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Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 9:25 pm
by dmjcat
Merkin wrote:Hansen called it.This is the end of UA basketball.
Disagree Merk.

If this was just the UA I might agree. A lot of programs (although not nearly as many as posters on this board think) are going to take a hit. The UA still has great facilities/great coeds/great weather/great tradition (until this year)/great fan base. If we right the ship quickly (which in my opinion will include Self Sanctions ASAP) we can hire another good coach and start rebuilding. Ideally, we might only see a 2-3 year drop pff. Its much easier to rebuild a basketball program (where you only need 3 or 4 good players) than a football program.

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 9:30 pm
by Merkin
dmjcat wrote:
Merkin wrote:Hansen called it.This is the end of UA basketball.
Disagree Merk.

If this was just the UA I might agree. A lot of programs (although not nearly as many as posters on this board think) are going to take a hit. The UA still has great facilities/great coeds/great weather/great tradition (until this year)/great fan base. If we right the ship quickly (which in my opinion will include Self Sanctions ASAP) we can hire another good coach and start rebuilding. Ideally, we might only see a 2-3 year drop pff. Its much easier to rebuild a basketball program (where you only need 3 or 4 good players) than a football program.
I hope you are right! But I can't imagine anyone taking over this program with the PAC and NCAA eyes on it.

Heeke hit a homerun with Sumlin, let's hope he can do the same with the basketball program.

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 10:39 pm
by UAEebs86
Hansen is in:

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 10:44 pm
by CalStateTempe
Can we ban hansen from Tucson.

Dude is a tool and a troll.

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 7:23 am
by MrMeow
Merkin wrote:Hansen called it.This is the end of UA basketball.
Hansen's job is to sell newspapers. Simple as that. He has written shit for years with that one goal in mind. If he "called it" here he simply got lucky. If he fucked up once again, he won't suffer. He did his job - he sold newspapers.

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2018 9:54 am
by btfd16
I support this message.

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2018 12:05 pm
by rgdeuce
btfd16 wrote: I support this message.
THIS IS HOW THINGS GET DONE. Even if you aren't a paying customer, they get ad revenue based on the number of clicks on their webpage, so the threat of taking away their clicks AND spreading the word for others to do the same can be just as effective.

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2018 12:30 pm
by prh
rgdeuce wrote:
btfd16 wrote: I support this message.
THIS IS HOW THINGS GET DONE. Even if you aren't a paying customer, they get ad revenue based on the number of clicks on their webpage, so the threat of taking away their clicks AND spreading the word for others to do the same can be just as effective.
BTW, if you use an ad blocker, you can get around the pop up by disabling javascript and reloading. It's annoying but it's quick in most browsers.

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 5:40 pm
by Newportcat
Fucking Liar

Imagine the scenario where Miller stays on, ESPN is raked over the coals for false reporting...and AND Greg Hansen is finally fired...its almost too good

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 5:44 pm
by Longhorned
Hanson should be in major trouble for making up that stuff about Miller.

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 5:46 pm
by btfd16
I just typed in "Greg Hansen" on Twitter and just scrolled through the "latest" section. Needless to say it made my day.

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 5:54 pm
by Captain Obvious
CalStateTempe wrote:Can we ban hansen from Tucson.

Dude is a tool and a troll.
Yeah but then we wouldn't get his world famous Dear Mr. Football articles. Actually some of those aren't too bad. My dad used to be a printer at the Arizona Daily Star in the seventies and told me Hansen was a pretty strange guy. Very indecisive and made frequent last second changes to his articles. Made my dad's job harder.

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 6:31 pm
by BBQ wildcat
"Dear Mr. Football". He is a fucking tool. Mediocre sports writer and he sees himself as "Mr. Football". Porbably never even held a football, much less played at all. Hell, most of the people on this forum undoubtedly know more about football and watch much more football than "Mr. Self-aggrandizing"

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 11:12 pm
by catgrad97
Fire or retire him.

Those are the only two options that will save the Star at this point.

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 12:49 pm
by prh
Hopefully replacing Hansen.

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 1:15 pm
by CalStateTempe
prh wrote: Hopefully replacing Hansen.
His is the first pelt I want on the mantle.

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 1:29 pm
by Beefcurtainsandwich
Posted in SM thread, but -
You know what might be fun at halftime....
Bring Hansen out to center court... then tar and feather him.

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 5:51 pm
by btfd16
My letter to the Editor was published on the ADS website. I am SHOCKED because I went in on Hansen.

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 6:02 pm
by prh
btfd16 wrote:My letter to the Editor was published on the ADS website. I am SHOCKED because I went in on Hansen.
AWESOME. Link? I don't want to click around their site any more than I have to. Not until they lose Hansen and maybe Pascoe

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 6:49 pm
by btfd16
I’ll post it later. I’m on my phone. Might reveal my name but fuck it.

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 6:51 pm
by CatFanOneMil
I will out myself hoping you guys are nice to me but my letter got published as well...


Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 6:53 pm
by scumdevils86
Lots of letters about Hansen on the star...

