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Fuck Cancer

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 10:58 am
by JMarkJohns
For the second time in two years my mom needs further tests for this shit. Last time they caught it early and removed several "precancerous" abnormalities.

But some of the same symptoms are back and some of the same tests are coming back abnormal, so, she has to go through it again.

Today sucks.

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 11:02 am
by Olsondogg
Sorry to hear man.

Fuck cancer.

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 11:11 am
by JMarkJohns
Olsondogg wrote:Sorry to hear man.

Fuck cancer.
It's nothing yet, but 7 years ago was the first time, then two years back. Now this.

It's awesome they keep catching things "pre" cancer, but it is a vicious asshole of a sickness that just won't leave her be. It's the same type that her mother had, but beat, so hopefully if it is, they catch it early and get rid of the root of it all. But it really wears on her.

I can see it in her face. She's almost at the point where she expects its going to happen.

That's the a really crappy part people just don't realize: Living, but being resigned to a getting a sickness that steals life. 3 times in 7 years. 2 times within last 20 months.

Totally sucks.

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 11:16 am
by Chicat
It's good they are being cautious so early. My dad was sick for a while before finally seeing a doctor, and by then it was too late. And he was a doctor himself.

Cancer can go fuck itself.

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 11:19 am
by Olsondogg
Cancer has hit my family multiple times, and claimed the lives of a few.

The truth is that each of us will be affected by it at some point in our lives, and even when someone is "cleared" of it, it's impact is forever life changing.

Wish you guys the best, and stay positive. I really believe that positivity , even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds, is something that is powerful.

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 11:28 am
by JMarkJohns
Chicat wrote:It's good they are being cautious so early. My dad was sick for a while before finally seeing a doctor, and by then it was too late. And he was a doctor himself.

Cancer can go fuck itself.
I'm counting my family's blessings that my parents are proactive with this. But I can just see it in her eyes. She fears this. My mom is tough. She lost a brother at age 11 when he drowned at summer camp. Her eldest brother swore off the family 15 years back, and her youngest brother is a meth addict felon who actively plays massive guilt trips on her for not being a "good Christian" and giving him money whenever he asks, which I know he uses on drugs. She lost both wonderful parents about a decade ago, so she's pretty much an island on her side of the family. Her mom had this cancer in her mid-60s, which my mom just turned 60, and my grandmother eventually died about a dozen years after initial diagnoses and remission when it returned with a vengeance in her late 70s.

I know she can take it. But this is wearing her down. Thankfully she's proactive and so soon after tests 20 months ago seems to suggest if it is something, it's likely early.

By damn.

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 11:30 am
by JMarkJohns
Olsondogg wrote:Cancer has hit my family multiple times, and claimed the lives of a few.

The truth is that each of us will be affected by it at some point in our lives, and even when someone is "cleared" of it, it's impact is forever life changing.

Wish you guys the best, and stay positive. I really believe that positivity , even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds, is something that is powerful.
All true. It's stolen two grandparents and attempted three time to steal my aunt.

I'm hopeful this is just an age symptom abnormality, which it could be, but given the history, it likely isn't.

But we will have fun as a family. Stay positive. Smile.

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 11:46 am
by catgrad97
JMarkJohns wrote:
Chicat wrote:It's good they are being cautious so early. My dad was sick for a while before finally seeing a doctor, and by then it was too late. And he was a doctor himself.

Cancer can go fuck itself.
I'm counting my family's blessings that my parents are proactive with this. But I can just see it in her eyes. She fears this. My mom is tough. She lost a brother at age 11 when he drowned at summer camp. Her eldest brother swore off the family 15 years back, and her youngest brother is a meth addict felon who actively plays massive guilt trips on her for not being a "good Christian" and giving him money whenever he asks, which I know he uses on drugs.
How much was he using/manipulating her when he knew she had the cancer?

Because there is a special place in hell for someone like that, with no escape.

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 12:17 pm
by Longhorned
I'm very sorry to hear, JMark. I know it's no consolation, but every single one of us is going through this with our family members or other people we love, so we do feel your pain. Catching it at the stage you're talking about is obviously good thing. I've had two close friends not keeping up or actively ignoring, and the missed opportunity to start treatment has kind of sucked.

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 12:20 pm
by Chicat
JM, I know you see that fear in her eyes, but I'd be willing to bet that she's far more afraid of what she's about to put you through than afraid of what lies ahead for her.

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 12:38 pm
by Lando05
I'm sorry JM, thoughts are with you and your family. Fuck cancer

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 12:40 pm
by azgreg
Sorry to hear this J. You're right, fuck cancer.

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 1:53 pm
by JMarkJohns
I just hate that since her first pre-cancer abnormality, she's effectively been held hostage. She's changed diet, pretty drastically, she's had rounds medical tests yearly/every few years. It's like she knows it's gonna happen and the only thing keeping it from happening is the fact she's held hostage by diet and medical exams, which just happen to turn up just enough every few years to start the cycle over again.

