Trader Joe's

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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by FreeSpiritCat »

Dear Trader Joe,

When I met you many years ago it was love at first site. I loved your fun attitude and your philosophy. I loved your cozy, small neighborhood market feel.

You became a regularly weekly date and I always looked forward to seeing you. What new foods would I find? What yummy food samples were being served? Would there be a wine tasting or free coffee?

I was so enamored of you I told all my friends how great you were, I even wrote about you on my blog for the whole world to see.

For years you made me feel that I could afford to buy the healthiest food without breaking my budget and for that I will always be grateful. So this is really hard for me to say, but I'm going to have to break up with you.

I'm really sorry. It's not you, it's me. I've changed. I'm not the same sugar-loving, carbo-consuming, canola-oil guzzling gal I was when we first met.

I was so blinded by your Hawaiian shirts, your super-friendly crew mates, and your whimsical captain's bell that I was too busy having fun when I shopped. But eventually I started to notice things that I didn't like.

I didn't like the way you started sneaking sugar into everything. Maybe it was always there and I just didn’t want to see it. When you're in love you tend to overlook these things. Do you really need to put it in your Chili Pepper Sauce and your Garlic & Butter Mashed Potato mix? But the last straw for me was when I found it in your beef broth! Why, Joe, why, do you need to put sugar in this most savory of items?

I now feel like I can't trust you. I have to read every single label and frankly, this is no way to shop. A good relationship is based on trust, and you have destroyed my faith in you.

But there is even a bigger problem than hidden sugar. It's your love affair with polyunsaturated vegetable oils really takes the cake. This stuff is bad news yet you put it in everything.

I don't understand how you can take such pride in putting out award winning olive oil on one hand yet sell canola oil on the other. It makes you seem like a hypocrite.

I know it's not all your fault. You have to give your customers what they want because without your loyal fans there would be no "Trader" you'd just be "plain old Joe".

Maybe you're worried your customers aren't ready to give up flavor boost from sugar or willing to pay more for food once you transition from using cheap vegetable oils. But Joe, you could pave the way! After all you've made some pretty bold moves like refusing to carry products that contain MSG and everyone has stuck by you! You could do the same here!

Oh, we had some good times, Joe. I'll never forget your pumpkin ice cream, your honey-glazed cranberry pecans, or your Greek apricot-mango yogurt. I'm really going to miss your BBQ Sauce, Teriyaki sauce, and your lime-curry marinade. They made others believe I was a good cook. But the truth is I owe it all to you.

I hope we can always be friends but I just don't want to be exclusive any more. I need to find someone whose philosophy is more akin to mine.

If you decide to mend your ways – get rid of hidden sugar and canola oil – give me a call and maybe we can patch this up.

Until then I'll be seeing you around. ... joe-s.html

Trader Joe's is still one of my favorite places to shop for groceries. They pay their employees better than their competitors, and there are items I can find there I can't find elsewhere. Plus their organic selection continues to grow. For example I buy organic grade B maple syrup. They even have organic cheese now.
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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by Chicat »

CalStateTempe wrote:
Longhorned wrote:As for supermarkets, I've worn out my welcome at all of them in town. I can't go into a supermarket anywhere in the state of Illinois or Indiana without becoming openly hostile. People here stopped making the mistake of stopping in to pick something up when I'm with them. I go into a kind of a frenzy, walking down every aisle and making fun of the food, saying "Look at this! Do people buy this? Do they eat it? And look at all this packaged meat! They don't even try to make it look appetizing! When did people in this part of the country decide to have such low standards of living? Do they think of themselves as farm animals? And why is this market so freaking big? Why is everything inside it so big? Everything's so big and yet there's not a fucking thing to eat in this place!"
LH, you nailed every supermarket I've been in Indiana and Southern Michigan. Its saying something when Kroger is the high end chain...

Martin's - yuck...they have perfected the art of packaged slop.

and Ham Salad? WTF is ham salad? There is nothing remotely close to "salad" in this weird packaged chopped processed ham concoction.

Fruit with dents and discoloration what previously only lived in my imagination.

