Sean Miller

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Re: Sean Miller

Post by BBQ wildcat »

Two things:

1. ABOR can't officially approve any change to Miller's contract tomorrow. From what I have seen, there is only the executive session that has been posted. Any official action on contracts has to be in an open meeting and, as far as I know, they haven't posted anything about having an open meeting..

2. Robbins and Heeke are dogshit scum. They are hiding in the woodwork, trying to figure out how they can insulate themselves from whatever negative shit comes down. They really need to be upfront and actually SAY something. Not just mumble some crap about "we are still looking into things".
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Re: Sean Miller

Post by CatFanOneMil »

Some questions I've been wondering all day:

Why Mark Schlabach? Since when does he cover NCAA basketball? Has he ever broken a big story like this before?

What are his connections to agents and recruiting? Could he pick Dawkins out of a police line up? If not why him? Is he expendable?

Since we know it wasn't Ayton (because of the timeline) why Ayton? According to Medcalf article Ayton nor his family could pick Dawkins out of a lineup...but clearly he was shown Dawkins...was this simply to verify other things like had Dawkins ever been to a UA practice like he claimed?

But Dawkins would know Ayton did not know him...(unless Ayton's a witch too!) so it tracks back to why Ayton at all...?

Is there some other reason that on the night of a major game with both Miller and Ayton playing before a national tv audience this story breaks?

It kept out coach out of the game...basically hurting our chances somewhat...who benefits the most if we tank at this point or if Ayton tanks?

Is there an NBA franchise that would benefit if Aytons draft stock took a hit? He has been projected to #1 for a few weeks now...does this affect that, what about a post season ban or something where he could not get exposure?

If I'm a fucking detective I'm looking for hardcore motive right now...this is too weird otherwise.

Dawkins---->Schlabach------> Ayton----->Draft?

Or should some other name go first?

It has all the smoke to make it simply about the FBI college investigation, but the fire for that is not as hot as the results are...we're melting down careers here...

The fact that ESPN has stood by the story (and broke it in a flurry of Anti-Miller grandstanding and reporting) in spite of the corrections and kept Mark Schlabach secluded and unavailable brings in an entirely different metric as well...

Does ESPn have $ invested in trae Youngs chances?

But the first question about why Schlabach and then why Ayton have me wondering the most
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Re: Sean Miller

Post by 3goggles »

Honestly I hope the fbi drops next the batch of indictments on selection Sunday! Fuck Kansas, Fuck Duke, Fuck UNC, Fuck Kentucky, Fuck Oregon and Fuck UCLA. I hope they pounded by with FBI being they were the west coast flag ship adidas school. Now they are landing Under Armor kids! ASU has landed two 5 start commitments from previous Nike kids who flipped to Adidas AAU programs and in regards to the former Oakland soldier who now goes to hillcrest who now is adidas! Strange how that works! shoe money talks!
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Re: Sean Miller

Post by SteveKerrsStroke »

SteveKerrsStroke wrote:
btfd16 wrote: Anybody in here got some last minute money? Maybe we can all donate a piece and vote on a spokesperson to get a seat at the table lol
The booster's have been the one's oiling this machine

Genuinely wonder what their perception of CSM is?

Seems like he's done an excellent job of utilizing what they have to offer, though I have no idea how his relationship is with them
Question answered it seems
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Re: Sean Miller

Post by NYCat »

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Re: Sean Miller

Post by splitsecond »

CatFanOneMil wrote:Some questions I've been wondering all day:

Why Mark Schlabach? Since when does he cover NCAA basketball? Has he ever broken a big story like this before?

What are his connections to agents and recruiting? Could he pick Dawkins out of a police line up? If not why him? Is he expendable?

Since we know it wasn't Ayton (because of the timeline) why Ayton? According to Medcalf article Ayton nor his family could pick Dawkins out of a lineup...but clearly he was shown Dawkins...was this simply to verify other things like had Dawkins ever been to a UA practice like he claimed?

