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Parenting Tips

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 12:51 pm
by Alieberman
A thread for BearDown Parents (or non parents if one has thoughts) to give other parents some helpful tips.

I will start....

If you have more that 1 kid.... take the time to have extended one on one time with your kids.

My oldest.. 16 YO ... generally wants nothing to to do with his parents.. is a typical moody teenager and hates everything I suggest. I just took him on a road trip... just the 2 of us for a father/son trip to LA. I basically let him dictate the entire trip... from music for the road... to activities... to food.

We both had the best time and it was so needed for our relationship. No matter how young / old your kids are... this is a winner.

Re: Parenting Tips

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 1:03 pm
by azcat49
Life is about experiences so great move. He will remember that for a lifetime