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Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 11:25 am
by RondaeShimmy
RondaeShimmy wrote:
Sumlin is the only one who would improve attendance imo, if that actually is important to Heeke

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 11:25 am
by jimson
Gladiator Cat wrote:Basically after damn near a century of fielding a football team with many more lows than highs, I say there should be nothing that's not on the table. Literally at this point in time there is nothing of a legacy to be worried about or protect.

We've never had a historical component to our football program outside of the two to three years of possibly the best damn defense in the history of college football back in Desert Swarm days. other than that we've been a breathtaking after-thought.

I simply don't understand the contempt and hatred for seriously entertaining the concept of bringing back some former great alums that bleed red and blue and would die to coach here. Every MF'r in the history of all sports at one time in their life who choose to become a head coach had to get hired by someone for the first time.

I would be willing to bet a large chunk of change that all the so called big names being slobbered all over and fantasized about wouldn't do a damn bit better than some of the legacy Arizona football alums if given the opportunity.

As a program we have got to turn over all the rocks and break the mold, whatever that is. All I know is hiring another old fired reject that sounds pretty on paper hasn't worked out for our school. We need an edge that can only be derived from real love and loyalty to the school. I'm utterly sick of freaking east coast used car salesmen that come here for a coaching pit-stop.

How long are we going to continue this abject clusterfuck as the retread coaching failure factory in the desert that never succeeds and just maybe take a chance on the former family member that would run through a freaking brick wall for this school and program and likely stay here forever if successful.

Our historical mediocrity label and in actuality as a program has nothing to lose by breaking its own regressive roadblocks of not considering a few former greats that may be worthy of the HC position and coordinator positions.

In closing I'm fully aware that our sample size of eligible contenders are small indeed, but Tucson is desperately in need of sometime different, and it may reside within the Arizona football family.

I'm telling you all now. These fancy big-time, well known names if they actually came here would get a freaking big ass slap in the face wake-up call in short order here in Tucson. Stars in your eyes thinking truckloads of *4* and *5* star players will start rolling into Tucson because of someone like Sumlin or Miles..........don't kid yourselves.
No shit man. It's way time to try something different and hire a guy who has passion for this school and team.

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 11:30 am
by Carcassdragger
I like Harsin.

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 11:44 am
by ChooChooCat
Out of those 3 it's Kevin Sumlin or bulldoze Arizona Stadium. Those are my only two options.

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 11:46 am
by btfd16
Sumlin would, at worst case, improve attendance and recruiting. I think those are the most important things we need right now.

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 11:54 am
by ChooChooCat
btfd16 wrote:Sumlin would, at worst case, improve attendance and recruiting. I think those are the most important things we need right now.

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 11:54 am
by Puerco
I have a lot of passion for the school and team... Could I get an interview?

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 11:56 am
by BBQ wildcat
btfd16 wrote:Sumlin would, at worst case, improve attendance and recruiting. I think those are the most important things we need right now.
I don't think there is any evidence that he would increase attendance. That seems to be an opinion, not a fact. Yes, he can recruit, but would not be able to recruit here as well as he did at aTm. And there, even with consistent top 10, top 15 recruiting classes, his record was fairly mediocre, consistently finishing 4th or lower in a 7 team division. Les Mile proved himself to be a better coach, with a better record than Sumlin.

I would much rather have a UA alum, however unproven, than Sumlin. Joe Salave'a coming in would do more to improve attendance, IMO, than Sumlin.

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 12:00 pm
by azgreg
I'd be OK with Sumlin but it wouldn't blow wind up my skirt. However, I'd have more faith in him developing Tate than RR.

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 12:05 pm
by ChooChooCat
BBQ wildcat wrote:
btfd16 wrote:Sumlin would, at worst case, improve attendance and recruiting. I think those are the most important things we need right now.
I don't think there is any evidence that he would increase attendance. That seems to be an opinion, not a fact. Yes, he can recruit, but would not be able to recruit here as well as he did at aTm. And there, even with consistent top 10, top 15 recruiting classes, his record was fairly mediocre, consistently finishing 4th or lower in a 7 team division. Les Mile proved himself to be a better coach, with a better record than Sumlin.