But Dawkins would know Ayton did not know him...(unless Ayton's a witch too!) so it tracks back to why Ayton at all...?

Is there some other reason that on the night of a major game with both Miller and Ayton playing before a national tv audience this story breaks?

It kept out coach out of the game...basically hurting our chances somewhat...who benefits the most if we tank at this point or if Ayton tanks?

Is there an NBA franchise that would benefit if Aytons draft stock took a hit? He has been projected to #1 for a few weeks now...does this affect that, what about a post season ban or something where he could not get exposure?

If I'm a fucking detective I'm looking for hardcore motive right now...this is too weird otherwise.

Dawkins---->Schlabach------> Ayton----->Draft?

Or should some other name go first?

It has all the smoke to make it simply about the FBI college investigation, but the fire for that is not as hot as the results are...we're melting down careers here...

The fact that ESPN has stood by the story (and broke it in a flurry of Anti-Miller grandstanding and reporting) in spite of the corrections and kept Mark Schlabach secluded and unavailable brings in an entirely different metric as well...

Does ESPn have $ invested in trae Youngs chances?

But the first question about why Schlabach and then why Ayton have me wondering the most
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Re: Sean Miller

Post by Spaceman Spiff »

BibbysTowelDude wrote:For real Spiff, 100k is a huge bargain for Ayton.
It helps that I naturally think players should be paid, but I'm proud of the bargains we were getting. FBI says it takes 150k for a top 20 kid and we got Ayton and Quinerly both for 115k.

Hell, we were doing more than our part to reduce the influence of money in CBB.

After Ayton destroyed Alabama, I told my friend "whatever we paid for him, it wasn't enough." I believe that to this day.
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Re: Sean Miller

Post by NYCat »

BibbysTowelDude wrote:For real Spiff, 100k is a huge bargain for Ayton.
Newportcat wrote:Funny I heard we paid $300k for Ayton
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Re: Sean Miller

Post by azcat49 »

I am more fired up to see us stand behind Miller and take on the hype machine (ESPN). Biggest opponent ever.

I bet several of those ESPN guys have sweat dripping down their saggy balls
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Re: Sean Miller

Post by U.P. Zona Fan »

splitsecond wrote:
CatFanOneMil wrote:Some questions I've been wondering all day:

Why Mark Schlabach? Since when does he cover NCAA basketball? Has he ever broken a big story like this before?

What are his connections to agents and recruiting? Could he pick Dawkins out of a police line up? If not why him? Is he expendable?

Since we know it wasn't Ayton (because of the timeline) why Ayton? According to Medcalf article Ayton nor his family could pick Dawkins out of a lineup...but clearly he was shown Dawkins...was this simply to verify other things like had Dawkins ever been to a UA practice like he claimed?

But Dawkins would know Ayton did not know him...(unless Ayton's a witch too!) so it tracks back to why Ayton at all...?

Is there some other reason that on the night of a major game with both Miller and Ayton playing before a national tv audience this story breaks?

It kept out coach out of the game...basically hurting our chances somewhat...who benefits the most if we tank at this point or if Ayton tanks?

Is there an NBA franchise that would benefit if Aytons draft stock took a hit? He has been projected to #1 for a few weeks now...does this affect that, what about a post season ban or something where he could not get exposure?

If I'm a fucking detective I'm looking for hardcore motive right now...this is too weird otherwise.

Dawkins---->Schlabach------> Ayton----->Draft?

Or should some other name go first?

It has all the smoke to make it simply about the FBI college investigation, but the fire for that is not as hot as the results are...we're melting down careers here...

The fact that ESPN has stood by the story (and broke it in a flurry of Anti-Miller grandstanding and reporting) in spite of the corrections and kept Mark Schlabach secluded and unavailable brings in an entirely different metric as well...

Does ESPn have $ invested in trae Youngs chances?

