EastCoastCat wrote:CatFanOneMil wrote:Spaceman Spiff wrote:CatFanOneMil wrote:Ya know...the only people claiming "everyone cheats on their taxes" are people who cheat on their taxes...
I remain unconvinced that this is a systemic system wide problem...NO ONE has provided any real proof...its basketballs version of a conspiracy theory to believe that EVERYONE PAYS PLAYERS TO COME TO THEIR PROGRAM...
That's what the FBI trial was about, and they were found guilty. Guilty verdicts are rooted in some real proof.
Chicat is right that it's more about influence peddling than schools directly paying players. The shoe companies and in betweens handle the business so schools don't need to. That's the conduct people were found guilty of.
As far as who does it, Adidas drops money to persuade Ayton to go to Kansas. Does anyone think Nike or Under Armor would never get in that game? Brian Bowen gets 150k. Does anyone think other top prospects just don't?
I don't know how anyone denies the system after guilty verdicts.
I never said it wasn't a problem, I suggested it is NOT system wide, or systemic...not everyone does it...not every shoe company does it,not every coach does it...this was in response to a handful of people suggesting Mark Few was out of his lane with his comments...but Few is probably a good example of why it is not system wide...so he is a "Black Swan" his program proves the negative.
There are 350 Div 1 teams so I'm sure the Deleware State's and Monmouth's of the world aren't partaking.
But to assume Gonzaga, which transformed from a March Madness Cinderella story to a perennial Top Ten powerhouse, is somehow squeaky clean compared to the rest of the elite teams is just naive.
Or maybe Spokane and the basketball whisperer Few are just so irresistible that top talent can't say no.

So much bullshit and pessimism...
Here's the deal, someone show me some damn EVIDENCE that Gonzaga has ANY kind of cheating going on...ANY evidence...
This is my problem with the narrative, a lot of you guys are saying "EVERYONE DOES IT, THEY JUST DON'T GET CAUGHT" but that like saying:
"I almost saw Bigfoot, therefore I know he exists"
Can someone, ANYONE even offer one shred of evidence that Mark few is cheating?
Why is it considered uninspired to assume that Catholic coach at a Catholic University follows the damn rules and lives his life outside of the money train game?
I've heard Few say the reason he stays at Gonzaga is because he loves to fly-fish and leaving would mean he couldn't do that, why do we assume that is not the truth and reveals his basic motivation is NOT money?
Until someone shows me real proof outside of the current NCAA fiasco that has only implicated a HANDFUL of the 360 teams out there, I will not be joining your crazy tin-foil conspiracy club...you keep believing in Bigfoot and tell me when you actually get a real picture on your own damn phone.