Conspiracy Theory against CSM

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Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by Bosy Billups »

I know this has been discussed elsewhere, but think it should be parsed out.

The coordinated attack and timing smells funny. This leaks right after the Yahoo report. It's based off a source, not the FBI. There are continues calls and hit jobs for Miller to step down without any verification.

What if, what if, this is a coordinated hit job from some dark enemies of CSM? Or a distraction created to deflect from the other 25 schools?

Forget the legal recourse etc. But this is a dangerous game, calling for a man's head. Coordinated from ESPN talking heads to USA Today, etc.

Gotta say, CSM and Ayton sure aren't responding like a guilty party. But this is all based off an unidentified source?

A scary world we're in, like the MeToo movement, and Fake News used to take down political opponents.

Anyone think this is the case? If so, CSM and the school have to go on the offensive, not defensive. The fans need to show 1000% support, and join in to protect our coach.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by scumdevils86 »

Just had to include the me too movement as a conspiracy theory huh? Hoooot take.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by UAEebs86 »

Using the term Fake News is not a good look.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by Bosy Billups »

Fine, take that sentence out. Thoughts snowflakes?
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by UAEebs86 »

Using the term snowflakes is not a good look.

Keep trying BB.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by scumdevils86 »

Not surprising who believes in conspiracy theories the most...
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by FreeSpiritCat »

Things just don't add up.

1. CSM has been coaching for a decade and now he becomes careless? He's too smart for that.
2. The president and the AD back him up. Their jobs would be on the line if CSM were guilty.
3. CSM already says in the end he will be vindicated.
4. No one has denied that he was involved in a wiretapped conversation.
5. He doesn't go on the offensive, but instead stays quiet. That would indicate he is under an NDA.

I'm sure others can add to this list.

The only way this all adds up is CSM is part of the FBI investigation. And if this is the case the vultures circling him will have egg on their face. I wonder if his intent is to help bring this all crashing down. That would explain the vehemence directed against him right now. Also if this is the case he probably will have to leave at the end of the season because there will be many people wanting his head. Think of all the people who will lose money in the college basketball and football market. It is possible he may bring amateur back in amateur athletics and the NCAA will make big changes this year.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by Bosy Billups »

Not surprising who believes in unverified sources, allegatioms vs. facts, and that there are designs to distract, take down, deflect from others. It does exist, believe it or not. This could be a great learning experience.

If CSM knew he was busted, he probably wouldn't say he's confident he'll be vindicated. Do you agree Miller is straight shooter? I do. Ayton's mom calls the allegations disgusting and Ayton starts off yesterday playing with anger, not "damn, I'm busted".
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by UAEebs86 »

I wonder what news channel Bosy watches?
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by Captain Obvious »

Bosy Billups wrote:Not surprising who believes in unverified sources, allegatioms vs. facts, and that there are designs to distract, take down, deflect from others. It does exist, believe it or not. This could be a great learning experience.

If CSM knew he was busted, he probably wouldn't say he's confident he'll be vindicated. Do you agree Miller is straight shooter? I do. Ayton's mom calls the allegations disgusting and Ayton starts off yesterday playing with anger, not "damn, I'm busted".
Not sure about the whole conspiracy theory suggestion and don't even want to speculate on that kind of stuff. I'll stick behind Miller until there's definitive evidence provided for me not to. Bottom line; it doesn't matter what is known or not matters what can be proven.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by UAEebs86 »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

That's some batshit crazy talk ss!

I automatically tune out people like you and Bosy that use terms like libtard, snowflake, and Fake News.

It's not possible to have a rationale argument with people like you.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by splitsecond »

And before anyone gets actually butthurt I still love you all and would say any of this over a beer at Dirtbags, ya commie bastards.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by scumdevils86 »

Yea not worth the time to address the lost amongst us anymore
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by PHXCATS »

Catintheheat wrote:Things just don't add up.

1. CSM has been coaching for a decade and now he becomes careless? He's too smart for that.
2. The president and the AD back him up. Their jobs would be on the line if CSM were guilty.
3. CSM already says in the end he will be vindicated.
4. No one has denied that he was involved in a wiretapped conversation.
5. He doesn't go on the offensive, but instead stays quiet. That would indicate he is under an NDA.

I'm sure others can add to this list.