But the first question about why Schlabach and then why Ayton have me wondering the most
The answer: Phil Knight because he is the Devil
Ah, you beat me to it, I was gonna say so Oregon could get their Q 1 win and only have to win 2 Pac tourney games to get in the ncaa tourney.
Arizona State might have the most surprisingly anemic history in men's basketball of any program that you might think is better than it is.
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Re: Sean Miller

Post by Gilbertcat »

If Miller negotiated those prices, i feel pity for anyone that has to negotiate a potential buyout with him.
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Re: Sean Miller

Post by OSCat »

sheer tweeting top three boosters supplying Miller. there is hope, maybe.
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Re: Sean Miller

Post by TatetheGreat »

This is definitely turning into a shitshow. Why hasn't the university just put Miller on leave? Why has there been no announcement since Saturday?
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Re: Sean Miller

Post by Newportcat »

Spaceman Spiff wrote:
BibbysTowelDude wrote:I don’t get why people are so freaked out by NCAA sanctions... That organization is a limp dick.

At worse you’re getting 1 year ban, a couple of lost scholarships, and some vacated W’s.

You suck it up, then start buying your way to the top again.
I love this post so much.

Hell, do it like professional wrestling:

"Oh my God! That's Sean Miller's music! He can't be here!"

You know what I really feel about 100k for Ayton? That's a fantastic deal, and to get him for that little, Miller really is a witch.
I completely agree. What program outside of SMU has been crushed from NCAA violations? Do people think ASU or say Utah is going to become this Elite program and take our spot.

We still sell out McKale and will until the end of time as Tucson loves College Basketball and in the Winter time, going to U of A games is one of the few things to do. Many people in Tucson are still judged from a class perspective by how good their seats are at McKale. So our program is insanely profitable, WAY more then any other program on the West Coast. So it means, when times get tough, we can still write big salaries to great coaches.

Vacated Wins are meaningless

A couple less scholarships, totally fine and you can sell up playing time to guys. Missing the tourney 1-2 years sucks but USC still recruited insanely well missing out on three straight Bowl games. They sold the idea, hey Bowls are for Salads and with less scholarships you will get to play a lot.

People need to relax a bit. Arizona basketball has all the ingrediants to being a successful program including being insanely profitable. Just like Louisville. They will be fine long term because they make a ton of money too.

This coupled with the fact U of A is an amazing place to go to college. Great brand and tradition, hot chicks, college town where you can be a god, great facilities. The rest of the PAC 12 is garbage for college basketball. Literally garbage. We will be fine. And before you say well what about UCLA just remember Steve Alford is their coach and they cant get fans to show up there.

And in the end, all this shit might lead to the College game changing for the better which is BADLY needed. The game right now sucks. One and Dones suck. Lack of Narrative sucks. Players not making money sucks. NCAA rules suck. College basketball is a dying sport outside of the Tourney and potentially all this shit helps bring it back to life.

I do not want to see Sean Miller fired, but in the end we will be fine. Be worried when we start averaging 7K for attendance at McKale which seems HIGHLY unlikely
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Re: Sean Miller

Post by Newportcat »

NYCat wrote:
BibbysTowelDude wrote:For real Spiff, 100k is a huge bargain for Ayton.
Newportcat wrote:Funny I heard we paid $300k for Ayton
I did hear that from a source I trust
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Re: Sean Miller

Post by U.P. Zona Fan »

OSCat wrote:sheer tweeting top three boosters supplying Miller. there is hope, maybe.
Supplying? So that's where we got the 300,000.

Is this enough to take to espn, I always wanted to be a journalist
Last edited by U.P. Zona Fan on Wed Feb 28, 2018 6:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Arizona State might have the most surprisingly anemic history in men's basketball of any program that you might think is better than it is.
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Re: Sean Miller

Post by YoDeFoe »

Newportcat wrote:hot chicks
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Re: Sean Miller

Post by Newportcat »

SteveKerrsStroke wrote:
SteveKerrsStroke wrote:
btfd16 wrote: Anybody in here got some last minute money? Maybe we can all donate a piece and vote on a spokesperson to get a seat at the table lol
The booster's have been the one's oiling this machine

Genuinely wonder what their perception of CSM is?

