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Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 12:28 pm
by CalStateTempe
Fuck you piece of lettuce with salad dressing that jumped off the fork and o to my brand new dress pants.

Teaches me to eat a salad for lunch.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 1:30 pm
by azgreg
I twisted my ankle today........while sitting at my desk.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 1:41 pm
by CalStateTempe
Dealer repair prices are ridiculous.

Found a good independent mechanic who specializes in VW. And found this before talking with the wife.

CST lives to see another day.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 3:25 pm
In the hospital getting gallbladder surgery tomorrow... been in agonizing pain since last night. Great Wednesday for me.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 3:33 pm
by azgreg
Get better man.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 4:18 pm
by CalStateTempe
ASUHATER! wrote:In the hospital getting gallbladder surgery tomorrow... been in agonizing pain since last night. Great Wednesday for me.
Damn, I’m sorry man. This is a real vent!

Get better soon hater.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 5:29 pm
by Chicat
Jesus, we’re falling apart....

I blame Larry Scott and Mark Schlabach.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 8:13 pm
CalStateTempe wrote:
ASUHATER! wrote:In the hospital getting gallbladder surgery tomorrow... been in agonizing pain since last night. Great Wednesday for me.
Damn, I’m sorry man. This is a real vent!

Get better soon hater.
Thanks. Morphine is a hell of a drug.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 9:30 am
by WildcatStunner
ASUHATER! wrote:In the hospital getting gallbladder surgery tomorrow... been in agonizing pain since last night. Great Wednesday for me.
Had something similar happen to me back in July 2017. Just pancreatitis, they couldn’t find anything wrong with the gallbladder till December 2017 and I had it removed. Recovery is not too bad, and it is a huge relief when you never longer get the feeling that your insides are being torn apart.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 9:43 am
by scumdevils86
T minus 3 hours till asuhater parts with his gallbladder!

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 10:57 am
WildcatStunner wrote:
ASUHATER! wrote:In the hospital getting gallbladder surgery tomorrow... been in agonizing pain since last night. Great Wednesday for me.
Had something similar happen to me back in July 2017. Just pancreatitis, they couldn’t find anything wrong with the gallbladder till December 2017 and I had it removed. Recovery is not too bad, and it is a huge relief when you never longer get the feeling that your insides are being torn apart.
Until I got pumped with morphine it was 12 hours of pure agony. I don't wish that on anyone. How long did it take for you to heal and recover?

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 11:23 am
by WildcatStunner
ASUHATER! wrote:
WildcatStunner wrote:
ASUHATER! wrote:In the hospital getting gallbladder surgery tomorrow... been in agonizing pain since last night. Great Wednesday for me.
Had something similar happen to me back in July 2017. Just pancreatitis, they couldn’t find anything wrong with the gallbladder till December 2017 and I had it removed. Recovery is not too bad, and it is a huge relief when you never longer get the feeling that your insides are being torn apart.
Until I got pumped with morphine it was 12 hours of pure agony. I don't wish that on anyone. How long did it take for you to heal and recover?
I actually felt pretty good after the surgery and was able to move around with minimal pain within two days. However, the pain from the cuts was on and off for about 3 weeks. Doctor will probably tell you to avoid intense physical activity for 5-6 weeks

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 11:28 am
by Chicat
scumdevils86 wrote:T minus 3 hours till asuhater parts with his gallbladder!
That’s not even a real organ.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 11:33 am
by scumdevils86
It's a good one to have to lose haha

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 11:44 am
by cpt
I hate the process of buying/selling a home
I hate sellers (especially men) who think negotiating the price of the house is a test of manhood
I hate realtors and their ridiculous commissions for not doing very much
I hate home inspectors that make your house - that you've lived in quite comfortably for 15 years - sound uninhabitable
I hate buyers who use said inspection report to renegotiate the price - especially for things that were obvious when they made their offer and there was a meeting of the minds
I hate closing costs where hundreds of people seem to have their hand in your pocket
I hate buyers that want to buy in an established neighborhood (mine is 62 years old) and then wonder why everything isn't new
I hate buyers that bail on a contract (apparently legally) leaving you high and dry two days before the contingency deal you had to buy your new home expires and wastes three months of your and your family's time, work and tremendous inconvenience

I fucking hate all this shit.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 11:48 am
WildcatStunner wrote:
ASUHATER! wrote:
WildcatStunner wrote:
ASUHATER! wrote:In the hospital getting gallbladder surgery tomorrow... been in agonizing pain since last night. Great Wednesday for me.
Had something similar happen to me back in July 2017. Just pancreatitis, they couldn’t find anything wrong with the gallbladder till December 2017 and I had it removed. Recovery is not too bad, and it is a huge relief when you never longer get the feeling that your insides are being torn apart.
Until I got pumped with morphine it was 12 hours of pure agony. I don't wish that on anyone. How long did it take for you to heal and recover?
I actually felt pretty good after the surgery and was able to move around with minimal pain within two days. However, the pain from the cuts was on and off for about 3 weeks. Doctor will probably tell you to avoid intense physical activity for 5-6 weeks
Good thing I'm sedentary!

