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*** Stanford RAP Prices ***

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 8:21 am
by wilbur1997
Sorry this is late. Traveling for work this week. Also traveling next week, so apologies in advance if my posting is slow.


Solomon, Anu $29
Wilson, Nick $28
Richards, David $17
Allah, Jamar $16
Parks, Will $15
Neal, DaVonte' $15
Randall, Jerrard $15
Lopez, Anthony $14
Jackson, Johnny $14
Denson, Cam $13
Phillips, Nate $13
Jones, Tellas $12
Grant, Samajie $12
Fuimaono, Sani $10
Wright III, Scooby $10
Matthews, Jake $10
Jones, Cayleb $9
Turituri, Derrick $9
Gilbert, Reggie $9
Flannigan-Fowles, Demetrius $8
Tyler, Tre $8
Bradford, Orlando $7
Skowron, Casey $7
Baker, Jared $6
Smothers Jr., Antonio $6
Allen, Calvin $5
Magloire Jr., Paul $4
Worthy, Jeff $4
McCall Jr., Jarvis $4
Fotu, Anthony $4
Miller, DeAndre' $4
Dawkins, Brandon $3
Hehr, Carter $3
Jackson, Sir Thomas $3
Zellers, Parker $3
Bruno, Luca $2
Green, Zach $2
Gregory, Haden $2
Morgan, RJ $2
Haden, Jonathan $2
Riggleman, Drew $2

ANYONE ELSE $1 (pick an individual player for $1... not all the remaining players for $1)

Also, there are no extra points for "left-over" money... in basketball, there are points for left-over money, but not in football. For best results, use all your $50.

PM me if you have any questions/concerns. Good luck!

Bear Down, Beat the Cardinal!

Re: *** Stanford RAP Prices ***

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 8:23 am
by azgreg
Wilson, Nick $28
Randall, Jerrard $15
Miller, DeAndre' $4
Dawkins, Brandon $3
tb: 69

Re: *** Stanford RAP Prices ***

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 8:29 am
by UAEebs86
Wilson, Nick $28
Randall, Jerrard $15
Dawkins, Brandon $3
Jackson, Sir Thomas $3
Morrison, Sammy $1

TB: 76

Re: *** Stanford RAP Prices ***

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 8:46 am
by Irish27
Wilson, Nick $28
Randall, Jerrard $15
Dawkins, Brandon $3
Bruno, Luca $2
Morgan, RJ $2


Re: *** Stanford RAP Prices ***

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 8:51 am
by OSUCat
Wilson, Nick $28
Randall, Jerrard $15
Miller, DeAndre' $4
Dawkins, Brandon $3
tb: 50

Re: *** Stanford RAP Prices ***

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 8:55 am
by wyo-cat
$15 Randall
$13 Denson
$13 Phillips
$9 Cayleb

TB 51

Re: *** Stanford RAP Prices ***

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 8:57 am
by whatisee
Allah, Jamar $16
Randall, Jerrad $15
Miller, De'Andre $4
Neal, De'vonte $15


Re: *** Stanford RAP Prices ***

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 9:03 am
by ANGCatFan
Wilson, Nick $28
Randall, Jerrard $15
Baker, Jared $6
Kern, Josh $1

tb - 69

Re: *** Stanford RAP Prices ***

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 9:09 am
by Merkin
Randall, Jerrard $15
Jones, Cayleb $9
Bradford, Orlando $7
Skowron, Casey $7
Baker, Jared $6
Morrison, Sammy 1
Kern, Josh 1
Morgan, RJ $2
Riggleman, Drew $2

TB 61

Re: *** Stanford RAP Prices ***

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 9:46 am
by Daveracity
Randall J. 15
Jones. T. 12
Bradford O 7
Baker J. 6
Dawkins B. 3
Bruno. L. 2
Morgan RJ. 2
Riggleman D. 2
Whittaker J. 1.

Tp. 63.

