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Re: NCAA seed

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 12:14 pm
by legallykenny
Longhorned wrote:
legallykenny wrote:If we're in the West, it doesn't matter whether we're the 1 or the 2. Staples will be absolutely out of control - which is a much better situation as the 2 than as a 1 playing in Houston.
I've already got my request in for the suite so we better stay out West.
I get what you're saying at a balls-to-the-walls emotional level. But it does matter because after selecting the field, the committee's charge is to seed teams by agreed-upon measures of relative strength, and then to bracket those teams to give the higher seeds an easier path to the Final Four than lower seeded teams get. The statistics reflect the greater success enjoyed by higher seeded teams. Arizona fans will be out of control regardless.
We'll have 4k fans in Houston. We'll have 10k in Staples.

Re: NCAA seed

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 5:22 pm
by gumby
Agree with redeuce and Longhorned, and note that the fan "balls to the wall" factor didn't get us past regional final games in 1998, 2003, 2011 and 2013.

In any event, that factor isn't altered by seed.

Re: NCAA seed

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 3:23 am
by Puerco
Machina wrote:Why a fan would not want their team to be the best in college sports is something I would never understand.

Just a lot of loser talk like flying under the radar is a good thing or worrying about what 18-23 year old men wear or blaming refs or other outside factors for losses.
You really want to be able to have that 'Arizona #1 Seed 2015 NCAA Tournament' t-shirt, don't you? Last time I checked we don't hand seed banners at McKale.

Just to be clear: I couldn't care less what seed we get. The actual details of the draw are much more important, so a #2 in an easy bracket is much more favorable than a #1 in the group of death.

Re: NCAA seed

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 9:50 am
by azcat34
legallykenny wrote:If we're in the West, it doesn't matter whether we're the 1 or the 2. Staples will be absolutely out of control - which is a much better situation as the 2 than as a 1 playing in Houston.
I've already got my request in for the suite so we better stay out West.
Wasn't it out of control in Anaheim and we still lost?

I agree we want West, but LA-area tournament games haven't treated us well.

Re: NCAA seed

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 9:51 am
by Olsondogg
Couple of things, where we play ultimately doesn't matter. I mean, we've lost our share of games in Anaheim where our base is really it means nothing. Additionally, this talk of seeds and the statistical evidence to support a 1 seed being better over a 2, yeah's better to be a 1, but not significantly better.

The thing that matters most is who you play. It's round by round. Last year people were going on and on about having to play Oklahoma State in the 2nd round, and we never did. So really, it's all about who you have in your bracket, and who survives and advances.

Oh and for the douchebag that attempted to hijack my thread about seedings and change it into a "bad fan" thread...I still would prefer a 2 over a 1...and if somehow that makes me a bad fan or a loser...then fine, so be it. I also don't paint my face, or honk my horn all the way down to Tucson, or whip my cock out at Arcadia Tavern, or lead a parade down University Ave. after a win, or anything else that he requires me to do to show my loyalty....I simply want to advance to the Final 4 in the tourney, and I think coming in at a 2 would be beneficial to this years team.

And officiating matters, douchebag.

Re: NCAA seed

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 10:28 am
by catgrad97
Officiating has, unfortunately, mattered in Arizona's past two NCAA tournament losses.

Maybe this is finally the year it stops mattering. Can always hope.

Re: NCAA seed

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 10:59 am
by Machina
catgrad97 wrote:Officiating has, unfortunately, mattered in Arizona's past two NCAA tournament losses.

Maybe this is finally the year it stops mattering. Can always hope.
How did officiating matter more than any other game for any other team in the past two NCAA tournament losses?

Re: NCAA seed

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 11:00 am
by Olsondogg
Don't feed the troll

Re: NCAA seed

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 11:20 am
by catgrad97
Machina wrote:
catgrad97 wrote:Officiating has, unfortunately, mattered in Arizona's past two NCAA tournament losses.

Maybe this is finally the year it stops mattering. Can always hope.
How did officiating matter more than any other game for any other team in the past two NCAA tournament losses?
You know, this kind of post towards you on TOS would end up clogging my e-mail inbox with hyperventilations and demands that I moderate "personal attacks."

I'm not your Rev. Lovejoy anymore, Ned Flanders. Go live your life.

Re: NCAA seed

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 11:20 am
by Machina
I do not remember any bad calls and no one was in foul trouble in the game, just curious why someone would think officiating had anything to do with the loss.

Frank, lack of offense, lack of poise, and FT shooting and Bo are reasons I think for the loss last year.

vs Ohio State, lack off offense and defense in the second half is what I think of.

Re: NCAA seed

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 11:24 am
by 97cats
god damn i want to punch you in the nuts

Re: NCAA seed

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 3:02 pm
by Olsondogg
If the aforementioned douchebag can't remember the offensive foul call then who really is the true fan?

A play was called one way for the entire year, and then another on the most important play of a game determining who went to the final 4.

I can't believe I am letting this asswipe get to me.

Re: NCAA seed

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 3:12 pm
by Chicat
Machina wrote:I do not remember
Then your memory is as faulty as your social skills and posting style.

Re: NCAA seed

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 3:47 pm
by scumdevils86
97cats wrote:god damn i want to punch you in the nuts

*must spread rep*

if this was TOS

Re: NCAA seed

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 9:36 pm
by Harvey Specter
97cats wrote:god damn i want to punch you in the nuts
You cannot punch nuts that do not exist. I hope your mama raised you better than to ever hit a member of the opposite gender.

It's funny that the passive-aggressive princess accuses others of loser talk. That would be continuously condemning excellence for falling short of perfection.

Like denigrating a marquee level championship program and its elite national status out of spite and envy. This while exalting any and everything mediocre or average for over-achievement. Believing that the world should grade everyone on a curve determined by their God-given gifts? That's loser talk.