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 12:01 pm
by catgrad97
cpt wrote:I hate the process of buying/selling a home
I hate sellers (especially men) who think negotiating the price of the house is a test of manhood
I hate realtors and their ridiculous commissions for not doing very much
I hate home inspectors that make your house - that you've lived in quite comfortably for 15 years - sound uninhabitable
I hate buyers who use said inspection report to renegotiate the price - especially for things that were obvious when they made their offer and there was a meeting of the minds
I hate closing costs where hundreds of people seem to have their hand in your pocket
I hate buyers that want to buy in an established neighborhood (mine is 62 years old) and then wonder why everything isn't new
I hate buyers that bail on a contract (apparently legally) leaving you high and dry two days before the contingency deal you had to buy your new home expires and wastes three months of your and your family's time, work and tremendous inconvenience

I fucking hate all this shit.
So is it worse than writing pro-education bills for the Arizona legislature?

Because I've been through everything you've been through on that list. Would still take it all over the latter.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 1:47 pm
by cpt

So is it worse than writing pro-education bills for the Arizona legislature?

Because I've been through everything you've been through on that list. Would still take it all over the latter.[/quote]

Well, after working for them, with them and against them for 26 years, I'm used to who they are (or at least what they've become). These days I find it more frustrating dealing with education advocates that want to use super-progressive methods to accomplish a goal we all agree on and could be more easily accomplished with more moderate methods. They literally are pissing away a once in a generation opportunity to do something that would completely change the game in Arizona education all for ideological purity.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 3:30 pm
by catgrad97
cpt wrote:Well, after working for them, with them and against them for 26 years, I'm used to who they are (or at least what they've become). These days I find it more frustrating dealing with education advocates that want to use super-progressive methods to accomplish a goal we all agree on and could be more easily accomplished with more moderate methods. They literally are pissing away a once in a generation opportunity to do something that would completely change the game in Arizona education all for ideological purity.
So, Bernie Sanders voters?

I have officially given up on any meaningful educational progress in this state. We're at or right next to the bottom in way too many categories. With a family, the sacrifice is no longer noble nor worth the effort.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 5:25 pm
So I'm alive, gallbladder is out. Stomach is sore but I'll live. Glad that's over

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 5:34 pm
by Chicat
ASUHATER! wrote:So I'm alive, gallbladder is out. Stomach is sore but I'll live. Glad that's over
Did you get to keep the superfluous organ? Great conversation starter....

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 5:38 pm
Chicat wrote:
ASUHATER! wrote:So I'm alive, gallbladder is out. Stomach is sore but I'll live. Glad that's over
Did you get to keep the superfluous organ? Great conversation starter....
My sister in law(the almost graduated nursing student) wanted me to keep it for science but I didn't get to ask.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 5:51 pm
by Chicat
ASUHATER! wrote:
Chicat wrote:
ASUHATER! wrote:So I'm alive, gallbladder is out. Stomach is sore but I'll live. Glad that's over
Did you get to keep the superfluous organ? Great conversation starter....
My sister in law(the almost graduated nursing student) wanted me to keep it for science but I didn't get to ask.
That’s some bullshit. God gave you that thing ..... for some reason.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Wed May 02, 2018 8:39 am
by UALoco
I'm in sales, had a region and was doing well, we hired someone else and I had to hand-off a chunk of my region, the new sales person was totally spoon-fed a huge opportunity with a super high profile client..think one of the highest profile tech co's out there. They closed the deal and our team killed it. I should be happy for them and happy for our firm, but I am totally jealous. The timing of things were just so that this slipped through my fingers. I guess I have super bad karma..need to work on that I guess. :evil:

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 6:45 pm
by Lando05
My dad just got diagnosed with prostrate cancer. Don't know how bad yet, he has to get a bunch of tests next Tuesday. Fuck, I'm feeling so many mixed emotions right now. Just had to happen the week I'm going to Vegas. Fuck timing in life sometimes and especially fuck cancer

