The Best Dog I Ever Knew

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The Best Dog I Ever Knew

Post by JMarkJohns »

First, this is a thread for any beloved pet.

Second, forgive the size of the pictures, but I'm destroyed and do not care enough to host in a smaller size on my phone.

I will miss this dog more than any non-family member I've ever known. Beautiful, loyal, loving... Dear, Sweet Athena

I curse the impending divorce that forced my sister to be a single homemaker and full-time working mother. I curse the Air Conditioner that broke. I curse the Home Warranty company that dragged its feet for two weeks in locating/shipping replacement parts. I curse the timing that lead to the Air Conditioner repair man only being able to repair the unit the two days I and my parents were out of town so we couldn't help. I curse the fact the Air Conditioner company required all dogs be confined, but my sisters inability to leave the dogs in the house all day while working.

Upon returning to my parents home from moving into a new place in Flagstaff, we received the damnedest of reports that dear, sweet Athena had likely choked herself to death on the only day in her life she'd been tied up. Probably not used to the constraints and likely unnerved by strangers walking on the roof, she wound herself up and either strangled herself in trying to break free or died of heat stroke from no longer being able to reach the water and shade provided to her.

So many asshole Pitt Bulls, so many asshole Pitt Bull owners in this world and the kindest I've ever known gone too soon because life's circumstances conspired against you.

I'd have gone homeless for this year before this.

I am dying, seeing my 7-year old nephew crying while asking his recently abandoning father "why everyone he loves is gone" while helping to bury his beloved dog mere 3 weeks after his daddy left home, and two months after parvo stole life from the newest pet, Hercules.

I am dying, seeing my 18-month old neice petting the lifeless friend she loved from infancy, looking back as if to ask with a gaze "why is she not playing back?"

I am dying, seeing my sister absorb yet another unexpected devestation.

Dearest, Sweetest Athena... May Flights Of Angels Sing Thee To Thy Rest

Images 1/2: Athena & Zoe, friends since birth, same age
Image 3: Athena awaiting Aron getting out of school
Image 4: Athena and Hercules, together again in the infinite

Athena & Zoe
Athena & Zoe
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Athena & Zoe
Athena & Zoe
image.jpg (120.07 KiB) Viewed 5293 times
Athena Awaiting Aron
Athena Awaiting Aron
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Athena & Hercules
Athena & Hercules
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew: A Memorium

Post by pokinmik »

That's awful Jmark, my heart is sunk into my stomach.

About a month ago I had to put my 6 y.o. cat Izzi to sleep after I found out she had cancer throughout her body. It was so unexpected, like I was just robbed of a decade-plus with her. I had never lost a pet (or a person I loved) so suddenly, just out of the a blink of an eye my life was flipped and my house was empty and dead and depressing inside. Every single thing in my home reminds me of her. That cat was my best friend in the world, I would do anything to have a mere few minutes with her again.

You obviously loved and cherished Athena so I imagine you are sharing some of the same feelings. There are so many sweet animals with the biggest hearts in the world, completely innocent, and they don't deserve these bad things that happen to them, it's f*cked up. Time really does make the brutal hurting go away, but the longing...just wishing that you could see your friend again, that never goes away and it freakin sucks. From one animal lover to another, I'm very sorry and stay strong.
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew: A Memorium

Post by JMarkJohns »

She used to greet me by leaping into my arms. I caught her cleanly every time until this most recent, when the 70-pound missile knocked me on my ass, only to lick my face after knocking me down.

She was truly beautiful. I loved my childhood dog, Belle, but Athena was the best dog I've ever known. Those kids ran her ragged, and they'd always just bundle together after, laying intertwined. Biggest heart in the world. Smile for days. Penchant for cuddling with whomever, and howl lightly when ya weren't cuddling but she wanted to.

I can't even imagine how my sister and nephew are today. I'm wrecked and it wasn't even my dog.
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew: A Memorium

Post by CatnapTom »

Peace and love to you and your family members. Many of us have
lost pets and can relate to the pain you are feeling .
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew: A Memorium

Post by Alieberman »

I am so sorry. I am a huge dog lover and was brought to tears reading this.

