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What can Arizona Football do well?

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 8:15 am
by SCCats
So eventually, if you bear with me, this will be a discussion on what kind of head coach we might be looking for.

But before you can look for a head coach, I think you need to have a discussion about what it is your program could theoretically do well and that might focus you a bit on what type of head coach you might look for. And then the second step of "what can we do well" is "can we repeat that thing(s) that we do well year after year"?

1. What can we theoretically do well
2. Is it replicable? (Can that successful thing that we do be repeated and repeated and repeated to create repeating success over the long term?)

So what can we theoretically do well? Is it a certain type of system? Is it recruiting certain types of players for that system year after year? Is it something structural within the program that we can set up?

Is it all three?

What can we theoretically do well and how do we repeat that thing(s) year after year to create a successful program? I'd love to hear any thoughts.

Re: What can Arizona Football do well?

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 9:42 pm
by SCCats

This thread went about as I expected early on. Perhaps people have never thought about where Arizona might have advantages. Perhaps they have thought about it and can't come up with any.

But everything in the world is just a system; inputs are put into the system and some kind of result is kicked out.

Think about a football program that way. The inputs:

Head Coach
Offensive System
Defensive System
Special Teams
Strength and Conditioning

Thought of that way, where does Arizona have advantages? If you want a baseline, let's say where does it have advantages over other theoretical top 25ish programs from the above mentioned inputs?

Re: What can Arizona Football do well?

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 5:27 pm
by TheGreatCatsby
We know that our coaches (allegedly but also corroborated by the victim's husband) allow our players to send female staffers dick pics...if that's something we can be proud of doing well.

Re: What can Arizona Football do well?

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 7:42 pm
by Spaceman Spiff
As a fanbase, we tend to be largely more realistic and less entitled than ASU. Both programs produce middling results, but at least we're not always claiming we're a sleeping giant.

The student section gets killer seats.

The BearDown shadow in the field is cool.

Re: What can Arizona Football do well?

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2018 9:07 am
by SCCats

Yeah that's our problem; we don't have any areas where we have a comparable advantage. So we have to find a way to create advantages, even if it takes some actions that might be considered "radical."

Otherwise we just continue with no advantages, which probably means a whole bunch of 5-8 win seasons (as it generally has in the past).

That doesn't particularly sounds great to me so I'd be inclined to try something more radical, but I understand that some people have a tough time breaking out of the mold that they're used to.

Re: What can Arizona Football do well?

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2018 10:42 am
by UAEebs86
According to Gronk, pool parties.