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Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 9:21 pm
by UAdevil
When the hotel you're staying at blocks porn on their WiFi. Lol

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 4:58 am
by Chicat
In America???

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 8:17 am
by UAdevil
Sort of. White Mountain Apache community.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 9:26 am
UAdevil wrote:When the hotel you're staying at blocks porn on their WiFi. Lol
Gotta sell those movies

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 9:28 am
by Longhorned
I noticed that in Turkey fewer links from Merkin work.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 12:42 pm
by rgdeuce
When people lick their fingers before handling something you will eventually be touching, eg: the lady at the grocery store who licks her fingers before opening plastic grocery bags; or someone handing you a piece of paper.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 12:59 pm
by scumdevils86
rgdeuce wrote:When people lick their fingers before handling something you will eventually be touching, eg: the lady at the grocery store who licks her fingers before opening plastic grocery bags; or someone handing you a piece of paper.
fuck that is one of my largest pet peeves. i usually tell the person i don't want the one they touched. don't care if i sound rude.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 1:14 pm
by Chicat
I lick my fingers before typing every post. Hope you don't get a virus.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 3:08 pm
by Longhorned
Speaking of which, I'd appreciate anyone of you here who will tell me whether you think each of the following behaviors of my wife is just fine and normal. Everyone I know insists this all fully acceptable and that there's clearly something wrong with me for raising any objection:

My wife:

1. Puts the freshly cleaned laundry from the dryer back into the same basket that the dirty laundry goes in.

2. Places any object on the kitchen table, no matter where it has been.

3. Wears shoes in the bed.

4. Drapes a towel over a hotel toilet to "make it more comfortable" to sit on and talk to my while I shave, and then later uses that same towel to dry off after a shower.

5. While drying off with said towel, sets that moist, absorbent terrycloth on every conceivable surface -- including the carpet -- and then picks it up again and continues to rub it all over her body.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 3:15 pm
by 97cats
1 -- not fine, not normal
2 -- not fine, not normal
3 -- not fine, not normal
4 -- not fine, not normal
5 -- not fine, not normal

Longhorned = normal (in this case)

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 4:10 pm
by Alieberman
She needs professional help

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 4:22 pm
by BearDown89
Longhorned wrote:Speaking of which, I'd appreciate anyone of you here who will tell me whether you think each of the following behaviors of my wife is just fine and normal. Everyone I know insists this all fully acceptable and that there's clearly something wrong with me for raising any objection:

My wife:

1. Puts the freshly cleaned laundry from the dryer back into the same basket that the dirty laundry goes in.

2. Places any object on the kitchen table, no matter where it has been.

3. Wears shoes in the bed.

4. Drapes a towel over a hotel toilet to "make it more comfortable" to sit on and talk to my while I shave, and then later uses that same towel to dry off after a shower.

5. While drying off with said towel, sets that moist, absorbent terrycloth on every conceivable surface -- including the carpet -- and then picks it up again and continues to rub it all over her body.
97cats wrote:1 -- not fine, not normal
2 -- not fine, not normal
3 -- not fine, not normal
4 -- not fine, not normal
5 -- not fine, not normal

Longhorned = normal (in this case)
scumdevils86 wrote:
rgdeuce wrote:When people lick their fingers before handling something you will eventually be touching, eg: the lady at the grocery store who licks her fingers before opening plastic grocery bags; or someone handing you a piece of paper.
fuck that is one of my largest pet peeves. i usually tell the person i don't want the one they touched. don't care if i sound rude.
So you guys are all obsessive compulsive germaphobes. Life is way too short to keep track of both "clean" and "dirty" laundry baskets if you ask me. Do you guys use hand sanitizer? The friendly Canadian GF is like that. She went through our 10-gallon water supply on two day camping trip washing her and the squirt's hands every three minutes. Drove me nuts. We'd have died of dehydration long before any funk in the pristine wilderness would've killed us.

I definitely wouldn't think to do 3, 4 and 5, but I'm not going to worry about it either. I wash my hands at appropriate times. I do believe it helps keep colds and flus at bay generally speaking, but I don't pay too much attention otherwise.