Awful, awful news.
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew: A Memorium

Post by azgreg »

Sorry for your lose buddy.
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew: A Memorium

Post by Spaceman Spiff »

I'm sorry for your loss.

For what it's worth, my earliest childhood memory is picking out my dog from the pound. She was part of my family for as long as I can remember. Hell, my parents split for good, and my dog was one of the few constants I had. My mom put her to sleep when I was in college. She'd been sick and it was the right thing to do, but I couldn't be there. To this day, I still regret that deeply, to not be there to say goodbye.

I'm sorry you and your family have to live through this. The deeper the love and caring, the deeper the pain of loss. You wish pets could live your lifespan so you don't have to see them pass. God bless.
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew: A Memorium

Post by Irish27 »

I cried like a baby when I had to put down my dog a couple of years ago. You know when you get an animal, one day it will come that it will die, but they bring so much joy in your life. They definitely are like a family member.
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew: A Memorium

Post by Merkin »

I'm not sure I can read it. Have to do it when I am less emotional. As the TOS posters know we lost our family dog unexpectedly last December, but after our period of recovery we have a wonderful new dog.
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew: A Memorium

Post by ANGCatFan »

JMark, you wrote a great tribute to Athena. The love of a great dog is one of the purest things in life and I am truly sorry for the loss to you and your sister's family.
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew: A Memorium

Post by Longhorned »

I'm truly sorry, JMark. We go through this periodically and it's the worst. But in this case the causes and circumstance are unspeakable.
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew: A Memorium

Post by EastCoastCat »

Jmark - so sorry for your loss, especially in the way that it happened. As other posters have recited, we have all unfortunately experienced a loss of a close pet in a very profiund and emotional way throughout our lives. I still think about one of my childhood golden retriever Simba who mysteriously died in a kennel (or so they say) when our family was on vacation. It was the only time I recall seeing my father cry.

When I went to the pet store this morning to get food for my dog, I walked by the area where they sell the puppies and said a little prayer for your family and Althena.

It will be hard but try and remember all of the good times and joy she brought to you and your family.

My sincerest condolences...
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew: A Memorium

Post by HiCat »

Heartfelt story. Pictures should be a good memory. It's difficult witnessing a pet leaving.. they are part of the family.
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew: A Memorium

Post by ASUCatFan »

I'm really sorry, Jmark. I know how huge of a part of the family dogs can be. I would have killed myself during my divorce if I knew there was someone to take care of mine and not split them up or send them to the pound. They are loyal and wonderful and it's awful when they're gone. I owe mine my life. People who don't understand that bond don't know how deep their loss cuts.
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew: A Memorium

Post by ASUHATER! »

This thread makes me dread the day I will have to eventually say goodbye to my dog.
i was going to put the ua/asu records here...but i forgot what they were.

i'll just go with fuck asu.
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew: A Memorium

Post by Spaceman Spiff »

Has anyone seen the FB link to "a dog's last day?"

It's supposed to be a photo journal. I can't work up the guts yet. That stuff gets to me in the the same way this thread does.
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew: A Memorium

Post by thenewazcats »

Sorry to hear about Athena, Izzi and your dog, too, Merkin. I hope you are all finding a way to move forward and remember the good times you had with yours and your families' pets.

I've now lost both of my dogs. Guinness on the left, Kia on the right.

Kia had surgery on her hip and a couple surgeries on her eyes. We put her down three years ago, and she was in so much pain that it was a great relief seeing her struggles end. She was my first dog, and I had great times with her.

I remember my wife saying she wanted to get a dog. It was during the 2002 World Cup. I told her she didn't realize how much responsibility it was taking care of a dog, that it was a long term commitment she didn't need. She didn't listen, went to the pound and came home with this little guy who had been left to die in a box with his siblings in the desert. He was just this tiny little ball of fur at that point, and I fell in love with him instantly. Over the years, he became more my dog than hers, especially after we had kids and her attention understandably shifted to them. He was my best friend.

