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Re: Very Sad Article for AZ Fan.

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 9:50 pm
by Harvey Specter
Saint James wrote:If someone mentioned this above, forgive me. Fans are rebelling against late night and midday games (as confirmed by the ticket office). I've been a season ticket for many, many years but I'll no longer go to those games and I'm seriously thinking of not renewing my tickets on the 50 yard line. When RR went to SC he lost me as a fan. If RR isn't replaced I'm going to travel more and do other things as I say goodbye to UA football.
Rich Rod likes to travel and kick tires. Why shouldn't you?

Re: Very Sad Article for AZ Fan.

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 7:08 am
by prh
Houston also graduates Greg Ward Jr, so...why do we care about them?