And I love the reach-in tub freezers, reminds me of Fry's circa 1980's shopping with mom. Its like all the other supermarket chains got rid of their old technology and Indiana chains were like "over here, we'll taken em!". The equivalent of shipping Phoenix Suns 1993 NBA Champs shirts to Guatemala or some other godforsaken place.
I seriously don't know where you two are shopping but my supermarket is pretty amazing. They have two full time sushi chefs, a killer cheese section, and incredibly fresh seafood, meats, and produce.
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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by CalStateTempe »

Chicat wrote:
CalStateTempe wrote:
Longhorned wrote:As for supermarkets, I've worn out my welcome at all of them in town. I can't go into a supermarket anywhere in the state of Illinois or Indiana without becoming openly hostile. People here stopped making the mistake of stopping in to pick something up when I'm with them. I go into a kind of a frenzy, walking down every aisle and making fun of the food, saying "Look at this! Do people buy this? Do they eat it? And look at all this packaged meat! They don't even try to make it look appetizing! When did people in this part of the country decide to have such low standards of living? Do they think of themselves as farm animals? And why is this market so freaking big? Why is everything inside it so big? Everything's so big and yet there's not a fucking thing to eat in this place!"
LH, you nailed every supermarket I've been in Indiana and Southern Michigan. Its saying something when Kroger is the high end chain...

Martin's - yuck...they have perfected the art of packaged slop.

and Ham Salad? WTF is ham salad? There is nothing remotely close to "salad" in this weird packaged chopped processed ham concoction.

Fruit with dents and discoloration what previously only lived in my imagination.

And I love the reach-in tub freezers, reminds me of Fry's circa 1980's shopping with mom. Its like all the other supermarket chains got rid of their old technology and Indiana chains were like "over here, we'll taken em!". The equivalent of shipping Phoenix Suns 1993 NBA Champs shirts to Guatemala or some other godforsaken place.
I seriously don't know where you two are shopping but my supermarket is pretty amazing. They have two full time sushi chefs, a killer cheese section, and incredibly fresh seafood, meats, and produce.
I did like Marsh Supermarkets when I was in Indianapolis. Reminded me (almost) of AJ's in Chandler.
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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by Longhorned »

I can shop at supermarkets in the Loop, and of course at Latino markets, where the standards are higher (not that they could be lower than what I tend to find).

The Walmart in Indianapolis I went into to buy some ice for my cooler for the drive home on Saturday still has me depressed. The shoppers were physically and mentally decapacitated by whatever they were eating.

What's the name of your supermarket, Chi?
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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by Sidewinder »

Marsh's blows. It's an upgrade from a WalMart SuperCenter, but nowhere near AJ's in quality.

Longhorned - If you're going to the TJ's on 86th, there's also a Whole Foods a couple of miles down the road (between College and Westfield) that might be of interest if you haven't already found it. I always stock up on pickled herring there and they usually have a decent selection of Belgian beers.
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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by Chicat »

Longhorned wrote:I can shop at supermarkets in the Loop, and of course at Latino markets, where the standards are higher (not that they could be lower than what I tend to find).

The Walmart in Indianapolis I went into to buy some ice for my cooler for the drive home on Saturday still has me depressed. The shoppers were physically and mentally decapacitated by whatever they were eating.

What's the name of your supermarket, Chi?
Strack & Van Til
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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by Longhorned »

I like the name. On their website they say:

"Strack & Van Til's vision is to be recognized as the leading full service food store, exceeding customer expectations today, and into the new millennium."

Today and into the new millennium? Welcome to the 1990's, I guess. Still, compare that to my local chain, Schmuck's:

"Schmuck's aim is to sell you grocery items at a profit. If you don't properly return your shopping cart to a designated corral upon loading your items in your car, you will be held accountable."
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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by Reydituto »

Longhorned wrote:My new idea is to not even wait until I have that hankering. I think it could just be my go-to for potlucks and "you bring a dessert!" dinners. I'll have to attach a note to the final product that says, "Vegetarian, Not Vegan." Grrrrrr.
Good call.

I've made Ghiaradelli brownies by substituting the water, egg & oil with the equivalent amount of unsweetened applesauce. Turned out pretty tasty, since, you know, it's chocolate brownies.

You should include the "Grrrrrr" with your note ...
CalStateTempe wrote:and Ham Salad? WTF is ham salad? There is nothing remotely close to "salad" in this weird packaged chopped processed ham concoction.
Not to get in the way of a good rant - as that was a good rant - but ham salad is delicious, and is as much a "salad" as tuna salad and chicken salad typically made with a mayo, mustard and pickle relish base, plus whatever veggie & flavor add-ins are appropriate.