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Tue May 15, 2018 5:32 am
by CatsbyAZ
I'm with you man; let us know what stage it is. My Dad was given the same diagnosis in January 2016 and fortunately it was discovered at Stage 1. Once removed (surgery at Northwest Medical Center in Oro Valley) it has not since returned, which unfortunately was not the case for his brother, diagnosed at a much later stage.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Tue May 15, 2018 6:12 am
by Chicat
Shit, that is just awful. Thoughts are with you, your dad, and your family, Lando.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Tue May 15, 2018 8:19 am
by azgreg
Sorry to hear about that Lando.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Tue May 15, 2018 8:53 am
by Lando05
CatsbyAZ wrote:I'm with you man; let us know what stage it is. My Dad was given the same diagnosis in January 2016 and fortunately it was discovered at Stage 1. Once removed (surgery at Northwest Medical Center in Oro Valley) it has not since returned, which unfortunately was not the case for his brother, diagnosed at a much later stage.
Thank you Catsby. We will know the stage in about 2 weeks from today. I'm hoping for the best. I'm still kind of in shock, for the biopsy they do a rating of 1-10 and gave him a 9... so I'm just hoping it's in the early stateges he's only 67 still got a little life left to experience I just want him to be able to enjoy some of his life since he's spent 35+ years teaching. He deserves to have some fun and enjoy his life that he has left.

Thank you Chicat and Azgreg. apprecite the support, any thoughts, prayers, or good vibes will be met with open arms. He's gonna need all the support he can get!

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Tue May 29, 2018 6:06 pm
by azgreg
This new windows update is taking for god damn ever.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Thu May 31, 2018 1:27 am
by EVCat
On week 5 of short term disability and week 8 of not being able to drive. It appears Achilles' weakness is shared by me, except I survived. Sorta. Nothing like having a sinewy string in your leg that basically controls the entire functionality of said leg snap in half, all because you had to win and didn't stop when the warning sign (seized muscles) presented itself. In my 40s, but never a day older than 12 upstairs some days. 3 casts, a scooter, 2 more weeks of no weight bearing, 4 to 6 more of not driving, 5 months to being able to play sports again, and a herniated C4/5 and 5/6 get injections next week (taking this short term disability from 4 to 6 weeks).

It sounds like fun....watching every movie or show, catching up on every book you wanted to read...just one little surgery gets you all that! Except I see the same 3 people every day, Febreze is the only thing keeping my couch from needing to be burned after this is over, until Tuesday, I had to put an oversized condom over my leg cast to get clean, depending on your 17 year old daughter for rides is scary, and I am a bit concerned I may have caused some issues or at least aggravated the shit out of the ankle simply doing what people say married people don't do with each other. So FML...

I really, really wanted the baseball team to make the post season to give this weekend purpose.

Hopefully the shots work and I am not back on this couch after a month or So following neck surgery (Achilles was a sports injury, neck disc herniations pushed over the edge in a sporting event, probably initially herniated in January. Throwing a ball as hard as you can apparently can further herniate a disc)

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Thu May 31, 2018 3:47 am
by Chicat
Damn EV, that blows. Well done on the venting though. A+ work. Will read again when I pull a muscle sneezing.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2018 6:32 pm
by azgreg
One coat paint my ass.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2018 6:35 pm
by TucsonClip
Please put the pens back where they belong. Where the fuck else am I supposed to find them?

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2018 8:04 pm
by Chicat
TucsonClip wrote:Please put the pens back where they belong. Where the fuck else am I supposed to find them?
At my house it’s underneath my kids’ dressers or the bottom of my wife’s purse. I just assumed that’s where they belong.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 9:58 am
by EVCat
The cleaning lady/man apparently bumped my keyboard tray, dislodging the comma button.

I write procedures for a living (I mean, most of what I do is that). The comma button is one of the more important buttons, right up there with T and E and enter.

I, clearly, have secured a new keyboard, but this one sucks. What happened to the comma button? I have yet to find it (I am not exactly mobile right now so my looking is limited, but...dang).

Return the pens AND the comma button, please.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 10:26 am
by Chicat
EVCat wrote:The cleaning lady/man apparently bumped my keyboard tray, dislodging the comma button.

I write procedures for a living (I mean, most of what I do is that). The comma button is one of the more important buttons, right up there with T and E and enter.

I, clearly, have secured a new keyboard, but this one sucks. What happened to the comma button? I have yet to find it (I am not exactly mobile right now so my looking is limited, but...dang).

