Don't know anything about him besides being FAST, but it seems another similar situation to a RB the Cats had a few years back who was highly rated but rarely saw the field, Nathan Tilford. 11th ranked RB in his class. Seems that he could never pick up the complicated offense, and couldn't pass block. Tilford ending up at Div II Texas-Permian Basin.
Is that the case with Speedy? Have no idea. You would think leading California in the 100 meters it would be hard to keep him off the field.
Catintheheat wrote: Mon Oct 09, 2023 8:27 am
There is another problem I have with Jedd Fisch. Why all the fair catches? They fair catch on the 5 and fair catch when there are 20 yards of free space to return the punt. I would love Speedy Luke as kick returner. I don't get it.
I was wondering the same thing during the game. Seems the hand went up as soon as the ball was kicked or punted. This must have come from Fisch to fair catch everything.
Merkin wrote: Mon Oct 09, 2023 9:38 am
Don't know anything about him besides being FAST, but it seems another similar situation to a RB the Cats had a few years back who was highly rated but rarely saw the field, Nathan Tilford. 11th ranked RB in his class. Seems that he could never pick up the complicated offense, and couldn't pass block. Tilford ending up at Div II Texas-Permian Basin.
Is that the case with Speedy? Have no idea. You would think leading California in the 100 meters it would be hard to keep him off the field.
Catintheheat wrote: Mon Oct 09, 2023 8:27 am
There is another problem I have with Jedd Fisch. Why all the fair catches? They fair catch on the 5 and fair catch when there are 20 yards of free space to return the punt. I would love Speedy Luke as kick returner. I don't get it.
I was wondering the same thing during the game. Seems the hand went up as soon as the ball was kicked or punted. This must have come from Fisch to fair catch everything.
I'm not sure but just spit balling here. Kickoffs are notorious for people getting injured and its one of the reasons for so many rule changes. As far as punt returns go its more dangerous for the punt returner unless they fair catch. It's too easy for a punt returner to get blown up. I'm not saying a word on whether the decision is good or not. I do think the possibility of injury is the reason for it.
I was all in on Sumlin. To the point that I was ready to write off Arizona Football forever if he wasn’t hired.
I thought Jedd Fisch was a fucking joke. To the point that I was ready to write off Arizona Football forever because he was hired.
I am so fucking dumb.
Of the 12 coaches, Rush picked the one whose fans have the deepest passion, the longest memories, the greatest lung capacity and … did I mention deep passion?
“The reality is that the hardest games to win are over teams on their home court. Teams that don’t play those games can spin it however they want, but what they’re saying is, ‘We don’t want to lose in our non conference season.’" - Sean Miller
Fishclamps wrote: Sat Oct 14, 2023 8:09 pm
hes a little feisty tonight
Shots fired at a certain former recruit. . .
Self-defense. Case dismissed.
Of the 12 coaches, Rush picked the one whose fans have the deepest passion, the longest memories, the greatest lung capacity and … did I mention deep passion?
dmjcat wrote: Sun Nov 05, 2023 7:54 pm
Heeke better start passing the hat for a Major Pay/Raise + contract extension for Fisch. The vultures are lining up:
I doubt Florida fans would be happy with a Fisch hire. The turnaround has been great by Arizona standards but he hasn’t won anything meaningful yet. If I had to guess, the majority would want Urban Meyer back.
But if next year we are at the top of the Big12, yeah we should be worried. Even with an extension in hand. So make that buy-out enormous.
Of the 12 coaches, Rush picked the one whose fans have the deepest passion, the longest memories, the greatest lung capacity and … did I mention deep passion?
I know we are excited but most major programs are not going to take a chance on a guy that has won 12 games in 3 years. Especially Penn State or Florida.
There's not a Gator fan I know who would want the Meyer circus back in town. And I grew up in Florida, with a Gator brother, two cousins, and a bunch of Gator friends. My two college choices were UF or UA.
Most want to give Napier at least another year. Two years is not enough to evaluate a coach. Florida was also behind the times in the facilities arms race, and they just opened their football only practice facility. Florida fans are curious if Napier can recruit better. Napier also has no buyout clause, meaning Florida would be on the books for his full contract if they fired him, and not sure if they can afford that right now.