Again, sorry for the intrusion. Rant away ...
Catintheheat wrote: ... joe-s.html

Trader Joe's is still one of my favorite places to shop for groceries. They pay their employees better than their competitors, and there are items I can find there I can't find elsewhere. Plus their organic selection continues to grow. For example I buy organic grade B maple syrup. They even have organic cheese now.
That letter was lame, and that woman needs to stop buying so much processed food, not to hard to figure out that much of the food she mentioned isn't actually "hiding" their sugar content ... Teriyaki and BBQ sauces are sweet for a reason ... How did she think the pumpkin ice cream was sweetened? Yogurt for that matter? ... And how fucking hard is it to mash your own potatoes?!? ... I try to avoid people like that in real life, she is what we refer to as a "funhater" ...

(Love the organic pepper jack cheese CITH ...)
Longhorned wrote:Today and into the new millennium? Welcome to the 1990's, I guess. Still, compare that to my local chain, Schmuck's:

"Schmuck's aim is to sell you grocery items at a profit. If you don't properly return your shopping cart to a designated corral upon loading your items in your car, you will be held accountable."
Schmuck's ... I think that's what a friend of mine called "Ralph's" ... No kidding on the shopping cart return, cart wranglers get testy and freely give out stinkeyes if you leave the cart anywhere else besides those "corrals" nestled into another cart ...
But in my book, you gotta get to White Castle before the weirdos show up!
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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by Chicat »

Longhorned wrote:I like the name. On their website they say:

"Strack & Van Til's vision is to be recognized as the leading full service food store, exceeding customer expectations today, and into the new millennium."

Today and into the new millennium? Welcome to the 1990's, I guess.
I think they meant the year 3000 when their stores will actually just be small box vending machines that dispense nutrient pills and delicious algae nuggets (patent pending).
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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by Merkin »

CalStateTempe wrote: you nailed every supermarket I've been in Indiana and Southern Michigan. Its saying something when Kroger is the high end chain...
We don't have Krogers out west, but we do have their big box pack your own grocery store called FoodCo.

Went to the other side of town to FoodCo to get their tri-tip at $3.29.

They also have the cheapest gas in town ($3.59) and you get 10c off a gallon if you spend $100.
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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by scumdevils86 »

Merkin wrote:
CalStateTempe wrote: you nailed every supermarket I've been in Indiana and Southern Michigan. Its saying something when Kroger is the high end chain...
We don't have Krogers out west, but we do have their big box pack your own grocery store called FoodCo.

Went to the other side of town to FoodCo to get their tri-tip at $3.29.

They also have the cheapest gas in town ($3.59) and you get 10c off a gallon if you spend $100.
don't ya have Ralph's? That's Kroger.
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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by azgreg »

scumdevils86 wrote:
Merkin wrote:
CalStateTempe wrote: you nailed every supermarket I've been in Indiana and Southern Michigan. Its saying something when Kroger is the high end chain...
We don't have Krogers out west, but we do have their big box pack your own grocery store called FoodCo.

Went to the other side of town to FoodCo to get their tri-tip at $3.29.

They also have the cheapest gas in town ($3.59) and you get 10c off a gallon if you spend $100.
don't ya have Ralph's? That's Kroger.
I thought Ralph's, Kroger, and Fry's were the same chain.
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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by scumdevils86 »

they are.

and King Soopers and Dillons and Harris Teeter and Smith's and City Market....and on and on
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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by CalStateTempe »

I do like Harris teeter out here in Carolina.
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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by gumby »

New hummus -- to me. Jalapeno and cilantro. Holy moly. My intake of celery will now skyrocket.
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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by PieceOfMeat »

I've never purchased anything from a trader joe's.

Only entered one...once I believe.

Have had some food from there when visiting other people, didn't really impress me, but maybe it was just the fault of the person who prepared it.
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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by Merkin »

gumby wrote:New hummus -- to me. Jalapeno and cilantro. Holy moly. My intake of celery will now skyrocket.
That does sound tasty. I was just there yesterday too, getting some pizza dough for my son. Just inches away from the hummus which I didn't even look at.
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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by gumby »

PieceOfMeat wrote:I've never purchased anything from a trader joe's.

Only entered one...once I believe.

