UALoco wrote:The loss of the shuttle is due to some stupid state procurement rule that requires the university to put the shuttle service out for bid or something..I'm sure there is someone who can enlighten us but for the life of me and I can't remember why that threw a monkey wrench into the deal.
For the last 8 years, my son(now 13) and I drive down to Tucson, hit Guero Canelo, tailgate a bit, watch the game and head back to Phoenix at is time suck and a total bitch, I get why folks won't do it, but it is also a labor of love. The Iowa win, the Oregon upset, the Hill Mary, winning P12 south, and now watching the The Big Cat make has all been worth it. Reading some of the complaints here totally explains the root cause of this problem.....people are too effin' spoiled. They won't go if they can't drink, they won't go if they can't smoke, they won't go cause the bathrooms smell like piss, they won't go cause they don't wan't to hear loud a football game, they won't go cause it is not like the "good 'ol days," not enough band, bad wifi, the Arizona football team doesn't win...enough, we can't facesnap, they wont go cause the bench seats aren't comfortable...good lord what a bunch of whiners. Suck it up buttercup. There is not any possible way everyone's little complaints can be addressed to fill the stadium because things are too easy for folks these days. We need a world war or something to toughen folks up again.
I am 44 and now sound I sound like I am 80...thanks ya'll.
See you at the Oregon State game and Beardown...pinches cabrones.
From what Greg Byrne explained to me once was that SunTran was only allowed to provide that service if no one wanted to bid on it regardless of whether the company was capable of actually providing the service and regardless of the cost.
"Suck it up buttercup" is in no way a solution to the problem. We already have the hardcore fans who are willing to support the team regardless.
The only one's left to draw from are those who are going out to the movies, bars, or dinner instead.
i suppose we could keep on with the strategy of trying to shame Tucson into supporting the Wildcats. It's bound to work eventually LOL
If you haven't read these letters to the editor , tell me they don't have a point.
Your sportswriters have taken to berating your readers over not attending UA football games in greater numbers. I used to attend several games every season when I could park my car at Park Mall or Hi Corbett Field and take a shuttle bus filled with cheerful fans to the stadium. You'd have to pay me to brave the lousy parking on campus for an 8:00 pm game.
I bet your sportswriters all have really good parking spaces, so they can't sympathize with the average fan. If the UA wants more fans at the game, they should make it easier to attend by bringing back the shuttle buses. Customer service, what a concept!
John Vornholt
1) What happened to the shuttles from Hi-Corbett Field, Tucson Mall and Marana? Driving to the games and parking is a nightmare, especially for night games. BRING BACK THE SHUTTLES!!!
2) The noise level and music selection at the games is terrible. I'm nearly deaf but my wife complained about this. How about mixing up the songs a little to appeal to a broader audience. Ever hear of Sweet Caroline, Shout, YMCA or We Will Rock You? If the youngsters want to listen to something else, I'm sure they have their cell phone and ear buds handy.
3) The non-conference schedule sucks. Open the season against a Power-5 conference team and get the fans excited early in the season. WE WANT BAMA! Or at least Nebraska or Texas A&M.
4) Ticket prices are a bargain compared to other Power-5 conference schools. Fill the cheap seats (East Upper Deck and South End Zone) with free tickets for military and community service workers.
Don Mills"
i don't really agree with #4. Might be a bargain somewhere else but not so much in a minimum wage town.
Is the U doing us all a favor by allowing us to spend our hard earned money on their football games or something?
I've said it before, College sports is a remarkable business. Who else has the balls to expect brand loyalty regardless of product quality?