The only way this all adds up is CSM is part of the FBI investigation. And if this is the case the vultures circling him will have egg on their face. I wonder if his intent is to help bring this all crashing down. That would explain the vehemence directed against him right now. Also if this is the case he probably will have to leave at the end of the season because there will be many people wanting his head. Think of all the people who will lose money in the college basketball and football market. It is possible he may bring amateur back in amateur athletics and the NCAA will make big changes this year.

Great post and all so true.

I would add

6 the timing is off. Ayton signed a LOI in 2016 and this call is from 2017.
7 Ayton was already investigated and cleared by the NCAA and FBI in 2017

The only other thing that works out and makes sense with timing other than what you said with Miller working with the FBI is if ESPN had it backwards and ASM was trying to pay Miller the 100k.

As for an agenda against Miller I don't buy it at all. We would all say the same things USA Today and ESPN and others are if were against Williams Coach K Altman or Alford. Media want to be first so they report what they get when they get it.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by splitsecond »

Anyhow, back to the topic, there is certainly a lot that does not add up and lends itself to the idea that Miller is being targeted. Of course, I am not naive enough to think we have a clean program and are somehow magically innocent in a sea of paid players, but the timing is very odd. It could be anything from ESPN simply trying to save their own sinking ship, to some rogue Kansas or Villanova alumni in the fbi trying to screw with Arizona for the tournament. Lending some credence to what 97 has said eluding to Miller helping the FBI, it could even bethat the Miller call on Ayton was the trap that was set for ASM - and now they are trying to bring him down for being the double agent.

It’s all possible when you have leaks of partial information from verified sources. It’s not like w haven’t seen those types of leaks turn out to be false or more often completely out of context.

If Miller and Deandre say they will be vindicated and the school stands behind them, then I will stand behind them until further notice. Because that’s what the fuck we do here. We BTFD.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by Longhorned »

Bosy Billups wrote:Fine, take that sentence out. Thoughts snowflakes?
Yes. Work on your skills of critical thinking. That was supposed to happen in college. Maybe take advantage of some community outreach opportunities. And good luck with it.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by Bosy Billups »

Longhorned wrote:
Bosy Billups wrote:Fine, take that sentence out. Thoughts snowflakes?
Yes. Work on your skills of critical thinking. That was supposed to happen in college. Maybe take advantage of some community outreach opportunities. And good luck with it.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by Longhorned »

Bosy Billups wrote:
Longhorned wrote:
Bosy Billups wrote:Fine, take that sentence out. Thoughts snowflakes?
Yes. Work on your skills of critical thinking. That was supposed to happen in college. Maybe take advantage of some community outreach opportunities. And good luck with it.
Sick burn bro
Not really. I'm being sincere.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by Chicat »

If the timing is what I think it is, Ayton was already in summer school when this call supposedly happened.

If so, the $100k was to...

- keep him in school (which doesn’t make a whole lot of sense from the Aytons’ perspective since that would basically be extortion - he’s already on campus and presumably paid for already, why demand $100k more to keep him there unless he had an offer from Europe already locked in which you’d expect would be more than $100k).

- entice Ayton to sign with ASM (which doesn’t make sense because why go through Sean Miller?).

- get Sean Miller to convince Ayton to sign with ASM (makes the most sense).

If it’s the last one, then maybe Sean was working with the Feds to get these guys on tape bribing coaches.

Any other scenarios I’m missing?
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by Bosy Billups »

Chicat wrote:If the timing is what I think it is, Ayton was already in summer school when this call supposedly happened.

If so, the $100k was to...

- keep him in school (which doesn’t make a whole lot of sense from the Aytons’ perspective since that would basically be extortion - he’s already on campus and presumably paid for already, why demand $100k more to keep him there unless he had an offer from Europe already locked in which you’d expect would be more than $100k).

- entice Ayton to sign with ASM (which doesn’t make sense because why go through Sean Miller?).

- get Sean Miller to convince Ayton to sign with ASM (makes the most sense).

If it’s the last one, then maybe Sean was working with the Feds to get these guys on tape bribing coaches.

Any other scenarios I’m missing?
Even if true, which no one know, and seems like work out of a John Grisham novel if CSM was the hero all along...


Why did this leak on Friday after the Yahoo! Report? If it is true that CSM is the Jose Conseco of college basketball (lol), did the underground selectively leak this to ESPN and create the narrative to take CSM down? Get the media hacks behind it? Etc.? Knowing that the truth won't come out until much later and he'd be ruined by then?
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by PHXCATS »

Bosy Billups wrote:
Chicat wrote:If the timing is what I think it is, Ayton was already in summer school when this call supposedly happened.

