The Random Thoughts Thread

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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by CalStateTempe »

Longhorned wrote:
CalStateTempe wrote:
Longhorned wrote:I've decided to cut supermarkets out of my life completely. Just buying directly from local farmers on an online service, the local co-op, specialty stores, Walgreens, and the occasional run to Target. This is going to cost me a shitload of money.
Trader Joes?

what was the breaking point other than the routine slop like ham salad found in Midwestern supermarkets?
- supermarket soundtrack (where else do you hear that crap?)
- everyone shopping in the supermarket looks like they have type 14 diabetes
- the produce is in various stages of rotten
- the produce that isn't rotten comes in sealed bags (like the washed lettuces) and tastes like nothing whatsoever
- the meat looks like it's from the morgue
- the baked goods are you gotta be kidding me

- they're always out of what you came for anyway, unless it's Country Crock. Life would be so much easier if I just wanted Country Crock, or similar looking fake food products decorated with wagon wheels and stuff to make you feel somehow more rural about the whole thing.
you must be channeling my inner monologue, because I recently had a similar epiphany especially regard the bold. One of the reasons I can't wait to get into a house is to have rad garden and try to grow a bulk of my produce. For protein, I want to have space for a chicken coop for eggs, and I've going to join a meat CSA and order a quarter side. Also, I'm getting back into fishing for similar reasons.

I may be nuts, but the next evolution is I've actually looked into joining a hunting club and want to learn to hunt. Part of it, is I want to test myself. I want to see if I can see a beautiful animal, take its life, and feel comfortable eating it. I'm a fully prepared to become vegetarian if I can't do it. I know it sounds like a bunch of work and money for an experiential decision, but I think its worth it.

I'm also thinking of taking up panning for gold, being only about 75 minutes for some great streams for it.

I guess what I'm saying is I'm doing a lot of camping the high sierras this summer. 8-)
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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by scumdevils86 »

It is my dream someday to have my own sizable garden, bake all my own bread, raise my own egg laying hens, cure my own meat and sausages, make cheese and brew my own beer. The work and money required would be astronomical for my current budget. But that's why it is a dream.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by CalStateTempe »

I hate writing journal articles.

I am so glad my fate has taken me away from academia. What I'm doing now is a courtesy to my former boss, but god damn its going to feel so good when its done.

Tip of the cap to the academics in the house. in about 6 hours...
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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by Salty »

scumdevils86 wrote:It is my dream someday to have my own sizable garden, bake all my own bread, raise my own egg laying hens, cure my own meat and sausages, make cheese and brew my own beer. The work and money required would be astronomical for my current budget. But that's why it is a dream.

I've found that it's actually cheaper to do all the things you mentioned than buying from a supermarket. It does take a little bit of investment up front, but building your own garden and chicken coop are fairly easy DIY projects and don't have to be very expensive.

Right now, I have a started a small garden and I've produced my own tomatoes, jalapeños, some squash, and some other plants like basil and lettuce. I would recommend that you immediately start a backyard compost so you have your soil prepared in the next few months. Compost is also great for producing earth worms that chickens love to eat.

Chickens are very cheap, I bought mine for 4 dollars each as chicks from Ace. The feed is not very expensive either. Building the coop was fairly expensive, but I did it myself and its worked well. There are thousands of ideas on how to do this stuff online. I have 6 chickens at the moment. Eggs from these chickens are beyond delicious.

As for meat, I still buy most of my meat from a supermarket. In Tucson, I've heard that the U of A has meat sales from the school of agriculture on Fridays and it's the best quality you can buy.

Right now, I live in a remote home. I have built my own deck, and I live on a ridge so I have deer come right up to my house and deck. I have a bow and a tag to hunt deer, and so far I've killed two. Obviously, you can't do that in a city setting, but learning how to skin and gut the deer is an important life skill in my opinion. I still have the deers that I kill butchered, I'm not good enough to make proper cuts.