Seems like he's done an excellent job of utilizing what they have to offer, though I have no idea how his relationship is with them
Question answered it seems
Jeff Stevens and the Davis family and not sure on the 3rd booster. The Davis family loves Sean Miller
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Re: Sean Miller

Post by billk78 »

The news of the top 3 boosters supporting Miller is actually HUGE news IMO. That's where the money comes from, guys. And money talks. Curious how University Donors/Alumni feel. To me this is the most important thing with the current up in the air status of the program.
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Re: Sean Miller

Post by BibbysTowelDude »

Spaceman Spiff wrote:
BibbysTowelDude wrote:For real Spiff, 100k is a huge bargain for Ayton.
It helps that I naturally think players should be paid, but I'm proud of the bargains we were getting. FBI says it takes 150k for a top 20 kid and we got Ayton and Quinerly both for 115k.

Hell, we were doing more than our part to reduce the influence of money in CBB.

After Ayton destroyed Alabama, I told my friend "whatever we paid for him, it wasn't enough." I believe that to this day.
We are most definitely on the same page.
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Re: Sean Miller

Post by rgdeuce »

BE4RDOWN21 wrote:
520in480 wrote:97, two questions for you. 1. Given the amount of people involved in the recruitment and payment of players - coaches, players, families, agents, shoe companies, etc. - surely there are bound to be individuals who feel they have been wronged and seek revenge by blowing the whistle on the whole operation. Any idea why this hasn't happened? And 2., I heard from a friend who spoke with the mother of a former player over a year ago. According to him, she said some former players were not high on Miller because they felt there were shady deals going down. Have you heard anything like this?
Kobi Simmons?
Lot of Team Kobi and Atlanta dudes always throwing a TON of shade on Miller on Twitter. Some of those ATl guys seem very vindictive. Completely spaced that.
Last edited by rgdeuce on Wed Feb 28, 2018 6:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sean Miller

Post by Captain Obvious »

If we do end up playing in the conference and NCAA tournaments I have a feeling the officials will target us more than ever. Not saying we can't or won't win some games but between Larry Scott and the NCAA I just don't see us getting far. It will be interesting to see how we get seeded and where in the NCAA tournament. My guess is we'll be placed in the hardest region in the dreaded 5/12 matchup. I hope I'm wrong.
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Re: Sean Miller

Post by OSCat »

U.P. Zona Fan wrote:
OSCat wrote:sheer tweeting top three boosters supplying Miller. there is hope, maybe.
Supplying? So that's where we got the 300,000.

Is this enough to take to espn, I always wanted to be a journalist
damn spell check supporting maybe a Freudian slip on my behalf
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Re: Sean Miller

Post by Spaceman Spiff »

billk78 wrote:The news of the top 3 boosters supporting Miller is actually HUGE news IMO. That's where the money comes from, guys. And money talks. Curious how University Donors/Alumni feel. To me this is the most important thing with the current up in the air status of the program.
Thank you to whoever those boosters are. Tbat's what separates us from ASU.
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Re: Sean Miller

Post by billk78 »

rgdeuce wrote:
BE4RDOWN21 wrote:
520in480 wrote:97, two questions for you. 1. Given the amount of people involved in the recruitment and payment of players - coaches, players, families, agents, shoe companies, etc. - surely there are bound to be individuals who feel they have been wronged and seek revenge by blowing the whistle on the whole operation. Any idea why this hasn't happened? And 2., I heard from a friend who spoke with the mother of a former player over a year ago. According to him, she said some former players were not high on Miller because they felt there were shady deals going down. Have you heard anything like this?
Kobi Simmons?
Lot of Team Kobi and Atlanta dudes always throwing a TON of shade on Miller on Twitter. Some of those ATl guys seem very vindictive. Completely spaced that.
It's not Miller's fault Kobi Simmons sucks at basketball. Add Grant Jerrett to that Miller hate list.