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 6:59 pm
by btfd16

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 7:02 pm
by SandwichGuy

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 7:15 pm
by prh
Perfect letter. Maybe if we send enough they'll finally kick him to the curb

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 7:18 pm
by prh
Hey by the way, for anyone using an ad blocker who gets annoyed on, that pop up can be hidden with a snippet of custom css. If you don't know what I'm talking about, no prob. Ignore this or ask if you're curious.

Stick this in your user/custom css:

Code: Select all

.fc-root, .fc-dialog-container, .fc-dialog-overlay { display: none !important; }

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 7:35 pm
by CalStateTempe
Great letters boys.

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 7:44 pm
by Spaceman Spiff
Good letters, both you guys.

Hansen's scandal mongering has been awful for a while. He bit hard on the ESPN story.

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 10:42 pm
by TheGreatCatsby
To me Hansen isn't our problem. Apart from this radio episode, which he may regret somewhat perhaps in time-if not now-his columns on this past weeks' scandal haven't been absolute. His take was the general allegations were pretty strong and he put a lot of faith in them, but that things still had to be discussed/proven before making a final decision.

The news broke while he was on the road traveling with the team. That has an impact, being there when the general is called away in scandal. This man probably has seen more UA athletics games live in person than any other human. Having a local paper is still a treasure, if it disappears not sure how that is a good thing in any way for community minded people. You can read about a lot of cool science, world news, and local events in it.

ESPN may have done a number on Sean. If life was a game of texas hold 'em, Miller pushed all his chips into the middle today. Loved the strong stance. But as fans how can anyone really truly know, we trust our gut, and our pride seems attacked here perhaps unfairly and unnecessarily...but it's a saga, since only a handful of people would even know the truth.

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 11:51 pm
by rgdeuce
With all due respect, no. An newspaper with integrity is the real treasure. If they fall, someone else will take their place. Hansen isnt wiggling his way out of this and rightfully so.

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 4:56 am
by Chicat
Must have been a breaking Utah high school sports story he needed to cover.

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 8:50 am
by Spaceman Spiff ... -top-story" target="_blank

Let the backpedaling begin!

Warning: the link above will redirect to a Greg Hansen article where he just tries to ignore all the stuff he wrote and said over the last week like it didn't even happen.

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 8:54 am
by UAEebs86
That radio interview should be the nail in his coffin.

If they are not going to out and out fire him, he needs to quietly resign so he can do the obligatory "spend more time with his family".

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 9:12 am
by CalStateTempe
No where in that article was an admission of guilt, and I’m sorry, or I jumped to conclusions like the rest of you.

Just fired him already.

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 9:26 am
by rgdeuce
He won't make it. Keep the heat on them.

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 9:26 am
by UAEebs86
Spaceman Spiff wrote: ... -top-story

Let the backpedaling begin!

Warning: the link above will redirect to a Greg Hansen article where he just tries to ignore all the stuff he wrote and said over the last week like it didn't even happen.

I thought Miller never mentioned Heeke in the press conference (only Robbins), now Hansen says he did.

Was it in the original press conference, last night's press conference, or is Pops making up shit again?

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 9:29 am
by rgdeuce
Spaceman Spiff wrote: ... -top-story

Let the backpedaling begin!

Warning: the link above will redirect to a Greg Hansen article where he just tries to ignore all the stuff he wrote and said over the last week like it didn't even happen.
Why is it so fucking hard for so many men to apologize and admit they were wrong? I guess he has gotten away with so much bullshit over the years that he thinks he can just sweep this under the rug.

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 9:31 am
by Siempre Verde
UAEebs86 wrote:
Spaceman Spiff wrote: ... -top-story

Let the backpedaling begin!

Warning: the link above will redirect to a Greg Hansen article where he just tries to ignore all the stuff he wrote and said over the last week like it didn't even happen.

I thought Miller never mentioned Heeke in the press conference (only Robbins), now Hansen says he did.

Was it in the original press conference, last night's press conference, or is Pops making up shit again?
IIRC, Heeke was mentioned at the beginning of the afternoon presser, but not at the end (with Robbins). I also saw the post game, where CSM mentioned Heeke, as well.

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 9:37 am
by IrishAzCat

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 9:54 am
by azgreg

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 9:56 am
by Alieberman
I like new posters making solid contributions!

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 10:04 am
by CalStateTempe
Me too!

Brings some new lifeblood to the site and something I’ve been hoping for for so long!

Wait till they find the lower boards. :)

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 10:34 am
by MrMeow
TheGreatCatsby wrote:To me Hansen isn't our problem. Apart from this radio episode, which he may regret somewhat perhaps in time-if not now-his columns on this past weeks' scandal haven't been absolute. His take was the general allegations were pretty strong and he put a lot of faith in them, but that things still had to be discussed/proven before making a final decision.

The news broke while he was on the road traveling with the team. That has an impact, being there when the general is called away in scandal. This man probably has seen more UA athletics games live in person than any other human. Having a local paper is still a treasure, if it disappears not sure how that is a good thing in any way for community minded people. You can read about a lot of cool science, world news, and local events in it.

