TOS Discussion

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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by Katzenfreund »

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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by CalStateTempe »

No offense, but Jim Storey doesn't strike me as a member of the tribe.
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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by Alieberman »

I don't think it's Jim, but Percy is MOT (at least one of him is)
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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by FreeSpiritCat »

Don't you believe in God JMJ? You must be dumb and crazy. This reminds me of Brother Max, for you Brother Jeb. I think we found a new profession for Percy. I have never seem him explode to this degree before, full of righteous indignation. As far as the ogre, I believe he is referring to my Grateful Dead "Steal Your Face" logo. I actually thought it is kind of mild compared to other Grateful Dead avatars.

To make it plain, he feels hurt. I wonder who he really is.
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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by JMarkJohns »

Catintheheat wrote:Don't you believe in God JMJ? You must be dumb and crazy. This reminds me of Brother Max, for you Brother Jeb. I think we found a new profession for Percy. I have never seem him explode to this degree before, full of righteous indignation. As far as the ogre, I believe he is referring to my Grateful Dead "Steal Your Face" logo. I actually thought it is kind of mild compared to other Grateful Dead avatars.

To make it plain, he feels hurt. I wonder who he really is.
I am very much an outspoken and practicing Christian, who is about as tolerant/understanding on life topics. Percycution Complex :'(
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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by JMarkJohns »

Percy's ogre is Chi's avatar.
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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by NYCat »

MilliKr who's posting a bunch of spam is actively browsing this thread, wouldn't be surprised if its Percy as some kind of flaccid act of vengeance.
Last edited by NYCat on Sun Jun 08, 2014 2:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by FreeSpiritCat »

JMarkJohns wrote:Percy's ogre is Chi's avatar.
That makes sense.
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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by JMarkJohns »

Latest edit:
4Life wrote:Finally, a thread to trump Millers recruiting just took a huge hit. Can't wait to bump this in a few years.


I suggest - as ghostwhitehorse implies - let's dance so we can remember the time when Cyberbullies tried to spew utter garbage all over the GOAZCAT community. Is it a coincidence he chose a song about drug abuse and arabic musical notes in the background? The world may never know. But it's a point that he choose that music knowing full well I'm jewish and proud of it during a serious discussion. The difference between jokers and real posters is that real posters know when things are serious. Hence, why so serious? is Joker's motto. These guys are jokers. And with jokers, and their victims like Elliot Rodgers, doing real damage in society, do we want GOAZCAT to turn into the next PUAHATE or muscle building forums? Think about it. Think about the legal issues for the admin might have to deal with. Families suing in civil courts, etc. Why? Because the forum has turned into complete bigoted, anti-religious, anti-intellectual, non-sense, back-patting, cyber bullying machine lead by people who in their own mind where legends? Why should the admin support that? What value is there in that?

To have a recruit, say Ivan Rabb, not come here because he's see's the cyber bullies intimidating every other Cat fan with a brain? If anything, that's a major negative. Do we not hold ourselves as UofA fans and alumi alike, to a higher standard?

This group has been particularly nasty to religious people, calling them all forms of names, from dumb to insane. So if anyone were to be reading 80,000+ posts of biotry and lack of intellectual thought - What is he to think? Why is no one speaking out? Why is the conversation so dumb? It may seem petty to JMJ, but how would we all feel if we lost some prized recruit over something such as a message board?

Is that so selfish to say? If it is, it does not hurt me to say it.

The point is, the internet has real consequences in the real world - but no amount of telling them them to stfu and sit down helps. That is a common theme running from this group of Jokers. This isn't 2008. Everyone is online. Look at dumb posts like "do you have an app for that?" What time or universe are these guys living in? What warped sense of reality do they have? How did they get to be on Cloud Coo-Coo land. That's psycho right there.

There is no arguing with it. Look at how they can't even read 3 sentence. What do you say to try to talk to people who won't listen to 3 words you have to say? Nothing. You can't talk to them because they aren't listening. They aren't here to do that. They have all the answers - you have none. They are here to get their jollies off making fun of everything, including you if you piss of their delicate sensibilities. Everything is funny to them, nothing is off limits. Only good thoughts, not bad thoughts. No hate, no religion, no guns, no intellectual conversation, no changing the subject, no psychopaths, no Nazis, and no rules. These guys live in absolute crazy fantasy land. Perhaps they should instead be advertising for GM's newest SUV : Denial.

Their biggest, most dangerous kick is to say "You are stupid or dumb or crazy" because you believe in God.

