when you consider us getting screwed with a special Wisky team in our bracket for two straight years:

1st round exits: Rooks (SR), Mills (JR), Reeves (SO), Othick (SR), Stokes (JR), and Stoudamire (excellent FR)... Mills (SR), Reeves (JR), Stokes (SR), Stoudamire (SO), Owes (So), Blair (FR)... (SR) Stoudamire, Blair (JR), Davis (JR), Geary (JR), Dickerson (FR), Simon (excellent FR)... Terry (SR, NPOY), Bramlett (SR), Jefferson (excellent FR), Wright (excellent FR), Edgerson (JR), Douglas (FR)... Gardner (JR), Walton (JR), Salim (excellent FR), Anderson (JR), Frye (good FR)... Hassan (So), Salim (JR), Frye (JR), Iguodala (SO), Shakur (excellent FR)..

The second round loss teams included a team with veteran guard/wings and Rooks, Brian Williams and Stokes; 2000 was a title team the next year with Arenas and Gardner (excellent FR), Woods (JR), Jefferson (SO), Wright (SO), Walton (FR); 06 Hassan (SR), Shakur (JR), Williams (excellent FR), McClellan (SO), Radinovic (JR), Rodgers (JR). Plus you have the elite 8 collapse we dont like to talk about here with a loaded team. The 98 team could have been one of the greatest college teams of all time but the same squad that won a title the year before lost in the elite 8. The 89 team with Elliott, Cook, Lofton, Buechler, Muehlbach and a nice bench that lost in the sweet 16.

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 3:23 pm
by midnightx
Sort of amazing how this team turned out to be a fragment of what it could have been. Trier is out with an undisclosed suspension, Smith retires from a 3rd consecutive knee injury, Ferguson decides to play international ball. And of course, the roster is thin from previous, unnecessary transfers like Victor and Simon. And then you have a guy like Pitts who could have been a reliable 3-point dagger shooter like Lavender (those kinds of players typically played small, but important roles on many great AZ teams). It is discouraging to think about how good this year's team could have been, and how it is likely going to limp into the NCAA tournament with little chance of doing anything.

Meanwhile, you have a program like UCLA who has a second-rate head coach who miraculously has held on to his job through two years of severe mediocrity, but is suddenly loading up on talent because one of the guys on his staff is connected in L.A.

It is really sort of depressing.

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 4:40 pm
by HiCat
Vegas early lines has Zags by -5

Sharks smell blood in the water? 8-) ... las-vegas/" target="_blank

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 5:12 pm
by Spaceman Spiff
HiCat wrote:Vegas early lines has Zags by -5

Sharks smell blood in the water? 8-) ... las-vegas/" target="_blank
No PJC, we have a really paper thin perimeter lineup. It makes sense.

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 5:23 pm
by Longhorned
It would be a shock if Arizona can win this game with only 7 scholarship players.

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 5:28 pm
by CatFanOneMil
Longhorned wrote:It would be a shock if Arizona can win this game with only 7 scholarship players.
Yes Gonzaga is a really good team...but even good teams have been known to airball critical free throws that determined the outcome of a game...

Not saying we win...but they might lose.

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 6:05 pm
by Longhorned
CatFanOneMil wrote:
Longhorned wrote:It would be a shock if Arizona can win this game with only 7 scholarship players.
Yes Gonzaga is a really good team...but even good teams have been known to airball critical free throws that determined the outcome of a game...

Not saying we win...but they might lose.
Maybe the refs will give us the benefit on fouls to make it a fair contest.

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 6:18 pm
by CatFanOneMil
Longhorned wrote:
CatFanOneMil wrote:
Longhorned wrote:It would be a shock if Arizona can win this game with only 7 scholarship players.
Yes Gonzaga is a really good team...but even good teams have been known to airball critical free throws that determined the outcome of a game...

Not saying we win...but they might lose.
Maybe the refs will give us the benefit on fouls to make it a fair contest.
What and ruin a perfect record? Are you on crack?

