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Re: Utah @ Arizona discussion thread

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2017 9:14 am
by meiosis
Feel sorry for all kids on the field. To me, it's nobody's fault of losing this game, but yours, you pathetic "widlcats fan"
I'm a Chinese wildcats fan, you guys can't imagine how hard it's for me to get US streams in China since everything is blocked. I have to get a VPN to unblock the internet, get a credit card viable for foreign current transaction, and good providers to keep me with the game.
So, I, a Chinese citizen live 7k mile away from Tucson, tried to stay with cats for every games and every seconds in 60 minutes. How can you not go to Arizona stadium to support our boys? 30k attendence in conference opening game? What a joke!
I'm so tired of comments saying that: "I would go to the game if they won". Ridiculous,f ridiculous. It's not because they can win the game so you go to the game. It's because you go to the game so they win. That's what a fan do. Utes chants louder than us in our home game! Don't you feel shame?
Before next time you post "FIRE RR", "BENCH DAWKINS", "WE SUCKS". Ask yourself did you do your best as a fan to help cats winning the game.
Sorry for my bad English, I just can't get over this lose, we should have won the game. Just don't understand why the stadium is empty as hell.

Re: Utah @ Arizona discussion thread

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2017 9:30 am
by Carcassdragger
meiosis wrote:Feel sorry for all kids on the field. To me, it's nobody's fault of losing this game, but yours, you pathetic "widlcats fan"
I'm a Chinese wildcats fan, you guys can't imagine how hard it's for me to get US streams in China since everything is blocked. I have to get a VPN to unblock the internet, get a credit card viable for foreign current transaction, and good providers to keep me with the game.
So, I, a Chinese citizen live 7k mile away from Tucson, tried to stay with cats for every games and every seconds in 60 minutes. How can you not go to Arizona stadium to support our boys? 30k attendence in conference opening game? What a joke!
I'm so tired of comments saying that: "I would go to the game if they won". Ridiculous,f ridiculous. It's not because they can win the game so you go to the game. It's because you go to the game so they win. That's what a fan do. Utes chants louder than us in our home game! Don't you feel shame?
Before next time you post "FIRE RR", "BENCH DAWKINS", "WE SUCKS". Ask yourself did you do your best as a fan to help cats winning the game.
Sorry for my bad English, I just can't get over this lose, we should have won the game. Just don't understand why the stadium is empty as hell.

Cordero! You're back!!

Re: Utah @ Arizona discussion thread

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2017 9:38 am
by scumdevils86
Appreciate you making the effort to be here and watch our games internationally but I'll respectfully disagree. We suck. I'm not going to spend time and money to go watch us suck. I have other priorities in my life. You and machina are a match in heaven though.

Re: Utah @ Arizona discussion thread

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2017 10:01 am
by ramcat
For those who watched at home, was Dawkins fumble call correct? Was unsure at game. Certainly, yelling for him to get down and secure ball, right before it came out.
Spoke to two people, not AZ fans, who thought it was a bad call.
Very hard to digest this loss, when the win was right there. Great on-side kick, 35 yds, 2:30 minutes, 3 to's, down 6, perfect ending, 3 and 1 heading into bye, but nope. Ugh!!!!!!

Re: Utah @ Arizona discussion thread

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2017 10:04 am
by wyo-cat
It seemed to me his butt went down before the ball came out. It was one that was too close to over turn. The original call was going to stand because of the shitty camera angles.

Re: Utah @ Arizona discussion thread

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2017 10:17 am
by Carcassdragger
wyo-cat wrote:It seemed to me his butt went down before the ball came out. It was one that was too close to over turn. The original call was going to stand because of the shitty camera angles.
This is correct, and those blaming the refs should know that blaming the refs is for losers.

Re: Utah @ Arizona discussion thread

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2017 10:33 am
by Sid
ramcat wrote:For those who watched at home, was Dawkins fumble call correct? Was unsure at game. Certainly, yelling for him to get down and secure ball, right before it came out.
Spoke to two people, not AZ fans, who thought it was a bad call.
Very hard to digest this loss, when the win was right there. Great on-side kick, 35 yds, 2:30 minutes, 3 to's, down 6, perfect ending, 3 and 1 heading into bye, but nope. Ugh!!!!!!
They replayed multiple angles, it could have gone either way. The bottom line is we should be 4-0 right now! Too many mistakes just like the Houston game. A wide open Nick Wilson and a very pedestrian catch and he drops it, that would've been 6 pts. JJ, Dawk had less than stellar moments, we can go on and on....

The D gives me something to believe in and I will remain optimistic when we go on the road. I said it a few times in the game thread, our field is cursed! I'm not one that blames the crowd, you have choices on how to spend your hard earned money. Limit the mistakes on O and keep coaching up this very young D and we can still be tough out.

Bear Down

Re: Utah @ Arizona discussion thread

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2017 3:22 pm
by VegasCatFan
Sid wrote:
ramcat wrote:For those who watched at home, was Dawkins fumble call correct? Was unsure at game. Certainly, yelling for him to get down and secure ball, right before it came out.
Spoke to two people, not AZ fans, who thought it was a bad call.
Very hard to digest this loss, when the win was right there. Great on-side kick, 35 yds, 2:30 minutes, 3 to's, down 6, perfect ending, 3 and 1 heading into bye, but nope. Ugh!!!!!!
They replayed multiple angles, it could have gone either way. The bottom line is we should be 4-0 right now! Too many mistakes just like the Houston game. A wide open Nick Wilson and a very pedestrian catch and he drops it, that would've been 6 pts. JJ, Dawk had less than stellar moments, we can go on and on....

The D gives me something to believe in and I will remain optimistic when we go on the road. I said it a few times in the game thread, our field is cursed! I'm not one that blames the crowd, you have choices on how to spend your hard earned money. Limit the mistakes on O and keep coaching up this very young D and we can still be tough out.

Bear Down
I just got back home after going to the game so I don't know if it was discussed or not, but to me one of the most frustrating plays of the game was early in the 4th, we're down two scores, and have it 4th and 2 just inside midfield I believe it was. Dawkins ended up locking in on the WR to the right who he ended up overthrowing. In the meantime, Wood was running up the middle of the field and was around the 20 with nobody in the same area code as he was and Dawkins stayed locked in on his wideout the entire time. Would have been the easiest TD of the entire year although I'm sure Dawkins would have overthrown him anyway.

Re: Utah @ Arizona discussion thread

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2017 3:45 pm
by wyo-cat
Yep, that play and the dropped wheel route to Nick Wilson.