All that antibacterial sanitization weakens your resistance. You'll all be the first to go when the plague hits. I'll be immune.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 4:43 pm
No you won't. Lol. Use hand sanitizer. It's good for you.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 4:51 pm
by BearDown89
ASUHATER! wrote:No you won't. Lol. Use hand sanitizer. It's good for you.
Never touch the stuff. It's like taking too many antibiotics. The infections become more resistant over time and you compromise your body's ability to fight. I read some shit on the internet.

I do a thorough job, however, of wiping down equipment at the gym after I use it. Better than any woman I see doing the same. I'm courteous to others that way.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 5:20 pm
by Chicat
LH's nerdy librarian wife will outlive us all.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 6:48 pm
by Longhorned
It's not about fear of germs, and I don't care whether the person who doesn't use hand sanitizer or carelessly lets public surfaces get all over herself. Living longer isn't worth it because it's just plain blech.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 6:48 pm
by CalStateTempe
UAdevil wrote:When the hotel you're staying at blocks porn on their WiFi. Lol

refund and move to another hotel.


Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 7:31 pm
by 97cats
Chicat wrote:LH's nerdy librarian wife will outlive us all.
no frickin doubt about it!!!!

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 9:40 pm
by Daryl Zero
People who stop before making a right turn (when there is no reason to) and especially those who do it at traffic lights when they have the green.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 10:33 pm
by scumdevils86
Well if there's a stop sign or red light it is the law that you have to stop...

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 7:43 am
by rgdeuce
Longhorned wrote:It's not about fear of germs, and I don't care whether the person who doesn't use hand sanitizer or carelessly lets public surfaces get all over herself. Living longer isn't worth it because it's just plain blech.
I wasn't overly concerned about germs until I had kids. Since that time, I have been more aware of all that stuff and make sure my hands are washed pretty regularly. Not obsessive about it and never use sanitizer (unless it's the only option and it is needed). It's crazy how many people do not wash their hands after they use the bathroom, or just run them under water for a second without using soap, so I always use paper towels when touching public bathroom door handles. Shoes get taken off before I get in my house to not only keep my carpet cleaner, but all types of nasty crap is on the bottom of them.

Germs aside though, the licking of the fingers is just gross. Unless it is a good-looking female of the opposite sex or my kids, I do not want to have any form of contact someone else's stinky ass saliva.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 8:08 am
by Longhorned
rgdeuce wrote:
Longhorned wrote:It's not about fear of germs, and I don't care whether the person who doesn't use hand sanitizer or carelessly lets public surfaces get all over herself. Living longer isn't worth it because it's just plain blech.
I wasn't overly concerned about germs until I had kids. Since that time, I have been more aware of all that stuff and make sure my hands are washed pretty regularly. Not obsessive about it and never use sanitizer (unless it's the only option and it is needed). It's crazy how many people do not wash their hands after they use the bathroom, or just run them under water for a second without using soap, so I always use paper towels when touching public bathroom door handles. Shoes get taken off before I get in my house to not only keep my carpet cleaner, but all types of nasty crap is on the bottom of them.

Germs aside though, the licking of the fingers is just gross. Unless it is a good-looking female of the opposite sex or my kids, I do not want to have any form of contact someone else's stinky ass saliva.
What you say about "gross" and "stinky ass saliva" is right in my opinion, but I don't think the science is on our side for your first paragraph. Protecting ourselves and our children from germs weakens the body's ability to fight the dangers, and it has been shown to be the cause of increased allergic reactions, as far as I know. I'm not persuaded by that science because personally I'd rather die of something horrible than to give my system practice by touching a public bathroom surface with anything other than the bottom of my shoe or a well-covered elbow.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 8:16 am
by Chicat
There is nothing more infuriating from a client services standpoint than people who don't have a signature with contact info in their emails. Sometimes people will opt to only include a signature on emails that they generate originally, so if they forward something or reply to something, there's no contact info.