Our first son was allergic to him, so he went from an indoor dog to an outdoor dog about a year and a half ago. I spent every minute I could hanging with him outside, doing walks, that stuff. In early May this year, I went to the drugstore for ten minutes, came back and realized he'd gotten out. This wasn't the first time he'd escaped but he never went beyond the block we live on. That night there were fireworks, though, and he must have been running scared. I looked all over for him all night and couldn't find him. I did the same the next day. And the next. I put up posters spanning miles. I put up posters at the bus station. I posted daily ads on craigslist. I did everything I could to find him. I followed leads. I checked the pound every day. I checked rescue groups. I spent every available minute driving up and down streets calling his name, talking to everyone I saw, passing out fliers. I didn't sleep. It was horrible. The worst period of my life, and I've lost plenty of close friends and family members.

The first call I got was some kid I could barely understand saying he saw my dog dead on the side of the road, that it looked like heat stroke. So I went to the pound and checked the DOA log. Nothing with my dog's breed but there was a German shepherd reported dead at that area. Guinness wasn't wearing his tags because I gave him a bath the day he got out and didn't put them back on, but he was micro chipped. I asked the guy at PACC if the guy who collects DOAs would mistake the breed. He said no. I asked if they scanned for the micro chip. He said yes. I asked if we would be notified if our dog was scanned after being collected for a DOA. He said yes. So I left with hope. The next day, I get a call from a woman who says she saw my dog in her area, that she left some water for him. I go down there immediately and spend the rest of the day and into the night looking for him. I left water out near an intersection. I took a shirt I wore that day and hung it to a sign to attract his scent. I spoke to everyone. I walked through the desert calling his name. Nothing. So I came back again the next day, and the day after.

I got a couple more calls in following days, people saying they saw my dog dead at the same spot the first guy reported. They said it wasn't heat stroke, he got hit by a car. At this point, it sunk in. I had spent nearly two weeks searching for him. I couldn't handle it anymore. My family couldn't handle it anymore. I had to give up and it's the worst feeling I've ever had. I'm still not over it. I doubt I ever will be. My family has tried to rationalize the situation for me but nothing helps. I fucked up, left the gate unhinged and it cost my best friend his life. He lived 12 years, which is good, but he was in good health and full of life. Every day my oldest son says he misses his dog, and it stabs me right in the heart. I quit smoking because I can't stand to be out in my yard hearing phantom footsteps and checking down for him lying up against my leg. I'm a grown man and this shit brought me to tears. It's not so much the loss, it's how it happened. It's the suddenness, the way he died, and the guilt that comes with it. I wish there was something to say, JMark, but I have nothing. I just hope you guys pull through.

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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew: A Memorium

Post by JMarkJohns »

I'm sorry to hear about the mistake of an open gate leading to the loss. My sister keeps blaming herself for tying up the dog, rather than leaving her inside for 12 hours.

Shit happens. You can't let the regret or guilt destroy you. I took my sister and her kids to San Diego over the weekend, and she must have said "I hope Zues is okay" a dozen times, or cried when seeing others playing with their dogs a dozen more. It had only been three days since, so I get it, but at times the grief seemed to distract her from the fun at hand.

I mean, I have to choke back tears every time I click this thread, but it's focused, not scattered. But, Athena was her dog, not mine. But I loved Athena just the same.
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew: A Memorium

Post by Olsondogg »

Sorry to hear about some of the stories in this thread. I have had a few dogs in my life, including my 9-year-old beagle--Olson that we have currently. Yeah, name makes sense eh?

Read this. Good book that will make you cry and also make you understand, in it's own way.

I fly like a hawk, or better yet an eagle--a seagull. I sniff suckers out like a beagle...My ego is off and running and gone, Cause I'm about the best and if you diss than that's wrong
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew: A Memorium

Post by Olsondogg »

Dude, a Beagle just cleaned up the Westminster Dog Show.

Odogg's happy...
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew: A Memorium

Post by CalStateTempe »

Hell Yeah! Isn't that like twice in the past 5-7 years?