Have had some food from there when visiting other people, didn't really impress me, but maybe it was just the fault of the person who prepared it.
Or maybe you just can't be impressed. Or maybe they go to that imitator store: Trader Ho's, which is loosely affiliated with Westward Ho.
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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by Reydituto »

gumby wrote:
PieceOfMeat wrote:I've never purchased anything from a trader joe's.

Only entered one...once I believe.

Have had some food from there when visiting other people, didn't really impress me, but maybe it was just the fault of the person who prepared it.
Or maybe you just can't be impressed. Or maybe they go to that imitator store: Trader Ho's, which is loosely affiliated with Westward Ho.
Or the Valley Ho, which is next to a Trader Vic's ...
But in my book, you gotta get to White Castle before the weirdos show up!
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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by PieceOfMeat »

gumby wrote:
PieceOfMeat wrote:I've never purchased anything from a trader joe's.

Only entered one...once I believe.

Have had some food from there when visiting other people, didn't really impress me, but maybe it was just the fault of the person who prepared it.
Or maybe you just can't be impressed.
Eh...I dunno. Maybe I just need to be a vegan or vegetarian or hipster or something, and then I'd be impressed with trader joes
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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by azgreg »

You're not alone POM.
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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by Longhorned »

PieceOfMeat wrote:
gumby wrote:
PieceOfMeat wrote:I've never purchased anything from a trader joe's.

Only entered one...once I believe.

Have had some food from there when visiting other people, didn't really impress me, but maybe it was just the fault of the person who prepared it.
Or maybe you just can't be impressed.
Eh...I dunno. Maybe I just need to be a vegan or vegetarian or hipster or something, and then I'd be impressed with trader joes
TJ's is a chain of stores carrying secret brands. When a producer wants TJ's to carry an item, they have to undergo some very rigorous evaluations. The vast majority of pitched products don't get accepted because the burden of quality is entirely on the producer, while TJ's can continue to ride on the repeated sales of what they carry. The other kind of product is a slight variation of the supermarket generic model: the hidden brand carried by supermarkets, but sold at a much lower price. Unlike supermarkets, TJ's takes the buyer's risk out of it. Let's say you love Cheerios, for example. At a supermarket, the store may or may not sell Cheerios as its secret product, and a Cheerios addict knows the difference and realizes only when the milk hits the bowl that such-and-such toasted oat O's suck. At TJ's, "Joe's O's" either has to be Cheerios or it has to be a better product than Cheerios, and significantly cheaper.

The process of selling produce to TJ's is equally rigorous, but the results are meaningless (Gato can explain this). TJ's is about the products (including processed foods), and not the produce, if that makes sense.

There aren't a lot of vegans or vegetarians or hipsters on these boards. Eating what other people like at TJ's isn't a good litmus test, either. In the name of saving money, the best way to test it is to take a shopping cart and go through the store with the determination to buy what you buy in a supermarket, unless something new stands out to you as something you really want to try. Look critically at the prices. Try the free samples.
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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by gumby »

PieceOfMeat wrote:
gumby wrote:
PieceOfMeat wrote:I've never purchased anything from a trader joe's.

Only entered one...once I believe.

Have had some food from there when visiting other people, didn't really impress me, but maybe it was just the fault of the person who prepared it.
Or maybe you just can't be impressed.
Eh...I dunno. Maybe I just need to be a vegan or vegetarian or hipster or something, and then I'd be impressed with trader joes
I am none of these.
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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by scumdevils86 »

me either. I'm a red blooded, meat eatin, MURICAN male and I love TJ's
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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by PieceOfMeat »

gumby wrote: I am none of these.
I didn't say you were.
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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by Longhorned »

PieceOfMeat wrote:
gumby wrote: I am none of these.
I didn't say you were.
What did you mean, then?
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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by gumby »

PieceOfMeat wrote:
gumby wrote: I am none of these.
I didn't say you were.
Oh ... wow ... got me there. You implied you might need to be. Some reason for that?
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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by PieceOfMeat »

Longhorned wrote:
PieceOfMeat wrote:
gumby wrote: I am none of these.
I didn't say you were.
What did you mean, then?
gumby wrote:
PieceOfMeat wrote:
gumby wrote: I am none of these.
I didn't say you were.
Oh ... wow ... got me there. You implied you might need to be. Some reason for that?
It was merely a comment based on who, in my real world life (as opposed to the internet) are the most vocal lovers of trader joes. The vegans and vegetarians I know love it, as does my ex coworker hipster friend.