If Napier struggles again next year, and Fisch wins double digit games in 2024, the chatter will be very loud. Right now, it's just some murmurs from the few, very impatient fans that all bases have.
AzCatFan2 wrote: Mon Nov 06, 2023 8:13 am
There's not a Gator fan I know who would want the Meyer circus back in town.
I’m not pulling that out of my ass. I have two friends who are huge fans, one of whom is a minor booster. One texted me “Do you think I regret those national championships? Ha!”
I’ve also seen stuff on Twitter, but I don’t know who those people are. The gist seems to be the same though. Bring back the shitshow if it means we’re winning nattys.
Of the 12 coaches, Rush picked the one whose fans have the deepest passion, the longest memories, the greatest lung capacity and … did I mention deep passion?
wyo-cat wrote: Mon Nov 06, 2023 8:40 am
Jedd has a chance here to raise his family and coach for a very long time without getting shitcanned. That’s the stability he’s never had before.
If he takes a job like UFelon he is one season away from being on that roller coaster again.
Yep, hopefully he's also loyal to the school that gave him his 1st hc job. I'm sure that only goes so far when you are being shown the money difference between a top tier job. We really need to keep investing in football if we want to be relevant in the next round of realignment talks
wyo-cat wrote: Mon Nov 06, 2023 8:40 am
Jedd has a chance here to raise his family and coach for a very long time without getting shitcanned. That’s the stability he’s never had before.
If he takes a job like UFelon he is one season away from being on that roller coaster again.
Yep, hopefully he's also loyal to the school that gave him his 1st hc job. I'm sure that only goes so far when you are being shown the money difference between a top tier job. We really need to keep investing in football if we want to be relevant in the next round of realignment talks
And, doesn't he have a connection with Robbins that pre-existed his hiring?
I seem to remember a lot of negative commentary here about him being "Robbins' pick" when most around here were condemning Robbins and Heeke for the hire...
BTW, all that hasn't aged very well, has it?
“If you have the choice between humble and cocky, go with cocky. There's always time to be humble later, once you've been proven horrendously, irrevocably wrong.”
“I first met Jedd Fisch more than three years ago, and I was immediately struck by his desire and his drive his story of rising in the football coaching world without ever having played a down of football was certainly unique, but also told me something about his determination and drive,” UA president Dr. Robert Robbins said.
Robbins said the “it became clear Jedd Fisch was our guy” during this second go-around, while athletic director Dave Heeke said “Jedd Fisch is our new head football coach because he’s the right man at the right time to rebuild and bring this program back to prominence.”
wyo-cat wrote: Mon Nov 06, 2023 8:40 am
Jedd has a chance here to raise his family and coach for a very long time without getting shitcanned. That’s the stability he’s never had before.
If he takes a job like UFelon he is one season away from being on that roller coaster again.
Yep, hopefully he's also loyal to the school that gave him his 1st hc job. I'm sure that only goes so far when you are being shown the money difference between a top tier job. We really need to keep investing in football if we want to be relevant in the next round of realignment talks
And, doesn't he have a connection with Robbins that pre-existed his hiring?
I seem to remember a lot of negative commentary here about him being "Robbins' pick" when most around here were condemning Robbins and Heeke for the hire...
BTW, all that hasn't aged very well, has it?
No PC it hasn't aged well.
If in fact CTL and Fisch were Robbins picks then I would say he is batting near 1.000. In fact, if Robbins did pick both of them then I want Robbins making ALL future head coaching picks for the BBall/FBall programs
AzCatFan2 wrote: Mon Nov 06, 2023 8:13 am
There's not a Gator fan I know who would want the Meyer circus back in town.
I’m not pulling that out of my ass. I have two friends who are huge fans, one of whom is a minor booster. One texted me “Do you think I regret those national championships? Ha!”
I’ve also seen stuff on Twitter, but I don’t know who those people are. The gist seems to be the same though. Bring back the shitshow if it means we’re winning nattys.
