Alieberman wrote: Thu Apr 22, 2021 8:43 am
Spaceman Spiff wrote: Wed Apr 21, 2021 7:05 pm
Alieberman wrote: Wed Apr 21, 2021 6:36 pm
Right or wrong... Miller was a big part of the weight.
I think it's wrong. Look at Kansas. Self is implicated in way worse, they had a disappointing year and got nuked by SC in the tourney. Self got a lifetime contract, no weight.
I mean, name an FBI program that had the type of drama we did? Wade at LSU is in a news report making a "strong ass offer," no drama, he's their coach and doing fine.
The difference is all those other programs, which haven't had half the weight and drama, don't have Robert Robbins as president
What I'm saying is that the truth hasn't mattered on this for a long time now. You poll most average college basketball fans and they "know" Miller is dirty and he paid Ayton like a million bucks to come to AZ. We can all scream to the top of our lungs that this is bullshit but nobody will listen. This sucks.... but it's reality.
If Lloyd is successful, that's a huge burden off this program.
I used Kansas and LSU intentionally. They both got some very negative stories about them when the trial and the Wade story broke.
Their administrations finished internal investigations, moved forwards and realized if you don't fire the coach, you support him to rebuild from any damage. Robbins clearly never did that.
Bottom line, I don't see why it's necessary to give a shit about what a casual CBB fan in New York thinks. Oh no, they'll think Arizona's dirty! I just don't understand why that matters. The reality is everyone is dirty, including Lloyd. We're currently rooting for getting Tyty, whose recruitment has a zillion red flags for money all over the place.
It's just very weird to me to act like we should be picking program direction based on the (founded or unfounded) belief systems of average college basketball fans. Ultimately, why do Arizona fans care what non-Arizona fans think?
I read LSU's board sometimes. The fans there accuse Alabama of giving football players Dodge Challengers all the time. Alabama fans don't care. To me that's far healthier than the Arizona attitude of caring to placate other fans.