EastCoastCat wrote: Sun Aug 06, 2023 1:38 pm
These guys will really get a first hand look at a hated rivalry. They will be floored when they see us root for basically 2 teams - us and whoever is playing ASSU.
Because honestly outside of Utah/BYU there aren't any real intense rivalries in this new big 12 now that Texas and Oklahoma are going to be gone. I mean Kansas and KSU are rivals and Texas Tech/TCU/Baylor/Houston are all old big 8 or whatever rivals but none of them really consider each other their main rivals. Our rivalry with ASU is absolutely the biggest and most intense in this new conference.
The OG BIG12 fans will be highly entertained the very first time UofA v. ASU turns into Jerry Springer on meth induced steroids. To them it will look like a Civil War re-enactment with live semi-auto rounds. Even the field medics will be armed targets. I think they will love the drama.
“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition …There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”
Yes please. Then add 2 ACC teams when that league implodes.
Of the 12 coaches, Rush picked the one whose fans have the deepest passion, the longest memories, the greatest lung capacity and … did I mention deep passion?
RondaeShimmy wrote: Sun Aug 06, 2023 7:33 pm
We need 4 acc teams imo. Cincinnati, WVU and UCF are out on an island.
Stop going west. These two teams don't add anything come next contract negotiations.
I would say SDSU brings you the SoCal market and a really nice warm venue for a bowl tie-in. OSU has about five trillion alums in the Portland/Seattle area.
If the Big12 can somehow lure Miami (maybe the longest of long shots), UCF gets a travel partner and they corner a big TV market. If not, Louisville or Pitt would fit nicely. Add in VaTech and I think that conference is solid top to bottom.
Of the 12 coaches, Rush picked the one whose fans have the deepest passion, the longest memories, the greatest lung capacity and … did I mention deep passion?
Well one thing we know is that expansion won’t be done with the same ineptness the leaders in our former conference provided us
Waiting at the Rose Bowl patiently for the cats to arrive
"I've got a fever, and the only prescription is more wildcat sports"
2019 BDW Survivor Pool Champion
EastCoastCat wrote: Sun Aug 06, 2023 1:38 pm
These guys will really get a first hand look at a hated rivalry. They will be floored when they see us root for basically 2 teams - us and whoever is playing ASSU.
Because honestly outside of Utah/BYU there aren't any real intense rivalries in this new big 12 now that Texas and Oklahoma are going to be gone. I mean Kansas and KSU are rivals and Texas Tech/TCU/Baylor/Houston are all old big 8 or whatever rivals but none of them really consider each other their main rivals. Our rivalry with ASU is absolutely the biggest and most intense in this new conference.
The OG BIG12 fans will be highly entertained the very first time UofA v. ASU turns into Jerry Springer on meth induced steroids. To them it will look like a Civil War re-enactment with live semi-auto rounds. Even the field medics will be armed targets. I think they will love the drama.
We need to get them a copy of the Kevin Parrom "No Easy Buckets" game. Shame there's no Big 12 Channel because it would be a great way to introduce them to the rivalry.
“The reality is that the hardest games to win are over teams on their home court. Teams that don’t play those games can spin it however they want, but what they’re saying is, ‘We don’t want to lose in our non conference season.’" - Sean Miller
EastCoastCat wrote: Sun Aug 06, 2023 1:38 pm
These guys will really get a first hand look at a hated rivalry. They will be floored when they see us root for basically 2 teams - us and whoever is playing ASSU.
Because honestly outside of Utah/BYU there aren't any real intense rivalries in this new big 12 now that Texas and Oklahoma are going to be gone. I mean Kansas and KSU are rivals and Texas Tech/TCU/Baylor/Houston are all old big 8 or whatever rivals but none of them really consider each other their main rivals. Our rivalry with ASU is absolutely the biggest and most intense in this new conference.
The OG BIG12 fans will be highly entertained the very first time UofA v. ASU turns into Jerry Springer on meth induced steroids. To them it will look like a Civil War re-enactment with live semi-auto rounds. Even the field medics will be armed targets. I think they will love the drama.
