Cops going undercover

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Cops going undercover

Post by gumby »

Seattle cops to be dressed as Packer fans to see how they'll be treated. Imagine this at a rivalry game in college. Fish in a barrel. ... awks-fans/
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Re: Cops going undercover

Post by Chicat »

If Chicago cops want free beer and for people to show them an inordinate amount of respect and good cheer, they should show up at Wrigley in Cardinals gear.

Meanwhile if they want to get stabbed they should go to an Oakland or San Francisco game in any sport . . . in any team's stuff . . . including the home team.
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Re: Cops going undercover

Post by UAtrue »

Chicat wrote:If Chicago cops want free beer and for people to show them an inordinate amount of respect and good cheer, they should show up at Wrigley in Cardinals gear.

Meanwhile if they want to get stabbed they should go to an Oakland or San Francisco game in any sport . . . in any team's stuff . . . including the home team.

I've been to all the past 12-15 years of Packers games at Oakland and S.F. including pre-season games. Pretty much treated fine as long as you aren't obnoxious. I'm always decked in Packer clothes.

Some razzing is fine. The only time I saw a an incident was during that Oakland game when Favre had a record-setting game the day after his father died. My group was in the parking lot tailgating sometimes getting some good-natured ribbing and then a group of about 10 really stupid college-aged fools dressed in Packer gear came marching down our aisle shouting out shit and just egging folks on. The response was moderately restrained and amusing to watch-first some screaming back and then the beer cans and bottles started flying at them. One got smacked pretty good on the head-they ran off.

I'd say the only time I've had fans be obnoxious to me was college kids at the Cal games that I go to wearing my AZ red. We don't sit in the alumni section because they always get crappy corner seats.
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Re: Cops going undercover

Post by Spaceman Spiff »

This is another good time to post the Raider fan stabbing the Bronco fan.

Provoking other fan bases is always dumb and classless. When you do it to the Raiders fan base, you have a quasi death wish too.
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