Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by Longhorned »

Pop McKale wrote:
Longhorned wrote:
Pop McKale wrote:
Chicat wrote: If schools and coaches can't make lucrative apparel deals, how can there be pressure or influence?
You're already putting a lot of faith in this and at the end of it all if it's set up the right way you may end up being right. Forgive me, though, if it sounds eerily similar to someone 25 years ago saying "What do you mean they're paying players to go certain schools?" or "What do you mean they forged his transcripts to make him eligible?" When big dollars are involved it would seem there's always pressure and influence.

Again, this all makes it a professional venture right out of high school. So why not just eliminate the middle man for the small percentage of athletes to which this really applies? Believe me, I'm all for the free market and if you can go out and make some bucks on the up-and-up, then crack a nut. Still, make the case for me that this should be done via institutions of higher learning most of which already have myriad financial issues of their own to overcome.
I'm probably misunderstanding what you wrote, but the only way big dollars won't be involved is if the students, alumni, and the public stop following the sport. One good way to ensure that happening is the elimination of players good enough to be future pros.

As you know and seem to support, any college student can make as much money outside the university as anybody wants to pay them. Like Chicat said, some future pro's have good reasons for wanting to go the college route. It seems strange that we should have rules to prevent them from having outside sources of income while they pursue that.

You point out a potential conflict: What if a shoe company's investment in a player runs up against a situation where he sees less playing time? This opens the head coach to the risk of bribery by the shoe company. But this danger is found everywhere in the world, and institutions have to put in place incentives to prevent it. For example, the institution and shoe company can require that players are paid in accordance with floor minutes. I don't know whether that's a good solution, but somebody smarter than me can and will have better ideas that keep rather than close the options available for players and programs.
No, you pretty well have it although I'll confess I've been all over the place with my posts this past week. As have many of us, I'm sure. I'm not advocating the disbanding of college basketball. Not at all. I love the game. As a kid, I'd scribble down the brackets as they were announced by Brent Musburger on CBS and then make my own bracket poster for the wall in my room. I still have a few socked away I think. I grew up with Lute Olson both at Iowa and at Arizona because my folks are Hawkeye alums. Got hooked on Ronnie Lester and the amazing 1980 run. Cried like a baby when UNLV made that ridiculous comeback to keep Iowa from the Final Four in 1987 just like many of you may have when Hunt made the 3-pointer over Lofton in 1989.

But, I'm not an NBA fan at all and have no interest in watching a pro or semi-pro league emerge in the collegiate ranks. I fully realize that's basically what we have now. Enjoyed watching Lakers/Celtics and then the Bulls dynasty (the first 3-peat more so than the latter) as a kid/college student, but lost interest in it after the mid-90's because of the constant migration of players, the way the game has been played (tons of iso, one-on-one, etc.) and all the attendant things that make it a pro sport and not amateur. To be fair, I've thoroughly enjoyed what Kerr and the Warriors have brought to the league and am glad other teams have tried to follow suit with their style of play but it's something I'll never really pay great attention to until it's deep into the playoffs.

Similarly, the experiences at Arizona Stadium and McKale Center have become more in line with what you'd see in the NFL and NBA stadiums and arenas - though done in a 2nd class manner to be blunt, and at the expense of some wonderful tradition and pageantry and the loss of some real love affairs with the kids on the team. My wife - born and raised Tucsonan and UofA lifer - has nearly zero interest in following Arizona Basketball anymore because she can't keep track of who's on the damn roster year to year. I'll admit my passion for it has really waned in the last decade, partially because we're neck deep in what our kids are doing and all that goes with that, but also for many of those same reasons. I never thought I'd see the day when we wouldn't be season football and basketball ticket holders, but here we are.

There's no investment to be made from my perspective. Many of these kids are here 5-6 months and then are gone. So much of the conversation about our players doesn't surround what they're actually doing here. It's all about the latest mock draft and how they project in the NBA game. And for many, that's all perfectly OK and many enjoy that aspect of it. I don't. Many players don't like the PT they get and want to move on to another school. I don't blame them at all. I blame the way the game is currently rigged. It's sad when stories like those of T.J. McConnell are the exception rather than the rule. Senior Days with one player honored - ONE - like this past season. Andre Iguodala has had an incredible career in the NBA and has become a fine ambassador for the UofA but folks conveniently forget how dysfunctional the team became his last season here and some would argue part of it was due to him going into full-on NBA audition mode. Similar conversations have happened regarding Trier and other past Wildcats trying to boost their own stock at the expense of the team. I can live without it.

I realize the era I describe is long gone so maybe my hope is that things are so corrupt the only option is a massive reset that will allow these wonderful players to go pro straight from high school and get to work on doing what they really want to do. That the AAU circuit is blown up to the point that high school sports reap the benefits and high school basketball in particular becomes relevant again. That those who aren't ready can go to great schools and programs and develop while getting a good education and one that is meaningful -- meaning the kids value it. That the schools, students, and community can embrace these players much more as their own. In the event that reset happens, you're far more likely to get more players here who really want to be HERE - for the campus, the climate, the chicks, the tradition, the fan support, the great coach, and some great academics that will help them in the likely event that they fall short of the NBA.

For me, there's no getting around the artificial nature of it if the players are paid to be in Tucson. I know many folks don't have a choice when they go to college if they can afford to go at all, but I was fairly lucky and could have gone a number of places. I chose Arizona for all the reasons many of you did. That name on the uniform has lost some meaning for me -- even before this past week's events. That's been a tough realization that's been magnified after what came to light last Tuesday.

So, that's where I'm coming from...whether it makes any sense or not I'll leave to you all.
I can't argue with anything you said, and I overlap/identify with much of it.