Anyone who calls people dumb or crazy for believing in God is a bigot. As someone who works in technology and is also religious - this has become an increasing terrible stereotype that they try to portray. It's not true. Science is born out of religion. They are as inseparable as E= MC^2 and the law of probabilities. Does it not say much that the greatest scientist of our time was not also one of the greatest philosophers? Einstein. That lack of history and understanding came to a head at the COOP. They spew regurgitated history straight out of the Nazi play book. I don't use that word lightly considering half my Epstein familiy is no more.

But that is what this crew does. They wanted to point out to me in their 1980's language of movie quotes how knowledgeable they are about when to use the word and when not to - to a Jew. They told me "You know who were Nazi's, Nazi's." Some true insight to quote Inglorious Bastards if I'm not mistaken. That is a truly masterpiece of intellectual work - of which I'm sure their twisted minds have watched countless times. These guys revel in stereotypes. Is it no wonder most of their "supermods" choose Avatars from the movie "Revenge of the Nerds?" Really? 1988 calls and says Hello. In 1997, when I first stepped on campus, Revenge of the Nerds was lame. That's 10 years and no one cared. 15 years later and these guys still think it's funny? Why?

1) Because it's biotry
2) because we accept it as true

Is not Revenge of the Nerds not stereotyping people into "Nerds and Jocks?" That it's a stereotype against the University of Arizona itself is not an excuse. The fact that as you read their posts and you see multiple posts have Ogre as their Avatar, it ends up looking like an old flip book cartoon of Ogre drinking himself to death. That's telling. Is that what we want young recruits to see coming to this University? Let alone the sports teams. This is much like saying that the Washington Redskin acceptance of a racial stereotype is ok because people take pride in it.

Standing up to bigotry is not bigotry. So for that, I applaud this board's admin. Enough was enough. Call it what it is - You can't argue with stupid.

So start the list,
Daryl Zero

If you want to name names, I say name em and dance so people can remember. Internet bullies love the anonymity of the internet.

"it's just the interwebz, lolz," - Chicat

Well guys, you have the whole thing - except here - enjoy it. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Some of us, including myself, are perfectly happy with how things have been resolved. The bullies are gone now. They have the whole interwebz to bully now. Maybe they go back to the trash heap from which this stuff belongs, the WOW forums.

I'm sure that's will they will go after the they will get tired of bullying everyone the Forum for GOAZCATS Exiles ... er, the CO-OP.

Why that changed,


Because that's all these Jokers know how to do. That's what Jokers did at one time. Tricks of misdirection and guile. That's who they are. *Magic*

And who believes in magic?

So don't let magic and jokers win. Stand up against the cyber bullies and bigots. Isn't it great to feel yourself again and take pride in who you and how you feel? It's feels good... almost selfish. Which, isn't a sin. Jokers try to convince you otherwise - making you feel shame in your own interests. And that's what real 5 star Nazi's need you to do first, and foremost.

Dance and rejoice in who you are.



This is how my people do it -

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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by NorCalCat »

Devout Jew allegedly, spells the word "God" in his post.

Percy be slippin'.
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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by SCCat »

Catintheheat wrote: I wonder who he really is.
So does he.
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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by FreeSpiritCat »

I wonder if Percy is on some kind of med. This obsession isn't natural.
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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by Alieberman »

There is no doubt in my mind that Percy is our spammer.
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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by NYCat »

NorCalCat wrote:Devout Jew allegedly, spells the word "God" in his post.

Percy be slippin'.

He's going to respond to your (lite) comment with a 15 paragraph manifesto.
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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by CalStateTempe »

MilliKr is in this thread as well.
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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by Spaceman Spiff »

I don't know whether to be happy or sad I didn't make the list. And yeah, why is a spambot(?) browsing threads? I'm not a tech genius, but that's weird.
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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by JMarkJohns »

He's not in the thread. He's in the forum. Only forum he posts in.
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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by wyo-cat »

Epic Meltdown.
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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by Alieberman »

He's still editing that post in between starting porn threads here.
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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by CalStateTempe »

Where could be be, location wise? Because the posting is 4 hours behind EST. That doesn't make sense to me.

Certainly has been an entertaining offseason.
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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by wyo-cat »

I might pop over there and defend myself - I don't deserve to be grouped in with the rest of you free-loading cyberbullies/bigots on that list.
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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by FreeSpiritCat »

I have things to do. It was entertaining for awhile. At least Percy got some hits on the site. Now for my weekend chores that I've put off long enough.
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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by CalStateTempe »

don't. Its like a whiny soon-to-be-ex girlfriend.