I also own a steer at a local ranch. When I send him to slaughter, I will get about 400 pounds of quality meat. It is fairly expensive, but it ends up being far cheaper than if I bought that meat from a supermarket. It's also a free range steer, so I am getting high quality, organic meat.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by Merkin »

Growing your own veggies is not that economical, I think I read where home grown tomatoes are about 50 cents a pound.

But the taste is just tremendous. I have 5 tomato plants, along with several kinds of peppers, cilantro and so on. If I grew onions I would have a complete salsa garden. I used raised beds to keep the gophers out.

Chickens are also very messy. Everyone I have known who has had them has stopped.
Salty wrote: I have a bow and a tag to hunt deer, and so far I've killed two. Obviously, you can't do that in a city setting, but learning how to skin and gut the deer is an important life skill in my opinion. I still have the deers that I kill butchered, I'm not good enough to make proper cuts.
I had a coworker that could do all that who is now retired. If the apocalypse ever comes up, I am finding that dude and hanging with him. Even tanned the deer hides to make a nice vest. Superb hunter, even named his son Hunter. His wild pig sausage was outstanding, no fat at all. You actually had to add oil to fry it up.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by Longhorned »

Salty wrote:I still have the deers that I kill butchered, I'm not good enough to make proper cuts.

I also own a steer at a local ranch. When I send him to slaughter, I will get about 400 pounds of quality meat. It is fairly expensive, but it ends up being far cheaper than if I bought that meat from a supermarket. It's also a free range steer, so I am getting high quality, organic meat.
That's great. What do you do to keep hunted game and slaughtered livestock frozen? Did you invest in a big freezer? Or does somebody rent out freezer space?
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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by CalStateTempe »

400lbs is a lot, that is why I am getting a quarter side since wife is a vegetarian and I am the only meat eater in the family (daughter is too young)

400lb would go to waste in my household.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by scumdevils86 »

I actually just got a 7.1 cubic ft deep freezer for a wedding present. Unfortunately my backyard is not big enough to really do anything but maybe a small raised garden. But I am looking forward to loading up on the meat.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by Merkin »

Need to find an honest butcher. Heard many horror stories going back decades about people buying steers and finding a lot more hamburger, and less tenderloin when they started unwrapping the meat.

I have a 20' upright freezer, but it's constantly full due to all the deals I get ($2.49 pound tri-tip by the bag), bagged chicken and so on. Otherwise would love to get a 1/4 steer, esp grass fed.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by Longhorned »

I'd hate to have all that frozen meat and then lose power. Speaking of which, has the electric power infrastructure improved? I haven't had a power outage in like 15 years, not even during the most intense storms. When was the last time anybody here had a power outage? Probably just waiting for me to acquire $400 worth of frozen meat.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by azgreg »

It's been about 8 years for me.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by scumdevils86 »

Longhorned wrote:I'd hate to have all that frozen meat and then lose power. Speaking of which, has the electric power infrastructure improved? I haven't had a power outage in like 15 years, not even during the most intense storms. When was the last time anybody here had a power outage? Probably just waiting for me to acquire $400 worth of frozen meat.
I'd say my power goes out once a year during a big monsoon storm. Usually is only for a few minutes though. It will flash briefly a couple other of times.

But that I have a freezer that can hold 250 lbs of meat in it I'm sure I'll lose power enough later this summer for it to all go bad. Should buy an extra cooler or 2 just in case I need to get a crap ton of ice. Though a huge, insulated freezer that is full of frozen meat inside of my house will stay frozen for probably at least 12 hours with no power as long as I don't open it.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by Merkin »

Hasn't gone out in quite some time, but then again, haven't had any major rain storms in 5 years or so.

Frozen meat will just act like giant ice cubes, so should be good for quite some time if you don't open the freezer door.

I do have several generators, due to the possibility of an earthquake out here, and not having power for a few days.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by azgreg »

Merkin wrote:Hasn't gone out in quite some time, but then again, haven't had any major rain storms in 5 years or so.

Frozen meat will just act like giant ice cubes, so should be good for quite some time if you don't open the freezer door.

I do have several generators, due to the possibility of an earthquake out here, and not having power for a few days.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by CalStateTempe »

Dude merkin that's bad ass.