I would much rather have a UA alum, however unproven, than Sumlin. Joe Salave'a coming in would do more to improve attendance, IMO, than Sumlin.
Let's just bulldoze Arizona Stadium and build a Lacrosse field then considering the vast majority in Tucson have no idea who Joe Salave'a is let alone how to pronounce his name. Good luck having him boost attendance.

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 12:13 pm
by btfd16
ChooChooCat wrote:
BBQ wildcat wrote:
btfd16 wrote:Sumlin would, at worst case, improve attendance and recruiting. I think those are the most important things we need right now.
I don't think there is any evidence that he would increase attendance. That seems to be an opinion, not a fact. Yes, he can recruit, but would not be able to recruit here as well as he did at aTm. And there, even with consistent top 10, top 15 recruiting classes, his record was fairly mediocre, consistently finishing 4th or lower in a 7 team division. Les Mile proved himself to be a better coach, with a better record than Sumlin.

I would much rather have a UA alum, however unproven, than Sumlin. Joe Salave'a coming in would do more to improve attendance, IMO, than Sumlin.
Let's just bulldoze Arizona Stadium and build a Lacrosse field then considering the vast majority in Tucson have no idea who Joe Salave'a is let alone how to pronounce his name. Good luck having him boost attendance.
Casual fans, younger fans and recent grads would be tenfold more excited about Sumlin than Salavea. Plus attendance with older fans would still spike. Not to mention his exciting offense.

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 12:16 pm
by azpenguin
BBQ wildcat wrote:
btfd16 wrote:Sumlin would, at worst case, improve attendance and recruiting. I think those are the most important things we need right now.
I don't think there is any evidence that he would increase attendance. That seems to be an opinion, not a fact. Yes, he can recruit, but would not be able to recruit here as well as he did at aTm. And there, even with consistent top 10, top 15 recruiting classes, his record was fairly mediocre, consistently finishing 4th or lower in a 7 team division. Les Mile proved himself to be a better coach, with a better record than Sumlin.

I would much rather have a UA alum, however unproven, than Sumlin. Joe Salave'a coming in would do more to improve attendance, IMO, than Sumlin.
aTm was a newcomer to the SEC West, and really was a better fit for the Big 12 in my opinion. Yes, he recruited well, but often had the 3rd or 4th best recruiting class in his own division. He was up against Alabama, Auburn, LSU, Mississippi St. and Ole Miss just in his division. Now I'm not saying he should be off the hook completely for not getting better results, but that is an absolutely brutal schedule to go up against every single year. (MSU and Ole Miss are down a bit right now, but he was facing them at their peaks.) I would be OK with a Sumlin hire as long as they're assured there are no off-field issues to worry about.

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 12:23 pm
by BBQ wildcat
btfd16 wrote:
ChooChooCat wrote:
BBQ wildcat wrote:
btfd16 wrote:Sumlin would, at worst case, improve attendance and recruiting. I think those are the most important things we need right now.
I don't think there is any evidence that he would increase attendance. That seems to be an opinion, not a fact. Yes, he can recruit, but would not be able to recruit here as well as he did at aTm. And there, even with consistent top 10, top 15 recruiting classes, his record was fairly mediocre, consistently finishing 4th or lower in a 7 team division. Les Mile proved himself to be a better coach, with a better record than Sumlin.

I would much rather have a UA alum, however unproven, than Sumlin. Joe Salave'a coming in would do more to improve attendance, IMO, than Sumlin.
Let's just bulldoze Arizona Stadium and build a Lacrosse field then considering the vast majority in Tucson have no idea who Joe Salave'a is let alone how to pronounce his name. Good luck having him boost attendance.
Casual fans, younger fans and recent grads would be tenfold more excited about Sumlin than Salavea. Plus attendance with older fans would still spike. Not to mention his exciting offense.
You should phrase that as an opinion, not a fact. And I don't believe it to be true.