The one observation I'd add is that, even as things stand now, 5-star players aren't in Tucson because they're paid to be here. They're paid to be at any school. That's equalized. There are different reasons why they end up at Arizona or Kansas or whatever.

The thing that gets me down is that the choice of where they go often isn't theirs to make. That's according to Gershon. I never understood what that means, but now I suspect it refers to the agents they get directed toward.
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by CatFanOneMil »

Irish27 wrote:Pitino is selling his house. Who will be the first to report his wife is in Tucson meeting with a realtor? :shock: ... ng-scandal" target="_blank
He's already said he's moving to Florida...lots of mob family there...
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by CatFanOneMil »

Russ Smith wrote:
TucsonClip wrote:
Chicat wrote:Hey Russ . . . no one asked you.
That's his calling card. "Hey guys, let me drop some wisdom for you, even though you don't want or need it. I know you all think you are miserable, but let me make it worse with my know-it-all-ness in a minimum of 1,000 words."
hey if you guys all want to grasp at the wrong straw feel free.

The FBI didn't do all this to prevent 4 assistant coaches from defrauding their schools, they did it to be able to pursue federal crimes and see who else they can get in the net.

There's a great thread on USChoops about the legal aspects here, a USC fan Chase is grasping at the same straws you guys are, and UCLA fan shipwreckedcrew, a former federal prosecutor, is explaining to him why he's wrong and why the FBI did what they did. It's by far the best analysis I've seen on this. You guys keep saying I want UA to be guilty here as if none of you are speaking because you want UA to NOT be guilty. I think tons of schools have done the same thing and will eventually get implicated too, but that doesn't mean Arizona is the victim of a rogue assistant coach. ... stigations" target="_blank
Ok first I went and read ALL of the commentary between the two lawyers and the last post by chaseinmanhatten seems to be quite valid, there is plenty of cases requiring the Feds to prove nexus with federal funds/programs to make the FBI case tenuous...

Second lets address this post..." You guys keep saying I want UA to be guilty here as if none of you are speaking because you want UA to NOT be guilty. I think tons of schools have done the same thing and will eventually get implicated too, but that doesn't mean Arizona is the victim of a rogue assistant coach." your basically admitting you WANT UA to be found guilty...from what I can tell you've already set up court and decided that yes Miller is guilty and a lot of other schools are as well, I think your proposition is much more tenuous than the FBI's they at least have made absolutely no claim that Miller is guilty of this stuff, hell they haven't even said Pitino is guilty only that a phone traced to a coach in his school might be involved...but lets lay aside all the legal arguments for a minute and look at you clear admission that you WANT Arizona to be guilty...I find this to be very strange behavior...sort of the kind of thing you'd find vagrants doing in an alley under a bridge...I think a more accepted term for you is "Troll"
Last edited by CatFanOneMil on Sun Oct 01, 2017 6:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by Hank of sb »

Pop McKale wrote:
No, you pretty well have it although I'll confess I've been all over the place with my posts this past week. As have many of us, I'm sure. I'm not advocating the disbanding of college basketball. Not at all. I love the game. As a kid, I'd scribble down the brackets as they were announced by Brent Musburger on CBS and then make my own bracket poster for the wall in my room. I still have a few socked away I think. I grew up with Lute Olson both at Iowa and at Arizona because my folks are Hawkeye alums. Got hooked on Ronnie Lester and the amazing 1980 run. Cried like a baby when UNLV made that ridiculous comeback to keep Iowa from the Final Four in 1987 just like many of you may have when Hunt made the 3-pointer over Lofton in 1989.

There's no investment to be made from my perspective. Many of these kids are here 5-6 months and then are gone. So much of the conversation about our players doesn't surround what they're actually doing here. It's all about the latest mock draft and how they project in the NBA game. And for many, that's all perfectly OK and many enjoy that aspect of it. I don't. Many players don't like the PT they get and want to move on to another school. I don't blame them at all. I blame the way the game is currently rigged. It's sad when stories like those of T.J. McConnell are the exception rather than the rule. Senior Days with one player honored - ONE - like this past season. Andre Iguodala has had an incredible career in the NBA and has become a fine ambassador for the UofA but folks conveniently forget how dysfunctional the team became his last season here and some would argue part of it was due to him going into full-on NBA audition mode. Similar conversations have happened regarding Trier and other past Wildcats trying to boost their own stock at the expense of the team. I can live without it.

I realize the era I describe is long gone so maybe my hope is that things are so corrupt the only option is a massive reset that will allow these wonderful players to go pro straight from high school and get to work on doing what they really want to do.

For me, there's no getting around the artificial nature of it if the players are paid to be in Tucson. I know many folks don't have a choice when they go to college if they can afford to go at all, but I was fairly lucky and could have gone a number of places. I chose Arizona for all the reasons many of you did. That name on the uniform has lost some meaning for me -- even before this past week's events. That's been a tough realization that's been magnified after what came to light last Tuesday.

So, that's where I'm coming from...whether it makes any sense or not I'll leave to you all.

Been all over the place this week
Cried like a baby (a big loss)
No investment anymore with the team (kids stay for a semester+)
Era long gone.......
Players paid!
Where I'm coming from now....(reminiscing & sorrow)

Pop, where you are coming from is where I am coming from. (I remember Recently yet politely challenging me you were, over on Scout.)