Grill, grow your own food, has a friend who is a bad ass hunter. I'm driving to the coast when the zombies hit. Need medical expertise on you team?
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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by catgrad97 »

Any sudden emergency hits, get to Merkin's. Hell, I'm rethinking my Omaha Steaks subscription just hearing the amount of meat deals he gets.

Dude, are you sure you didn't learn how to grow your own pot in the Boy Scouts or something? ;)
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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by Merkin »

Just bought some brisket at Smart and Final for $2.32!
azgreg wrote:
Merkin wrote:Hasn't gone out in quite some time, but then again, haven't had any major rain storms in 5 years or so.

Frozen meat will just act like giant ice cubes, so should be good for quite some time if you don't open the freezer door.

I do have several generators, due to the possibility of an earthquake out here, and not having power for a few days.

Actually I am! The big un's a comin'! Have 7 50 gallon drums with water, 6 of them for drinking.

Someone was telling me the other day to stock up on lead. Once people get hungry and thirsty, start smelling my tri-tip and hearing my generators, they will be coming to take it from me!

Reminds me of the old Twilight Zone episode about the fallout shelter.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by CalStateTempe »

So question for the board.

You're armed, you have stuff, people nice or otherwise want your stuff. How short is your trigger to taking the life of someone who wants your stuff?

Are you salty-dawg blasting away or Bruins inviting them in for a cup of tea?

I'd like to think I'd have a code that would guide this decision, but certainly would be distrustful of others.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by Chicat »

CalStateTempe wrote:So question for the board.

You're armed, you have stuff, people nice or otherwise want your stuff. How short is your trigger to taking the life of someone who wants your stuff?

Are you salty-dawg blasting away or Bruins inviting them in for a cup of tea?

I'd like to think I'd have a code that would guide this decision, but certainly would be distrustful of others.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by CalStateTempe »

Barter system? Lol
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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by azgreg »

Chicat wrote:
CalStateTempe wrote:So question for the board.

You're armed, you have stuff, people nice or otherwise want your stuff. How short is your trigger to taking the life of someone who wants your stuff?

Are you salty-dawg blasting away or Bruins inviting them in for a cup of tea?

I'd like to think I'd have a code that would guide this decision, but certainly would be distrustful of others.
How hot is the wife?
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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by CalStateTempe »

In that case blast away.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by Chicat »

Everyone dies.
Of the 12 coaches, Rush picked the one whose fans have the deepest passion, the longest memories, the greatest lung capacity and … did I mention deep passion?
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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by azgreg »

Chicat wrote:Everyone dies.
And poops.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by Chicat »

azgreg wrote:
Chicat wrote:Everyone dies.
And poops.
Sometimes at the same time.
Of the 12 coaches, Rush picked the one whose fans have the deepest passion, the longest memories, the greatest lung capacity and … did I mention deep passion?
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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by Merkin »

Longhorned wrote:I've decided not to apply for the opportunity of a one-way journey to Mars with the Mars One mission.

Anybody here still on the fence about this?

Too late. ... ntent=link" target="_blank

ARE MEN ALREADY ON MARS? Shock claims astronauts filmed repairing NASA's Curiosity Rover

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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by Longhorned »

The way you make a real Muesli is to take put the raw rolled oats in the cereal bowl and cover them with milk (or yogurt) and soak them overnight. Then you add the honey or bananas or whatever right before you eat it. It's a thick, refreshingly cold porridge. No better breakfast on a hot day.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by azgreg »

QUIZ: Can You Identify These American Icons?" target="_blank
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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by Longhorned »

azgreg wrote:QUIZ: Can You Identify These American Icons?" target="_blank
Your Score: 100%
A+ Historian
You really know your stuff when it comes to identifying historical figures.

Anyone who gets less than 100% on that quiz isn't from Earth.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by azgreg »

Longhorned wrote:
azgreg wrote:QUIZ: Can You Identify These American Icons?" target="_blank
Your Score: 100%
A+ Historian
You really know your stuff when it comes to identifying historical figures.