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 12:26 pm
by Chicat
You know who would be really enthusiastic about Salave’a? Diehard fans that are 40+.

You know who already has season tickets? Diehard fans that are 40+.

Good luck finding 5,000-10,000 more of those people to boost attendance significantly.

You know who would be really enthusiastic about a Miles or Sumlin? Casual college football fans.

If you can’t find 5,000-10,000 of those in southern Arizona, you might as well disband the program because ain’t nothing going to fix our problems.

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 12:26 pm
by ChooChooCat
btfd16 wrote:
ChooChooCat wrote:
BBQ wildcat wrote:
btfd16 wrote:Sumlin would, at worst case, improve attendance and recruiting. I think those are the most important things we need right now.
I don't think there is any evidence that he would increase attendance. That seems to be an opinion, not a fact. Yes, he can recruit, but would not be able to recruit here as well as he did at aTm. And there, even with consistent top 10, top 15 recruiting classes, his record was fairly mediocre, consistently finishing 4th or lower in a 7 team division. Les Mile proved himself to be a better coach, with a better record than Sumlin.

I would much rather have a UA alum, however unproven, than Sumlin. Joe Salave'a coming in would do more to improve attendance, IMO, than Sumlin.
Let's just bulldoze Arizona Stadium and build a Lacrosse field then considering the vast majority in Tucson have no idea who Joe Salave'a is let alone how to pronounce his name. Good luck having him boost attendance.
Casual fans, younger fans and recent grads would be tenfold more excited about Sumlin than Salavea. Plus attendance with older fans would still spike. Not to mention his exciting offense.
This is exactly the crowd Heeke needs to attract.

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 12:26 pm
by Merkin
Why would Sumlin improve attendance? I can see recruiting, and would be OK with him, but don't think he has the name to bring in casual UA fans, which Heeke wants to do. Don't think it would win the presser.

You ask these questions to casual FB fans:

1. What team did Kevin Sumlin coach for?
2. What team did Les Miles coach for?

How many would get both right, and how many would get just #2? Those getting #1 right and not #2 would be in the very small minority.


Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 12:30 pm
by ChooChooCat
There is not a single Arizona alum that would create a market plus environment for Arizona outside of Gronk and maybe Tedy Bruschi. Neither have ever coached a day in their lives.

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 12:32 pm
by btfd16
BBQ wildcat wrote:
btfd16 wrote:
ChooChooCat wrote:
BBQ wildcat wrote:
btfd16 wrote:Sumlin would, at worst case, improve attendance and recruiting. I think those are the most important things we need right now.
I don't think there is any evidence that he would increase attendance. That seems to be an opinion, not a fact. Yes, he can recruit, but would not be able to recruit here as well as he did at aTm. And there, even with consistent top 10, top 15 recruiting classes, his record was fairly mediocre, consistently finishing 4th or lower in a 7 team division. Les Mile proved himself to be a better coach, with a better record than Sumlin.

I would much rather have a UA alum, however unproven, than Sumlin. Joe Salave'a coming in would do more to improve attendance, IMO, than Sumlin.
Let's just bulldoze Arizona Stadium and build a Lacrosse field then considering the vast majority in Tucson have no idea who Joe Salave'a is let alone how to pronounce his name. Good luck having him boost attendance.
Casual fans, younger fans and recent grads would be tenfold more excited about Sumlin than Salavea. Plus attendance with older fans would still spike. Not to mention his exciting offense.
You should phrase that as an opinion, not a fact. And I don't believe it to be true.
If you don't mind me asking, how old are you? A range is fine. Not meaning this to be snarky as it may come off online, but I am phrasing it as a fact because I am 24, graduated in 2016 and over the last few days have talked to just about everyone from school who has an interest in this matter. I would say about 60-70 people. I would say about 20% (if that) of those people know who Salavea is. All know who Sumlin is. The friends who still live in the Phoenix area would be excited to go down for a game to watch Sumlin and what he could do with Tate.