Anyone who has succeeded here has nothing but praise for Miller. I highly doubt Nick Johnson was paid to come to Arizona and he has been backing Miller 100% and more. Kevin Parrom? Same thing.
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Re: Sean Miller

Post by Spaceman Spiff »

billk78 wrote:
rgdeuce wrote:
BE4RDOWN21 wrote:
520in480 wrote:97, two questions for you. 1. Given the amount of people involved in the recruitment and payment of players - coaches, players, families, agents, shoe companies, etc. - surely there are bound to be individuals who feel they have been wronged and seek revenge by blowing the whistle on the whole operation. Any idea why this hasn't happened? And 2., I heard from a friend who spoke with the mother of a former player over a year ago. According to him, she said some former players were not high on Miller because they felt there were shady deals going down. Have you heard anything like this?
Kobi Simmons?
Lot of Team Kobi and Atlanta dudes always throwing a TON of shade on Miller on Twitter. Some of those ATl guys seem very vindictive. Completely spaced that.
It's not Miller's fault Kobi Simmons sucks at basketball. Add Grant Jerrett to that Miller hate list.

Anyone who has succeeded here has nothing but praise for Miller. I highly doubt Nick Johnson was paid to come to Arizona and he has been backing Miller 100% and more. Kevin Parrom? Same thing.
Funny how good defenders like Sean Miller a lot.
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Re: Sean Miller

Post by Dosia »

billk78 wrote:The news of the top 3 boosters supporting Miller is actually HUGE news IMO. That's where the money comes from, guys. And money talks. Curious how University Donors/Alumni feel. To me this is the most important thing with the current up in the air status of the program.
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Re: Sean Miller

Post by Newportcat »

Spaceman Spiff wrote:
billk78 wrote:The news of the top 3 boosters supporting Miller is actually HUGE news IMO. That's where the money comes from, guys. And money talks. Curious how University Donors/Alumni feel. To me this is the most important thing with the current up in the air status of the program.
Thank you to whoever those boosters are. Tbat's what separates us from ASU.
Jeff Stevens, Davis Family, and then I think now Don Diamond. Maybe Sarver too but think doubtful

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Re: Sean Miller

Post by Longhorned »

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Re: Sean Miller

Post by CatHoops »

Jeff Stevens is a good sign. He's the one that gives 100k plus shares of stock to coaches in their contracts so if he's still on board that's great!!!
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Re: Sean Miller

Post by BibbysTowelDude »

Don Diamond? Is that the guy who sold Zack Morris the fake class rings? Dirty Rotten Scoundrel!
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Re: Sean Miller

Post by TucsonClip »

SteveKerrsStroke wrote:
Question answered it seems
I will lace em up for Miller and run through a fooking brick wall if this support gets him on the floor, especially for senior night.

Eat a dick ESPN.
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Re: Sean Miller

Post by CatHoops »

BibbysTowelDude wrote:Don Diamond? Is that the guy who sold Zack Morris the fake class rings? Dirty Rotten Scoundrel!
U mean "dustin" ?no worries you prob. Heard from a guy ahh who cares
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Re: Sean Miller

Post by phxcat23 »

azcat49 wrote:I am more fired up to see us stand behind Miller and take on the hype machine (ESPN). Biggest opponent ever.