If so, the $100k was to...

- keep him in school (which doesn’t make a whole lot of sense from the Aytons’ perspective since that would basically be extortion - he’s already on campus and presumably paid for already, why demand $100k more to keep him there unless he had an offer from Europe already locked in which you’d expect would be more than $100k).

- entice Ayton to sign with ASM (which doesn’t make sense because why go through Sean Miller?).

- get Sean Miller to convince Ayton to sign with ASM (makes the most sense).

If it’s the last one, then maybe Sean was working with the Feds to get these guys on tape bribing coaches.

Any other scenarios I’m missing?
Even if true, which no one know, and seems like work out of a John Grisham novel if CSM was the hero all along...


Why did this leak on Friday after the Yahoo! Report? If it is true that CSM is the Jose Conseco of college basketball (lol), did the underground selectively leak this to ESPN and create the narrative to take CSM down? Get the media hacks behind it? Etc.? Knowing that the truth won't come out until much later and he'd be ruined by then?
ESPN ran with it as soon as they could to be first and with it being in the public already. No other reason.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by Bosy Billups »

PS - it is possiblr that CSM became an FBI informant, granted immunity, etc. Because Book and others were caught up in business as usual, putting on the heat that you will gonto jail unless you help us sort of thing. Because who in their right mind would do such a thing whilr being a prominent member of the industry. If that's the case, I think this vindicates him, even if got caught doing something wrong.

The leak and timing to tear him down smells bad, especially that 25 schools are involved. Have other HC's defended Sean? Has anyone really?
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by Chicat »

I think it’s fairly certain the leak came from Dawkins’ lawyer. Which is interesting from a perspective of motive.

Were they simply trying to implicate a coach they knew Dawkins had a conversation with directly? If so, it would make sense why they went to ESPN with the story. That does the maximum damage. Any real journalists would have wanted something more than a vague “caught on tape discussing $100k for Ayton.”

Seriously, Schlabach’s article had zero real details and no further details have leaked out since. It reads like a smear job.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by FreeSpiritCat »

There is another scenerio that might have happened. CSM knew that Book was getting into trouble. But instead of warning him, he had to let it play out or his cover is blown. Obviously I don't know if this is true or not, it's just a brainstorming idea thrown out there.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by Longhorned »

Chicat wrote:If the timing is what I think it is, Ayton was already in summer school when this call supposedly happened.

If so, the $100k was to...

- keep him in school (which doesn’t make a whole lot of sense from the Aytons’ perspective since that would basically be extortion - he’s already on campus and presumably paid for already, why demand $100k more to keep him there unless he had an offer from Europe already locked in which you’d expect would be more than $100k).

- entice Ayton to sign with ASM (which doesn’t make sense because why go through Sean Miller?).

- get Sean Miller to convince Ayton to sign with ASM (makes the most sense).

If it’s the last one, then maybe Sean was working with the Feds to get these guys on tape bribing coaches.

Any other scenarios I’m missing?
Questions as basic as what's up with the weird timeframe aren't being asked because none of this is getting any play outside sports pages, sports news broadcasts, and commentary during game broadcasts. That's very different than other stories coming out of the FBI probe. In this case, there's nothing to say, other than than ESPN reports it, and no details are available.

Things that Bilas, Vitale, etc. are saying are just nonsense, and not based on anything real whatsoever. That's the sphere they're in.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by atlantakat »

FWIW, the source is Dawkins' lawyer. The prosecution would have had to turn over the evidence against Dawkins in discovery.

Dawkin's lawyer leaks the "ledger" showing all the players taking money in the morning, then leaks the transcript of the call with Miller in the evening.

The lawyer did this to create chaos about all the implicated programs and to minimize the acts of his client -- sort of like a real estate developer/politician.

Also note that Miller's statement does not deny the conversations -- they probably did occur but Miller "will be vindicated." If Miller was already helping the feds during the calls with Dawkins, he will avoid jail time. For the life of me, I cannot understand any other reason for Miller to talk with such a sleaze bag, let alone talk money and direct the douche to talk with him directly about money. But if Miller is guilty and he lied during his interviews with the feds when Book got arrested, then Miller will be sweating in an orange jump suit around tourney time next year.