We need to get them a copy of the Kevin Parrom "No Easy Buckets" game. Shame there's no Big 12 Channel because it would be a great way to introduce them to the rivalry.
Perhaps we can integrate into the BIG12 our unique ethos if we isolate the corresponding iconic rivalries that embody the Big12 and supplement them with ours without posing any disrespect for pre-existing dynamics. I think the BIG12 fans will have no problem being witness to us despising ASU within the broader context of respecting the new conference for the good programs it has. The future always presents equal opportunity to find respect and scorn for an opponent, so, as new opponents I think they will know the difference. I think they will dig us until they have legitimate reason to hate us. That legitimate reason will be due to the fact we humiliated them, if in fact we did so legitimately. I, for one, am ready to drink at a brand new bar.
“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition …There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”
After 18 teams it makes no sense for football scheduling at this time. At 18 teams you would have one rival you play every year and rotate the other 16 so every four years you play each other home and away once
This will be absolute bullshit if we don't play UCF in the next 8 years
2018 Bear Down Wildcats Conference Championship Challenge Champion
Clownzano trying to pretend he didn’t put blatantly incorrect info out there repeatedly by doubling down on that incorrect info.
Of the 12 coaches, Rush picked the one whose fans have the deepest passion, the longest memories, the greatest lung capacity and … did I mention deep passion?
Chicat wrote: Mon Aug 07, 2023 6:45 am
Clownzano trying to pretend he didn’t put blatantly incorrect info out there repeatedly by doubling down on that incorrect info.
Still trying to save what little face he has.
The fact was all the remaining schools were giving the PAC one last chance to pull a rabbit out of their collective asses by presenting a media deal that was maybe worth considering. When that presentation turned out to be laughable it was finally over (even though the LA schools really created the writing on the wall) and the 5 schools who already had initial discussions with B1G & B12 knew what they had to do next for their survival.
Arizona was going no matter what I feel, with ASSU and Utah leaning in that direction although I think those 2 schools wanted to see if Oregon & Udub were going to jump which they did in a heartbeat. At that point the last bit of the Titanic disappeared under the sea.
Agree that Arizona was going to jump no matter what happened in the meeting. I'm actually surprised they showed up. Canzano has been wrong the entire time. How can anyone believe in that shill for the PacX?
Few people wanted the Cats to stay in the PacX. And those people thrive on arguing. They don't want to listen to reason and logic. It's like talking to a brick wall. They need to be ignored or will become very annoying.
I'd like to think that Robbins was talking to counterparts at Oregon and UW. And I think these three agreed that if the PAC TV contract was unacceptable, that if possible, they'd all announce leaving around the same time. This way, the PAC's blood wasn't on just one school's hands. I think officially, ORWA was announced to the B1G right before UA, ASu, and Utah to the BIG12, but this doesn't mean much.
Would have been interesting if the PAC contract was better, and ORWA decided to stay. Not sure what Robbins would have done. Especially with Crow wanting to stay, and ABOR likely slow walking an Arizona to the BIG12 and putting up potential roadblocks. It's all moot speculation. Once ORWA left, there was zero reason to remain in the PAC. And the BIG12 was happy to have us.
Robbins echoed that Dodd tweet just now. One of UO/UW presidents called him and told him they won't be signing the GOR because they're going to the B1G and the meeting was called off. I guess it was a close call after all.
CalStateTempe wrote: Mon Aug 07, 2023 8:42 am
Why do I feel that Dodd a tweet is the pac saving face?
Notice he says “source” and not “sources”?
Schlabach had a source too. Usually reporters don’t report unless they get a second source to corroborate. These jackwagons apparently skipped that day in J-school.
Of the 12 coaches, Rush picked the one whose fans have the deepest passion, the longest memories, the greatest lung capacity and … did I mention deep passion?
If it is true that Robbins was ready to sign the GOR with that awful fucking television deal, he should be fired today and driven out of town.