Anyone who gets less than 100% on that quiz isn't from Earth.
When did Bobby Jindal become an American Icon?
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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by KaibabKat »

Your Score: 93%
A+ Historian
You really know your stuff when it comes to identifying historical figures.

Misses were mostly entertainers of one sort or another - not too up to date on the hippy hop stuff.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by Daryl Zero »

99%. I missed on Armstrong v. Aldrin. They didn't give any clue other than you had to recognize the picture and the guy was in his suit and helmet. Most of that was simple and way too easy.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by Longhorned »

Daryl Zero wrote:99%. I missed on Armstrong v. Aldrin. They didn't give any clue other than you had to recognize the picture and the guy was in his suit and helmet. Most of that was simple and way too easy.
Wasn't there like a Mel Brooks or Oprah Winfrey?
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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by Daryl Zero »

Longhorned wrote:
Daryl Zero wrote:99%. I missed on Armstrong v. Aldrin. They didn't give any clue other than you had to recognize the picture and the guy was in his suit and helmet. Most of that was simple and way too easy.
Wasn't there like a Mel Brooks or Oprah Winfrey?
I think there was like "is it Strom Thurmond or Rosa Parks?" question.
Erlich Bachmann: Richard wrote the code, yes, but the inspiration was clear. Let me ask you something. How fast do you think you could jack off every guy in this room? Cause I know how long it would take me. And I could prove it.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by azgreg »

There are a couple that are quite funny.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by Merkin »

Daryl Zero wrote:99%. I missed on Armstrong v. Aldrin. They didn't give any clue other than you had to recognize the picture and the guy was in his suit and helmet. Most of that was simple and way too easy.

That was the only tough one. Rest were gimmes and just clickbait. 3 clicks for each one?

I liked the Strom Thurmon v. Jesse Jackson.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by azgreg »

At this time next week I'll be on this thing.

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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by Longhorned »

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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by azgreg »

My niece is going to see the Dalai Lama today at CU-Boulder. ... oday-at-cu" target="_blank
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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by UAEebs86 »

azgreg wrote:My niece is going to see the Dalai Lama today at CU-Boulder. ... oday-at-cu" target="_blank
Big hitter, the Lama
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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by azgreg »

I forgot how much I hate packing suitcases.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by CalStateTempe »

azgreg wrote:I forgot how much I hate packing suitcases.
I love it.

I thought a bunch of shit in without checking the weather and zip. 10 minutes tops.

Its a surprise when I get to the destination.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by Longhorned »

When my wife asks if I want to do something, does that mean that she's telling me to do it?

"Do you want to go pull the weeds out of the flower beds, trim the hedges, and mow the lawn before it starts to get dark?"

"No, thank you. I just want another beer to go with the start of the next game. If you refill this bowl of chips, that would go nice with it as well. That was nice of you to ask, though."
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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by CalStateTempe »

Would you buy a house that someone died in? What if you loved the house?

Would it depend on type/manner of death?

Time passed since death, like a thread hold, within 5 years bad, after 5 years good?

What if it was a little old lady who passed peaceful 15 years ago per the Real Estate agent? Is the REA lying?

Do you search public records and obits to learn about the person who died?

What do you do? Move into the house? Not moving into the house? Commit your wife?

These are burning questions in the CST household.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by ASUCatFan »

I'm n ot superstitious, so yeah, I would by a house that someone died in. I might pretend it made me nervous as a negotiating tactic, though.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by ANGCatFan »

Take the house.

It's been pre-disastered.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by CalStateTempe »

ANGCatFan wrote:Take the house.

It's been pre-disastered.
That my perspective. What better than for a little old lady passing peacefully in her house 15 years ago (likely on hospice care?). It happens, especially in older homes.

I would personally draw the line at within the last 2 years or if it was a suicide or murder though.

It's a great house and fits all of our needs, but my wife is having trouble knowing that some died in it, even under natural causes.
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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by azgreg »

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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by CalStateTempe »

Got the house. 30day close. 5% under sellers offer and seller pays closing costs.

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Re: The Random Thoughts Thread

Post by Longhorned »

I've decided that Halfway to Machaca would be the right title for my autobiography.
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