Either way, my money is on Lorenzo Romar coaching the rest of the year and next year if the Fultz thing does not blow up on him.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by Bosy Billups »

Chicat wrote:I think it’s fairly certain the leak came from Dawkins’ lawyer. Which is interesting from a perspective of motive.

Were they simply trying to implicate a coach they knew Dawkins had a conversation with directly? If so, it would make sense why they went to ESPN with the story. That does the maximum damage. Any real journalists would have wanted something more than a vague “caught on tape discussing $100k for Ayton.”

Seriously, Schlabach’s article had zero real details and no further details have leaked out since. It reads like a smear job.
Bingo. So, take down Sean Miller with this non-contextual leak, promote or hint Miller is dirty and wanted money, let that spread to the journo hacks and brainless sheeple, all to hurt and take down Miller because he is "a rat"
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by atlantakat »

Chicat wrote:I think it’s fairly certain the leak came from Dawkins’ lawyer. Which is interesting from a perspective of motive.

Were they simply trying to implicate a coach they knew Dawkins had a conversation with directly? If so, it would make sense why they went to ESPN with the story. That does the maximum damage. Any real journalists would have wanted something more than a vague “caught on tape discussing $100k for Ayton.”

Seriously, Schlabach’s article had zero real details and no further details have leaked out since. It reads like a smear job.
Chi Cat has it correct.

While the lawyer has reasons for what he leaked but Yahoo had the documents from the morning leak. I assume the lawyer gave someone a look at the transcript of the calls with Miller. If ESPN had the transcripts, they would have produced them but I suspect the conversations occurred and transcripts do exist. If the transcript was not described accurately or was fabricated by ESPN's "source", however, then Miller will eventually "be vindicated". But far too late for his reputation.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by Olsondogg »

What if I told you ESPN doesn’t have transcripts and never heard the call..
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by phxcat23 »

Catintheheat wrote:There is another scenerio that might have happened. CSM knew that Book was getting into trouble. But instead of warning him, he had to let it play out or his cover is blown. Obviously I don't know if this is true or not, it's just a brainstorming idea thrown out there.
In another thread 97cat does mention that CSM was made aware that the FBI was monitoring Book. This is definitely possible, and I just made a post in the Miller thread about this as well.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by Captain Obvious »

Olsondogg wrote:What if I told you ESPN doesn’t have transcripts and never heard the call..
Wouldn't surprise me at all. However if true they'll cleverly construe an alibi to repel any legal ramifications and displace blame onto other news sources.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by Longhorned »

Olsondogg wrote:What if I told you ESPN doesn’t have transcripts and never heard the call..
Where are you getting that from?

If true, I'd say they never claimed to verify their sources' claims. Not real journalism. Something is very wrong with all of this.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by Longhorned »

Captain Obvious wrote:
Olsondogg wrote:What if I told you ESPN doesn’t have transcripts and never heard the call..
Wouldn't surprise me at all. But they'll cleverly construe an alibi to repel any legal ramifications and displace blame onto other news sources.
What would an alabi have to do with publishing a report?

What would other news sources have to do with a breaking story?
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by Olsondogg »

Longhorned wrote:
Olsondogg wrote:What if I told you ESPN doesn’t have transcripts and never heard the call..
Where are you getting that from?

If true, I'd say they never claimed to verify their sources' claims. Not real journalism. Something is very wrong with all of this.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by Captain Obvious »

Longhorned wrote:
Captain Obvious wrote:
Olsondogg wrote:What if I told you ESPN doesn’t have transcripts and never heard the call..
Wouldn't surprise me at all. But they'll cleverly construe an alibi to repel any legal ramifications and displace blame onto other news sources.
What would an alabi have to do with publishing a report?

What would other news sources have to do with a breaking story?
In other words if they misreported something they'll do what they have to in order to cover their rumps. Not rocket science here.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by Longhorned »

Olsondogg wrote:
Longhorned wrote:
Olsondogg wrote:What if I told you ESPN doesn’t have transcripts and never heard the call..
Where are you getting that from?

If true, I'd say they never claimed to verify their sources' claims. Not real journalism. Something is very wrong with all of this.
His second sentence is a joke but that first sentence... kind of matters.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by Longhorned »

Captain Obvious wrote:
Longhorned wrote:
Captain Obvious wrote:
Olsondogg wrote:What if I told you ESPN doesn’t have transcripts and never heard the call..
Wouldn't surprise me at all. But they'll cleverly construe an alibi to repel any legal ramifications and displace blame onto other news sources.
What would an alabi have to do with publishing a report?