I also put an "or something" on the end, as whatever a trader joes fan is, I'm apparently just not one.

PS Longhorned, I personally hate cheerios, but I'll pass along that they're great to someone who does like cheerios.

Maybe that's just the issue, maybe trader joes just doesnt sound appetizing to me when people describe it. For example, hummis is something I've never particularly liked. And the previously mentioned cheerios I don't like is another example.
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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by gumby »

You put the hummus on the Cheerios and eat it all up.

Pretty sure you could find something you like there. But you have to go inside. Just ask for the meat department.
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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by Chicat »

Chicat wrote:The cooking times/temps on all TJ's prepared foods are way out of whack. If you follow the directions it will either be burned to a crisp or raw. You have to buy each item three times to find that optimal cooking temp and time, and then try to remember it's correlation to what TJ tells you to cook it at.
And the TJ cooking time/temp thing comes back to bite me in the ass again. Never before have I eaten a quesadilla with a fork but wished I had a spoon.
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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by scumdevils86 »

did you buy a premade quesadilla? what kind of brown person are you? geeze....
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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by Chicat »

Dude, don't blow my cover. I'm trying to fit in and not get shot over here...
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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by Longhorned »

I mean, you warm up a tortilla in the pan and melt some cheese on it. What kind of jackass is the target market for frozen quesadilla? Is there a frozen form of a can of beans for people like you?
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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by Merkin »

If it's so difficult maybe he needs one of these?

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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by Reydituto »

PieceOfMeat wrote:Eh...I dunno. Maybe I just need to be a vegan or vegetarian or hipster or something, and then I'd be impressed with trader joes
Sounds to me like you have a specific association with the concept of Trader Joe's, or maybe you get hung up on the details (hummus and cheerios) as opposed to the larger picture (some quality foods at a decent value, and other items you don't regularly see elsewhere at big chain grocery stores).

Good food is good food man. Doesn't matter to me (aside from the price) whether it comes from AJ's, Whole Foods, Safeway, Trader Joe's, Food Co-op or Food City. I'm impressed with Trader Joe's because of the quality of food I purchase there and the price I pay for it - not because I am a vegan or vegetarian or hipster (I am none of those), which seemed to me like a dismissive comment.

Maybe you're not a foodie - don't have to be a "hipster" to be a foodie - and/or maybe you don't care as much about where your food comes from as others, on this board, in this thread, and in general. That's fine. My impression is that Trader Joe's appeals to foodies, and since there are a number of foodies in this community, it's no surprise this thread exists, and that I find it useful. But C'est la vie.
Longhorned wrote:TJ's is a chain of stores carrying secret brands. When a producer wants TJ's to carry an item, they have to undergo some very rigorous evaluations. The vast majority of pitched products don't get accepted because the burden of quality is entirely on the producer, while TJ's can continue to ride on the repeated sales of what they carry. The other kind of product is a slight variation of the supermarket generic model: the hidden brand carried by supermarkets, but sold at a much lower price. Unlike supermarkets, TJ's takes the buyer's risk out of it. Let's say you love Cheerios, for example. At a supermarket, the store may or may not sell Cheerios as its secret product, and a Cheerios addict knows the difference and realizes only when the milk hits the bowl that such-and-such toasted oat O's suck. At TJ's, "Joe's O's" either has to be Cheerios or it has to be a better product than Cheerios, and significantly cheaper.

The process of selling produce to TJ's is equally rigorous, but the results are meaningless (Gato can explain this). TJ's is about the products (including processed foods), and not the produce, if that makes sense.

There aren't a lot of vegans or vegetarians or hipsters on these boards. Eating what other people like at TJ's isn't a good litmus test, either. In the name of saving money, the best way to test it is to take a shopping cart and go through the store with the determination to buy what you buy in a supermarket, unless something new stands out to you as something you really want to try. Look critically at the prices. Try the free samples.
Solid breakdown. Last paragraph is basically what I would suggest to anyone who hasn't been to Trader Joe's. Although, I will say that trying what other people on this board like at Trader Joe's (or elsewhere) has usually been rewarding. For example, Gumby mentioned the Hummus dressing. Bought some. Had it on a Greek salad yesterday, and was pretty darn good - better than I expected actually (Thanks Gumby!).