Thanks for taking the time.
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by Pop McKale »

Longhorned wrote: The thing that gets me down is that the choice of where they go often isn't theirs to make. That's according to Gershon. I never understood what that means, but now I suspect it refers to the agents they get directed toward.
Yes, this is incredibly disappointing. Thanks for the thoughtful posts all week.
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by Olsondogg »

The worst part of this week is the amount of respect I have lost for a multitude of “fans”... I
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by CatFanOneMil »

Olsondogg wrote:The worst part of this week is the amount of respect I have lost for a multitude of “fans”... I
Me too! The media in Tucson will never have my respect again...I still think Book exonerates Miller at some point and then the fair weather fans will find another reason to criticize him.
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by azcat49 »

The press definitely wants there story and appears to be forcing the issue in an attempt to get it
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by zonagrad »

I feel like the media wants a moment like , "A Few Good Men." They want Miller to admit to his code red and ordered payments to players.
But every fan knows they want Miller at McKale, they need Miller at McKale.
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by prh »

Would love to see the department revoke media credentials for all these clowns.
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by CalStateTempe »

Pop, dude thanks for such a heart felt and real post. Encapsulates where many of us may have been over this past week.

Thank you for sharing your history with cats bb and how you have changed/grown as the game has changed too. Like you I lost interest in the NBA in the mid to late I notes for the same reasons. Thank you for your perspective on where the college game is going.
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by CalStateTempe »

azcat49 wrote:The press definitely wants there story and appears to be forcing the issue in an attempt to get it
It's so transparent and obvious. Very very irritating
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by Beachcat97 »

I don't understand why the local press would want to see Miller fall. Granted, I don't live in Tucson, so I'm not as close to this as others may be, but I've been under the impression that Sean Miller is well liked in the Tucson community. It's not on the same level of adoration as Lute, obviously, but he seems to be on his way. Is this not the case? Is he unpopular locally?
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by dmjcat »

Russ Smith wrote:
TucsonClip wrote:
Chicat wrote:Hey Russ . . . no one asked you.
That's his calling card. "Hey guys, let me drop some wisdom for you, even though you don't want or need it. I know you all think you are miserable, but let me make it worse with my know-it-all-ness in a minimum of 1,000 words."
hey if you guys all want to grasp at the wrong straw feel free.

The FBI didn't do all this to prevent 4 assistant coaches from defrauding their schools, they did it to be able to pursue federal crimes and see who else they can get in the net.

There's a great thread on USChoops about the legal aspects here, a USC fan Chase is grasping at the same straws you guys are, and UCLA fan shipwreckedcrew, a former federal prosecutor, is explaining to him why he's wrong and why the FBI did what they did. It's by far the best analysis I've seen on this. You guys keep saying I want UA to be guilty here as if none of you are speaking because you want UA to NOT be guilty. I think tons of schools have done the same thing and will eventually get implicated too, but that doesn't mean Arizona is the victim of a rogue assistant coach. ... stigations" target="_blank
Russ: I have read your posts on BruinZone for some time. You dislike the UA & Miller. I get it. You are probably creaming your shorts since the scandal it. Just remember one thing. No matter how bad it looks for the UA its much worse for you and the UCLA basketball program Your head coach is Steve Alford :D
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by CatFanOneMil »

So Brain Bowen has hired an attorney to seek reinstatement...

Call me skeptical but would anyone really throw money at being suspended if they knew they were guilty?

He would not be facing any criminal charges if I am ot mistaken (if he did take the money)...

This sounds more and more like a circle jerk of bad eggs and the handlers who were doing this...makes me think even more that Book simply went off rails and other assistant coaches as well... ... 9789893633" target="_blank
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by zonagrad »

If you've attended the multitude of news conferences or weekly media opportunities involving Arizona basketball, you'd understand. With all due respect to Bruce Pascoe, who no doubt works hard and covers the team tirelessly, he embodies the typical journalist covering the 'Cats and barraging Miller with questions. I suppose there's a lack of respect involved on Miller's part towards the media. None of them played competitive basketball at a level worthy of respect. They know the rules of the game, but they don't appreciate the subtleties because they've never played the game.

So many of the other journalists are so young and naive and know little about the game and are given a platform to ask inane questions to a coach who is a basketball savant. Miller goes out of his way to be patient and polite. But where I sit, when I hear his response to a stupid question his mouth is saying one thing but inside he's telling himself who the fvck are these people with a microphones. So many of them have very little grasp of college basketball and even less understanding of the economics of college athletics. They see things through a narrow lens.

On another note, I wish I could spread rep or "like" your posts like on Facebook. Outstanding contributions by many of you here. For some of the others however, you suck.
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by Bangkok Wildcat »

CalStateTempe wrote:
azcat49 wrote:The press definitely wants there story and appears to be forcing the issue in an attempt to get it
It's so transparent and obvious. Very very irritating
It's been so long since there's been an 'honest press' that I can't even recall the last time I had full faith in the MSM. They seem to be so driven by ratings, personal/ corporate agendas, rush-to-judgment that the day of trusting these jokers is long gone IMHO.

Politics-aside, this Sports Story is a real bipartisan eye-opener for anyone who doesn't agree with the above, admitted generalization. You can easily see who the reporters are (i.e. Doing fact-checking, cautiously reporting and allowing the viewer to jusge vs. the openly biased media who have their own / corporate agendas pushing their reporting) vs the commentators who have every right to put their opinions / judgments forth as long as they are honest about it.

Again, I still have faith in CSM and even though we all know / knew that shoe companies were dirtying the waters and corrupting the sport, I still can't believe he operated well out of the normal process and was corrupt.....What scares me the most is the need for heads to roll no matter how egregious the act.

This day and age of the Collegiate Environment, it wouldn't surprise me at all to see a scared / new Administration throw him under the bus. I pray they don't take the easy road but have the fortitude and wisdom to take the righteous one.....whatever the hell that is......seems like the whole recruiting process is one huge gray area in many respects and open to interpretation. THAT scares the crap out of me.

The NCAA is the Devil in this, not the FBI. Just look at how incompetent / subjective they are re: UNC, Louisville....yet they smacked the shit out of us for the silly Lute camp letter (I easily forget the details of that as it was so frickin' petty IMO).