What would other news sources have to do with a breaking story?
In other words if they misreported something they'll do what they have to in order to cover their rumps. Not rocket science here.
We'll see. But if they try, I guess they have no more credibility to risk.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by Chicat »

Olsondogg wrote:What if I told you ESPN doesn’t have transcripts and never heard the call..
This is the entirety of ESPN’s evidence...
sources familiar with the government's evidence told ESPN.

According to people with knowledge of the FBI investigation
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by PHXCATS »

9-6-16 Deandre Ayton commits to Arizona
11-10-16 Ayton signs LOI with Arizona
Spring 2017 Taped Conversation between Dawkins and Miller
8-13-17 NCAA concludes their investigation into Ayton and clears him to play finding no wrong doing in his recruitment
9-27-17 FBI releases documents on the assistant coaches. Miller not mentioned and is known as the victim in this by the FBI
2-23-18 ESPN without listening to the tape or reading transcripts says Miller offered 100k for Ayton to commit to Arizona
2-24-18 NCAA says Arizona can deal with Miller and Ayton as they see fit for now
2-24-18 Miller doesnt coach but Ayton Plays

So I put together the timeline as I have been able to put it together. If there are things I am missing or any errors please let me know. But this timeline screams something isnt right and Miller is not dumb so there is no way he would to deal with things like Dawkins on his own without a plan or reason.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by FreeSpiritCat »

Another point is coming to mind. Why is a message board doing the investigative reporting? You would think this would come from an investigative sports journalist. Everyone seems to be piling on instead of trying to get to the truth.Does truth even matter anymore? Or has journalism turned into total sensationalism for money?
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by Beachcat97 »

Chicat wrote:
Olsondogg wrote:What if I told you ESPN doesn’t have transcripts and never heard the call..
This is the entirety of ESPN’s evidence...
sources familiar with the government's evidence told ESPN.

According to people with knowledge of the FBI investigation
And this is all it took for Bilas to go nuclear on Miller. Unreal.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by PHXCATS »

Catintheheat wrote:Another point is coming to mind. Why is a message board doing the investigative reporting? You would think this would come from an investigative sports journalist. Everyone seems to be piling on instead of trying to get to the truth.Does truth even matter anymore? Or has journalism turned into total sensationalism for money?
No one outside of Arizona cares about getting it right and lots of Tucson media sees it better for their business to attack than question and investigate.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by Longhorned »

Not a conspiracy. But more importantly, an inconsistent, misleading, and unsubstantiated report based only on unnamed sources (that's fine) in conjunction with no named sources (not fine).
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by Olsondogg »

Can I add that ESPN has laid off a TON of their talent. I mean a TON.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by Chicat »

Beachcat97 wrote:
Chicat wrote:
Olsondogg wrote:What if I told you ESPN doesn’t have transcripts and never heard the call..
This is the entirety of ESPN’s evidence...
sources familiar with the government's evidence told ESPN.

According to people with knowledge of the FBI investigation
And this is all it took for Bilas to go nuclear on Miller. Unreal.
Don’t forget DukieV.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by CatHoops »

In years past hasn't miller voiced is displeasure with the way adidas was involved with certain schools?
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by Longhorned »

Bilas and Vitale are just basketball analysts. They're not appropriate commentators on the situation. Hard to expect better of them.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by Chicat »

CatHoops wrote:In years past hasn't miller voiced is displeasure with the way adidas was involved with certain schools?
Not that I can remember.
Of the 12 coaches, Rush picked the one whose fans have the deepest passion, the longest memories, the greatest lung capacity and … did I mention deep passion?
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by prh »

Longhorned wrote:Bilas and Vitale are just basketball analysts. They're not appropriate commentators on the situation. Hard to expect better of them.
And not even good analysts. People give Bilas a pass cause he’s loud and rails against the NCAA
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Re: Conspiracy Theory against CSM

Post by Bosy Billups »

Anyone have a way to reach Matt Ducroy (spelling, cbb writer at a sports publicatiom, Miller guy, independent from ESPN). He's the type who can raise these questions in public and turn the heat to the right place. Damn, forgot his name tho.
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