That's one small example - it could have been the cuban style black beans or the corn salsa or the frozen potstickers or any number of different items that one may or may not like - but fruitful nevertheless.
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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by Chicat »

Longhorned wrote:I mean, you warm up a tortilla in the pan and melt some cheese on it. What kind of jackass is the target market for frozen quesadilla? Is there a frozen form of a can of beans for people like you?

But to be fair to myself, this quesadilla wasn't just tortilla and cheese. It had grilled chicken, tomato, peppers, onions, three kinds of cheese, and corn. I know it may seem like I have a ton of time on my hands, but I don't have the time to make that complicated of a quesadilla and defend myself from the likes of Spaceman Spiff in the Sky Is Blue thread...
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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by Longhorned »

Chicat wrote:
Longhorned wrote:I mean, you warm up a tortilla in the pan and melt some cheese on it. What kind of jackass is the target market for frozen quesadilla? Is there a frozen form of a can of beans for people like you?
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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by Chicat »

Longhorned wrote:
Chicat wrote:
Longhorned wrote:I mean, you warm up a tortilla in the pan and melt some cheese on it. What kind of jackass is the target market for frozen quesadilla? Is there a frozen form of a can of beans for people like you?
Baby, I ran out of frozen clean shirts! Do you know how to wash and dry a fresh shirt?
Shouldn't you be out supervising the contractor you hired to put numbers on your mailbox so that they're installed right side up?
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Re: Trader Joe's

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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by PieceOfMeat »

Chicat wrote:Dude, don't blow my cover. I'm trying to fit in and not get shot over here...
Just remember, keep your hands down, never put them in the air....
Reydituto wrote:
Sounds to me like you have a specific association with the concept of Trader Joe's, or maybe you get hung up on the details (hummus and cheerios) as opposed to the larger picture (some quality foods at a decent value, and other items you don't regularly see elsewhere at big chain grocery stores).

Good food is good food man. Doesn't matter to me (aside from the price) whether it comes from AJ's, Whole Foods, Safeway, Trader Joe's, Food Co-op or Food City. I'm impressed with Trader Joe's because of the quality of food I purchase there and the price I pay for it - not because I am a vegan or vegetarian or hipster (I am none of those), which seemed to me like a dismissive comment.

Maybe you're not a foodie - don't have to be a "hipster" to be a foodie - and/or maybe you don't care as much about where your food comes from as others, on this board, in this thread, and in general. That's fine. My impression is that Trader Joe's appeals to foodies, and since there are a number of foodies in this community, it's no surprise this thread exists, and that I find it useful. But C'est la vie.
Who doesn't like good food? I've just never had any good food from tarder joes (as I already stated in the thread). I walked into one once, wasn't impressed, walked out. Have had some of their offerings at meals at other people's homes. Wasn't impressed. I don't know how you shop, but for me, if I go somewhere and am unimpressed, and then later eat from that same somewhere and am unimpressed, I'm not exactly going to go back to that somewhere or keep eating food from that somewhere. I've also heard the refrain "Oh, you just need to give them another chance" from trader joe fans....but....why? I like the food I eat, and I like the price I currently pay, which when last I went into a trader joes was actually on par or better than trader joes pricing. Granted, this was some time ago, maybe I should give them a try again....but I'm not exactly excited to.

I know people who refuse to drive certain cars because of their past experience with the brand. For example, I know a guy who will never drive a toyota because the 2 cars he owned by them were crap. I don't give him crap about it though, it's his opinion based on his experiences.

I find it funny when people get all in a twist over someone having a different food opinion than the majority. I've not had good experiences with trader joes (in my admittedly limited [eating it less than 20 times total] experience with their food), and so I'm not exactly compelled to drive over there and give them another try.
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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by Reydituto »

PieceOfMeat wrote:
Reydituto wrote:
Sounds to me like you have a specific association with the concept of Trader Joe's, or maybe you get hung up on the details (hummus and cheerios) as opposed to the larger picture (some quality foods at a decent value, and other items you don't regularly see elsewhere at big chain grocery stores).