Re: *** Stanford RAP Prices ***

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 9:49 am
by qwertyus
Nick Wilson 28
Casey Skowron 7
Jerrard Randall 15

Total 50

TB 56

Re: *** Stanford RAP Prices ***

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 10:02 am
by azcat49
Wilson $28
Randall $15
Miller $4
Dawkins $3


Re: *** Stanford RAP Prices ***

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 10:08 am
by Footballjunkie
Wilson, Nick $28
Randall, Jerrard $15
Dawkins, Brandon $3
Bruno, Luca $2
Riggleman, Drew $2


TB = 66

Re: *** Stanford RAP Prices ***

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 10:20 am
by azthrillhouse
Wilson, Nick $28
Jones, Cayleb $9
Miller, DeAndre' $4
Dawkins, Brandon $3
Hehr, Carter $3
Zellers, Parker $3


TB: 68

Re: *** Stanford RAP Prices ***

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 10:25 am
by PieceOfMeat
Wilson, Nick $28
Randall, Jerrard $15
Baker, Jared $6

breaker 66

Re: *** Stanford RAP Prices ***

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 10:34 am
by dc4azcats
Wilson, Nick $28
Randall, Jerrard $15
Miller, DeAndre' $4
Bruno, Luca $2
Kern, Josh $1

TB 60

Re: *** Stanford RAP Prices ***

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 11:31 am
by Chicat
Wilson, Nick $28
Randall, Jerrard $15
McCall Jr., Jarvis $4
Dawkins, Brandon $3


Re: *** Stanford RAP Prices ***

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 11:37 am
by wilbur1997
Randall, Jerrard $15
Phillips, Nate $13
Jones, Tellas $12
Skowron, Casey $7
Riggleman, Drew $2
Kern, Josh $1

Re: *** Stanford RAP Prices ***

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 11:47 am
by The Butcher
wilbur1997 wrote:Sorry this is late. Traveling for work this week. Also traveling next week, so apologies in advance if my posting is slow.


Solomon, Anu $29
Wilson, Nick $28
Richards, David $17
Allah, Jamar $16
Parks, Will $15
Neal, DaVonte' $15
Randall, Jerrard $15
Lopez, Anthony $14
Jackson, Johnny $14
Denson, Cam $13
Phillips, Nate $13
Jones, Tellas $12
Grant, Samajie $12
Fuimaono, Sani $10
Wright III, Scooby $10
Matthews, Jake $10
Jones, Cayleb $9
Turituri, Derrick $9
Gilbert, Reggie $9
Flannigan-Fowles, Demetrius $8
Tyler, Tre $8
Bradford, Orlando $7
Skowron, Casey $7
Baker, Jared $6
Smothers Jr., Antonio $6
Allen, Calvin $5
Magloire Jr., Paul $4
Worthy, Jeff $4
McCall Jr., Jarvis $4
Fotu, Anthony $4
Miller, DeAndre' $4
Dawkins, Brandon $3
Hehr, Carter $3
Jackson, Sir Thomas $3
Zellers, Parker $3
Bruno, Luca $2
Green, Zach $2
Gregory, Haden $2
Morgan, RJ $2
Haden, Jonathan $2
Riggleman, Drew $2

ANYONE ELSE $1 (pick an individual player for $1... not all the remaining players for $1)

Also, there are no extra points for "left-over" money... in basketball, there are points for left-over money, but not in football. For best results, use all your $50.

PM me if you have any questions/concerns. Good luck!

Bear Down, Beat the Cardinal!
Randall, Jerrard $15
Riggleman, Drew $2
Morgan, RJ $2
Bruno, Luca $2
Jackson, Sir Thomas $3
Miller, DeAndre' $4
Dawkins, Brandon $3
Magloire Jr., Paul $4
Baker, Jared $6
Jones, Cayleb $9

TB 52

Re: *** Stanford RAP Prices ***

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 1:48 pm
by KingG
15 Randall
12 tellas jones
6 Jared baker
4 Deandre miller
2 Luca Bruno
2 Jonathan Haden
2 riggleman
2 RJ Morgan
1 shun brown
1 J Cobb
1 josh kern
1 Sammy Morrison
1 jace Whittaker