I bet several of those ESPN guys have sweat dripping down their saggy balls
And even if Miller parts ways before the end of the season, I hope he takes down as many people as he can. I really hope he exposes as many other programs as he can.
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Re: Sean Miller

Post by CatFanOneMil »

Newportcat wrote:
Spaceman Spiff wrote:
billk78 wrote:The news of the top 3 boosters supporting Miller is actually HUGE news IMO. That's where the money comes from, guys. And money talks. Curious how University Donors/Alumni feel. To me this is the most important thing with the current up in the air status of the program.
Thank you to whoever those boosters are. Tbat's what separates us from ASU.
Jeff Stevens, Davis Family, and then I think now Don Diamond. Maybe Sarver too but think doubtful

My goal one day is to be day be there too. NewportCat Indoor Practice Facility was always my dream

You CAN add Jay Heiler to that list now... ... 383558002/
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Re: Sean Miller

Post by splitsecond »

BibbysTowelDude wrote:Don Diamond? Is that the guy who sold Zack Morris the fake class rings? Dirty Rotten Scoundrel!
keep bringing the heat, you are one fire today
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Re: Sean Miller

Post by azcat49 »

So if we polled the 14500 in attendance tomorrow on whether they want to roll the dice with Miller of move on right now, what would the vote look like. 90-10 to roll with coach?
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Re: Sean Miller

Post by Beachcat97 »

azcat49 wrote:So if we polled the 14500 in attendance tomorrow on whether they want to roll the dice with Miller of move on right now, what would the vote look like. 90-10 to roll with coach?
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Re: Sean Miller

Post by CatFanOneMil »

"Heiler praised Miller, saying he has always found the coach to be a credible and impressive person. He added that he hopes the coach will "step forward and help himself in this environment" by saying more to address the allegations."

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Re: Sean Miller

Post by CatHoops »

CatFanOneMil wrote:"Heiler praised Miller, saying he has always found the coach to be a credible and impressive person. He added that he hopes the coach will "step forward and help himself in this environment" by saying more to address the allegations."

Where do u see this?
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Re: Sean Miller

Post by azgreg »

CatHoops wrote:
CatFanOneMil wrote:"Heiler praised Miller, saying he has always found the coach to be a credible and impressive person. He added that he hopes the coach will "step forward and help himself in this environment" by saying more to address the allegations."

Where do u see this?
In the link he provided.
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Re: Sean Miller

Post by Alieberman »

We are revered by 8.5 tomorrow... that seems very high.... any meaning to it?
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Re: Sean Miller

Post by azgreg »

Alieberman wrote:We are revered by 8.5 tomorrow... that seems very high.... any meaning to it?
Stanford sucks?
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Re: Sean Miller

Post by OSCat »

CatHoops wrote:
CatFanOneMil wrote:"Heiler praised Miller, saying he has always found the coach to be a credible and impressive person. He added that he hopes the coach will "step forward and help himself in this environment" by saying more to address the allegations."

Where do u see this?
Azcentral story maybe the winds of change are beginning to blow. in Millers son I trust
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Re: Sean Miller

Post by Beachcat97 »

Alieberman wrote:We are revered by 8.5 tomorrow... that seems very high.... any meaning to it?
you probably meant favored, but I love revered, lol.
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Re: Sean Miller

Post by PHXCATS »

Told you guys. ABOR has our back
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Re: Sean Miller

Post by NYCat »

PHXCATS wrote:Told you guys. ABOR has our back
Unfortunately they don't make the decision
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Re: Sean Miller

Post by Alieberman »

Beachcat97 wrote:
Alieberman wrote:We are revered by 8.5 tomorrow... that seems very high.... any meaning to it?
you probably meant favored, but I love revered, lol.
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Re: Sean Miller

Post by PHXCATS »

NYCat wrote:
PHXCATS wrote:Told you guys. ABOR has our back
Unfortunately they don't make the decision
Robbins has been a big fan of Miller and has stood by him twice now. ABOR support helps a lot as do the fans and biggest boosters
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Re: Sean Miller

Post by Gilbertcat »

Just realized it's wildcat Wednesday and an email wasn't sent out.... Wonder if there are two copies. Probably best to avoid it anyways.
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