Good food is good food man. Doesn't matter to me (aside from the price) whether it comes from AJ's, Whole Foods, Safeway, Trader Joe's, Food Co-op or Food City. I'm impressed with Trader Joe's because of the quality of food I purchase there and the price I pay for it - not because I am a vegan or vegetarian or hipster (I am none of those), which seemed to me like a dismissive comment.

Maybe you're not a foodie - don't have to be a "hipster" to be a foodie - and/or maybe you don't care as much about where your food comes from as others, on this board, in this thread, and in general. That's fine. My impression is that Trader Joe's appeals to foodies, and since there are a number of foodies in this community, it's no surprise this thread exists, and that I find it useful. But C'est la vie.
Who doesn't like good food? I've just never had any good food from tarder joes (as I already stated in the thread). I walked into one once, wasn't impressed, walked out. Have had some of their offerings at meals at other people's homes. Wasn't impressed. I don't know how you shop, but for me, if I go somewhere and am unimpressed, and then later eat from that same somewhere and am unimpressed, I'm not exactly going to go back to that somewhere or keep eating food from that somewhere. I've also heard the refrain "Oh, you just need to give them another chance" from trader joe fans....but....why? I like the food I eat, and I like the price I currently pay, which when last I went into a trader joes was actually on par or better than trader joes pricing. Granted, this was some time ago, maybe I should give them a try again....but I'm not exactly excited to.

I know people who refuse to drive certain cars because of their past experience with the brand. For example, I know a guy who will never drive a toyota because the 2 cars he owned by them were crap. I don't give him crap about it though, it's his opinion based on his experiences.

I find it funny when people get all in a twist over someone having a different food opinion than the majority. I've not had good experiences with trader joes (in my admittedly limited [eating it less than 20 times total] experience with their food), and so I'm not exactly compelled to drive over there and give them another try.
And like I said, that's fine, but go back and re-read your initial comments. IMO, you shouldn't be so surprised if some felt they were being put on the defensive and responded accordingly - that's not getting all in a "twist", when this thread was started by enthusiasts for enthusiasts and a non-enthusiast shares his non-enthusiasm.

To each their own. No one is saying you must go back, I don't think you have to give them another try - perfectly fine with me, one less car to worry about in their overly crowded and labyrintine parking lots. :lol: All I can say is I've had plenty of good food from Trader Joe's, and used items bought at Trader Joe's to make plenty more good food. One more thing I will say is that the majority of people I know who prepare a lot of their own food enjoy Trader Joe's, whereas those who don't, have less of an opinion either way.

In any event, I look forward to future musings from the enthusiasts here ...
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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by PieceOfMeat »

Reydituto wrote: And like I said, that's fine, but go back and re-read your initial comments.
these ones?
PieceOfMeat wrote:I've never purchased anything from a trader joe's.

Only entered one...once I believe.

Have had some food from there when visiting other people, didn't really impress me, but maybe it was just the fault of the person who prepared it.
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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by Longhorned »

PieceOfMeat wrote:
Reydituto wrote: And like I said, that's fine, but go back and re-read your initial comments.
these ones?
PieceOfMeat wrote:I've never purchased anything from a trader joe's.

Only entered one...once I believe.

Have had some food from there when visiting other people, didn't really impress me, but maybe it was just the fault of the person who prepared it.
I think what Rey's referring to is this notion that to be impressed with Trader Joes, you have to be "a vegan, or a vegetarian, or a hipster, or something." Whatever that "something" is, it's in some pretty notable company.

It's like if people were talking about some author they like -- say, Steinbeck, for example -- and somebody comes into the conversation and says, "I've never been impressed by Steinbeck. Maybe it's because I'm not a farm hand, or a male chauvinist, or a communist, or something." And then all the Steinbeck fans are supposed to read that "something" as "a discerning connoisseur of modern American literature." Or something.
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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by PieceOfMeat »

Longhorned wrote: I think what Rey's referring to is this notion that to be impressed with Trader Joes, you have to be "a vegan, or a vegetarian, or a hipster, or something." Whatever that "something" is, it's in some pretty notable company.

It's like if people were talking about some author they like -- say, Steinbeck, for example -- and somebody comes into the conversation and says, "I've never been impressed by Steinbeck. Maybe it's because I'm not a farm hand, or a male chauvinist, or a communist, or something." And then all the Steinbeck fans are supposed to read that "something" as "a discerning connoisseur of modern American literature." Or something.
Oh, so not my initial comments. Instead it was the comments which were made in response to this post:
gumby wrote:Or maybe you just can't be impressed.
and then clarified when asked what I meant by it.