Napier signed a 7-year contract. Fire him now and Florida still owes him something like $33 million. Meyer is tainted beyond repair. Way too much baggage that no AD is going to ever hire him again. He'll be at FOX for the rest of his career. Hire Meyer and have another Hernandez type incident and it's the end of the career for the AD and the University President.
The stuff on Twitter is the vocal minority of fans that want to win national championships every year, and 1 loss is a reason to fire everyone. Most Gator fans I know are saying they should look a little NW to see a coach that struggled his first two years at a school with a great football tradition. Norvell at FSU didn't go bowling his first two years, but look at where the Noles are now. Florida's best players this year are all either undergrad or Napier transfers. If Florida doesn't see improvement next year, then Napier might be out. But not before.
One thing that's different at AZ is the chance for immortality. Win a conference championship and we'll erect a statue. Win a Natty and we'll change the name of the city for you.
I have heard from some very good sources that Fisch is very intrigued about the Big 12 and winning that conference.
Think about it, no Oregon, Washington, Texas, OU, USC or UCLA. We will be top 5 in that conference next year for sure coming into the season.
Second thing said is he wants to see that 22 class out so I don’t expect a move before them unless some team makes an offer no one could pass up
Last edited by azcat49 on Mon Nov 06, 2023 11:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
Waiting at the Rose Bowl patiently for the cats to arrive
"I've got a fever, and the only prescription is more wildcat sports"
2019 BDW Survivor Pool Champion
Fisch has also moved his family around a lot in his career. This year alone has bought Jedd another 2, maybe 3 years at minimum in Tucson. Have another good year next year, and he'll have a lot of latitude to have a rebuilding year or two. And agreed, win a conference championship, and we'll erect a statue. Do better, and the stadium will bear his name. At Florida, struggle right away and there will be fans calling for his head right away.
Still, if your alma mater offers you to double your salary, how do you turn it down? But I doubt even a school like Florida could double Fisch's salary while still paying Napier a payout that is over $30 million. If Napier again struggles next year and we win 10 or more, the chatter will be real loud. Right now, it's just wishful thinking from the part of every fan base that has unrealistic expectations and think schools can print money.
I have heard Fisch is getting a bump so this budget stuff is a bunch of worries for the rest of the university community
Waiting at the Rose Bowl patiently for the cats to arrive
"I've got a fever, and the only prescription is more wildcat sports"
2019 BDW Survivor Pool Champion
PHXCATS wrote: Thu Nov 16, 2023 11:49 am
Who gives a flying fuck what people think who don't understand the difference between the Athletic Department budget and the entire University budget?
You can bet Robbins cares what the faculty think about the “This is going to require some draconian cuts” comment he made, along with the ABOR, the state legislature and so on who worry about accountability. Same with the students who will be getting their scholarships cut.
And don't forget the $55M load the UA took out during the pandemic for athletics which needs to be paid back. This is the drain the AD is causing for the university.
“Everybody all faculty all staff everybody was cut in salary because the university had to give a loan to athletics which couldn’t be paid because athletics continued after pandemic to make even more loss," Dr. Rafleski told us.
“We had assumed when we used cash on hand to support athletics that there would be an increase in revenue, and it just turned out not to be the case,” Robbins told regents, adding that the loan has not been paid back “fast enough.”
I was a California state university employee for 30 years. I guarantee you that we would have raised a ruckus if they cut our pay to fund athletics.
I put the chart up regarding state salaries up, since some people get upset that sports coaches make more than university presidents and skilled surgeons. It's been a while, but when ex-AZ senator Dennis DeConcini was on the ABOR he did the best he could to get coaches salaries low. Heck, Lute Olson with a natty made less than never-a-head-coach Mike Stoops did when he was Stoops was hired.
Of the 12 coaches, Rush picked the one whose fans have the deepest passion, the longest memories, the greatest lung capacity and … did I mention deep passion?
I’ve acknowledged many times I’m a big dumb dummy. But at the time, it was an accurate description.
Of the 12 coaches, Rush picked the one whose fans have the deepest passion, the longest memories, the greatest lung capacity and … did I mention deep passion?