I worked in a very small world of virtual anonymity and isolation compared to millions of folks who, by contrast, survived a work-world/community of shared ugliness that also comforted them in a way I'll never really understand: The straight world I call it to myself. When now I meet up with old buds from the straight world ...... those (mostly) men who gave me the look back when I veered off the path ..... they have a strange version of that same look, only now it's mixed with some proud regret. At least that what it seems like. It's as if the proper trials of professionalism never bound me rightly on the wheel, and as such there's a lesson in life I never learned. Of course I can't make common to them my particular sufferings anymore than a combat vet can share war with a trust fund socialite: we are just different creatures now.Carcassdragger wrote: Wed Feb 28, 2024 10:51 am"Pease explain"= What the fuck does this actually mean?dovecanyoncat wrote: Wed Feb 28, 2024 12:03 am As a xeno-something misfit worker I find this lexicon utterly heartbreaking. Don't get me wrong, I cynically presume the pain-point intimacies of work life drill into all of us: who the fuck wouldn't. But those that flourish across a broad spectrum of human commonality are especially gruesome, not for their every single impact, but for the breadth of their aggregation.
There was a time in life when I thought this depicted the proper professional thing to shoot for, and I was ashamed for having failed to make it. Decades later I read an aged unspecified chagrin in my old mates who in the day hit the mark and soldiered on to endure their special reward/torment. We weigh each other both in that reckoned chagrin. They have a cultural community of commonality and understanding. I try to lay off an envy and disappointment and relief I can't explain.
A year and a half or so before I walk out the door.
I was seized and saddened by the body of language, the nomenclature of corporate blackholes that people find themselves in as cynically monumented by the email phrases Eebs posted. It's a world of shit deeply populated by real people suffering in that living language. It makes me feel that I both dodged a bullet and never really earned the world for what it is.