No ref worth his salt ever makes questionable calls..."full speed cross body blocks" notwithstanding...

It's LA...which is Duke west...unless we have a bear as our mascot the calls go again us...

I'll bet $100 that Dickie V starts on the FUCLA bandwagon this year...because they are the Bruin Blue Devils.

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 6:21 pm
by UAEebs86
Longhorned wrote:
CatFanOneMil wrote:
Longhorned wrote:It would be a shock if Arizona can win this game with only 7 scholarship players.
Yes Gonzaga is a really good team...but even good teams have been known to airball critical free throws that determined the outcome of a game...

Not saying we win...but they might lose.
Maybe the refs will give us the benefit on fouls to make it a fair contest.

Good one LH! Are you here all week?

Try the veal...

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 6:31 pm
by Longhorned
UAEebs86 wrote:
Longhorned wrote:
CatFanOneMil wrote:
Longhorned wrote:It would be a shock if Arizona can win this game with only 7 scholarship players.
Yes Gonzaga is a really good team...but even good teams have been known to airball critical free throws that determined the outcome of a game...

Not saying we win...but they might lose.
Maybe the refs will give us the benefit on fouls to make it a fair contest.

Good one LH! Are you here all week?

Try the veal...

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2016 6:35 am
Plenty of teams have won big games and more with only 7 scholarship guys. Don't get why everyone is writing this team off.

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2016 6:49 am
by HiCat
As long as they stay out of foul trouble (no injuries, or bad calls), Wildcats should be very competitive. Short handed yeah, but I'm betting a good game.

Cats by 2. 8-)

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2016 7:44 am
by Longhorned
PHXCATS wrote:Plenty of teams have won big games and more with only 7 scholarship guys. Don't get why everyone is writing this team off.
I'm not writing them off, I'm saying the same thing you are. You're not going to come in here if we lose and say that was an upset. if Arizona wins, it will be a great win.

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2016 5:56 pm
by rgdeuce
Enough cannot be said about the heart and grit of this team. Most similarly situated teams lose that game by 20 plus. Makes u just shake your head knowing what could have been and may possibly not happen solely because of absolute shit luck

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2016 5:58 pm
by ChooChooCat
PHXCATS wrote:Plenty of teams have won big games and more with only 7 scholarship guys. Don't get why everyone is writing this team off.
Usually those teams have more than 3 total guards and wings. They also typically have an actual point guard too.

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2016 6:50 pm
by Spaceman Spiff
ChooChooCat wrote:
PHXCATS wrote:Plenty of teams have won big games and more with only 7 scholarship guys. Don't get why everyone is writing this team off.
Usually those teams have more than 3 total guards and wings. They also typically have an actual point guard too.
We have 3 perimeter players, 2 are freshmen. This lineup can only do so much against a good, experienced team.

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2016 7:02 pm
by CalStateTempe
This is a good team with 7 scholy players. Thats what I saw today.

Does it suck, the current predicament? Absolutely, but get PJC back and maybe Trier and game on.

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2016 7:02 pm
by CalStateTempe
rgdeuce wrote:Enough cannot be said about the heart and grit of this team. Most similarly situated teams lose that game by 20 plus. Makes u just shake your head knowing what could have been and may possibly not happen solely because of absolute shit luck

I feel as bad as this season and I did with the one when Bash went down. Same feelings of "what could've been". At least here we still have some time and not everything is completely settled yet.

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2016 7:04 pm
by CalStateTempe
ChooChooCat wrote:
PHXCATS wrote:Plenty of teams have won big games and more with only 7 scholarship guys. Don't get why everyone is writing this team off.
Usually those teams have more than 3 total guards and wings. They also typically have an actual point guard too.
Yeah, so whats the sitch' with Trier, Nostradamus?

You said he'd be back by now, or are you pulling an Ace and enjoy watching us grovel for info.

Fact is, you probably don't know anything like the rest of us.