She only creates drama because she wants to be "loved"


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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by NYCat »

Admin responded....
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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by ASUHATER! »

NYCat wrote:Admin responded....
to 4life? what'd he say (i'm not giving that site any more clicks)
i was going to put the ua/asu records here...but i forgot what they were.

i'll just go with fuck asu.
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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by NYCat »

New thread
Regardless of what is written in this post we already know that there will be many who choose not to agree or consider what is written, but we felt it was necessary to put some information out.

First and most importantly: we admit it, we failed miserably regarding the upgrade and the lack of communication to the users of the free message boards.

As most are aware, the TOS free message boards, powered by vBulletin, have been the longest running Arizona Wildcats fan message boards online. We are proud of that and have done what we can to ensure that they stay online and are always available.

Most recently, after a lot of user complaints we had decided to upgrade the server and to purchase and install the latest vBulletin software. The server upgrade was necessary in order to handle increased users and the software update itself. Many complaints regarding the version of vBulletin (3.8.5) and the lack of mobile application were the primary reasons for this upgrade.

After successfully upgrading the server the next step was to implement the latest vBulletin software. Two weeks ago today, on Sunday May 25, 2014 we initiated the upgrade at 9:00PM MST. We had notified the board that the update would be taking place and initiated the upgrade as planned.

Unfortunately, the first three or four days we were not able to process the upgrade and could not even update the status because we could not access the upgrade script. After several days of contacting vBulletin support, we were finally able to complete the upgrade. However the upgrade was a technical disaster and we had decided that after several days of being offline that we would re-launch the forums regardless of their lack of functionality and customization in design and layout. Following the re-launch it was made clear in a post on the boards that we would be continuing to upgrade the forums and over the next several weeks the changes would take place.

This is where our lack of communication on the existing problem did not help matters. We did have technical issues and were aware of the problems and did not do a sufficient job of letting users know. This is was our biggest failure and we are sorry for not better communicating.

Now the boards have been restored, we realize that the lack of communication has driven some long-time posters away. We hope that many of you reconsider and come back to the forums that have a long history and community within the Arizona fan base.

There has been a lot of displeasure with our strategy regarding the free boards and premium subscriptions and hopefully this will clear some issues up. We do realize that for several of you it will not matter and the explanation will not be considered, but our hope is that it explains what you can expect from us.

We have always stated that the free boards are exactly that free. And as such they are not a priority for our business. The key word here is business - a business that needs income to operate and exist and that income comes from subscriptions; the site has expenses ranging from salaries, to equipment, travel, hosting the free boards, and more. We spend a lot of time writing, traveling, interviewing, covering and much more for our subscribers.

Many have argued that the free boards are the gateway to our business the place where we can reach potential subscribers and in some manner the free boards can be a loss leader. We do not share this sentiment for several reasons. One of the main reasons is that in the past several years we have enough data to support our findings; that the vast majority of the free board users do not subscribe to TOS, in fact many subscribe elsewhere.

We have said this before, but the free boards are not what drive our business. However, this is not to say that we do not wish for them to continue and stay online in fact exactly the opposite since we realize the community is important to so many people. The technical issues the past two weeks gave us the perfect opportunity to close the boards and create free forums that are part of the network. But we enjoy the history of the free boards and what they have meant to many users throughout the years. We would not have spent the time or resources trying to upgrade the server and the software if this were not the case.

We plan to continue to host the free boards and keep them online - we are not planning on taking them offline. On the other hand, there is a reason why there are no other sites in the country, whether on the, Scout or other networks that have separate message boards. The premium subscription model does not lend itself to have separate and non-conforming message boards, both from a functional and a business stand point. Saying that the free boards are not our priority is in fact true and although saying this has made people upset and even angry does not change this fact. Our business is a premium subscription model and we are part of a network that is owned by Yahoo!, as a result we have certain guidelines and operating procedures. We have always continued to push to allow the free boards to remain online and will continue to do so.

The only way we can maintain the free boards from a cost and resource perspective is to generate revenue from subscriptions. For us to ask people to subscribe is part of our business that is what our business goal is after all. It was not communicated properly when trying to convey this message, but the fact remains that subscriptions do pay to operate the business and for the costs of the free boards.

We have said that if more people subscribed who utilized the free boards then they would matter to us more that is the case. As harsh as that may sound, the majority of the users of the free boards do not subscribe. Our premium subscribers are our customers and they allow us to offset the cost of the free boards, plain and simple.

