Yeah, he also sent out an e-mail with the same verbiage. My reactions are:azgreg wrote: Wed Sep 15, 2021 8:36 pmWelp, here you go.TheCatInTheHat wrote: Wed Sep 15, 2021 10:50 am By the way, it hasn't escaped my notice that there has been NO apology to the fans
o That's what should be done, so no congratulations for it.
o Waiting until Wednesday or Thursday instead of Monday sounds like reacting to continuing heat and/or a Robbins order.
o Not a huge fan of making a list of excuses, followed by: "Please don’t misinterpret these as excuses."
Successful project management (or ANY kind of successful management) means you have to anticipate and have contingencies in place to address any bad stuff. They had eight months after the last game of 2020 and didn't do that. No me gusta.