I'm worried and hurting, but I'm worried and hurting over her. She has sacrificed a lot for family, and it's not always gone smoothly. Her brothers are assholes, and they completely took advantage of her compassionate nature. The aftermath of that has impacted us relationally and financially.

I just want to see her happy, and well.

She has a follow up tomorrow, likely to schedule next rounds of tests, obviously more invasive, which she's "used" to, but always sucks. Gonna be a rough few weeks.

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 2:29 pm
by JMarkJohns
And I know I'm a whiny asshole right now. "Oh, poor guy only has to deal with his mom having a pre-cancerous abnormality"...

I get that. But with the family history, it feels much more than that. Hopefully it's not.

I'd love to be viewed as the whiny asshole who complained over nothing.

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 2:49 pm
by Longhorned
You are a whiny asshole, but over national press coverage of college basketball, not this. At all. You're just a great son, and a great person.

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 4:53 am
by Puerco
Tell your mom to be strong. I hate the process of 'curing' cancer as much as the disease itself. Being 'held hostage' is an incredibly apt description, JMJ.

Still have stitches in my nose from having my own little carcinoma removed. Non melanoma, so no big deal particularly to those on an Arizona board.

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 7:16 pm
by rgdeuce
Sorry to hear that and hope the best for u and your family. Grateful my parents whipped ovarian and prostate cancers' ass and are doing well these days. Holding your worries, fears and emotions in makes it way worse. Its good to vent and let all that stuff out, not whining in any way shape or form. Took me a long time to figure that out and how quickly you find people who are going through or have gone through the same thing, people you see and talk to daily who you had no idea were in a similar position. Lots of positivity and encouragement there.

Your mother sounds like a very strong person and she has you, she's got this.

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 8:59 pm
by JMarkJohns
The docs are ordering more testing. So we won't know for certain for a bit.

On the bright side I helped organize and confirm my mom and dad's insurances today and they've got some good coverage, including supplemental, including a backlog of wellness benefits for cancer screenings which are in the thousands of dollars, so, best case, this isn't what initial tests suggested, they have good coverage, and they net a few thousand to help pay for the good news.

I'll take that outcome. I'll know soon enough.

Still, the tests aren't pleasant. But I can see my mom's spirits already lifted from yesterday with her appointment news today. Yesterday she seemed so certain. Today she is optimistic.

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 10:32 am
by JMarkJohns
As I'm preparing new for my lab class yesterday. I student receives a phone call. It's about 5 minutes before class starts. It's her mom. Her mom has cancer. She loses it.

This is a student who approached me at semesters beginning, expressing absolute fear over publicly speaking. But she worked hard and has been a very good presenter.

Her mom has to go the Phoenix for the surgery next week, the same day as her Protest Final exam.

"I've come so far! I don't want to miss it!" She says through the tears.

Cancer is a raging bastard. It's fucking Ramsey.

I told her she must miss it. She must be with her mom.

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 6:01 pm
by FreeSpiritCat
JMarkJohns wrote:As I'm preparing new for my lab class yesterday. I student receives a phone call. It's about 5 minutes before class starts. It's her mom. Her mom has cancer. She loses it.

This is a student who approached me at semesters beginning, expressing absolute fear over publicly speaking. But she worked hard and has been a very good presenter.

Her mom has to go the Phoenix for the surgery next week, the same day as her Protest Final exam.

"I've come so far! I don't want to miss it!" She says through the tears.

Cancer is a raging bastard. It's fucking Ramsey.

I told her she must miss it. She must be with her mom.
Can she receive a make up final? She sure has a very good reason for missing it.

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 9:11 pm
by JMarkJohns
Catintheheat wrote:
JMarkJohns wrote:As I'm preparing new for my lab class yesterday. I student receives a phone call. It's about 5 minutes before class starts. It's her mom. Her mom has cancer. She loses it.

This is a student who approached me at semesters beginning, expressing absolute fear over publicly speaking. But she worked hard and has been a very good presenter.

Her mom has to go the Phoenix for the surgery next week, the same day as her Protest Final exam.

"I've come so far! I don't want to miss it!" She says through the tears.

Cancer is a raging bastard. It's fucking Ramsey.

I told her she must miss it. She must be with her mom.
I'm already ahead of you. It's being taken care of.

Can she receive a make up final? She sure has a very good reason for missing it.

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 1:55 pm
by JMarkJohns
My mom got the results back on her final Cancer screening. After six months of tests and that March result which had us all scared, my mom got the "All Clear: No Cancer" from her doctor today!

We had all pretty much resigned that she had it. It was the same cancer her mom had at the exact same age and they "found something" in March.

But right now, we are all thrilled. She's had about every test that can be done. So, we are pretty assured she's good.

It certainly isn't over. This type of cancer will require monitoring for early prevention/diagnosis.

But for today, this month, this year, we are all thrilled.

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 1:56 pm
by azgreg
Great New J!

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 2:39 pm
by JMarkJohns
She has more tests in a year. But we are so freaking elated right now!

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 6:37 pm
by Longhorned
Go celebrate. Congratulations.