Some have suggested that we give ç”°ontrol or hand over the boards to the users. This simply is not an option. We will not handover a community that essentially competes with our premium boards to a third party that we have no control over.

Itç—´ been said repeatedly by users that since the free boards are not our priority than there are better forums to be a part of. This may or may not be true; we think that each user should go to whatever forums they fit in to best. Like was said above, we wish to continue these forums and want users to continue to be a part of the community because of the longstanding history and community that has made the TOS Free Message Boards the place they are. But if people want to move on to other forums we can understand that.

Just as any spammer on the boards in the past, users will always be banned or deleted when promoting other sites. This is no different than promoting some spam site or a different UA site. If you want to leave the free boards we can respect that, but we will not allow users to spam our current users while promoting other sites. We have had many users inform us that there are some users who are PM段ng them and encouraging them to leave the free boards.

Moving forward, many users will move on, some will stay and some will go, but we do want to reiterate that we have every intention of keeping these boards online.

We are open to new ideas and certainly understand criticism of the way things have been handled, but at the core of the issue they are message boards for UA fans letç—´ not forget that.
Solid rebuttals there

What the hell am I doing its Sunday.
Last edited by NYCat on Sun Jun 08, 2014 3:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by Spaceman Spiff »

Why would I return to boards with post that they are not a priority? The irony is that I would consider contributing here over buying premium, and it is entirely because message boards don't function in a business model. I'm here to talk Arizona basketball, not be a commodity. A site that is based on the former could get my money.
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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by Alieberman »

I sincerely doubt anyone is complaining about PM's. Just about everyone I PM'd is now posting here. I'm guessing the way Jimmy knows about PM's are by reading about it over here.
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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by JMarkJohns »

Aside from the non-dickish, apologetic tone, it all still boils down to:

We will not be active as admin because you're not a priority.
We will not activate members to admin.
We will continue to push for subscriptions.
We will continue to remind folks the free boards are expendable.
We only hope people stay, but have no vision to make this place long-lasting/better.

Oh well
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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by phenom5 »

And Jimmy still doesn't get it.
We have always stated that the free boards are exactly that free. And as such they are not a priority for our business. The key word here is business - a business that needs income to operate and exist and that income comes from subscriptions; the site has expenses ranging from salaries, to equipment, travel, hosting the free boards, and more. We spend a lot of time writing, traveling, interviewing, covering and much more for our subscribers.
Even if that's the case...which it probably is, and everybody understands don't have to go out of your way to tell us that.
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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by FreeSpiritCat »

JMarkJohns wrote:Aside from the non-dickish, apologetic tone, it all still boils down to:

We will not be active as admin because you're not a priority.
We will not activate members to admin.
We will continue to push for subscriptions.
We will continue to remind folks the free boards are expendable.
We only hope people stay, but have no vision to make this place long-lasting/better.

Oh well
This, the important thing I was looking for was giving up some admin control to the members. That hasn't changed so no thank you. Jim hasn't given an inch. He just flowered up his message a little. I want a member shared experience. Of course anyone can go back if they choose, but not me. I want a board that changes with the times.
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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by azgreg »

When did I become a religious bigot?
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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by JMarkJohns »

azgreg wrote:When did I become a religious bigot?
Same time I did.

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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by FreeSpiritCat »

As most are aware, the free message boards, powered by vBulletin, have been the longest running Arizona Wildcats fan message boards online.
This isn't true. CatTracks was around before this. Actually Jim pulled Ben Hansen away from CatTracks (owned by Doug Carr) to start GoAZCats. Also has been around longer too.
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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by CalStateTempe »

Jimmy is a stubborn as Mike Stoops with a headset.

He still doesn't get IT.

1. Its not about communication, in fact MAO has communicated VERY clearly.
2. Its the disdain that he has for free board members who don't sign up for premium.
3. He still have not articulated what is provided in premium AND why it is categorically different than other sites out there.
4. He's bleeding bad. You bet Tracy and Matt are worried and have pressed his feet. That and it sounds like Administrative costs from Yahoo have taken a hit. Losing 95% of your free board numbers and hits over the past week has not gone unnoticed. Otherwise you don't come out with this piss poor mea culpa.
5. He still sees the posters as numbers, not a community, and he certainly does not bleed red and blue. TOS is simple for his portfolio, not to benefit the UofA.
6. Much like all of us, MAO seems genuinely surprised by how quick this site was set up. Notice how he leveraged the past 10 years of content on TOS to try to draw people back in.