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 12:33 pm
by ChooChooCat
Merkin wrote:Why would Sumlin improve attendance? I can see recruiting, and would be OK with him, but don't think he has the name to bring in casual UA fans, which Heeke wants to do. Don't think it would win the presser.

You ask these questions to casual FB fans:

1. What team did Kevin Sumlin coach for?
2. What team did Les Miles coach for?

How many would get both right, and how many would get just #2? Those getting #1 right and not #2 would be in the very small minority.

One coach is in his early 50s and the other is in his mid 60s. That matters.

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 12:34 pm
by btfd16
Chicat wrote:You know who would be really enthusiastic about Salave’a? Diehard fans that are 40+.

You know who already has season tickets? Diehard fans that are 40+.

Good luck finding 5,000-10,000 more of those people to boost attendance significantly.

You know who would be really enthusiastic about a Miles or Sumlin? Casual college football fans.

If you can’t find 5,000-10,000 of those in southern Arizona, you might as well disband the program because ain’t nothing going to fix our problems.
This. Spot on.

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 12:35 pm
by btfd16
ChooChooCat wrote:
Merkin wrote:Why would Sumlin improve attendance? I can see recruiting, and would be OK with him, but don't think he has the name to bring in casual UA fans, which Heeke wants to do. Don't think it would win the presser.

You ask these questions to casual FB fans:

1. What team did Kevin Sumlin coach for?
2. What team did Les Miles coach for?

How many would get both right, and how many would get just #2? Those getting #1 right and not #2 would be in the very small minority.

One coach is in his early 50s and the other is in his mid 60s. That matters.
The most shocking thing about this post is I didn't believe you that Sumlin was even in his 50's. Wow the guy looks good.

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 12:38 pm
You no it Arizona needs above more than anything else? Talent. Talent will breed wins, name recognition, boost attendance, exposure, tv all hinges on getting someone to coach that will bring in talent. Sumlin/Miles does that. Salavea, Cecil, Yates, Hunley do not.

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 12:44 pm
by Spaceman Spiff
Merkin wrote:Why would Sumlin improve attendance? I can see recruiting, and would be OK with him, but don't think he has the name to bring in casual UA fans, which Heeke wants to do. Don't think it would win the presser.

You ask these questions to casual FB fans:

1. What team did Kevin Sumlin coach for?
2. What team did Les Miles coach for?

How many would get both right, and how many would get just #2? Those getting #1 right and not #2 would be in the very small minority.

I think people underrate Miles from a PR perspective. We would push that we just hired a national championship winning head coach. To say Sumlin generates more interest, well, flashing a NC ring is a big deal at Arizona.

I have reservations about how much Miles has left, but he is an engaging personality with a solid off field rep who is easy to sell. If we're retreading someone, I think he and Sumlin would be the best choices.

My preference is obviously elsewhere, but Miles is a high floor, low ceiling hire.

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 12:46 pm
by Macho Grande
UAEebs86 wrote:What is Pops smoking? Yeah, that would really move the attendance needle. SMH

That was a name I threw out a couple of years ago on this board. Took over an Eagles special teams unit that was one of the worst, and quickly turned them into one of the best. Every year, Rick Gosselin of the Dallas Morning News does his annual rankings of NFL special teams based on based on over 20 different statistical categories, and he's had the Eagles special teams ranked #1 two of the last three years. By all accounts, his players love him and play hard for him. Wouldn't mind at all if they hired Fipp. I'll take the young ambitious guy who's eager to prove himself over the tired old burnout any day. As far as moving the attendance needle, winning takes care of that every time.