But hey, let's just ignore that my initial comments weren't offensive any way, yet gumby still got in a twist right off the bat. Like I said I find it funny.

p.s., guess I missed where in the thread starting post it said "this is the thread for if you LOVE trader joes, don't dare post here if you've not had good experiences with their product, cause if that's the case then just fuck off"

My bad for missing that
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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by Longhorned »

Wait a second, POM. There aren't any angels on this board. I and others of us make fun of vegetarians and vegans. It isn't very nice. And we have a very long thread in which every single post is true to the title, "Hipsters are Douchebags." That isn't very nice, either. And then you -- somebody who's not exactly hiding under a rock when it comes to all things Goazcats and Bear Down Wildcats -- you come in and group a bunch of us in with the very groups that we hate on. You bitch-slapped us. Why disown it? It's what we do.
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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by PieceOfMeat »

Longhorned wrote:Wait a second, POM. There aren't any angels on this board. I and others of us make fun of vegetarians and vegans. It isn't very nice. And we have a very long thread in which every single post is true to the title, "Hipsters are Douchebags." That isn't very nice, either. And then you -- somebody who's not exactly hiding under a rock when it comes to all things Goazcats and Bear Down Wildcats -- you come in and group a bunch of us in with the very groups that we hate on. You bitch-slapped us. Why disown it? It's what we do.
:lol: :lol: at bitchslapping

Well my apologies then.
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Re: Trader Joe's

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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by gumby »

Longhorned wrote:I mean, you warm up a tortilla in the pan and melt some cheese on it. What kind of jackass is the target market for frozen quesadilla? Is there a frozen form of a can of beans for people like you?
Probably eats Uncrustables, too.

Update: Not a foodie. Was never upset. I'm not emotionally attached to any grocer. Well, not since Sam Drucker.

Just bemused that one must be something I'm not to like something I like. I like a variety of music, for instance. So I'll be listening to, say, a Dwight Yoakam song, and someone will make associations based on that. "Oh, big country music fan."

Well, no. I just like this song. Don't own any boots. Come back later amd it might be Miles Davis or Spencer Davis (but never Mac Davis).

In conclusion, my comment wasn't about Trader Joe's, per se. It was about that kind of thinking.

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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by gumby »

Merkin wrote:If it's so difficult maybe he needs one of these?

Confession. Bought one of those. If you put anything other than cheese in the quesadilla, it won't close. Just dumb.
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Re: Trader Joe's

Post by EOCT »

I love TJs. There's one about ten blocks from me. It's incredibly small for a TJs, and the small parking lot is pure havoc. The smallness is probably a function of it being a couple of blocks from the beach and the lease rates in that kind of location.

A agree with all the Sproutsters. Their meats and fish are clearly better the Tjs, but TJs steaks will do and I like their lamb chops and salmon. We buy our seafood(eat twice a week) at a fish market next to the Redondo Beach Pier---tons of variety, including usually six or so sources of oystahs.

TJs wines have great prices. Alerted by the Fearless Flyer, just picked up 6 bottles of Sterling 2009 Red Wine at $9 per which is superb. Had to check the internet and found it originally sold at $55, now is carried at Bev Mo for $22. The winery has run out and is selling remaining inventory. I also think the "Red Wine" label denoting a mixture of varieties probably didn't appeal to the snobs who would be embarrassed to have pedestrian Red Wine on their tables with guests.

But wait, here are the real reasons I like TJs so much:

...Evil food items which show up occasionally in the frozen bins. A couple of notable examples; first, scallops wrapped in bacon. Can you frigging believe it! Second example, and why hadn't anyone thought of this before?----mac and cheese balls.

...I've run into my across-the-street neighbor Pau Gasol regularly in TJs for years. It starts when we greet each other over the aisle shelving tops because we're among the few in the store whose heads stick up well over the shelf tops. Then, a good time to have a few words because in the neighborhood Pau's usually with one of his girlfriends or waiting for his limo to take him to practices or games and there are usually some little beach rats pestering him for an autograph. C'est la vie, Big Guy!

...The clerks are super. Efficient and real. Surf and sports talk while they're banging the merchandise home.
Last edited by EOCT on Mon Sep 08, 2014 12:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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