BTFD y'all......Peace!

Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by RiseAndFire »

miller diehards, it's reaching paterno like levels and coach can't even issue a simple denial statement- the guys in total hiding . please explain the total devotion?

the number one reason was always his recruiting prowess, which is now proven fraudulent and will earn UA serious NCAA penalties.

so what reasons could possibly remain ? i know it isn't:
the postseason success (hasn't beaten a higher seed since Duke 2011)
the entertaining style of play (avg 3 fast breaks a game)
the masterful roster management
the flexibility in matching up various opponents styles of play (do what we do)
the point guard recruiting
the way he respects his players in public
his willingness to accept responsibility for losses and poor play

so what then, is it that he gets really fired up about certain things ? really want to know
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by Beachcat97 »

zonagrad wrote:If you've attended the multitude of news conferences or weekly media opportunities involving Arizona basketball, you'd understand. With all due respect to Bruce Pascoe, who no doubt works hard and covers the team tirelessly, he embodies the typical journalist covering the 'Cats and barraging Miller with questions. I suppose there's a lack of respect involved on Miller's part towards the media. None of them played competitive basketball at a level worthy of respect. They know the rules of the game, but they don't appreciate the subtleties because they've never played the game.

So many of the other journalists are so young and naive and know little about the game and are given a platform to ask inane questions to a coach who is a basketball savant. Miller goes out of his way to be patient and polite. But where I sit, when I hear his response to a stupid question his mouth is saying one thing but inside he's telling himself who the fvck are these people with a microphones. So many of them have very little grasp of college basketball and even less understanding of the economics of college athletics. They see things through a narrow lens.

On another note, I wish I could spread rep or "like" your posts like on Facebook. Outstanding contributions by many of you here. For some of the others however, you suck.
Thanks, zg. This all makes sense. I can't imagine it's too different with a lot of coaches. I actually think Miller is one of the more patient, more articulate coaches out there in terms of press conferences. He has a good press conference demeanor. Yes, there was the "he touched the ball" thing from a few years back, but they were really pressing his buttons. And it was right after a tough loss. Overall, I think Sean represents the program with class and professionalism, notwithstanding this past week's revelations.

If the local press are not behind Sean, and they know as much as we do, then they're not real fans. Sean has been great for the program (and for the school more generally) and deserves respect. I do think he's going to keep his job and stay in Tucson for a long time. So if there are local beat writers rooting for Sean to get fired this week, those same guys shouldn't be invited to the national championship press conference.
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by CatFanOneMil »

RiseAndFire wrote:miller diehards, it's reaching paterno like levels and coach can't even issue a simple denial statement- the guys in total hiding . please explain the total devotion?
so what then, is it that he gets really fired up about certain things ? really want to know
What is your fucking problem?Is there a failure to communicate happening?
What part of "Cannot comment on an ongoing investigation" do you not get?

Its the FUCKING FBI moron...Miller cannot LEGALLY comment without the Universities express approval and multiple layers of lawyer approval.

Get the fuck off.

I very seldom block people but for you I will make an exception.
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by Azgirl »

I seldom state it but "Block him".
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by azpenguin »

Beachcat97 wrote:I don't understand why the local press would want to see Miller fall. Granted, I don't live in Tucson, so I'm not as close to this as others may be, but I've been under the impression that Sean Miller is well liked in the Tucson community. It's not on the same level of adoration as Lute, obviously, but he seems to be on his way. Is this not the case? Is he unpopular locally?
The Star took down Tony Mason. They got a Pulitzer for their efforts.
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by Harvey Specter »

Beachcat97 wrote:
zonagrad wrote:If you've attended the multitude of news conferences or weekly media opportunities involving Arizona basketball, you'd understand. With all due respect to Bruce Pascoe, who no doubt works hard and covers the team tirelessly, he embodies the typical journalist covering the 'Cats and barraging Miller with questions. I suppose there's a lack of respect involved on Miller's part towards the media. None of them played competitive basketball at a level worthy of respect. They know the rules of the game, but they don't appreciate the subtleties because they've never played the game.

So many of the other journalists are so young and naive and know little about the game and are given a platform to ask inane questions to a coach who is a basketball savant. Miller goes out of his way to be patient and polite. But where I sit, when I hear his response to a stupid question his mouth is saying one thing but inside he's telling himself who the fvck are these people with a microphones. So many of them have very little grasp of college basketball and even less understanding of the economics of college athletics. They see things through a narrow lens.

On another note, I wish I could spread rep or "like" your posts like on Facebook. Outstanding contributions by many of you here. For some of the others however, you suck.
Thanks, zg. This all makes sense. I can't imagine it's too different with a lot of coaches. I actually think Miller is one of the more patient, more articulate coaches out there in terms of press conferences. He has a good press conference demeanor. Yes, there was the "he touched the ball" thing from a few years back, but they were really pressing his buttons. And it was right after a tough loss. Overall, I think Sean represents the program with class and professionalism, notwithstanding this past week's revelations.

If the local press are not behind Sean, and they know as much as we do, then they're not real fans. Sean has been great for the program (and for the school more generally) and deserves respect. I do think he's going to keep his job and stay in Tucson for a long time. So if there are local beat writers rooting for Sean to get fired this week, those same guys shouldn't be invited to the national championship press conference.
I completely agree with you in terms of how Miller has always handled himself publicly, including with the press... I have never had any issue with his approach, but in fact admired it. I cannot recall a single episode where I objected to the way he answered a question or comported himself.

He's not chummy and jocular... that's not who he is. I have always loved the guy for his authenticity.