Of the 12 coaches, Rush picked the one whose fans have the deepest passion, the longest memories, the greatest lung capacity and … did I mention deep passion?
I would take everything you hear about this situation with a grain of salt. Arizona certainly wants the messaging to be that they did everything in their power to keep the Pac12 going.
Alieberman wrote: Mon Aug 07, 2023 9:59 am
I would take everything you hear about this situation with a grain of salt. Arizona certainly wants the messaging to be that they did everything in their power to keep the Pac12 going.
My impression the whole time is AZ wanted out but the ABOR / Crow was going to make it next to impossible until OR/WA left to the Big Ten.
Alieberman wrote: Mon Aug 07, 2023 9:59 am
I would take everything you hear about this situation with a grain of salt. Arizona certainly wants the messaging to be that they did everything in their power to keep the Pac12 going.
My impression the whole time is AZ wanted out but the ABOR / Crow was going to make it next to impossible until OR/WA left to the Big Ten.
Interesting theory but I just dont see how the leaks came Thursday night if there was not that qualifier with it
2018 Bear Down Wildcats Conference Championship Challenge Champion
Alieberman wrote: Mon Aug 07, 2023 9:59 am
I would take everything you hear about this situation with a grain of salt. Arizona certainly wants the messaging to be that they did everything in their power to keep the Pac12 going.
My impression the whole time is AZ wanted out but the ABOR / Crow was going to make it next to impossible until OR/WA left to the Big Ten.
I thought that was well. And conspiracy theory speaking, what is that was the reason for Robbins meeting w Yormark last Monday?
How to destabilize the pac with forcing UW and Oregons hand to BIG. It did fill two big spots that they weren’t ready to fill at the beginning of the week.
I'm more interested how the Big 12 basketball schedule looks like.
I just realized no more PAC Thur/Fri & Sat/Sun rotations with your rival moving forward. That means we can see Arizona earlier in the week against a myriad of teams,.
I'm kind of looking forward to that and not giving our opponents the night off when playing ASSU!
EastCoastCat wrote: Mon Aug 07, 2023 12:50 pm
I'm more interested how the Big 12 basketball schedule looks like.
I just realized no more PAC Thur/Fri & Sat/Sun rotations with your rival moving forward. That means we can see Arizona earlier in the week against a myriad of teams,.
I'm kind of looking forward to that and not giving our opponents the night off when playing ASSU!
Play Kansas and asu twice a year automatically and switch all others
Move the Big12 tournament to Vegas as well
2018 Bear Down Wildcats Conference Championship Challenge Champion
On the Audible Podcast with Mandell and Feldman they mentioned for the last ten years of data, if you take away Texas and Oklahoma from the Big 12 and UCLA and USC from the PAC-12. The next three most watched teams are Washington, Oregon and Stanford when it comes to football. And that includes PAC-12 network games. All the remaining Big 12 and PAC-12 schools are similar after those three.
Why is that important? Because it means the PAC-12 absolutely should have had better offers from espn and fox yet they were never there after the exclusive negation window.......PAC-12 has a major case to sue fox and espn
2018 Bear Down Wildcats Conference Championship Challenge Champion
EastCoastCat wrote: Mon Aug 07, 2023 12:50 pm
I'm more interested how the Big 12 basketball schedule looks like.
I just realized no more PAC Thur/Fri & Sat/Sun rotations with your rival moving forward. That means we can see Arizona earlier in the week against a myriad of teams,.
I'm kind of looking forward to that and not giving our opponents the night off when playing ASSU!
Play Kansas and asu twice a year automatically and switch all others
Move the Big12 tournament to Vegas as well
With 16-18 teams, it's impossible to play every team twice, and even split in half, very difficult to play more than a couple of teams in the other division, if you play each division opponent twice.
No way would a conference schedule two U of A/KU games every year as suggested above! It's unlikely that if they create "divisions" that U of A and KU would be in the same geographical pairing....