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 12:47 pm
by Gilbertcat
This was A and M's Recruting Classes
*I assume he had little to do with this class
Average #23


So recruiting did improve with Sumlin. Hard to know if it was him or moving to the SEC though. We really need to improve in this category and I believe he is the guy. ... ll/Commits" target="_blank

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 12:52 pm
by Merkin
Macho Grande wrote:As far as moving the attendance needle, winning takes care of that every time.
Didn't happen at the UA when they were winning and Tate was the most exciting player in college football.

When Tate was Mr. October and playing a ranked and exciting WSU team, the attendence: 42,822

Even UCLA earlier that month was: 48,380

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 12:53 pm
by DrWildcat
Merkin wrote:
Macho Grande wrote:As far as moving the attendance needle, winning takes care of that every time.
Didn't happen at the UA when they were winning and Tate was the most exciting player in college football.

When Tate was Mr. October and playing a ranked and exciting WSU team, the attendence: 42,822

Even UCLA earlier that month was: 48,380
I think a lot of fans had already given up supporting a RichRod team.

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 12:54 pm
by ChooChooCat
DrWildcat wrote:
Merkin wrote:
Macho Grande wrote:As far as moving the attendance needle, winning takes care of that every time.
Didn't happen at the UA when they were winning and Tate was the most exciting player in college football.

When Tate was Mr. October and playing a ranked and exciting WSU team, the attendence: 42,822

Even UCLA earlier that month was: 48,380
I think a lot of fans had already given up supporting a RichRod team.

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 12:56 pm
by chiefzona
Sumlin is the only home run hire that Arizona has.

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 12:59 pm
by btfd16
chiefzona wrote:Sumlin is the only home run hire that Arizona has.
I have been agreeing with Chief and Hater a lot lately... Coaching searches are wild.

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 1:00 pm
by dmjcat
I think folks are obsessing too much over the choices. Frankly, either Miles or Sumlin would be an upgrade over RRod. If its between those 2 its a Win/Win for the UA.

I don't buy the hire the younger guy line however. If Sumlin is successful he will move on in 3-4 years. Miles would have
a much more difficult time leaving due to his age. 68-69 year old NCAA football coaches are not in high demand. I also don't buy the recruiting arguments. Neither coach will be able to recruit as well as they did at their previous stops.........and most of the recruiting is done by the assistant coaches anyway. Whomever the new coach hires as his assistants will be a more significant factor in recruiting.

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 1:02 pm
by BBQ wildcat
Let's just bulldoze Arizona Stadium and build a Lacrosse field then considering the vast majority in Tucson have no idea who Joe Salave'a is let alone how to pronounce his name. Good luck having him boost attendance.
Casual fans, younger fans and recent grads would be tenfold more excited about Sumlin than Salavea. Plus attendance with older fans would still spike. Not to mention his exciting offense.
You should phrase that as an opinion, not a fact. And I don't believe it to be true.
If you don't mind me asking, how old are you? A range is fine. Not meaning this to be snarky as it may come off online, but I am phrasing it as a fact because I am 24, graduated in 2016 and over the last few days have talked to just about everyone from school who has an interest in this matter. I would say about 60-70 people. I would say about 20% (if that) of those people know who Salavea is. All know who Sumlin is. The friends who still live in the Phoenix area would be excited to go down for a game to watch Sumlin and what he could do with Tate.
I am retired, have lived in Tucson since the late 60's and been a Wildcat fan since the early 70's. I have no doubt that people in their early 20's would know more of Sumlin than Salave'a. But I also think that people in their early 20's or in their teens make up a small portion of the fan base, casual or otherwise. I don't have any facts to back that up, it just seems logical.

There will always be a problem getting people to come down from Phoenix as long as the days and times for our games are so shitty.

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 1:06 pm
by Macho Grande
DrWildcat wrote:
Merkin wrote:
Macho Grande wrote:As far as moving the attendance needle, winning takes care of that every time.
Didn't happen at the UA when they were winning and Tate was the most exciting player in college football.

When Tate was Mr. October and playing a ranked and exciting WSU team, the attendence: 42,822

Even UCLA earlier that month was: 48,380
I think a lot of fans had already given up supporting a RichRod team.
This. Can't speak for everybody, but I had soured on RR long before we started winning with Tate, and simply viewed those games as nothing more than fools gold. Seems as though most of the fans were in that same boat.