Tb = 56

Re: *** Stanford RAP Prices ***

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 2:24 pm
by Captcarnage
Wilson, Nick $28
Randall, Jerrard $15
Miller, DeAndre' $4
Dawkins, Brandon $3

Tb= 62

Re: *** Stanford RAP Prices ***

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 2:30 pm
by illcat
Wilson, Nick $28
Phillips, Nate $13
Jones, Cayleb $9
TB 64

Re: *** Stanford RAP Prices ***

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 3:54 pm
Wilson 28
Randall 15
Worthy 4
Jackson 3

Tie 58

Re: *** Stanford RAP Prices ***

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 4:28 pm
by ghostwhitehorse
wilbur1997 wrote:Sorry this is late. Traveling for work this week. Also traveling next week, so apologies in advance if my posting is slow.


Solomon, Anu $29
Wilson, Nick $28
Richards, David $17
Allah, Jamar $16
Parks, Will $15
Neal, DaVonte' $15
Randall, Jerrard $15
Lopez, Anthony $14
Jackson, Johnny $14
Denson, Cam $13
Phillips, Nate $13
Jones, Tellas $12
Grant, Samajie $12
Fuimaono, Sani $10
Wright III, Scooby $10
Matthews, Jake $10
Jones, Cayleb $9
Turituri, Derrick $9
Gilbert, Reggie $9
Flannigan-Fowles, Demetrius $8
Tyler, Tre $8
Bradford, Orlando $7
Skowron, Casey $7
Baker, Jared $6
Smothers Jr., Antonio $6
Allen, Calvin $5
Magloire Jr., Paul $4
Worthy, Jeff $4
McCall Jr., Jarvis $4
Fotu, Anthony $4
Miller, DeAndre' $4
Dawkins, Brandon $3
Hehr, Carter $3
Jackson, Sir Thomas $3
Zellers, Parker $3
Bruno, Luca $2
Green, Zach $2
Gregory, Haden $2
Morgan, RJ $2
Haden, Jonathan $2
Riggleman, Drew $2

ANYONE ELSE $1 (pick an individual player for $1... not all the remaining players for $1)

Also, there are no extra points for "left-over" money... in basketball, there are points for left-over money, but not in football. For best results, use all your $50.

PM me if you have any questions/concerns. Good luck!

Bear Down, Beat the Cardinal!
Neal, DaVonte' $15
Randall, Jerrard $15
Lopez, Anthony $14
Baker, Jared $6


tiebreaker: 79

Re: *** Stanford RAP Prices ***

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 5:33 pm
by BearDown89
Wilson $28
Randall $15
Skowron $7

TB = 62

Re: *** Stanford RAP Prices ***

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 6:15 pm
by RazorsEdgeAZ
Wilson, Nick $28
Randall, Jerrard $15
Miller, DeAndre' $4
Bruno, Luca $2
Kern, Josh $1


Re: *** Stanford RAP Prices ***

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 7:18 pm
by prh
Wilson, Nick $28
Jones, Cayleb $9
Baker, Jared $6
Miller, DeAndre' $4
Dawkins, Brandon $3

Re: *** Stanford RAP Prices ***

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 7:27 pm
by AZCatGirl
Wilson, Nick $28
Neal, DaVonte' $15
Skowron, Casey $7

TB = 55

Re: *** Stanford RAP Prices ***

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 8:59 pm
by Carcassdragger
Damn Wilbur. I looked and looked during the week and couldn't get to it Saturday. Wish the prices could've been posted earlier,,,, Thanks.

Re: *** Stanford RAP Prices ***

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 9:09 am
by Coop Cat
carcassdragger wrote:Damn Wilbur. I looked and looked during the week and couldn't get to it Saturday. Wish the prices could've been posted earlier,,,, Thanks.
This. Second week that I have not picked b/c the posting of the prices was so delayed. Maybe get a "co-manager" of the RAP that can post things when you are unavailable.