Goerner is a reasonable comparison for Zeng now. His shooting is the only thing I think will immediately translate. I don't think he can drive and finish through contact, and he'll get bullied on D and the glass.gronk4heisman wrote: Thu Apr 22, 2021 10:10 amI think Ballo is already in the next Lee spot, Zeng would be in the next Tibet Goerner spot which we already have Tibet Goerner in. I admittedly do not know much about Tommy Lloyd's plan for his system so maybe there is room, I just don't see it.RondaeShimmy wrote: Thu Apr 22, 2021 10:05 amYeah I don't know if I like Zeng if he's 2021.gronk4heisman wrote: Thu Apr 22, 2021 9:46 am Let's keep loading up on big men as the game moves more and more to the perimeter. At some point you have to pass on the talent based on fit, right? I guess if he is 2022 it makes much more sense with Brown likely gone and Azuolas as well possibly.
Unless he wants to be the next Lee.
I think he has significantly higher potential than Goerner just because he's taller, longer and more skilled, but right now, he doesn't have the physical ability to display much more than the J.