CardiacCats97 wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 4:44 am
AzCatFan2 wrote: Thu May 04, 2023 10:40 pm
JDL was 15 or 16 when this happened? How long should his punishment last? The rest of his life? 5 years? 10 years? 25 years?
What JDL did was wrong. He knows it, and admitted it was wrong when he plead guilty to the juvenile charges. And now, JDL will have to pay restitution for his actions too. But should one mistake at age 15 or 16 cost JDL any chance he has as a future football player? How many of us made mistakes as teens and either weren't caught or have it reported?
I'm not excusing what JDL did. It was wrong. 100% wrong, and the strain should follow him. He should have to answer questions about his actions, maybe for his entire life. But if those answers are it was a mistake, JDL is truly contrite, and nothing like this ever happens again, I believe that should be an acceptable answer.
There is certainly a gray area, and had JDL actually raped this girl, I'd feel different. But then, had there been an actual rape, would the prosecutor allow this case to be adjudicated in juvenile court? I would hope not.
The fact juvenile records are supposed to be sealed is to allow kids a second chance once they become adults. If JDL is kicked off the team now for what he did years ago as a kid, then why should juvenile records ever be sealed?
Losing your car keys is a mistake.
Multiplying 12 times 12 and getting 146 is a mistake.
This was rape. “had JDL actually raped this girl”? C’mon man. You said that after saying you weren’t excusing his actions? What actions? Forcible sodomy? Penetrating her while she sobbed uncontrollably? Choking her until she complied? That’s rape!
At first I was of the opinion that this was adjudicated and in the past but if fans like you are going to post insane shit like this I definitely want him off the team. Go become a fan of whatever team picks him up next. Wildcat fans need neither rapists nor rape apologists in their midst.
Why are juvenile records supposed to be sealed? Because in our legal system, crimes committed as a kid aren't supposed to follow you and mark you as a criminal when you enter adulthood. This case has been adjudicated in the Hawaii Juvenile Court System, and if we were to punish JDL now for an act as a 15 or 16-year old kid, then we are ignoring one of the central tenets of our legal system; that adults should not be held responsible for crimes committed as a juvenile.
If JDL was an average student, or flipping burgers, nobody would hear or care about this case. The Juvi records would be sealed, and the girl's family may not have ever filed a civil case. Might not be worth spending the money. But JDL lives in a the fame fishbowl, and he's the starting QB, and the price of fame is this case becomes big news, especially for us Arizona fans. And JDL will have to answer questions about what happened for the rest of his football career. And that's more punishment he'll have to face for his actions. If JDL has pro football potential, you can be assured NFL teams will ask JDL about this incident.
Now, had JDL been tried as an adult, different story. But the person responsible for charging JDL, and presumably the person with the most knowledge regarding the case saw fit to charge the kids as juveniles. I for one, think it's stupid to constantly second guess professionals like the Hawaii state prosecutor, because I don't know the full details, nor the law as well as the prosecutor. JDL was charged as a juvenile, plead guilty, and that should be that.
I understand those who want to kick JDL off the team, and will have a difficult time rooting for him. As a parent of a 17-year girl entering UA next year, I certainly wouldn't want my daughter anywhere near JDL. But I think we also need to accept the facts. This is a juvi case. JDL deserves the chance to prove himself as an adult. That's how our legal system works. If we are to play judge, jury, and executioner for JDL, who among us would want to live in that same glass house, and be judged for stuff we did as teens? Any volunteers?
Last, if we want to punish JDL, make him do community service. Have him talk to local high schools about how one mistake can leave a mark that can follow you for life. Or make him clean up at a women's shelter. Get something good out of something that yes, is 100% bad.