Merk, thinking of a "forward-looking" resolution, I could see a scenario where he would acknowledge that he did the horrible thing when he was young, immediately felt remorse and did apologize to her (text), that he was/is ashamed to have done such a thing and has tremendous remorse for how he impacted her, her family, friends and the community.Merkin wrote: Fri May 12, 2023 8:28 amI agree with you PC, can't see how this helps. Not like people trust lawyers.pc in NM wrote: Fri May 12, 2023 8:09 am IMNSHO, this will more likely aggravate the situation rather than work towards resolution...
Since the victim's name is known, if her attorneys and his attorneys agree, they can put a request in have a court order unseal the records. Not sure why she would do that though unless he really did plead guilty, and this statement by the lawyer is an outright lie, but obviously then he would not agree.
He could then say how he agreed to an out-of-court settlement, in part so she could avoid having the go through a court, and likely, public ordeal. He could address how he has addressed this behavior (however he might have - therapy, volunteering, donations, etc); and he could address how he has been a model citizen - both on and off campus - for the past 3+ years.
Maybe even consent to a news conference??
If something along these lines occurred, I could easily support his continued enrollmeent and team membership at the U of A.
I have done some shitty things in my past (never a violent felony, though!!), and when I try to imagine a) how I might try to get beyond such a thing, or b) how I might deal with a friend who acknowledged having done such a thing in the past, something along these lines comes to mind...
As a therapist, I have counseled some people who have done some really horrible things to others, and tried to assist their personal recovery, and social rehabilitation in their lives. The facts are that some such individuals do have genuine remorse, really were horrible people then, and, in fact, still live in our communities. I really know no specifics about de Laura, but allow for the fact that he could be one of those who do become good citizens moving forward...