Return the pens AND the comma button, please.
Holy shit that’s AWFUL.

I thought I was annoyed because the ‘V’ button acts weird on my work keyboard maybe once or twice a week for a few minutes. A button going missing would drive me insane.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 10:50 am
by CalStateTempe
The 9 on my office phone gets stuck when you press it.

We have to press 9 to exit the internal system.

Sacramento’s area code is 916

You see the potential problem beyond the annoyance of making calls to the wrong people. And the idiots in facilities still haven’t addressed it.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 11:01 am
by Lando05
Update on my dad. The cancer has not spread to the bones or lymph nodes. My dad is electing to do radiation and gene therapy. High success rate of survival has been given to him. Appreciate all the support from the people who reached out. Thank you.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 11:49 am
by Chicat
That’s awesome news!

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 11:51 am
by azgreg
Great news Lando.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 2:07 pm
Good to hear

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 10:37 am
by CalStateTempe
Awesome Lando!!!

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 10:37 am
by CalStateTempe
Insecure bosses sure are fun.

Any tips on how to deal?

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2018 1:20 pm
by UAEebs86
Fucking assholes

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2018 1:46 pm
by Chicat
CalStateTempe wrote:Insecure bosses sure are fun.

Any tips on how to deal?
Make it seem like every good idea you’ve ever had was because of their incredible leadership.

Or frame them for killing the second to last known jaguar in the US.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 9:17 am
by Olsondogg
Had an elderly family member pass in an assisted living facility that we helped for the past year after her stroke. We were the only family that was close to her for the better part of the past decade. Found out from other family members, who didn't lift a finger to help us when she was alive, that they are the beneficiaries and for us to step aside as they are in control all of the estate (which isn't much at all tbh).

They did this all via text/email to my wife, even though they had the chance to talk face to face. Unreal.

I will never understand human beings as long as I live. Even family.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 9:41 am
Olsondogg wrote:Had an elderly family member pass in an assisted living facility that we helped for the past year after her stroke. We were the only family that was close to her for the better part of the past decade. Found out from other family members, who didn't lift a finger to help us when she was alive, that they are the beneficiaries and for us to step aside as they are in control all of the estate (which isn't much at all tbh).

They did this all via text/email to my wife, even though they had the chance to talk face to face. Unreal.

I will never understand human beings as long as I live. Even family.
It's awful but legally there isn't a damn thing you can do. Saw this kind of thing dozens of times when I worked on these kind of situations for a financial institution.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 9:45 am
by Olsondogg
ASUHATER! wrote:
Olsondogg wrote:Had an elderly family member pass in an assisted living facility that we helped for the past year after her stroke. We were the only family that was close to her for the better part of the past decade. Found out from other family members, who didn't lift a finger to help us when she was alive, that they are the beneficiaries and for us to step aside as they are in control all of the estate (which isn't much at all tbh).

They did this all via text/email to my wife, even though they had the chance to talk face to face. Unreal.

I will never understand human beings as long as I live. Even family.
It's awful but legally there isn't a damn thing you can do. Saw this kind of thing dozens of times when I worked on these kind of situations for a financial institution.
It's not even that. I couldn't care less about what money or items they get, we don't need or want any of that. It's the fact that they didn't do shit to help a dying woman when she was alive, but swooped in like vultures to pick apart a carcass.

Her body had literally not been taken to the morgue before they had texted that they were in control, and this was from people who were as close to us as anyone in our lives at one point.

Re: Venting Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 9:48 am
Olsondogg wrote:
ASUHATER! wrote:
Olsondogg wrote:Had an elderly family member pass in an assisted living facility that we helped for the past year after her stroke. We were the only family that was close to her for the better part of the past decade. Found out from other family members, who didn't lift a finger to help us when she was alive, that they are the beneficiaries and for us to step aside as they are in control all of the estate (which isn't much at all tbh).

They did this all via text/email to my wife, even though they had the chance to talk face to face. Unreal.

I will never understand human beings as long as I live. Even family.
It's awful but legally there isn't a damn thing you can do. Saw this kind of thing dozens of times when I worked on these kind of situations for a financial institution.
It's not even that. I couldn't care less about what money or items they get, we don't need or want any of that. It's the fact that they didn't do shit to help a dying woman when she was alive, but swooped in like vultures to pick apart a carcass.

Her body had literally not been taken to the morgue before they had texted that they were in control, and this was from people who were as close to us as anyone in our lives at one point.
It sucks. I saw this stuff happen with families every day when I was doing that. All kinds of nasty stuff people did to try to worm their way in and take money.