Re: ASSU look like clowns
Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 6:39 am
It entails a crematorium sponsorship. Expect to see a giant urn up on a billboard somewhere around the stadium.azgreg wrote:When did gray become one of their school colors?
A co-op community for Arizona Fans
It entails a crematorium sponsorship. Expect to see a giant urn up on a billboard somewhere around the stadium.azgreg wrote:When did gray become one of their school colors?
Not sure on copper, but ASU officially added black and white as school colors when they rebranded in 2011. I think copper might have been on that list as well, I know they announced in '11 that they would be doing a copper uni at some point.ASUHATER! wrote:And black. And copper. And white
Was actually a good move. Being stuck with dried blood and piss every game must've been tough all those years.Scummy Dick Douglas wrote:Not sure on copper, but ASU officially added black and white as school colors when they rebranded in 2011. I think copper might have been on that list as well, I know they announced in '11 that they would be doing a copper uni at some point.ASUHATER! wrote:And black. And copper. And white
Pretty funny:CalStateTempe wrote:Thought there was a ASU general thread like ASU sucks, but I couldn't find it so I'll put this here. ... e-air.html
Holy shiit!dirtbags wrote:meanwhile, asu reminds its fans not to show up in blackface for this weekend's "blackout game"
How 'bout that. The main guy in the comments section that supports the ban still gives the ole "Go Sun Devils!" at the end.CalStateTempe wrote:Holy shiit!dirtbags wrote:meanwhile, asu reminds its fans not to show up in blackface for this weekend's "blackout game"
If you really want to have a good laugh, read the comments section for that article. Whole lotta derp!
In the context of a college football game with a black out theme I have no problem with it.ASUHATER! wrote:So you think people should be allowed to wear black face?
Not sure if serious?ASUHATER! wrote:So you think people should be allowed to wear black face?
It absolutely doesn't matter what it's meant to be. Black face has a bad connotation. Just isn't a smart or classy idea to wear it whatever you mean by putting it on. Just like how it's generally not a good idea to say the n word no matter what your connotation or meaning or excuse is for it.KillerKlown wrote:Not sure if serious?ASUHATER! wrote:So you think people should be allowed to wear black face?
Just because you think it's racist doesn't mean it is meant to be racist. If anything people who think like that are racist. Not that you are racist of course. Just speaking in general.
Pardon my grammar, please.
Please explain, in detail, when in history white clown face paint has had racist connotations.gronk4heisman wrote:In the context of this thread, I also move that clowns should no longer wear whiteface. Incredibly un-PC of them. Assholes!
White Chicks...Starring Marlon and Sean Wayans.ASUHATER! wrote:Please explain, in detail, when in history white clown face paint has had racist connotations.gronk4heisman wrote:In the context of this thread, I also move that clowns should no longer wear whiteface. Incredibly un-PC of them. Assholes!
gronk4heisman wrote:White Chicks...Starring Marlon and Sean Wayans.ASUHATER! wrote:Please explain, in detail, when in history white clown face paint has had racist connotations.gronk4heisman wrote:In the context of this thread, I also move that clowns should no longer wear whiteface. Incredibly un-PC of them. Assholes!
Also, for the record I don't find either black face or white face even remotely offensive. Childish, yes but offensive not even close. I find it amazing how everything can be construed as racist these days. If you are going to tell people to stop wearing black face paint its racist, then it only seems fitting that you should outlaw white, yellow, red, and brown face paint as well since they could all be deemed offensive by someone.
Not sure what the facepalm is about, the movie in your picture is much more racist then black face paint. In fact one of the Coen brothers best films involves black face "paint", should that movie be banned as well?scumdevils86 wrote:gronk4heisman wrote:White Chicks...Starring Marlon and Sean Wayans.ASUHATER! wrote:Please explain, in detail, when in history white clown face paint has had racist connotations.gronk4heisman wrote:In the context of this thread, I also move that clowns should no longer wear whiteface. Incredibly un-PC of them. Assholes!
Also, for the record I don't find either black face or white face even remotely offensive. Childish, yes but offensive not even close. I find it amazing how everything can be construed as racist these days. If you are going to tell people to stop wearing black face paint its racist, then it only seems fitting that you should outlaw white, yellow, red, and brown face paint as well since they could all be deemed offensive by someone.