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 1:07 pm
by ChooChooCat
dmjcat wrote:I think folks are obsessing too much over the choices. Frankly, either Miles or Sumlin would be an upgrade over RRod. If its between those 2 its a Win/Win for the UA.

I don't buy the hire the younger guy line however. If Sumlin is successful he will move on in 3-4 years. Miles would have
a much more difficult time leaving due to his age. 68-69 year old NCAA football coaches are not in high demand. I also don't buy the recruiting arguments. Neither coach will be able to recruit as well as they did at their previous stops.........and most of the recruiting is done by the assistant coaches anyway. Whomever the new coach hires as his assistants will be a more significant factor in recruiting.
To me Miles is nothing more than a Defensive priority version of Rich Rod. I don't see how he helps Arizona at all outside of selling that national championship he won over and over and over again, which does nothing for Arizona.

In the end if Kevin Sumlin proves you can recruit effectively to Arizona and sell tickets in the mean time he will be a massive success for Arizona whether he's here for 3-4 years or longer. Him proving you can achieve these things at Arizona widens Arizona's reach and aspirations for coaching hires in the future. Above all else that's what Arizona needs more than anything at this point.

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 1:11 pm
by RondaeShimmy
Oh no

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 1:15 pm
by DrWildcat
If Sumlin (or any coach) does well enough here that he leaves in a few years to a better job that would be fine with me. At least it means we had a winning team. Its better than having a bad coach for longer that we have to fire and pay to leave.

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 1:16 pm
by ChooChooCat
RondaeShimmy wrote: Oh no
Welp that's it guys, it's officially not happening. Helfrich here we come.

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 1:18 pm
by RondaeShimmy
DrWildcat wrote:If Sumlin (or any coach) does well enough here that he leaves in a few years to a better job that would be fine with me. At least it means we had a winning team. Its better than having a bad coach for longer that we have to fire and pay to leave.
People are too worried some coach would leave Arizona for a better job, when's the last time that happened? Larry Smith?

Can't be scared of success.

As long as the coach leaving doesn't leave the program in ruins, the program will be fine and in better shape to land another decent coach.

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 1:19 pm
by ramcat
ASUHATER! wrote:You no it Arizona needs above more than anything else? Talent. Talent will breed wins, name recognition, boost attendance, exposure, tv all hinges on getting someone to coach that will bring in talent. Sumlin/Miles does that. Salavea, Cecil, Yates, Hunley do not.
Yates can recruit. He and Sumlin will kill it!!" target="_blank

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 1:26 pm
by ChooChooCat
RondaeShimmy wrote:
DrWildcat wrote:If Sumlin (or any coach) does well enough here that he leaves in a few years to a better job that would be fine with me. At least it means we had a winning team. Its better than having a bad coach for longer that we have to fire and pay to leave.
People are too worried some coach would leave Arizona for a better job, when's the last time that happened? Larry Smith?

Can't be scared of success.

As long as the coach leaving doesn't leave the program in ruins, the program will be fine and in better shape to land another decent coach.

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 1:42 pm
by ramcat
Talk of Sumlin beginning to assemble staff. ... twterm%5E0" target="_blank

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 1:45 pm
by azgreg
btfd16 wrote:
chiefzona wrote:Sumlin is the only home run hire that Arizona has.
I have been agreeing with Chief and Hater a lot lately.
Need a shower?

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 1:47 pm
by ChooChooCat
ramcat wrote:Talk of Sumlin beginning to assemble staff. ... twterm%5E0" target="_blank
Schultz has been right about literally nothing ever.

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 1:49 pm
by scumdevils86
Chicat wrote:You know who would be really enthusiastic about Salave’a? Diehard fans that are 40+.

You know who already has season tickets? Diehard fans that are 40+.