What if I need to call you? What if I need your office address? What if I want to refer some business to you and you're not responding to emails? What if I find your contact info, swing by your office, and punch you in your fucking face for making my life so goddamn difficult??

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 9:45 am
by azgreg
Chicat wrote:There is nothing more infuriating from a client services standpoint than people who don't have a signature with contact info in their emails. Sometimes people will opt to only include a signature on emails that they generate originally, so if they forward something or reply to something, there's no contact info.

What if I need to call you? What if I need your office address? What if I want to refer some business to you and you're not responding to emails? What if I find your contact info, swing by your office, and punch you in your fucking face for making my life so goddamn difficult??
My company emails have my business card in the signature.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 9:47 am
by rgdeuce
While on the subject of work emails.... How about when a group email is sent out, and there is a funny person who makes a joke, and then others in the group keep replying all to keep the joke rolling or in an effort to one-up the next person. Even if the joke was funny (they rarely are), it can be annoying to be hitting the delete button 30x for the rest of the day. Yes, you can mute your PC so the email alert isn't driving you crazy and your finger won't mind the extra exercise, but still. If you are on vacation when that happens and already have 100s of emails to go through, even worse.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 9:48 am
by scumdevils86
I always wonder how people who make 10 times what I do can't figure out how to not "reply to all" in an email or can barely form a coherent thought in an email with endless amounts of typos.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 9:50 am
by Chicat
azgreg wrote:My company emails have my business card in the signature.
So do mine, along with links for my email, my Twitter, and every phone number anyone could ever hope to reach me or my assistant on. And that comes in every email.

Meanwhile, people I'm actively trying to refer business to have this at the end of their emails:

- Melissa
So if you, Melissa, are off today, enjoying a Cubs game or flipping the bean at home while looking at Pinterest, and you aren't checking emails, how the fuck am I supposed to give you business??!!??

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 9:53 am
by Chicat
scumdevils86 wrote:I always wonder how people who make 10 times what I do can't figure out how to not "reply to all" in an email or can barely form a coherent thought in an email with endless amounts of typos.
Sometimes that's on purpose. There's a school of thought in business that the higher you are up the ladder, the worse you should be at emailing people. Because you're so important that you don't have the time to compose coherent thoughts or worry about typos.

I have numerous clients who absolutely refuse to hit "Reply All" because I CC my assistant. They want to deal with me, not some lowly peon. And there are others who will only converse with my boss because he's a VP. So I'll email them, and then two days later they'll call my boss and say something like, "Uh, that guy . . . what's his name? Yeah, he emailed me the other day but I think I deleted it. What did you guys need?"


Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 10:20 am
by scumdevils86
Chicat wrote:
scumdevils86 wrote:I always wonder how people who make 10 times what I do can't figure out how to not "reply to all" in an email or can barely form a coherent thought in an email with endless amounts of typos.
Sometimes that's on purpose. There's a school of thought in business that the higher you are up the ladder, the worse you should be at emailing people. Because you're so important that you don't have the time to compose coherent thoughts or worry about typos.

I have numerous clients who absolutely refuse to hit "Reply All" because I CC my assistant. They want to deal with me, not some lowly peon. And there are others who will only converse with my boss because he's a VP. So I'll email them, and then two days later they'll call my boss and say something like, "Uh, that guy . . . what's his name? Yeah, he emailed me the other day but I think I deleted it. What did you guys need?"

It is truly astounding to me. I mean I'm not well off by any means but I make a slightly above average living for Tucson standards...yet no one can even form a basic sentence in a professional email. :x

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 12:43 pm
by Longhorned
Chicat wrote: Sometimes that's on purpose. There's a school of thought in business that the higher you are up the ladder, the worse you should be at emailing people. Because you're so important that you don't have the time to compose coherent thoughts or worry about typos.
That's how it is in academia, too. You know you're dealing with a powerful person when you get:


Longhorn --- can you put that to eleanor whne you see her and get in touch with don with what she says thanks TEd