"Could be deemed offensive by someone" is not the case here, dude. There is a well-established history of the use, context and impact of "blackface", as anyone remotely familiar with US cultural history should be aware....gronk4heisman wrote:White Chicks...Starring Marlon and Sean Wayans.ASUHATER! wrote:Please explain, in detail, when in history white clown face paint has had racist connotations.gronk4heisman wrote:In the context of this thread, I also move that clowns should no longer wear whiteface. Incredibly un-PC of them. Assholes!
Also, for the record I don't find either black face or white face even remotely offensive. Childish, yes but offensive not even close. I find it amazing how everything can be construed as racist these days. If you are going to tell people to stop wearing black face paint its racist, then it only seems fitting that you should outlaw white, yellow, red, and brown face paint as well since they could all be deemed offensive by someone.
Your comments are akin to saying The Nazi flag or a burning cross "could be deemed offensive by someone" - utterly preposterous!!Blackface is a form of theatrical makeup used by performers to represent a black person. The practice gained popularity during the 19th century and contributed to the proliferation of stereotypes such as the "happy-go-lucky darky on the plantation" or the "dandified coon".[1] In 1848, blackface minstrel shows were an American national art of the time, translating formal art such as opera into popular terms for a general audience.[2] Early in the 20th century, blackface branched off from the minstrel show and became a form in its own right, until it ended in the United States with the U.S. Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s.[3]
really. That's your example. Wowgronk4heisman wrote:White Chicks...Starring Marlon and Sean Wayans.ASUHATER! wrote:Please explain, in detail, when in history white clown face paint has had racist connotations.gronk4heisman wrote:In the context of this thread, I also move that clowns should no longer wear whiteface. Incredibly un-PC of them. Assholes!
Also, for the record I don't find either black face or white face even remotely offensive. Childish, yes but offensive not even close. I find it amazing how everything can be construed as racist these days. If you are going to tell people to stop wearing black face paint its racist, then it only seems fitting that you should outlaw white, yellow, red, and brown face paint as well since they could all be deemed offensive by someone.
ASUHATER! wrote:It absolutely doesn't matter what it's meant to be. Black face has a bad connotation. Just isn't a smart or classy idea to wear it whatever you mean by putting it on. Just like how it's generally not a good idea to say the n word no matter what your connotation or meaning or excuse is for it.
And what exactly is wrong with being sensitive in society? People act like being pc and not being an asshole is a bad thing.
its always the same two stirring it upazgreg wrote:This is the wrong forum for this guys.
Post it again when it actually resembles something like black face. K thanks.Jefe wrote:ASUHATER! wrote:It absolutely doesn't matter what it's meant to be. Black face has a bad connotation. Just isn't a smart or classy idea to wear it whatever you mean by putting it on. Just like how it's generally not a good idea to say the n word no matter what your connotation or meaning or excuse is for it.
And what exactly is wrong with being sensitive in society? People act like being pc and not being an asshole is a bad thing.![]()
Have you started a petition to stop Scooby?
its always the same two stirring it upazgreg wrote:This is the wrong forum for this guys.
This. What the hell am i doing sticking up for the scum!azgreg wrote:This is the wrong forum for this guys.
Can you? And actually have it with an asu fan in the football stands posing as black face...because after all this is what this conversation is about. Would help a lot.ASUHATER! wrote:Post it again when it actually resembles something like black face. K thanks.Jefe wrote:ASUHATER! wrote:It absolutely doesn't matter what it's meant to be. Black face has a bad connotation. Just isn't a smart or classy idea to wear it whatever you mean by putting it on. Just like how it's generally not a good idea to say the n word no matter what your connotation or meaning or excuse is for it.
And what exactly is wrong with being sensitive in society? People act like being pc and not being an asshole is a bad thing.![]()
Have you started a petition to stop Scooby?
its always the same two stirring it upazgreg wrote:This is the wrong forum for this guys.
You can post anything...KillerKlown wrote:Can you? And actually have it with an asu fan in the football stands posing as black face...because after all this is what this conversation is about. Would help a lot.
Jefe wrote:You can post anything...KillerKlown wrote:Can you? And actually have it with an asu fan in the football stands posing as black face...because after all this is what this conversation is about. Would help a lot. ... dium=email" target="_blank
Ban Arizona State University from using Satan as its mascot ... all-team-2" target="_blankYou can post anything... ... dium=email" target="_blank
Ban Arizona State University from using Satan as its mascot
And still have to play Oregon and Arizona at home and at cal and at a wsu team that can score.SCCats wrote:Dark horse national championship contenders.
Super dark horse.