As for the press (local or otherwise).... it is not their job to be a fan of his. They should not vilify him unjustifiably or speculate wildly without any just cause, either. Their job is to report the truth. Right now, the truth is A) there is NOTHING in the public domain that directly implicates him in the issues identified by the FBI... but ALSO B) There is plenty out there to wonder about, and his silence does nothing but fuel speculation. If this was an open and shut case of Book acting rogue for his own benefit, CSM would have gotten in front of a microphone on this a while ago.

Hell, everyone on this website should know that there is quite possibly (likely) a whole lot more to it. The job of the media is not to 'have his back'... it is to ask relevant questions is an effort to identify what has really gone on. It is a different story for fan website moderators - who despite what they like to think - are NOT journalists.

And if this story was about any school not named Arizona, I think we'd laugh at any local media types rushing to the defense of 'said coach'.
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by Puerco »

Rise and Fire comparing Miller to Paterno feels ban worthy. R&F, you prick, having an employee who accepts a 15k bribe is in no way similar to looking the other way for decades while your employee is molesting little boys.
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by CatFanOneMil »

Harvey Specter wrote:
I completely agree with you in terms of how Miller has always handled himself publicly, including with the press... I have never had any issue with his approach, but in fact admired it. I cannot recall a single episode where I objected to the way he answered a question or comported himself.

He's not chummy and jocular... that's not who he is. I have always loved the guy for his authenticity.

As for the press (local or otherwise).... it is not their job to be a fan of his. They should not vilify him unjustifiably or speculate wildly without any just cause, either. Their job is to report the truth. Right now, the truth is A) there is NOTHING in the public domain that directly implicates him in the issues identified by the FBI... but ALSO B) There is plenty out there to wonder about, and his silence does nothing but fuel speculation. If this was an open and shut case of Book acting rogue for his own benefit, CSM would have gotten in front of a microphone on this a while ago.

Hell, everyone on this website should know that there is quite possibly (likely) a whole lot more to it. The job of the media is not to 'have his back'... it is to ask relevant questions is an effort to identify what has really gone on. It is a different story for fan website moderators - who despite what they like to think - are NOT journalists.

And if this story was about any school not named Arizona, I think we'd laugh at any local media types rushing to the defense of 'said coach'.
While I agree with you for the most part (about the presses responsibility to simply report and ask questions)...there is a difference between asking questions and then suggesting we self impose sanctions...the hard part to remember about the press is it always has a bias and there is always some kind of editorial in the way things are reported...telling the truth and telling someone what to do have different assignments.

There is no coach in BB that I think is a saint (Kerr gets close)...Sean certainly has the power to draw negative reactions from a lot of people...but I do expect the press not to get swept up in mimetic behavior...they become torch-holders for the mob when they echo the worst part of our imagination without evidence.
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by TJATUA »

RiseAndFire wrote:miller diehards, it's reaching paterno like levels and coach can't even issue a simple denial statement- the guys in total hiding . please explain the total devotion?
I'll provide you with a transcript of what a Sean Miller press conference would look like if he gave one right now:

"We pride ourselves in playing by the rules and condemn those who don't blah blah blah blah" or some other generic, predictable statement

"No comment"

"No comment"

""No comment"

""No comment"

""No comment"

"ASU has the second most major NCAA sanctions in the country behind SMU; ask them about bending the rules"

""No comment"

""No comment"

""No comment"

""No comment"

""No comment"

Would 17 minutes of that make you feel better? Would that make this all go away?
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by scumdevils86 »

Bangkok Wildcat wrote:
CalStateTempe wrote:
azcat49 wrote:The press definitely wants there story and appears to be forcing the issue in an attempt to get it
It's so transparent and obvious. Very very irritating
It's been so long since there's been an 'honest press' that I can't even recall the last time I had full faith in the MSM. They seem to be so driven by ratings, personal/ corporate agendas, rush-to-judgment that the day of trusting these jokers is long gone IMHO.

Politics-aside, this Sports Story is a real bipartisan eye-opener for anyone who doesn't agree with the above, admitted generalization. You can easily see who the reporters are (i.e. Doing fact-checking, cautiously reporting and allowing the viewer to jusge vs. the openly biased media who have their own / corporate agendas pushing their reporting) vs the commentators who have every right to put their opinions / judgments forth as long as they are honest about it.

Again, I still have faith in CSM and even though we all know / knew that shoe companies were dirtying the waters and corrupting the sport, I still can't believe he operated well out of the normal process and was corrupt.....What scares me the most is the need for heads to roll no matter how egregious the act.

This day and age of the Collegiate Environment, it wouldn't surprise me at all to see a scared / new Administration throw him under the bus. I pray they don't take the easy road but have the fortitude and wisdom to take the righteous one.....whatever the hell that is......seems like the whole recruiting process is one huge gray area in many respects and open to interpretation. THAT scares the crap out of me.

The NCAA is the Devil in this, not the FBI. Just look at how incompetent / subjective they are re: UNC, Louisville....yet they smacked the shit out of us for the silly Lute camp letter (I easily forget the details of that as it was so frickin' petty IMO).

BTFD y'all......Peace!
Please leave politics out of the sports board, thanks.

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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by Bangkok Wildcat »

Pop McKale wrote:No, you pretty well have it although I'll confess I've been all over the place with my posts this past week. As have many of us, I'm sure. I'm not advocating the disbanding of college basketball. Not at all. I love the game. As a kid, I'd scribble down the brackets as they were announced by Brent Musburger on CBS and then make my own bracket poster for the wall in my room. I still have a few socked away I think. I grew up with Lute Olson both at Iowa and at Arizona because my folks are Hawkeye alums. Got hooked on Ronnie Lester and the amazing 1980 run. Cried like a baby when UNLV made that ridiculous comeback to keep Iowa from the Final Four in 1987 just like many of you may have when Hunt made the 3-pointer over Lofton in 1989.