Good luck finding 5,000-10,000 more of those people to boost attendance significantly.

You know who would be really enthusiastic about a Miles or Sumlin? Casual college football fans.

If you can’t find 5,000-10,000 of those in southern Arizona, you might as well disband the program because ain’t nothing going to fix our problems.
Ding ding

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 1:53 pm
by ramcat
ChooChooCat wrote:
ramcat wrote:Talk of Sumlin beginning to assemble staff. ... twterm%5E0" target="_blank
Schultz has been right about literally nothing ever.
Many more speaking of Sumlin ascending to the top of the list. Assembling possible staff is generally part of interview but ok, sure. ... a-for-nfl/" target="_blank

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 2:25 pm
by PieceOfMeat
Merkin wrote:
Macho Grande wrote:As far as moving the attendance needle, winning takes care of that every time.
Didn't happen at the UA when they were winning and Tate was the most exciting player in college football.

When Tate was Mr. October and playing a ranked and exciting WSU team, the attendence: 42,822

Even UCLA earlier that month was: 48,380
In my opinion, there were several factors that led to that.

1) (as someone above already mentioned) fans had pretty much given up on RR at that point.

2) There's always a lag in attendance from on the field performance to people getting excited to actually planning on going to games to buying tickets. This lag increases when fans have a general apathy towards the coach and program due to previous seasons and currently (at the time of the game) low expectations.

3) WSU may have been ranked, and to diehard fans that's an exciting game, but to the casual football fan it's washington state......washington state......that's not an exciting football draw for most casual fans at our school, historically speaking.

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 2:33 pm
by btfd16
Is John Chavis to Arkansas a for sure thing?

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 2:44 pm
by Merkin
PieceOfMeat wrote: 3) WSU may have been ranked, and to diehard fans that's an exciting game, but to the casual football fan it's washington state......washington state......that's not an exciting football draw for most casual fans at our school, historically speaking.
Who doesn't love The Pirate? That would have been a must see game if I lived in Tucson.

OK, casual football fans don't.

Always a huge fan of Leach, was hoping UA would get him if you remember my posts at TOS.

Actually a fan of WSU going back to the Mike Price days. Wazzu has the crappiest weather, poor academics, the worst facilities, middle of frickin' nowhere, and can still win. Where the nearest "big" city is Moscow, Idaho, you know you have some serious recruiting to do. Spokane is about 1h22m away.

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 2:47 pm
by Spaceman Spiff
RondaeShimmy wrote:
DrWildcat wrote:If Sumlin (or any coach) does well enough here that he leaves in a few years to a better job that would be fine with me. At least it means we had a winning team. Its better than having a bad coach for longer that we have to fire and pay to leave.
People are too worried some coach would leave Arizona for a better job, when's the last time that happened? Larry Smith?

Can't be scared of success.

As long as the coach leaving doesn't leave the program in ruins, the program will be fine and in better shape to land another decent coach.
True. Our recent hires don't have the options to move to better jobs and just get fired.

We need to hire the guy who gives us the best chance to win.

Re: Arizona Coaching Search

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 2:51 pm
by ProfessorFate
ramcat wrote:
ASUHATER! wrote:You no it Arizona needs above more than anything else? Talent. Talent will breed wins, name recognition, boost attendance, exposure, tv all hinges on getting someone to coach that will bring in talent. Sumlin/Miles does that. Salavea, Cecil, Yates, Hunley do not.
Yates can recruit. He and Sumlin will kill it!!" target="_blank
Yates can recruit? Yeah, 3 star players, just like anybody else. He's gotten four 4 star players in his career, none of those for Arizona. The only great recruiter we've had the last few years that I can think of bolted to Nebraska after a very short stay.

Combine his recruiting with how bad our defense has played the last two years and I'm anxious for complete staff overhaul.

We need a head coach and staff that, collectively, can consistently bring in a mix of 3 and 4 star recruits, with the potential for the occasional 5 star, and then coach them up. I think that's realistic for Arizona football.