Too bad that ship has sailed. Much bigger things ahead for this site, once we deal with trolls and their porn links.
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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by ASUHATER! »

yawn. still the same attitude from MAO. no reason for anyone to go back there...still.
i was going to put the ua/asu records here...but i forgot what they were.

i'll just go with fuck asu.
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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by FreeSpiritCat »

Now I know what union members feel like when trying to deal with management, except in this case, all the pressure is on Jim. He really doesn't get it. And even if it is true that Yahoo is tying his hand, that's all the more reason to go independent and break away from the sports network grip.
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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by CalStateTempe »

MAO deleted the thread I started where I archived his thoughts on free board users with the closing statement, "lets pretend last week never happened m'kay?"
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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by JMarkJohns »

Not been a good 5 minutes for Percy.

Spambot banned from here, and his manifesto (and thread) deleted by Admin at TOS.

Plus I'm gonna see my options on 4Life account here.
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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by Alieberman »

The Percy Manifesto is still up at TOS. In fact it was edited again!
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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by CalStateTempe »

Bert and 4life are discussing things at TOS.

this could not get more bizarre.
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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by Chicat »

I love it that I'm #1 on Percy's People I Hate list. Good, fuck him.

I also love that MAO STILL doesn't get it that he's repeatedly verbally shitting on a big number of potential customers. Who runs a business by telling targeted customers that they don't mean fuck-all until they spend some money? If MAO owned a jewelry store he'd have a sign on the counter that says, "If you're 'just looking' you can fuck right off!"
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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by CalStateTempe »

Chicat wrote:I love it that I'm #1 on Percy's People I Hate list. Good, fuck him.

I also love that MAO STILL doesn't get it that he's repeatedly verbally shitting on a big number of potential customers. Who runs a business by telling targeted customers that they don't mean fuck-all until they spend some money? If MAO owned a jewelry store he'd have a sign on the counter that says, "If you're 'just looking' you can fuck right off!"
In that same spirit, Macy's should require proof of purchase to transit from the parking lot into the mall, and a separate purchase for the return trip.
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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by azgreg »

I still don't understand what he ahs against me. I never had any discussion with hims.
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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by catgrad97 »

None of this business-speak backwash is surprising. Honestly wonder if Lute, who was in deep Toretti at the time of the Cactus Classic and delegated far too much to a man who had never earned his trust, is even on speaking terms with Storey anymore.

Full speed ahead for this site. Network affiliation, here we come!
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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by azgreg »

Bert wrote:Just to spare 4life the grief I want to be VERY CLEAR that he is not me, I am not him, we are NOT THE SAME POSTER, I encourage the admins to confirm that by looking at IPs if they have to, I AM NOT the poster 4life. I do not know this person, we have spoken twice, we are two different people. He has been here much longer than I have.
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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by ASUHATER! »

azgreg wrote:
Bert wrote:Just to spare 4life the grief I want to be VERY CLEAR that he is not me, I am not him, we are NOT THE SAME POSTER, I encourage the admins to confirm that by looking at IPs if they have to, I AM NOT the poster 4life. I do not know this person, we have spoken twice, we are two different people. He has been here much longer than I have.
that sounds like a quote from the 4 percys revealing themselves. same kinda wording and everything. i'm more convinced than ever they are the same person. percy/olsoncourt/bert/millertime/4life...all the same.
i was going to put the ua/asu records here...but i forgot what they were.

i'll just go with fuck asu.
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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by FreeSpiritCat »

ASUHATER! wrote:
azgreg wrote:
Bert wrote:Just to spare 4life the grief I want to be VERY CLEAR that he is not me, I am not him, we are NOT THE SAME POSTER, I encourage the admins to confirm that by looking at IPs if they have to, I AM NOT the poster 4life. I do not know this person, we have spoken twice, we are two different people. He has been here much longer than I have.
that sounds like a quote from the 4 percys revealing themselves. same kinda wording and everything. i'm more convinced than ever they are the same person. percy/olsoncourt/bert/millertime/4life...all the same.
and Shot Doctor. 4Life seems more what Catgrad97 and I said earlier. Brother Jed, the preacher on the lawn. He will keep rambling until he feels like he has had enough. I find him harmless, to each their own I guess. I've never seen Percy go off quite like that. Plus he is still editing his post as we speak, been doing it for half of the day. I think he enjoys what he does. To him it is a similar to a piece of art. I say let him have his fun.
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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by Alieberman »

Uh no... Hey NorCalCat... you just got added to the list.
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Re: TOS Discussion

Post by NYCat »

Why am I #2 on his hate list?
Last edited by NYCat on Sun Jun 08, 2014 7:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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