These "super-conferences" weren't created with any serious consideration of basketball scheduling!!! Even conference tournaments most likely won't include every team!!
And, Vegas is WEST of EVERY conference member!! Only other option besides KC would likely be Texas - probably Dallas AT&T Stadium (Ugh, for B-Ball!!!)
“If you have the choice between humble and cocky, go with cocky. There's always time to be humble later, once you've been proven horrendously, irrevocably wrong.”
EastCoastCat wrote: Mon Aug 07, 2023 12:50 pm
I'm more interested how the Big 12 basketball schedule looks like.
I just realized no more PAC Thur/Fri & Sat/Sun rotations with your rival moving forward. That means we can see Arizona earlier in the week against a myriad of teams,.
I'm kind of looking forward to that and not giving our opponents the night off when playing ASSU!
Play Kansas and asu twice a year automatically and switch all others
Move the Big12 tournament to Vegas as well
With 16-18 teams, it's impossible to play every team twice, and even split in half, very difficult to play more than a couple of teams in the other division, if you play each division opponent twice.
No way would a conference schedule two U of A/KU games every year as suggested above! It's unlikely that if they create "divisions" that U of A and KU would be in the same geographical pairing....
These "super-conferences" weren't created with any serious consideration of basketball scheduling!!! Even conference tournaments most likely won't include every team!!
And, Vegas is WEST of EVERY conference member!! Only other option besides KC would likely be Texas - probably Dallas AT&T Stadium (Ugh, for B-Ball!!!)
There are no divisions in the Big 12 football and there have never been divisions in basketball
2018 Bear Down Wildcats Conference Championship Challenge Champion
EastCoastCat wrote: Mon Aug 07, 2023 12:50 pm
I'm more interested how the Big 12 basketball schedule looks like.
I just realized no more PAC Thur/Fri & Sat/Sun rotations with your rival moving forward. That means we can see Arizona earlier in the week against a myriad of teams,.
I'm kind of looking forward to that and not giving our opponents the night off when playing ASSU!
Play Kansas and asu twice a year automatically and switch all others
Move the Big12 tournament to Vegas as well
Don't see the obsession with Vegas, God forbid we play somewhere without a home court advantage
You're an adult, you don't need an excuse to go to Vegas.
EastCoastCat wrote: Mon Aug 07, 2023 12:50 pm
I'm more interested how the Big 12 basketball schedule looks like.
I just realized no more PAC Thur/Fri & Sat/Sun rotations with your rival moving forward. That means we can see Arizona earlier in the week against a myriad of teams,.
I'm kind of looking forward to that and not giving our opponents the night off when playing ASSU!
Play Kansas and asu twice a year automatically and switch all others
Move the Big12 tournament to Vegas as well
With 16-18 teams, it's impossible to play every team twice, and even split in half, very difficult to play more than a couple of teams in the other division, if you play each division opponent twice.
No way would a conference schedule two U of A/KU games every year as suggested above! It's unlikely that if they create "divisions" that U of A and KU would be in the same geographical pairing....
These "super-conferences" weren't created with any serious consideration of basketball scheduling!!! Even conference tournaments most likely won't include every team!!
And, Vegas is WEST of EVERY conference member!! Only other option besides KC would likely be Texas - probably Dallas AT&T Stadium (Ugh, for B-Ball!!!)
Duke plays UNC and Wake twice a year no matter what
I get KU and UA are not geographical like Duke is with Wake but it absolutely can happen
2018 Bear Down Wildcats Conference Championship Challenge Champion
College sports are great and better than pro sports due to tradition. Fans have traditions too. Sorry for wanting to continue a tradition in my family and with my friends. Didnt mean to ruin your day because of my traditions and desire to continue them if possible
2018 Bear Down Wildcats Conference Championship Challenge Champion
If it looks like the B1G model that was put forth a while back, or the model the SEC have talked about for 9 games, in football, each team would be assigned 3 yearly rivals, and the other 12 teams would alternate years. I doubt they'll give the 4 former PAC schools each other, as that would forestall integration into the whole. So you can assume you'll get ASU every year, and after that, I honestly don't know who'd they'd give to Arizona. The B1G had a model where teams could protect either 1, 2, or 3 rivals and the rest rotated. Not sure how that would work with different permanent opponents for each.