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 12:01 pm
by rgdeuce
Chicat wrote:
rgdeuce wrote:Well he is kind of right. Not the Butler game itself, but there have been instances where people have complained about losses that "shouldn't have happened." If not that, it's something to the effect of "the sky is falling" and "this team is horrible, they are a bubble team, they are at best a team who will get to the round of 32" when they have a close game against someone we are expected to cream. Last year's Santa Clara game jumps out in my mind, but there are plenty of others. Nothing wrong with being critical of a performance as long as it is focused on a poor performance in that particular game. Or if it's a trend, then you can talk about it without being knee jerk, but then you also have to consider other factors too (eg it's early in the season, we are young, we will get better)
I think if you were to really search your memory you'd be hard pressed to find more than a handful of posters who have expressed those sentiments. And I'd bet it was the same posters every time. Including one in particular.....

Just because literally one or two people are talking about the sky falling doesn't make it a disturbing trend amongst Arizona fans. All fanbases have their Eeyores, and ours is no exception.
If you would have just waited a few more days :lol: And after a game virtually none of us expected us to win.

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 12:48 pm
by Frybry02
Impressed by our freshman. They had to grow up quick and they have.

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 2:42 pm
by ChooChooCat
CalStateTempe wrote:
ChooChooCat wrote:
PHXCATS wrote:Plenty of teams have won big games and more with only 7 scholarship guys. Don't get why everyone is writing this team off.
Usually those teams have more than 3 total guards and wings. They also typically have an actual point guard too.
Yeah, so whats the sitch' with Trier, Nostradamus?

You said he'd be back by now, or are you pulling an Ace and enjoy watching us grovel for info.

Fact is, you probably don't know anything like the rest of us.
Jesus man are you ok? I know this situation is frustrating, but you don't have to be an ass for no reason. I said there's one more hurdle to clear, I never said "he'd be back by this specific time," because he needs to clear that last hurdle. Guess what? He hasn't cleared it yet and it's out of everyone's hands at this point. The last thing I said was we're looking at several weeks still and that hasn't changed unfortunately.

Go have a beer or start a new hobby or something, your baseless attack on me for no reason is beyond pathetic and desperate.

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 2:45 pm
ChooChooCat wrote:
CalStateTempe wrote:
ChooChooCat wrote:
PHXCATS wrote:Plenty of teams have won big games and more with only 7 scholarship guys. Don't get why everyone is writing this team off.
Usually those teams have more than 3 total guards and wings. They also typically have an actual point guard too.
Yeah, so whats the sitch' with Trier, Nostradamus?

You said he'd be back by now, or are you pulling an Ace and enjoy watching us grovel for info.

Fact is, you probably don't know anything like the rest of us.
Jesus man are you ok? I know this situation is frustrating, but you don't have to be an ass for no reason. I said there's one more hurdle to clear, I never said "he'd be back by this specific time," because he needs to clear that last hurdle. Guess what? He hasn't cleared it yet. The last thing I said was we're looking at several weeks still and that hasn't changed unfortunately.

Go have a beer or start a new hobby or something, your baseless attack on me for no reason is beyond pathetic and desperate.
I mean you are being an ass with the Trier thing...

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 2:52 pm
by ChooChooCat
ASUHATER! wrote:
ChooChooCat wrote:
CalStateTempe wrote:
ChooChooCat wrote:
PHXCATS wrote:Plenty of teams have won big games and more with only 7 scholarship guys. Don't get why everyone is writing this team off.
Usually those teams have more than 3 total guards and wings. They also typically have an actual point guard too.
Yeah, so whats the sitch' with Trier, Nostradamus?

You said he'd be back by now, or are you pulling an Ace and enjoy watching us grovel for info.

Fact is, you probably don't know anything like the rest of us.
Jesus man are you ok? I know this situation is frustrating, but you don't have to be an ass for no reason. I said there's one more hurdle to clear, I never said "he'd be back by this specific time," because he needs to clear that last hurdle. Guess what? He hasn't cleared it yet. The last thing I said was we're looking at several weeks still and that hasn't changed unfortunately.