ESPN may have done a number on Sean. If life was a game of texas hold 'em, Miller pushed all his chips into the middle today. Loved the strong stance. But as fans how can anyone really truly know, we trust our gut, and our pride seems attacked here perhaps unfairly and unnecessarily...but it's a saga, since only a handful of people would even know the truth.
If you had a royal flush on the river, wouldn't you go all in too?

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 10:44 am
by 84Cat
UAEebs86 wrote:
Spaceman Spiff wrote: ... -top-story

Let the backpedaling begin!

Warning: the link above will redirect to a Greg Hansen article where he just tries to ignore all the stuff he wrote and said over the last week like it didn't even happen.

I thought Miller never mentioned Heeke in the press conference (only Robbins), now Hansen says he did.

Was it in the original press conference, last night's press conference, or is Pops making up shit again?
He mentioned Heeke in last night's presser.

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 12:41 pm
by btfd16 ... spartanntp

Opinion: Vindicated? Maybe. Off The Hook? Not Just Yet
All we can do is wait.

Well, that and mock Greg Hansen.

We’ve periodically called him America’s worst columnist. He’s not a nice man and in our opinion his columns at time verge on malicious. Here are his recent columns. You can stand the headlines or read them all but the trajectory is pretty clear: on Saturday, he said Miller should never coach Arizona again and should be terminated immediately. On Thursday, he said Miller “won the big one.”


All of the following are by Hansen except for the last one which is a general overview.

Greg Hansen: Sean Miller cannot be allowed to coach the Wildcats again
Hansen’s Sunday Notebook: These guys with Arizona ties wouldn’t cut it as Sean Miller’s replacement
Greg Hansen: Deep in the woods, Arizona Wildcats confront new, dark reality
Greg Hansen: It’s attorney vs. attorney as Arizona Wildcats followers wait
Star sports columnist Greg Hansen’s radio interview raises ire of Wildcats fans
Greg Hansen: Regardless of Thursday’s outcome, Wildcats face uphill battle
Greg Hansen: Sean Miller, Wildcats win The Big One in a span of 5 minutes 19 seconds
Updated timeline: How FBI’s wiretaps and investigation threatened to topple the Arizona Wildcats basketball program

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 12:44 pm
by Spaceman Spiff
btfd16 wrote: ... spartanntp

Opinion: Vindicated? Maybe. Off The Hook? Not Just Yet
All we can do is wait.

Well, that and mock Greg Hansen.

We’ve periodically called him America’s worst columnist. He’s not a nice man and in our opinion his columns at time verge on malicious. Here are his recent columns. You can stand the headlines or read them all but the trajectory is pretty clear: on Saturday, he said Miller should never coach Arizona again and should be terminated immediately. On Thursday, he said Miller “won the big one.”


All of the following are by Hansen except for the last one which is a general overview.

Greg Hansen: Sean Miller cannot be allowed to coach the Wildcats again
Hansen’s Sunday Notebook: These guys with Arizona ties wouldn’t cut it as Sean Miller’s replacement
Greg Hansen: Deep in the woods, Arizona Wildcats confront new, dark reality
Greg Hansen: It’s attorney vs. attorney as Arizona Wildcats followers wait
Star sports columnist Greg Hansen’s radio interview raises ire of Wildcats fans
Greg Hansen: Regardless of Thursday’s outcome, Wildcats face uphill battle
Greg Hansen: Sean Miller, Wildcats win The Big One in a span of 5 minutes 19 seconds
Updated timeline: How FBI’s wiretaps and investigation threatened to topple the Arizona Wildcats basketball program
That article chronology is like a summary of which way the wind was blowing.

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 2:20 pm
by Bear Down Vegas
Longhorned wrote:Hanson should be in major trouble for making up that stuff about Miller.
This, this - all day this.

Greg went on the airwaves earlier this week and LIED. He made up a story. Then he went back on air to say he shouldn't have done it. Everything he previously said was made up and he "misspoke". I swear, if there's a hill I'm going to choose to die on, it's this one. You CANNOT do this if you are a lifelong reporter for Tucson sports.

He. Lied. And then admitted it. Sorry ya'll!

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 2:26 pm
by Alieberman
So did Hansen actually lie or did he just get in trouble for telling the truth?

He said it wasn’t Ayton it was another player (Bowen)

Isn’t that maybe the truth?

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 2:30 pm
by Bear Down Vegas
Alieberman wrote:So did Hansen actually lie or did he just get in trouble for telling the truth?

He said it wasn’t Ayton it was another player (Bowen)

Isn’t that maybe the truth?

Well, yes, that's surely possible. However - he said he spoke with Book. (someone who rhymes with Look)

If he did, that's illegal and will bury BR & if he didn't - he lied. I can admit that I look through things through blue & red lenses but with all of the shade & weight he puts into his reporting - you can't do that. Right?

Re: Really, Mr. Hansen?

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 2:40 pm
by Alieberman
I think he did talk to "Look" but was then told how illegal that was so he rushed back on the radio to lie about it.

Just my theory

Either way Hansen sucks and should be fired