A big hearty "arrrooo!" to this.
he made the surprising choice of Miss P, a 15-inch beagle and the grandniece of Uno, the first beagle to ever win the big show, in 2008. ... .html?_r=0
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew: A Memorium

Post by azgreg »

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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew: A Memorium

Post by catgrad97 »

I'm still more of a Banana Joe man myself.
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew: A Memorium

Post by Olsondogg »

I've always argued that you can't look at a beagle and not smile. These dogs are the best...even with Odogg's 4 AM barks at the feline population outside the house....
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew: A Memorium

Post by Olsondogg »

I mean, come on...try it







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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew: A Memorium

Post by KaibabKat »


Is that a "Branko's" Beagle by any chance?
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew: A Memorium

Post by Olsondogg »

Not that I am aware wife (then gf) got him for me 10 years ago...walked in a pet store in Glendale and there he was, the runt of a litter that nobody wanted.

I know that he came from a breeder in Missouri...and he has some lineage that I've got somewhere...

Best. Dog. Ever.
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew: A Memorium

Post by Chicat »

Every summer I want a dog.

Every winter I'm glad I don't have one.
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew: A Memorium

Post by gumby »

Put down three dogs. Can't name a favorite. Can't get another. Our last one died in August. Seemingly healthy and happy one day. Then a slight limp. Then total collapse. Thought she broke a leg. Turned out she was stroking from extreme hypothermia from fluid leaking around her heart.

Miss you Anna, and Rocky, and Buddy.
Right where I want to be.
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew: A Memorium

Post by Olsondogg »

Sucks Gumby. I've put down two in my lifetime...also loved each for different reasons, but Olson is the first that was "my dog" that has grown into a family pet now.

He's 10, and the thought of him being in his twilight years brings me close to tears. We do what we can to ensure that he's healthy (including buying super premium food--which is insanely priced). I hope that we have several great years with him ahead.
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew: A Memorium

Post by Alieberman »

Olson is a good looking dog.
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew: A Memorium

Post by Frybry02 »

Last week, my mom called and said she had to put down our family dog. I got her when I was a sophomore in college. She moved with my mother the summer after I graduated when I was moving into a 600 foot apartment and my mom to Michigan with an acre lot.

i cherish every day I have with my lab/Great Dane mix.
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew: A Memorium

Post by Olsondogg »

Alieberman wrote:Olson is a good looking dog.
Thanks man. He doesn't have the bigger snouts that alot of beagles have, like the traditional beagle look. He has a snout thats more pointy...but I like it just the same.

Anyone looking for a good family pet, don't pass up the Beagle. Just loyal, beyond he sits at my feet during UA games.
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew: A Memorium

Post by Reydituto »

Olsondogg wrote:Dude, a Beagle just cleaned up the Westminster Dog Show.

Odogg's happy...
Good Time Charlie, the Skye Terrier, got robbed.
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew

Post by ANGCatFan »

Buried my 17 year plus dog Sammi this evening. Very tough.

She was rescued from a construction site as a puppy where both her and her litter mate were being abused ( a word that seems inadequate to describe how mad I currently am at grown men who would take out their hatred of their own lives by kicking small animals). The man that rescued her didn't realize how much trouble 2 abused puppies could be with his young family and let Sammi escape into the desert. She spent several months living in the desert before a kind family was able to lure her out of the desert with a taco bell burrito.

We adopted Sammi from that family who couldn't keep another pet. She was emaciated, scarred, and frightened, but we had just lost our 14 year old retriever Tyler and Sammi arrived at our home at the perfect time.

The only furniture she was ever allowed on was the kid's beds and she gave them unconditional love and saw each of them off to the UofA.

She was only on my bed once. I woke in the middle of the night to find Sammi straddling me and staring at my face. When I went to check the house I found a trail of dog food from her dish to her dog door and suspect she had encountered a raccoon coming in for a midnight snack. Never saw the raccoon again so I suspect Sammi convinced her who owned this house. Don't mess with a dog that survived living in the Arizona desert.