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 1:52 pm
by Daryl Zero
scumdevils86 wrote:Well if there's a stop sign or red light it is the law that you have to stop...
You didn't read what I said (another thing that pisses me off). When there is no reason to stop.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 3:39 pm
by rgdeuce
Longhorned wrote:
Chicat wrote: Sometimes that's on purpose. There's a school of thought in business that the higher you are up the ladder, the worse you should be at emailing people. Because you're so important that you don't have the time to compose coherent thoughts or worry about typos.
That's how it is in academia, too. You know you're dealing with a powerful person when you get:


Longhorn --- can you put that to eleanor whne you see her and get in touch with don with what she says thanks TEd
Powerful people also like to respond to emails with one to five words. "sounds good," "no objection," "working on it"

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 3:55 pm
by scumdevils86
I've never seen our CEO respond to an email (that wasn't drafted by his exec asst) with more than 5 words.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 12:21 am
by Puerco
Antimicrobial everything pisses me off.

Separate laundry baskets, LH? Really?!

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 5:02 am
by Chicat
rgdeuce wrote:
Longhorned wrote:
Chicat wrote: Sometimes that's on purpose. There's a school of thought in business that the higher you are up the ladder, the worse you should be at emailing people. Because you're so important that you don't have the time to compose coherent thoughts or worry about typos.
That's how it is in academia, too. You know you're dealing with a powerful person when you get:


Longhorn --- can you put that to eleanor whne you see her and get in touch with don with what she says thanks TEd
Powerful people also like to respond to emails with one to five words. "sounds good," "no objection," "working on it"
My EVP likes to just not read the email she's responding to. So you'll ask, "Should I do A or B?" and her response will be "ok".

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 8:34 am
by Longhorned
Puerco wrote:Antimicrobial everything pisses me off.

Separate laundry baskets, LH? Really?!
Hey, you're in the vast majority here. I'm just surprised that anybody here agreed with me. Looks like 97cats' wife married a man as sick as I am.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 8:58 am
by Longhorned
And since I'm still trying to find where you people draw the line, is this okay as well? I had a roommate who clogged the toilet, plunged it, and then wrapped the morning newspaper around the plunger to carry it out of the bathroom to keep it from dripping everywhere. He then placed the wet newspaper on the dining table. Horrified, I put plastic bags over my hands and disposed of the newspaper, and then disinfected the table as best as one can. When my other roommate woke up, I gave her the bad news that we had to replace our dining table. Ignoring my plight, she retrieved the wet newspaper from the trash and proceeded to read it at the table while eating a danish.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 12:31 pm
by Daryl Zero
Longhorned wrote:And since I'm still trying to find where you people draw the line, is this okay as well? I had a roommate who clogged the toilet, plunged it, and then wrapped the morning newspaper around the plunger to carry it out of the bathroom to keep it from dripping everywhere. He then placed the wet newspaper on the dining table. Horrified, I put plastic bags over my hands and disposed of the newspaper, and then disinfected the table as best as one can. When my other roommate woke up, I gave her the bad news that we had to replace our dining table. Ignoring my plight, she retrieved the wet newspaper from the trash and proceeded to read it at the table while eating a danish.
Ewww. People shouldn't eat danishes.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 12:41 pm
by Longhorned
It's a constitutional right!

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 12:55 pm
by Chicat
My clean laundry is delivered to my closet in the same basket that it was delivered dirty to the washing machine in, mainly because my clothes do not get so dirty that they infect everything that they touch. Seriously LH, are you handling anthrax in your free time?

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 1:29 pm
by Longhorned
Chicat wrote:My clean laundry is delivered to my closet in the same basket that it was delivered dirty to the washing machine in, mainly because my clothes do not get so dirty that they infect everything that they touch. Seriously LH, are you handling anthrax in your free time?
Ever ridden on a bus or the L-train in August? I sit on the same seat as the guy with the hairy neck who was sweating through his stained shorts. That gets on my pants, which then go into the basket. Which then gets transferred to my freshly washed pillow case that I'm going to snore into all night every night. I'm supposed to be fine with this?