But, I'm not an NBA fan at all and have no interest in watching a pro or semi-pro league emerge in the collegiate ranks. I fully realize that's basically what we have now. Enjoyed watching Lakers/Celtics and then the Bulls dynasty (the first 3-peat more so than the latter) as a kid/college student, but lost interest in it after the mid-90's because of the constant migration of players, the way the game has been played (tons of iso, one-on-one, etc.) and all the attendant things that make it a pro sport and not amateur. To be fair, I've thoroughly enjoyed what Kerr and the Warriors have brought to the league and am glad other teams have tried to follow suit with their style of play but it's something I'll never really pay great attention to until it's deep into the playoffs.

Similarly, the experiences at Arizona Stadium and McKale Center have become more in line with what you'd see in the NFL and NBA stadiums and arenas - though done in a 2nd class manner to be blunt, and at the expense of some wonderful tradition and pageantry and the loss of some real love affairs with the kids on the team. My wife - born and raised Tucsonan and UofA lifer - has nearly zero interest in following Arizona Basketball anymore because she can't keep track of who's on the damn roster year to year. I'll admit my passion for it has really waned in the last decade, partially because we're neck deep in what our kids are doing and all that goes with that, but also for many of those same reasons. I never thought I'd see the day when we wouldn't be season football and basketball ticket holders, but here we are.

There's no investment to be made from my perspective. Many of these kids are here 5-6 months and then are gone. So much of the conversation about our players doesn't surround what they're actually doing here. It's all about the latest mock draft and how they project in the NBA game. And for many, that's all perfectly OK and many enjoy that aspect of it. I don't. Many players don't like the PT they get and want to move on to another school. I don't blame them at all. I blame the way the game is currently rigged. It's sad when stories like those of T.J. McConnell are the exception rather than the rule. Senior Days with one player honored - ONE - like this past season. Andre Iguodala has had an incredible career in the NBA and has become a fine ambassador for the UofA but folks conveniently forget how dysfunctional the team became his last season here and some would argue part of it was due to him going into full-on NBA audition mode. Similar conversations have happened regarding Trier and other past Wildcats trying to boost their own stock at the expense of the team. I can live without it.

I realize the era I describe is long gone so maybe my hope is that things are so corrupt the only option is a massive reset that will allow these wonderful players to go pro straight from high school and get to work on doing what they really want to do. That the AAU circuit is blown up to the point that high school sports reap the benefits and high school basketball in particular becomes relevant again. That those who aren't ready can go to great schools and programs and develop while getting a good education and one that is meaningful -- meaning the kids value it. That the schools, students, and community can embrace these players much more as their own. In the event that reset happens, you're far more likely to get more players here who really want to be HERE - for the campus, the climate, the chicks, the tradition, the fan support, the great coach, and some great academics that will help them in the likely event that they fall short of the NBA.

For me, there's no getting around the artificial nature of it if the players are paid to be in Tucson. I know many folks don't have a choice when they go to college if they can afford to go at all, but I was fairly lucky and could have gone a number of places. I chose Arizona for all the reasons many of you did. That name on the uniform has lost some meaning for me -- even before this past week's events. That's been a tough realization that's been magnified after what came to light last Tuesday.

So, that's where I'm coming from...whether it makes any sense or not I'll leave to you all.
Excellent post Pop, well-said Sir! I agree and can relate so well to your opinions and observations above. Thanks, BW.
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by jsbowl16 »

CatFanOneMil wrote:
Irish27 wrote:Pitino is selling his house. Who will be the first to report his wife is in Tucson meeting with a realtor? :shock: ... ng-scandal" target="_blank
He's already said he's moving to Florida...lots of mob family there...
He will probably move to Tampa to be near the Vitale family. They can run a chain of Rick and Dick Laundromats together.
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by Longhorned »

I don't understand this animosity toward the press. It's the media's job to ask questions even when responses aren't forthcoming. It's the job of Arizona Athletics and U of A to keep their mouths shut during an ongoing investigation. It's the job of the ignorant to come to knee-jerk conclusions based on this circumstance.
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by zonagrad »

Longhorned wrote:I don't understand this animosity toward the press. It's the media's job to ask questions even when responses aren't forthcoming. It's the job of Arizona Athletics and U of A to keep their mouths shut during an ongoing investigation. It's the job of the ignorant to come to knee-jerk conclusions based on this circumstance.
True. But the media in general likes to spin hypotheticals and "what if" scenarios when they only have a sliver of information or facts. To me, that's insulting. 20 years ago, the news cycle was slower so there was less of this. Today, any hack can toss around dozens of rumors or suppositions and there's little consequence. All they have to do is be right just once. Nevermind they're wrong on on dozens of other things. There's no punishment for missing badly on speculation, so journalists take a shotgun approach.
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by Longhorned »

zonagrad wrote:
Longhorned wrote:I don't understand this animosity toward the press. It's the media's job to ask questions even when responses aren't forthcoming. It's the job of Arizona Athletics and U of A to keep their mouths shut during an ongoing investigation. It's the job of the ignorant to come to knee-jerk conclusions based on this circumstance.
True. But the media in general likes to spin hypotheticals and "what if" scenarios when they only have a sliver of information or facts. To me, that's insulting. 20 years ago, the news cycle was slower so there was less of this. Today, any hack can toss around dozens of rumors or suppositions and there's little consequence. All they have to do is be right just once. Nevermind they're wrong on on dozens of other things. There's no punishment for missing badly on speculation, so journalists take a shotgun approach.
That would suck, but is that really happening in this case? Editorial boards and opinion writers have a different kind of forum that, by virtue of what they do, doesn't hold to the same standards of reporting. But they aren't pretending to report.