Sammi was the best dog I ever knew and I was blessed to have her as my constant companion and trusted friend for 17 years. It is going to be difficult not seeing her greeting me every morning and every time I come home, but I am thankful for the very long time we had together.

I'll be taking the family out for taco bell burritos tomorrow. So, if you see a group of adults in UofA gear crying at a Taco Bell you will know why.

Love your dogs. They live short precious lives.
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew

Post by JMarkJohns »

I'm very sorry. My uncle took in an abused shelter dog and I know the hardships well, but I also know that the kindnesses shown are payed back 10-fold. Sounds like Sammi was the same.
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew

Post by Longhorned »

Sorry, AngCatFan. Sounds like a great dog.
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew

Post by Puerco »

I hate to see this thread bumped. Sorry for your loss, Ang, and for that of all the rest of you above. I've lost two dogs, and it's been 20 years since the last one. Both memories still tear me up. I'd like to get another for my daughter's sake, but living in an apartment flat in the middle of the city... I just can't bring myself to do it. Dogs need space.
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew

Post by azgreg »

Sorry for your lose Ang.
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew

Post by pokinmik »

I hate this thread being bumped too. Stay strong ANG. What a privilege for you to have Sammi in your life for over 17 years.
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew

Post by Olsondogg »

Unfortunately we are looking at having to put down Olson (my beagle) this week. Needless to say, I and the other members of my household are completely devastated. I'll probably need to write something eloquent once it happens, but not quite there yet...just trying to determine when is the right time...
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew

Post by scumdevils86 »


so sorry to hear that.
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew

Post by azgreg »

Condolences buddy.
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew

Post by azcat49 »

Couple threads that you don't like to see bumped, this one and the shooting thread

Hate reading the stories of loss. We have had a dog for the last couple years, her name is Zany. She brings more joy to us then we ever thought. Just thinking that somewhere down the road we will live this sadness is not fun.

Best to you and the real ODOGG. Cherish the memories
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew

Post by pokinmik »

Sorry odogg.
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew

Post by Longhorned »

I'm really sorry. It's part of taking good care of him.
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew

Post by JMarkJohns »

I am sorry. My heart sinks every time I see this thread bumped.
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew

Post by Olsondogg »

The thing that makes this hard is this...he has a mass of something above his heart (vet says it's likely lymphoma) that is pressing on his esophagus and causing him to cough and breath funny. Dropped several hundred dollars on an ultrasound last week to rule out any heart failure, which was the first now he's on a steroid to help shrink the mass, hopefully, so he can breath better. He started the roids yesterday, and had the roughest night last night that he's had.

We spend the morning talking about what to do, all of us in tears.

I go home at lunch. He is eating his kibble, he looks at me...grabs his favorite toy and brings it to me like "let's play".

I mean, what the fuck am I to do...
I fly like a hawk, or better yet an eagle--a seagull. I sniff suckers out like a beagle...My ego is off and running and gone, Cause I'm about the best and if you diss than that's wrong
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew

Post by JMarkJohns »

Olsondogg wrote:The thing that makes this hard is this...he has a mass of something above his heart (vet says it's likely lymphoma) that is pressing on his esophagus and causing him to cough and breath funny. Dropped several hundred dollars on an ultrasound last week to rule out any heart failure, which was the first now he's on a steroid to help shrink the mass, hopefully, so he can breath better. He started the roids yesterday, and had the roughest night last night that he's had.

We spend the morning talking about what to do, all of us in tears.

I go home at lunch. He is eating his kibble, he looks at me...grabs his favorite toy and brings it to me like "let's play".

I mean, what the fuck am I to do...
I can't even begin to say something. That situation is so much more messed up than what happened to my sister's dog. I'd give it a week. If he's improving, he'll let you know.
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Re: The Best Dog I Ever Knew

Post by Olsondogg »

So the roids appear to be helping...Odogg hanging tough....
I fly like a hawk, or better yet an eagle--a seagull. I sniff suckers out like a beagle...My ego is off and running and gone, Cause I'm about the best and if you diss than that's wrong
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