Postmaster wrote: Tue Feb 14, 2023 9:43 pm
I don’t get letting Zu finish the game, with 4 fouls, on the bench. Why not let him play and foul out?
Also, I would have preferred giving HV decent minutes, especially in the first half.
It was about defense at that point - U of A was in catch-up mode, pressing - That would not be Zu's strength...
... and, we got the hoped for TO's and nice open threes (which we, unfortunately missed).
I agreed with the strategy at that pointg, and the execution was pretty good (except for not converting the threes - which had been falling at a pretty good percentage most of the game before that).
As for HV - our offense was working fine for 3 1/2 quarters - no need for HV. Our defense was being exploited by isolating two players after we switched everything - HV would not have been a strength in that context.
Give credit where due - Hass' coaching and Tree player execution, not to mention several luck shots from guys playing way over their usual performance levels...