Go have a beer or start a new hobby or something, your baseless attack on me for no reason is beyond pathetic and desperate.
I mean you are being an ass with the Trier thing...
How exactly? Because I won't openly tell the world when I've been told not to? If everyones' feelings are so hurt by me commenting on it I'll stop it altogether I suppose.

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 5:42 pm
by HiCat
Post more Choo 8-)

No worries

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 6:12 pm
by CalStateTempe
my post above was written on the 12/3 after the Zags loss when I had a few in the tank. I said I was sorry in another post when clearer heads prevailed, must of forgot about this one, which you saw today.

Sorry again.

Its just some posters, like 97, have info and are extremely selective of what, when, how, and mode of delivery of said info. When they post, it means something, even if you (speaking for myself) aren't complete sure if you can read between the lines.

You're a good poster choo with most things CATS BB, but with this situation, some of your posts read as if you are dangling a piece of meat just beyond the electric fence for us (me) starving dogs.

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 7:53 pm
by ChooChooCat
CalStateTempe wrote:my post above was written on the 12/3 after the Zags loss when I had a few in the tank. I said I was sorry in another post when clearer heads prevailed, must of forgot about this one, which you saw today.

Sorry again.

Its just some posters, like 97, have info and are extremely selective of what, when, how, and mode of delivery of said info. When they post, it means something, even if you (speaking for myself) aren't complete sure if you can read between the lines.

You're a good poster choo with most things CATS BB, but with this situation, some of your posts read as if you are dangling a piece of meat just beyond the electric fence for us (me) starving dogs.
My bad man, I didn't look at the date, all is fine, was just taken off guard after the previous back and forth we had. CST I've said as much as I can say publicly, I wish I could share details, but ive given pretty good hints on what happened and have been very forward on the current unfortunate up in the air timeline of his return.

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 9:38 pm
by CalStateTempe
I get it, I really do.

I feel like a kid a christmas, except I'm worried if it will even come this year.

I know we are all pulling in the right direction with the hoped outcome.

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 10:37 pm
by Beachcat97
This team will struggle to reach the NCAA tourney.

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 10:56 pm
Beachcat97 wrote:This team will struggle to reach the NCAA tourney.
So you have us losing 7-8+ conference games?

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 11:10 pm
by az91
Beachcat97 wrote:This team will struggle to reach the NCAA tourney.
Without Trier, I agree.

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 11:25 pm
by Puerco
Beachcat97 wrote:This team will struggle to reach the NCAA tourney.
Weak troll.

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 11:28 pm
by Beachcat97
ASUHATER! wrote:
Beachcat97 wrote:This team will struggle to reach the NCAA tourney.
So you have us losing 7-8+ conference games?

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 11:42 pm
by whatisee
Beachcat97 wrote:
ASUHATER! wrote:
Beachcat97 wrote:This team will struggle to reach the NCAA tourney.
So you have us losing 7-8+ conference games?
Lemme're hitting some Blue Dream right now. amiright?

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 11:45 pm
by Daryl Zero
First game I went to and man, that was awful.

I'm assuming it was post-finals blues.

First game that Laurie didn't look like he could shoot.

Terrible turnovers. Some good and bad defense.

Re: 2016-2017 Arizona Basketball

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 11:54 pm
by Beachcat97
Daryl Zero wrote:First game I went to and man, that was awful.

I'm assuming it was post-finals blues.

First game that Laurie didn't look like he could shoot.

Terrible turnovers. Some good and bad defense.
We have no PG; the freshmen play like freshmen (and not the lotto-bound type); Lauri is still adjusting to the college game; Ristic is one of the softest big men I've ever seen; our offense is basically pass it around a few times and then let Kobi or Rawle or Lauri go one on one; and we can't shoot FTs.

It's not the kind of team you look at and say: Pac 12 contender and watch out in March. It's a team you look at and say: we're gonna lose quite a few games once the competition improves (beginning this weekend), and it'll be impressive if Miller can overcome all of this and reach the tourney.