HOWEVER, I am 98% certain the Big XII will not have divisions in either football or basketball.
If teams play 18 conference games, then you would have 3 opponents that you play twice per year. I am sure that if the ADs & coaches at Arizona and Kansas wanted to be double-opponents, they could be. Geography will not be a concern.
PHXCATS wrote: Mon Aug 07, 2023 2:50 pm
College sports are great and better than pro sports due to tradition. Fans have traditions too. Sorry for wanting to continue a tradition in my family and with my friends. Didnt mean to ruin your day because of my traditions and desire to continue them if possible
It has been in Vegas for a barely a decade, that is not old enough to be a tradition. Again, you don't need an excuse to go to Vegas.
Good news for you us you can still go to Vegas during conference tournament week and have the same experience just about everyone has who goes to pac 12 tournament in Vegas.
But I guess you're sole needs and wants outweigh the rest of the conference's fans and alums traditions.
EastCoastCat wrote: Mon Aug 07, 2023 12:50 pm
I'm more interested how the Big 12 basketball schedule looks like.
I just realized no more PAC Thur/Fri & Sat/Sun rotations with your rival moving forward. That means we can see Arizona earlier in the week against a myriad of teams,.
I'm kind of looking forward to that and not giving our opponents the night off when playing ASSU!
I think B12 bball games were Saturday/Monday.
Of the 12 coaches, Rush picked the one whose fans have the deepest passion, the longest memories, the greatest lung capacity and … did I mention deep passion?
PHXCATS wrote: Mon Aug 07, 2023 2:50 pm
College sports are great and better than pro sports due to tradition. Fans have traditions too. Sorry for wanting to continue a tradition in my family and with my friends. Didnt mean to ruin your day because of my traditions and desire to continue them if possible
It has been in Vegas for a barely a decade, that is not old enough to be a tradition. Again, you don't need an excuse to go to Vegas.
Good news for you us you can still go to Vegas during conference tournament week and have the same experience just about everyone has who goes to pac 12 tournament in Vegas.
But I guess you're sole needs and wants outweigh the rest of the conference's fans and alums traditions.
My daughter has been every year she has been alive but okay. Thanks for gatekeeping my family.
2018 Bear Down Wildcats Conference Championship Challenge Champion
EastCoastCat wrote: Mon Aug 07, 2023 12:50 pm
I'm more interested how the Big 12 basketball schedule looks like.
I just realized no more PAC Thur/Fri & Sat/Sun rotations with your rival moving forward. That means we can see Arizona earlier in the week against a myriad of teams,.
I'm kind of looking forward to that and not giving our opponents the night off when playing ASSU!
I think B12 bball games were Saturday/Monday.
Monday and Tuesday are big standalone games.
Most games are usually played on Wednesday and Saturday.
PHXCATS wrote: Mon Aug 07, 2023 2:50 pm
College sports are great and better than pro sports due to tradition. Fans have traditions too. Sorry for wanting to continue a tradition in my family and with my friends. Didnt mean to ruin your day because of my traditions and desire to continue them if possible
It has been in Vegas for a barely a decade, that is not old enough to be a tradition. Again, you don't need an excuse to go to Vegas.
Good news for you us you can still go to Vegas during conference tournament week and have the same experience just about everyone has who goes to pac 12 tournament in Vegas.
But I guess you're sole needs and wants outweigh the rest of the conference's fans and alums traditions.
My daughter has been every year she has been alive but okay. Thanks for gatekeeping my family.
"Hey Baylor fan who has been going to big 12 conference in KC with his family for years and Iowa St fan who has been taking a trip with friends to KC to watch the big 12 conference tournament, some guy in Phoenix takes his daughter to Vegas in March every year. Reconsider your plans completely because of this."