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Michigan fans on RichRod after tonight's win

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 11:09 pm
by Irish27
Check out their UofA/Oregon thread also. :D

Re: Michigan fans on RichRod after tonight's win

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 11:21 pm
by UAEebs86

Re: Michigan fans on RichRod after tonight's win

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 11:30 pm
by scumdevils86
Here's some salt for the wound
Rich Rodriguez, in his three years at Arizona, has had a new QB every year yet managed to beat a top 10 team each year.

The last time Michigan beat a Top 10 team?

Rich Rodriguez, 2008.

Fuck. Just fuck.

Re: Michigan fans on RichRod after tonight's win

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 12:05 am
by wyo-cat
MGoBlog is bleeding now, money quote...
Give it up already. He was a success at WV where the weather is shit and he just stomped the #2 team in the country on the road.

The problem was, and continues to be, MICHIGAN. We fucked things up royally and ran this guy out of town. He was the future and we shit the bed.

He just rendered ALL of your arguments moot by embarrassing the #2 team in the country with a team full of 3*'s and a FR QB and FR RB.


Re: Michigan fans on RichRod after tonight's win

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 2:23 pm
by cordera89
You need to go and see what there talking it funny as hell.

Some of them are happy of RR for winning against Oregon while some still think it was fluke win and still degrade him over his three year there.

Re: Michigan fans on RichRod after tonight's win

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 3:35 pm
by Zona_Soccer10
They definitely jumped the gun with Rodriguez, but oh well, he's ours now. Taste the tears, at least a few fans are smart enough to realize what they lost.

Re: Michigan fans on RichRod after tonight's win

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 3:38 pm
by BearDown89
The Michigan Scout board.

8 pages/142 posts ... 212274&p=5

The best post I've found so far:

Posted: Today 11:42 AM
Re: (RR) ZONA Defeats #2 Ranked Oregon...(In Autzen Stadium)

Michigan and it's fans have gotten just what we deserved. We're pompous, arrogant, and entitled. We eat our own. We hate everything. We complain ad nauseum. We have no patience, and no tolerance. We've really gotten what we've deserved and the rest of college football has been loving it. We're Notre Dame in a slightly altered package, and they suffered for 20 years after Holtz. I doubt we get out of our own way with our next hire, either. We'll eat a new coach up and spit him out. We don't have anybody in power that really knows what to do, or how to fix it. Our program is toxic and radioactive. We're all the problem.

Look at what actually happened with Shane Morris. He twisted his ankle and then took a big hit. He didn't actually get hurt further by what transpired after that. So there were some screwups. You fix them so it doesn't happen again, and move on. Would Dantonio and Hollis' jobs been in jeopardy if this happened at MSU last week? Of course not. It only happened here because everybody wants the coach and AD fired and this was the latest, handiest excuse for the moment. We want everybody under the sun fired because we're bitter and hate filled. We don't support the coach, we don't support the kids, we no longer love what's right about college football because we're consumed with hate. You get 6 or 7 home games a year and instead of enjoying them, we're out trying to arrange boycotts. Go back and look at the game threads... we're f'd up. You wonder why your wife thinks you're crazy... it's because you are.

What coach wants to come into this kind of inferno? We chased off RR. Do we think nobody else has paid attention? Brady Hoke is well liked in the coaching community. Do you think the coaches don't see him getting hung out to dry? The coaching community knows RR, likes RR, and thinks he got a raw deal. Why would a good coach come here when they can get a job somewhere working for normal people? We'll end up with a guy who's here only for the money, because that's the only kind of guy we're going to be able to get. Then we'll turn on him and make his life a living hell. We've managed to take something great and turn it into a nightmare. It's disgusting what our program and all of us have turned into. These are our just rewards. Keep thinking that the problem is the other guy. We're all the problem.
"Keep your eyes on the road, your hands upon the wheel."

Re: Michigan fans on RichRod after tonight's win

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 3:53 pm
by UALoco
BearDown89 wrote:The Michigan Scout board.

What coach wants to come into this kind of inferno? ... Why would a good coach come here when they can get a job somewhere working for normal people? We'll end up with a guy who's here only for the money, because that's the only kind of guy we're going to be able to get. Then we'll turn on him and make his life a living hell. ......"[/i]
Coach Petrino, your agent is on line one!