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 1:20 pm
by Olsondogg
Awesome. Good news!

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2022 5:54 pm
by MrBug708
Just lost a real close friend today. Stage 4 stomach cancer. She leaves behind her husband, her 5 year old daugher, and 1 year old twins. 39 years young, just a couple months older than I am. The cancer had spread to her spine, her optic nerve. The chemo destroyed her body, but the sepsis finally took her life. Very heartbroken.

Yesterday, I had a student pass away. He has been suffering with a rare skin disease his whole life. In and out of Children's Hospital LA. Saw him the first week of school this year (had him all of last year too). 8th grader who died while getting prepared for yet another surgery. (Im a little fuzzy on exact details at the moment.) The even worse part of it all is that the family has a younger sibling who will likely face the same fate as her brother, eventually.

Just gutted this weekend.

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2022 5:56 pm
by Merkin
I could just cry over that and probably will.

There was a book that came out a few years ago about there is nothing to fear about cancer.

Fuck that.

Two of my really good friends survived cancer, but my mother did not, due to incompetence in the Tucson medical community.

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2022 6:05 pm
by azcat49
Oh my, sorry Bug. Every day we get is precious

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2022 6:06 pm
by Longhorned
I'm really, really sorry, Bug.

I lost a college-age student last week. He never wanted to say anything was wrong or have any excuses for his work while fighting through it. Now I'm writing a memorial for him for graduation ceremony.

The woman who basically raised me from the age of five has been fighting through it as best she can for two years now. It's been rough.

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2022 6:14 pm
by azgreg
Sorry to hear Bug.

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2022 6:16 pm
by Alieberman
I am so sorry bug. Thoughts are with you and their families

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2022 6:35 pm
by dovecanyoncat
The blessing of love is eventually reckoned in suffering. Take comfort in the enigma. Bon courage Bug.

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2022 9:58 pm
by Carcassdragger
My wife is having a mastectomy a week from tomorrow. So far, all the tests seem to indicate they'll be able to get all the cancer.

One more test tomorrow then a week from tomorrow we have surgery-most likely followed up by radiation.

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2022 10:48 pm
by dovecanyoncat
I'll have you both in my thoughts. Having a spouse with cancer is nearly the same as the anguish of the disease itself. My wife will tell you that.

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 9:34 pm
by MrBug708
In the biggest fucking irony of all time, my GI doctor let me know that I have a neuroendocrine tumor (Used to be called Carcinoid Tumor) in my stomach. Literally a gut punch today because of the emotions of losing a close friend to stomach cancer yesteryday. My wife is a wreck obviously. There are a ton of steps to go through, followup, CT scan, and surgery removal of that portion of my stomach (6mm). Not telling any of friends yet, literally just family and my immediate boss. Needed a place to vent while I sit in the dark until answers start pouring in next week, all while avoiding unguided research on the internet.

Fuck Cancer. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 9:36 pm
by UAEebs86
That sucks. Hoping for the best Bug.

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 9:48 pm
by Carcassdragger
Get it done and get better Bug. My best to you.

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 9:56 pm
by dovecanyoncat
It's just goddamned beyond everything. At times like this you just hold on until the picture forms into something fathomable, whatever that turns out to be. There's now and there's next. Stay strong for each other.

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 11:08 pm
by scumdevils86
I hate this thread but I have so much love for everyone here.

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2022 5:58 am
by Alieberman
Oh man Bug…. I am so sorry.

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2022 6:01 am
by Chicat
I’m hoping like hell they caught it early Bug. And that the doctors can kick its ass.

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2022 7:27 am
by EastCoastCat
Prayers go out to you Bug. Hope you kick that mother fucker in the ass.

We might not be rooting for your Bruins but all of us are rooting for you!

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2022 8:24 am
by azgreg
Get well Bug.

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2022 9:31 am
by pc in NM
Best wishes for a quick and complete recovery.

This is now priority #1 - and you have a safe place here to vent and get unconditional support!!

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2022 10:18 am
by FreeSpiritCat
I feel for you Bug. I can understand the stress and anxiety. I hope they caught it in time. I will be thinking of you and praying. I hope it's one tumor. With the technology today (Gamma Knife as an example) they can eradicate the tumor without damage to the rest of the body.

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2022 8:23 pm
by MrBug708
Had a CT scan today. Expected results in a day to 3 days. Doctor called me an hour later (rushed scan) and didn't find another tumor anywhere, so that's a huge relief. Still need to have the spot surgically removed out of my stomach, so I meet with the oncologist surgeon next week to get that straightened out. Luckily the polyp was only 6mm, so I can't imagine too much will be taken out. But wont know more until that actually happens. So for now, it's the best case scenario. Thank you for the well wishes. It's easier to post in a forum than tell all the friends, but it's more venting/thought vomit than anything else.

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2022 8:25 pm
by EastCoastCat
Way to go Bug. Kick that bastard!

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2022 8:29 pm
Awesome news so far (well in a bad situation), hoping for the best

Re: Fuck Cancer

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2022 8:31 pm
by azgreg
Right on Bug.