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 2:11 pm
by Chicat
Longhorned wrote:
Chicat wrote:My clean laundry is delivered to my closet in the same basket that it was delivered dirty to the washing machine in, mainly because my clothes do not get so dirty that they infect everything that they touch. Seriously LH, are you handling anthrax in your free time?
Ever ridden on a bus or the L-train in August? I sit on the same seat as the guy with the hairy neck who was sweating through his stained shorts. That gets on my pants, which then go into the basket. Which then gets transferred to my freshly washed pillow case that I'm going to snore into all night every night. I'm supposed to be fine with this?
You could always wrap yourself in plastic like your grandmother's couch...

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 3:36 pm
LH, I'm OK with 1,2,5.

Only thing I'm serious about is door knobs because I've heard they're the main way outside of el beso to spread a cold. My wife and I live 30-50% at a place in the mountains. Seventy five hundred feet, roughly 28% less oxygen content in the air, and very cold in the winter. I hate to be sick skiing, so I'm careful to wash hands a lot and get rid of stuff I pick up from doorknobs.

I lick my fingers while eating. Don't want to miss out on a thing. I love salt, so if I'm eating nuts I give my fingers a tongue bath at the end. Then I rub my hands on my pants to getting any remaining salt off, being careful to draw my fingers across horizontally to integrate the salt streaks well with my prison uni.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 4:21 pm
by Puerco
EOCT wrote:LH, I'm OK with 1,2,5.

Only thing I'm serious about is door knobs because I've heard they're the main way outside of el beso to spread a cold. My wife and I live 30-50% at a place in the mountains. Seventy five hundred feet, roughly 28% less oxygen content in the air, and very cold in the winter. I hate to be sick skiing, so I'm careful to wash hands a lot and get rid of stuff I pick up from doorknobs.

I lick my fingers while eating. Don't want to miss out on a thing. I love salt, so if I'm eating nuts I give myself a tongue bath at the end. Then I rub my hands on my pants to getting any remaining salt off, being careful to draw my fingers across horizontally to integrate well with my prison uni.
That's...umm...I'm speechless.

LH, I'm assuming the plunger was at least rinsed off in the freshly-plunged toilet? Because, if not, that'd be preet gross.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 5:28 pm
by Alieberman
I'm firmly in the camp of "dirt don't hurt"

I'm the Dad that tells his kids to quickly pick up the food they dropped on the ground and eat it while the other parents look at me and my kids in disgust.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 5:50 pm
by Longhorned
EOCT wrote:LH, I'm OK with 1,2,5.

Only thing I'm serious about is door knobs because I've heard they're the main way outside of el beso to spread a cold. My wife and I live 30-50% at a place in the mountains. Seventy five hundred feet, roughly 28% less oxygen content in the air, and very cold in the winter. I hate to be sick skiing, so I'm careful to wash hands a lot and get rid of stuff I pick up from doorknobs.

I lick my fingers while eating. Don't want to miss out on a thing. I love salt, so if I'm eating nuts I give my fingers a tongue bath at the end. Then I rub my hands on my pants to getting any remaining salt off, being careful to draw my fingers across horizontally to integrate the salt streaks well with my prison uni.
So you're pretty moderate, EOCT. I'm on one extreme. Some are on the other.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 5:53 pm
by Longhorned
Puerco wrote:
That's...umm...I'm speechless.

LH, I'm assuming the plunger was at least rinsed off in the freshly-plunged toilet? Because, if not, that'd be preet gross.
I don't know but how much could that really help? If somebody dropped my toothbrush in a bowl of crap, I'd take no solace in their claims to have rinsed it off in cleaner toilet water after.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 9:16 pm
by BearDown89
The constant rearranging of grocery stores. Drives me nuts. On top of that I've three Albertson's I'm my rotation and each one is laid out different.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 9:26 pm
by Chicat
If you could find everything you needed right away you wouldn't wander the store grabbing things you don't actually need.

Re: What are things that people do that piss you off?

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 10:39 pm
by BearDown89
I resent the manipulation.