But what options do the BIG 12 have that are better than us? ACC teams? Not for another 14 minimum, and top teams ACC aren't dreaming about joining the BIG 12. Oregon and Washington? They want no part of the BIG 12 either. But the 4-corner PAC schools? The BIG 12 would love to add travel partners to BYU, not to mention the bigger markets, and three flagship state universities.TucsonCat wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 2:36 pmThe fact that you included the sentence “they want us more than we want them” in response to that analogy tells me everything I will ever need to know about you, my friend. Even if they were “only” a 6, to your 5, they automatically have more options than you do. And the fact that you would be willing to treat the one that wants you (one that is more of a catch than you are) with such disdain, means that you are completely deserving of the 4 that you end up with for the rest of your life. Funny thing is, you would sit there lying to yourself and pretending that things couldn’t have ended up differently if you’d grown a spine and acted taken your future into your own hands.AzCatFan2 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 2:04 pmThe BIG 12 isn't a 7 without TX and OU. It's a 5.5 or 6 at best. And they want us more than we want them. And they are willing to wait for us to strike out with the 10, and aren't going to marry anyone else before we do. That's because all the other best guys out there are contractually in a relationship until 2036.TucsonCat wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 12:44 pmSigh… You are exactly like one of those guys that was a 5, back in college, had a girl that was a 7 that was totally into you and ready to commit to a long term, permanent, loving relationship, but you couldn’t commit because there happened to be a 10 in one of your classes that you were sure if you just gave it a little time (I mean, after all you have the advantage of youth, and all the time in the world, on your side, right?) she would eventually realize what a catch you were and snap you up. All of this only to end up never having had a chance with that 10 (and honestly even if you did, you likely would have been miserable trying to compete in that world for the rest of your life), and losing out on the 7 when she realized there were some other options available to her that were a little more in her range, and who happened to have the ability to commit. Meanwhile, you sit there and look across (hopefully not too bitterly) at the 4 you married, and try to convince yourself that you were right to wait, and that you ended up exactly where you thought you’d be.AzCatFan2 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 11:32 amMaybe because she's already married and doesn't want to commit polygamy? Some good inside information to have before you ask questions.
I'd image the 10 PAC University Presidents also have some inside info that we're not privy to. But with the information we do have, the ACC GOR timeline, and the fact the B1G and SEC are currently in a holding pattern, we can still make logical, educated guesses as to why no PAC school has jumped to the BIG 12. And logically, it makes sense to sign an agreement that ends 2029 or earlier, and see what parts move between now and then, knowing that in 2029, the ACC will still have 5 years left on its GOR. They aren't moving. If in 2029, things look exactly like they do today, which is possible, but highly unlikely, then a move to the BIG 12 before any ACC schools become available will likely be the right move. But today?
But hey, happiness comes in all shapes and sizes, right?
Get real. Tell me a scenario where Arizona gets left out of the BIG 12 as a backup option? What's the scenario? And remember, Oregon and UW only head to the BIG 12 kicking and screaming, and ACC schools have to wait over a decade to even announce a move to another conference.
Some situations call for action. Others, call for patience. A desire to take our future into our hands before we even know what other roads may be available is stupid. Especially when the one road we know is open (BIG 12), is going to be open to us for at minimum a decade. No B1G or SEC team will relegate itself down to the BIG 12, ACC teams can't afford to break their contract, and no G5 team is more valuable than the 4-corner PAC schools.
Today, the BIG 12 wants us more than we need them. Five years from now, we can reevaluate, and the ACC GOR will still be 9 years away from expiring. By this time, we should know if the B1G is expanding more west to bring travel partners to USC and UCLA, and whether or not the SEC wants a west wing. The more information you can have before making a big decision the better. And nothing is forcing us to the BIG 12 today. Why risk something better just to say at least we did something, when waiting costs you zero.