Another entity altogether is local TV news. Forget about them. They're irrelevant.

As for the pressure built by the media, it sucks if you're innocent, but UNC (re: fake classes and fake degrees), Louisville (re: strippers and hoes), Syracuse (re: blech) weren't innocent, and neither is Arizona now, at least as far as Book Richardson. The question is where the guilt stops, and that's what reporters are asking and opinion dudes are telling us what they think beyond the reported facts. Nothing to be done but live through it, reading and hearing the inevitable bullshit, and trying to point to what the actual facts are. We can't expect the opinion people to be reporters. Since new facts aren't forthcoming, we're on their court now. When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by Puerco »

Opinion dudes are no different than you or me. Except that more people pay attention to their opinions. And they get paid to share them. but their speculation is nothing different than what you read above in this very thread.
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by CalStateTempe »

Higher level of content and questioning in this thread than your average media member on this miller case IMO.
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by Spaceman Spiff »

Longhorned wrote:I don't understand this animosity toward the press. It's the media's job to ask questions even when responses aren't forthcoming. It's the job of Arizona Athletics and U of A to keep their mouths shut during an ongoing investigation. It's the job of the ignorant to come to knee-jerk conclusions based on this circumstance.
I would say the media has a bias towards the sensational story. In this case, the sensational story locally is "will this take Miller down?"

Look at the number of stories. The only real info is the FBI complaint. How many stories are wrotten analyzing the FBI complaint vs speculating about Miller's future. This is not scientific, but informally, I've seen far more about Miller's future.

I don't think many people believe this isn't newsworthy. It is, but coverage slanted towards Miller's future as opposed to informative breakdowns.

I get that investigative reporting is necessary, but I struggle with articles based solely in PJC saying Miller was at practice as investigative reporting as opposed to straining to feed the controversy beast.
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by Longhorned »

Puerco wrote:Opinion dudes are no different than you or me. Except that more people pay attention to their opinions. And they get paid to share them. but their speculation is nothing different than what you read above in this very thread.
I don't know about you, but I have as much chance measuring up against paid staff writers as I do pro athletes.
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by Carcassdragger »

Goddamn. Our University gets caught in this complete and total embarrassment and you guys want to blame the media? Fuck. Get off it.
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by CalStateTempe »

Throwing the baby out with the bath water carcass?

Try to see what everyone is actually talking about rather then jumping to the simple conclusion.
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by zonagrad »

Longhorned wrote:
Puerco wrote:Opinion dudes are no different than you or me. Except that more people pay attention to their opinions. And they get paid to share them. but their speculation is nothing different than what you read above in this very thread.
I don't know about you, but I have as much chance measuring up against paid staff writers as I do pro athletes.
I disagree. There's an innate quality you acquire when you've actually played the game, been through hundreds of practices and lockerroom meetings. All the journalism training still leaves you short of really understanding the game in the proper context. It really comes across in the assine questions I hear asked. Bruce Pascoe as asked a ton of them over the years with Lute. And I assume he does the same with Miller. And Pascoe is more well versed than others covering Arizona basketball, so that's not a high compliment.
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by CalStateTempe »

No one is blaming the media. However there are concerns that people are trying to "drum up a story" based on little information to "Woodward Miller" and advance their career which In turn the average casual follower will read and say "yup, that Miller has to go, not Lute, and runs a dirty program, I sure do agree with wet behind the ears, recent college journo grad".
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by zonagrad »

carcassdragger wrote:Goddamn. Our University gets caught in this complete and total embarrassment and you guys want to blame the media? Fuck. Get off it.
If the UA jumps to conclusions and acts without knowing all the facts, they'll be crucified. But the media does it and it's ok?
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by Spaceman Spiff »

CalStateTempe wrote:No one is blaming the media. However there are concerns that people are trying to "drum up a story" based on little information to "Woodward Miller" and advance their career which In turn the average casual follower will read and say "yup, that Miller has to go, not Lute, and runs a dirty program, I sure do agree with wet behind the ears, recent college journo grad".
I'm not blaming the media for Book's actions. The media didn't make Book ask for the money.

Whether the media covers the issue well is a separate issue from the underlying wrongdoing. I know presumption of innocence and all, but it certainly seems like there was underlying wrongdoing. That does not mean the media is doing well or poorly.
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by CalStateTempe »

Where did I conflate the two?

I think your accusing me of what carcass is actually implying ...
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by CalStateTempe »

1. What book did is wrong, clearly. miller to date has not been connected in "giving the order"
2. Some media covers these issues well and nuanced without jumping to conclusions.
3. Other media loudly claims Arizona payed a recruit 150k and is calling for millers head, which is irresponsible and stirs up public opinion of the uninformed in an inaccurate direction.

Imo all of those are true.
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by rgdeuce »

Beachcat97 wrote:I don't understand why the local press would want to see Miller fall. Granted, I don't live in Tucson, so I'm not as close to this as others may be, but I've been under the impression that Sean Miller is well liked in the Tucson community. It's not on the same level of adoration as Lute, obviously, but he seems to be on his way. Is this not the case? Is he unpopular locally?
Miller is fine. The media is struggling on a local and national level. They are not trusted, viewership is down, the internet has nearly destroyed print newspapers and magazines, and more and more people are getting their news from independent sources. As such, they have to pray for big stuff like this for eyes and keep the people here by adding fuel to the flames.
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by Spaceman Spiff »

CalStateTempe wrote:Where did I conflate the two?

