I'm starting a thread on this since it's a big deal and I'm more geeked about this than almost anything in years. First probe to explore Pluto and other trans neptunian objects. In a couple months it will fly by Pluto at only a couple thousand miles from the surface. Before that our best picture of Pluto was this from the Hubble
New horizons took its first picture of Pluto(and Charon) a couple days ago from only 115 million kilometres away after traveling over 5 billion kilometres
i was going to put the ua/asu records here...but i forgot what they were.
New horizons had a malfunction Saturday that shut down operations and put it into safe mode. contact was regained but it will take until probably Thursday to reorientate it and get it ready for the flyby, mostly since it transmits data at 1 kb/s and has a communication relay time of 9 hours. But this is the most recent color image from Friday
i was going to put the ua/asu records here...but i forgot what they were.
Keep posting, you aren't alone. This shit is fucking cool.
History says, Don't hope
On this side of the grave,
But then, once in a lifetime
The longed-for tidal wave
Of justice can rise up
And hope and history rhyme.
Now for the bad news...in the 2 days prior to 2 days after the flyby when it's closest...we'll only see about 20 pictures. Some of which aren't high quality. Issue again comes back to the messaging relay time and limitations on data transfer. The probe can only either send or receive data; it can't do both simultaneously. During the flyby it's going to be taking hundreds or thousands of pictures and other data readings. It then has to sort through everything, organize it and prepare it to send it on its 4.5 hour journey to earth at 1 kilobyte per second. It may be until September before we really get a lot of the better data and high quality photos.
i was going to put the ua/asu records here...but i forgot what they were.
No kidding. Plus it's part of the plan. It will be an amazing thing for humankind to behold. Until then I can just look at pictures of boobs and stuff.
Heard the little guy went , 'Bzzzzt...' and shut down for a short while recently, which, as you might expect, really freaked out everyone on the project team.
'A parent is the one person who is supposed to make their kid think they can do anything. Says they're beautiful even when they're ugly. Thinks they're smart even when they go to Arizona State.' -- Jack Donaghy
I think you should share some of those pictures you mentioned up above. Where's Officer Craig, anyway?
'A parent is the one person who is supposed to make their kid think they can do anything. Says they're beautiful even when they're ugly. Thinks they're smart even when they go to Arizona State.' -- Jack Donaghy
Waiting at the Rose Bowl patiently for the cats to arrive
"I've got a fever, and the only prescription is more wildcat sports"
2019 BDW Survivor Pool Champion
Slightly larger in volume, but not in mass. So it's less dense than we thought. It's actually bigger in volume but smaller in mass than Eris, another of the dwarf planets. This is one of the reasons we created the new designation.
History says, Don't hope
On this side of the grave,
But then, once in a lifetime
The longed-for tidal wave
Of justice can rise up
And hope and history rhyme.
Pluto was always shown as blue on the picture I used to refer to as a kid. I have no idea why that was so, but for some reason it makes me surprised that it isn't blue.
Last edited by Longhorned on Tue Jul 14, 2015 10:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
Probe passed by exactly 5 hours ago. Only going to get a few pictures in the next few days from the black and white camera. They are waiting for the all clear signal from the probe in like 8 hours. The vast majority of the science data and pictures won't start being transmitted until September 2nd. Last picture sent to earth before the flyby
i was going to put the ua/asu records here...but i forgot what they were.
Longhorned wrote:Pluto was always shown as blue on the picture I used to refer to as a kid. I have no idea what that was so, but for some reason it makes me surprised that it isn't blue.
Haha, just because it was the super far-away freezing ice planet I guess, so they made it blue like Arnold in Batman.
It's an agonizing wait right now since technically we don't know if the probe is alive. It's currently gathering data as it's speeding away from Pluto (after all that build-up..it's already over 120000 miles away now) but it's hours until it sends its signal saying it survived and starts transmitting the few pictures it will tomorrow.
i was going to put the ua/asu records here...but i forgot what they were.
catgrad97 wrote:Will the probe be able to transmit pictures of any other bodies on its deep-space trajectory before it officially croaks?
ASUHATER! wrote:Last picture sent to earth before the flyby
I hereby petition Pluto to be renamed Skee-Ball.
They allowed a fuel budget to try to fly near another kuiper belt object. They've narrowed it down to three candidates and will decide in the coming months if they can and which it will be. If they do, it won't be until 2018-2019 before it gets there.
i was going to put the ua/asu records here...but i forgot what they were.
The canyon you see on Charon's right side is 6 miles deep. On Pluto those mountains you see are 11000 feet tall and are most likely made of water ice with coatings of methane and nitrogen, possibly from cryovolcanoes. The surface is almost crater free which means it is extremely new and young (less than 100 million years). Something is providing heat on Pluto but they don't know what yet.
i was going to put the ua/asu records here...but i forgot what they were.
ASUHATER! wrote:The canyon you see on Charon's right side is 6 miles deep. On Pluto those mountains you see are 11000 feet tall and are most likely made of water ice with coatings of methane and nitrogen, possibly from cryovolcanoes. The surface is almost crater free which means it is extremely new and young (less than 100 million years). Something is providing heat on Pluto but they don't know what yet.