I think your accusing me of what carcass is actually implying ...
I meant to second your point, not accuse you.
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by Beachcat97 »

rgdeuce wrote:
Beachcat97 wrote:I don't understand why the local press would want to see Miller fall. Granted, I don't live in Tucson, so I'm not as close to this as others may be, but I've been under the impression that Sean Miller is well liked in the Tucson community. It's not on the same level of adoration as Lute, obviously, but he seems to be on his way. Is this not the case? Is he unpopular locally?
Miller is fine. The media is struggling on a local and national level. They are not trusted, viewership is down, the internet has nearly destroyed print newspapers and magazines, and more and more people are getting their news from independent sources. As such, they have to pray for big stuff like this for eyes and keep the people here by adding fuel to the flames.
Got it, rg. I didn't think the Tucson media was out for Miller. But all this talk about the local press clamoring for more drama started making me wonder.

Is it just that the local papers/mags haven't developed strong online content? I know I get a lot of my AZ hoops updates through social media. Some of those young guys with their own sites/apps do a terrific job of covering the team.

Anyway, this "silent period" we're going through is likely going to last a while longer, and the rumors will fly. The timing is interesting because Red/Blue is fast approaching. But as others have noted, I expect a situation similar to what we saw with Trier. It's going to hang over them all year, but they won't be commenting on it. The NCAA isn't going to drop the hammer until after the season, maybe even later than that. And it's anyone's guess how strongly that hammer's going to fall on the program. I'm concerned about the recruiting impact, but there was a report over the weekend that B Williams and S O'Neal are holding firm in their commitments. Does this scare Bol Bol away? Shittu? I would think it has to have some impact. Guess we'll see.
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by Russ Smith »

CatFanOneMil wrote:
Russ Smith wrote:
TucsonClip wrote:
Chicat wrote:Hey Russ . . . no one asked you.
That's his calling card. "Hey guys, let me drop some wisdom for you, even though you don't want or need it. I know you all think you are miserable, but let me make it worse with my know-it-all-ness in a minimum of 1,000 words."
hey if you guys all want to grasp at the wrong straw feel free.

The FBI didn't do all this to prevent 4 assistant coaches from defrauding their schools, they did it to be able to pursue federal crimes and see who else they can get in the net.

There's a great thread on USChoops about the legal aspects here, a USC fan Chase is grasping at the same straws you guys are, and UCLA fan shipwreckedcrew, a former federal prosecutor, is explaining to him why he's wrong and why the FBI did what they did. It's by far the best analysis I've seen on this. You guys keep saying I want UA to be guilty here as if none of you are speaking because you want UA to NOT be guilty. I think tons of schools have done the same thing and will eventually get implicated too, but that doesn't mean Arizona is the victim of a rogue assistant coach. ... stigations" target="_blank
Ok first I went and read ALL of the commentary between the two lawyers and the last post by chaseinmanhatten seems to be quite valid, there is plenty of cases requiring the Feds to prove nexus with federal funds/programs to make the FBI case tenuous...

Second lets address this post..." You guys keep saying I want UA to be guilty here as if none of you are speaking because you want UA to NOT be guilty. I think tons of schools have done the same thing and will eventually get implicated too, but that doesn't mean Arizona is the victim of a rogue assistant coach." your basically admitting you WANT UA to be found guilty...from what I can tell you've already set up court and decided that yes Miller is guilty and a lot of other schools are as well, I think your proposition is much more tenuous than the FBI's they at least have made absolutely no claim that Miller is guilty of this stuff, hell they haven't even said Pitino is guilty only that a phone traced to a coach in his school might be involved...but lets lay aside all the legal arguments for a minute and look at you clear admission that you WANT Arizona to be guilty...I find this to be very strange behavior...sort of the kind of thing you'd find vagrants doing in an alley under a bridge...I think a more accepted term for you is "Troll"
So you read ALL the commentary and chose to believe the part Chase wrote that sounds good for USC, and completely ignored the last part SWC wrote which basically ended the debate?

"The district court you cited -- the lowest level federal court whose decisions are controlling over no one -- was later reversed and the rationale put forward by that court, which you adopted to start this entire line of analysis, was tossed out by the Supreme Court in 2004. That was recognized by the 9th Circuit in 2005. No one has suggested the law has changed in the last 12 years."
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by rgdeuce »

CatFanOneMil wrote:So Brain Bowen has hired an attorney to seek reinstatement...

Call me skeptical but would anyone really throw money at being suspended if they knew they were guilty?

He would not be facing any criminal charges if I am ot mistaken (if he did take the money)...

This sounds more and more like a circle jerk of bad eggs and the handlers who were doing this...makes me think even more that Book simply went off rails and other assistant coaches as well... ... 9789893633" target="_blank
Anyone wrapped up in anything like this, criminal or not, should have an attorney, it's common sense. An attorney protects his financial interests (could lose money by being ineligible and having to play overseas and dropping some spots in the draft) and I'm sure there are plenty who have already "invested" in him. The money is not coming from him or his family anyhow. :D
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Re: Bribery Scandal - FBI Probe - Book Richardson Involved

Post by Spaceman Spiff »

rgdeuce wrote:
CatFanOneMil wrote:So Brain Bowen has hired an attorney to seek reinstatement...

Call me skeptical but would anyone really throw money at being suspended if they knew they were guilty?

He would not be facing any criminal charges if I am ot mistaken (if he did take the money)...

This sounds more and more like a circle jerk of bad eggs and the handlers who were doing this...makes me think even more that Book simply went off rails and other assistant coaches as well... ... 9789893633" target="_blank
Anyone wrapped up in anything like this, criminal or not, should have an attorney, it's common sense. An attorney protects his financial interests (could lose money by being ineligible and having to play overseas and dropping some spots in the draft) and I'm sure there are plenty who have already "invested" in him. The money is not coming from him or his family anyhow. :D
I would agree. If you're in Bowen's position and know the FBI is investigating, I don't know why you would assume you wouldn't be charged when charges could destroy your career.

You know what they say about assuming...
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